Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1906)
LOCAL LORE. Fat advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. , Visit the "Chamber of Horror-, at the Carnival. - Put an X between 3 2 yes" on joor ballot Jane 4th. and "Le's go 6shiog'.' at the Carni , val of Roses. V ' Mis. Elsie K yt of Perrydale, is the guest of Corvallis friends. F. L- Miller and family expect to move this week to their summer home a mile west of town. Keith Brown returned Sunday from a week's visit with bis mother at Eugene. Bert Pilkington left Monday for Pendleton, where he will visit - for a few days. Come aud drink with "Rebecca at the Well" at the Carnival. She uses "Distilled Water." Miss Rova Cox of - Portl nd, arrived yesterday for a visit with Corvallis friends. Miss Mina Harper closed a term of school at Wren Friday, and returned to Corvallis yesterday. Dr. Rowland was in Corvallis yesterday enronte fretu nis home in Portland to Toledo. Monday was the twenty third anniversary of the Ladies Coffee Club. It was celebrated by an "Afternoon Tea" which was large ly attended, and a hop in the ev ening. Hon. and Mrs. J. K. Weather ford of Albany, attended the organ recital of Prof. Taillandier at Col lege chapel Friday evening. You will miss a rare treat if you tail to hear Rev. Babcock, one of Oregon's fine violinists, at the Car nival of Roses, Jane 1st. "Aont Jerusha's Quilting Party" is one of the funniest farces you ev er saw and one of the most popular. At the Rose Carnival May 31st. Miss Hattie Spencer arrived Monday from an extended stay in Eastern Oregon, for a visit at her parent's home. Mrs. R. M. Gilbert arrived Friday, after a two month's ab scence, visiting relatives at Mc Minnville, Salem and Detroit. Mrs. Rialto Weatherford of TT' . . r . r . 1 , is u guesi 01 relatives, There will be a local option mass meeting at the courthouse to night Hon. E. H. Belknap will peak, also Judge McFadden, and the Philomath quartette will furnish music. Everyone invited. A m. a1 IT.I 1 1 1 ' day night, a dinner party was given in honor of Miss AnnaSteidle, who leaves shortly for her home in St. Paul, Minn. Pretty table decora tions and unique place cards were attractive features. Men wanted. Saw mill andl umber yard laborer $2.25 perday. Woodsmen $2.25 to$3.oo. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co., Eugene, Oregon. Last Friday a number of the Presbyterian ladies of this city were entertained at a Presbyterian Tea In Albany. They report a de lightful afternoon. Among them were, Mesdames J. is. Horner, M. M. Davis, H. F. Fischer, J. Rick ard, J. H. Harris, B. W. Wilson. P. Avery. S. N. Wilkins, J. Wil kinson, N. Tartar, E. D. Jackson, H L. Bush, Price, J. F. Yates, W. Taylor, J. W.Crawford. The large crowd of students nd friends who gathered in Col lege chapel Friday evening to hear tri nrcan recital of Professor Ger ard Taillandier . were amply repaid . for their trip to the college. The program was a varied one and the periormer was widely appiauaea from the beginning. Perhaps the number calling ior the most ap plause was Dubois' Offertory in E, and another popular number was Pilgrim's Song of Hope by Batiste. A neat sum was realized that will go towards defraying the expense of transporting the pipe organ used on this occasion from Portland to - this city. The committee of arrangement for the general clean up of Corval lis, is being enlarged, in order to have enough members to deal with whatever needs that may arise. Ar rangements are being made to cut the grass for a nominal sum and in the meantime all persons that can arc wanted to mow either with . scythe or mower between now and June 7th, which is the date on - which the clean-up is to take place. The committee will furnish teams to haul away free of charge all rub- Vhlalt ttiof maw Atit In rVwif- of any place of business , on the street. It will not of course, fur nish teams to haul trash gathered private -premises. Remember the Rose show next Friday night at the Carnival. Victor Spencer left today to accept a position at Kilmer, Ore. Tom Nolan returned; Monday irooi a trip to Portland and Seaside. Mrs. Bert Ho!liteV'went to Portland Saturday f r a visit -with friends. : -' 4 Bush Davis