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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
F ... - i Vol. XlX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 5.1906. & V. I R VI MM Htic and Proprietor X: at I 3mmmflfWfflfflmflfmmmmmmimt'i5 ! I DOES IT PAY I TO INVESTIGATE? aiiuiuiuiuiujuiiuuiuiii -ii' When you want anything in the line of Clothing, come and see our line; --get prices. TWe balance owr quality and prices defy competition. Osr clothing sales has made big strides in the past few years and this has justified a big increase in our buying. Never before has our store received such a big ship ment as this spring we have clothing Nob by clothing for sale. Investigate. 1. 1. HARRIS. Corvallis, Oregon Great Line Mens Fine Shoes. him mi Hn nn mi mi mi pfru nn an mi mi AMERICANS SLAYN INFURIATED MINERS USE BULLETS AND DYNAMITE. No Prizes go with our Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothinir t'Ot-s with our coffee but cream, suoar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. soio agent for Chase k Sanborn High Grade COFFEE New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries In f'ct anything the sportsman need can be found at my store. . Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. M. M. LONG'S Ind. Phone 12G. Corvallis, Oregon. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargainslin Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write forour special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER 6c WATTERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gonrallis and Philomath, Oregon. Threat to Exterminate American Colony at Greene's Mines at Ca- nanea Surviwra Standing v Siege Troops Hurry to Rescue. ' jJjTaco, Atiz. June 1. Forty-five Americans and Mexicans were kill ed to-day at C inanea, 4O miles south I of here, where is located thflagreal copper camp of Col. V. C. Greene. 1 He camp is on tire, ana it is re ported that the Mexicans are defy ing all authority. They are report ed to be using dynamite in blowing up the great smelters and mills owned by the Greene company. The trouble arose at Cananea ov er the demand of the Mexicans for an increase in wages from $3.50 to $5.00 per day. Parties who left there at 1.3o this afternoon said that Colonel Greene was addressing practically the entire population of the camp in an effort to pacify the excited Mexicans. However, be tween 4 and 5 o'clock this after noon the Mexicans opened fire on the Americans, and -4o or more were killed. Colonel Greene wired at once to Bisbee for all the armed men that could be sent to protect the Ameri cans and their property at Cananea. The population ot Cananea is 2o oco, of which 5,ooo are Americans. The family of Colonel Greene ar rived here this afternoon, but the colocel remains with his property. The trains loaded with refugees are nw on the way here from Cananea, and will gi to Bisbee. At 11:30 tonight a train load of refugees arrived here from tbe scene of the trouble and confirmed the stories received tarlier in the evt o;ng. It is known that at least a dozen Americans have been killtd, and 4o or 50 Mexicans. George Me'calf, who was in charge of t be large lumber business of theGreane oompany, was one of the first men to be killed. At tbe lumber yard a large fire hoe was b ought out aed, as the Mexicans approached the office, wa ter was turned on them. At the same time Metcaif advanced on the crowd with a riflrf. The Mexicans clont-d on him, tiok tbe gnn from hid h tuds and beat him to death with it. William Metcaif rushed 10 the tescue of bis urcle, end was shot bv iba Mexicans. After killing the two Metcalfs, the Mq'cana rushed into the Office and lumber yard and set fire to both, causing the destruction of property valued at $ The general office of the Greene compa ny was alo burned. They then left the lumber yard and dynamited a powder houee near the Sonora hotel for the purpose cf securing arms and bmmuiiition. Here tbe Mexican police attacked the mob, and a fierce battle ensued, several officers and a dozen Btrikers being killed. A train carrying loo men left here for Cananea. Twenty-five armed men came dowh from Bisbee and are guarding the American line here; Thirs has been figbticg be tween this party and Mexican aus toms officials. The eaity started to cross the 1'ie half a mile below Naco and vi s fired on by Mexicans in ambush. One man named Backcer was shot through the arm and several are missing. Shots are frequently heard, and it is feared that olhers may be killed or hurt. It is not known whether any of the ambush ed Mexicans are killed or not. When the last train left . Cana nea Colonel Greene's residence was being barricaded and all the re maining Americans were gathering there and arming for defense. The' Presbyterian church, which is near the Greene residence, is also filled with people and borricaded. The Americans are said to be seriously handicapped for lack of ammuni tion. The number of striking Mexicans is estimated at 5,000, and they were making threats against all Ameri cans when the last train palled out from the camp. There are fiom 50 to 75 Mexican police in Cananea, and they are doing what they can to quell the disturbance. Urgent measures bave been sent to Wash ington for assistance. IE is Baid that United Statf s Con sul Galbraith wired to the state de Dartuaent.that his life and those of all Americans in the camp are in danger. Colonel Greene has tele phoned for every available armed man thai can be secured at Bisbee and Douglas. While the crowd was grthering this afternoon Colonel Greene rode down tbe crowded streets in his au tomobile and told the men that he could not- accede to their demands. There is grave fear that an at tempt will be made to destroy tbe great reduction plant of the Greene company at Cananea, which cost millioas of dollars. It would re vuire many millions to replace it. 3e THE ELECTION. It Passed off Quietly Several Gose Contests Governor, in Doubt. Yesterday's voting resulted in the election of the republican state ticket with the exception of gov ernor which is in doubt, and with the chances said to be in favor of Chamberlain. It also resulted in the defeat of the proposed local option amendment, known other wise as the Jayne bill. The equal rights amendment was also snow ed under by a considerable major ity. I,inn county went dry by a majority of 400, Lane county went the same way, and so did Lincoln county, as well as Benton, the lat ter by a dimished majority over that of two years ago. Independ ence also went dry, but Polk coun ty continued wet by a majority of 200. In Benton county, A. J. Johnson was elected senator, V. A. Carter, representative, E. Woodward, judge, George Smith, commission er, Telt Burnett, sheriff, Emery Newton, recorder. W. A. Buchan an, treasurer, Thomas Jones, . sur veyor, and S. N. Wilkihs, coroner. Woodward's plurality over Wilson is 14 votes. It is not likely that the official count wil change the result. Burnett's majority is 84, and Vincent's 85. The vote in Soap Creek precinct on commis sioner was, Dodele, 67, Smith 7. W. A. Buchanan's plurality is - 137 anh Newton's over Hall is 191. Smith was elected over Dodele by a large majority, the figures of which are not known. Dr. Withy combe carried the county by 305, Hawley, 200, and Bourne 180. The county went dry by a plurality of 100 to 150, and the local option amendment was defeated by a much larger vote. All the above figures were received by telephone and of course subject to change by the of ficial count. The official canvass of the returns will be made tomorrow. Imported Black Percheron Stallion 55296 Potache 40064 Will make the season of 1906 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Potache was winner of 1st prize at St. Louis Fair; 1st at American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1 st at Government Show in France; also International Live Stock show at Chicago 1904. Mares from a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms $25 to Insure. T. K. Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon. lee Cream at Campbell's bakery and confectionery. Auction. At my farm 1 2 miles south of Corvallis at 10 o'clock a. m. Thurs day June 14, 1906, I will offer for sale the following personal proper ty: 1 black . mare, weight about 1, 000 lbs; 1 gray mare, weight about 1,200 lbs: 14 head cows and heif ers; 100 head of sheep; 16 head of hogs; 2 farm wagons; 4 walking plows; 1 gang plow; 1 two horse grain drill; 1 cultivator and seeder; 2 drag harrows; 1 Victor stock scales. Terms: All sums, under $10, cash. All sums over $10, six months without interest on approv ed security. No side bidders. John Rickard. A. L- Stevenson, auctioneer. Use Yellow Dent corn for plant ing. It is the best. Get it at Zie rolfs. Remember Hedge is Here -We have just received 45MaI lable Iron Beds, all prices, from $2 90 up. One thousand yards Matting, just in. New wall Paper just received. ", Lower than any house in Benton county The new j folding Go-Carts Jare .jiere. JAP-A-LAC For Floors, Woodwork, etc. We don't have time to change ourads every week, but we sell goods to beat the band. Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish ing Goods 4 rooms Jull. Acme Washer. Remember Blackledge is Here SUMMER SCHOOL Monmouth State Normal School. June S7 to Aug. 7th and Aug. 13 to Sept. 7th. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for County and State Exams. Last four weeks a continuation of Normal instruction and special attention to Piimary Me thods with model pupil classes. Faculty of over Twenty Instruct ors Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted college and public school educators. Tuition 1st Term $7.50 2nd $5. . For catalog, summer school cicular or other information write. Pres. E. D. Bessler, - Monmouth, Oregon. free Tin A $8 Leather Suit Case ' For every dollars worth of goods purchasei i ajr store voir will get a ticket entitling you to a chancein the drawing foran elegant suit case, the more tickets, tbe more chances. Drawing to take place at my store at 4 p. m. Saturday June 9th. The cheapest store ih town to by clothing and mens furnishings. A. K. RUSS Corvallis, Oregon. Hand Cream Separators. ' Hand Cream Seperators sold on .$5 months pay ments. Several different make3. Write yourname and address below and send to Independence Creamery Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information about the dairy industry. Name Address - Distilled water nstd im Camp bell's Soda feaitaii. The Grocer We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements -we prefer to let our goods pjj and customers speak for themselves. S3 - " 2 OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION E. B, Horning