was a Corvdtlis visitor Sunday. He la employed ia Portland, ; .. .: , ' . it . Miss Us Stewart f BrisetSJle arrived Sunday and is the nest el Mrs. Harry Buxtoa. ., ;;:v The -"Japanese Tea Garden'? wililae a beautiful spot at the Car nival. Look for it. -' " : Mrs, Lee Anderson of Eugene left today after a visit with her sis'fjjrT'Reilint, Mrs. A. T- Orugett returned Saturday from ja three weeks' visit with relatives in Junction City. Mrs. Lucy Francisco, arrived yesterday from a five weeks' visit in Portland and Yamhill county.' rr. Miss Lura Flett returned from Portland Saturday where she has been attending business. college. Thenews columns ' of, the Times are much reduced? this issue by pressure of advertising space,? ..... ' ' - - -.' .V: ... After a visit 'wish her parents in this city, Miss Bertha Thrasher left Sunday for Portland , where she is engaged in dressmaking. The Maccabees are lo give an ice cream social j in their hall on Wednesday evening May 30th. AH Maccabees and their friends invited. A marriage license was issued yesterday to Joseph Bethune of Wasco, Oregon, and Miss Ida Van Hoosen. . The wedding was to oc cur today in this city. The groom was a former OAC student. ' Harry Davis "arrived Sunday for an extended visit with his .pa rents. He has spent the past year in California and other states for the benefit of his health. - A . JaTge audience " Sunday morning: irt 't the Congregational church, listened to the memorial sermon of Rev. B. F. Green... The church -was elaborately decorated with flags, bunting and flowers. . -Officeri to serve the Ladles Coffee Club during the ensuing year were elected : Monday, as fol lows: president, Mrs. M. S. Wood cock, vice president, Mrs. F. Berch- told, secretary, Miss Lillian Ran? ney, librarian, Mn. Colbert. Woman Now, if you don't leave at once, I'll call my husband and he's an old Harvard football player. TrampLady, If yer love him don't call him out. I used to ter play wld Yale, Saturday, D. S. Adams recelv ed the intelligence that his eldest sister had hist passed away at her home in Portland,' Main, and yes terday another message brought to Mrs. Adams the sad news that one of her sisters had died at Mendota, Illinois. ; Fond Mother Ethel, did you kiss young Mr. Jones again last night? Ethel Yes, mamma: ht has just lost an nncle, and I was so sorry for him. Fond mother- Well, Ethel, let this be the last. I'm afraid if you keep on encourag ing him with your sympathy, he won't have a relative left in the world.. - , ,- ' ; The Philadelphia boys of O. A. C. gave their second annual banquet at Hotel Corvallis Satur day evening, the guests being the lady friends of the young men. Covers were laid for 8o,"aud every- thing possible had - been done to make the occasion a successful and happy one. The banquet embrac ed many of the daintiest edibles im aginable, and the toasts were bright and entertaining. The affair was heartily en joyed by all, and was a success in every way. Tomorrow Corvallis will ob serve decoration day in tne usual fitting manner. The line of march will form at the G. A R. hall at a o'clock, in the order given; the O. A. C. cadets, Mayor Johnson, both Woodmen lodges, the G. A. R-, W. R. C, school children and eitisens. At the cemetery each lady, assisted by children of the W. R. C, will decorate one grave each, after which all will gather at the monu ment for the unknown dead, where the G. A. R. ritualistic ceremonies will be given. - ; , The "Carnival of Roses", will be held at the opera house next Thurs day and Friday, May 31st and Tune 1st. Thursday night will be given. the very popular larce -"Aunt Je rusha's Quilting Party." Friday, commencing at 11 a. m. they will serve a chicken pie dinner for 35 cents. Friday evening Rev. Bab cock of Salem will render several selections oh the violin and some of the best local vocalists will be on the program. Admission each, eve ning io cents. .' ' The' quarantine for varioloid at the Episcopal rectory was raised Saturday. Mrs. : Stingy What do you want to leave us for, Bridget? I'm sure we have treated you as one of the family.' Bridget Indade. an vou hov. ma'am, an -Oi've stood it long enough. - " f 4 Nine student in the mining college at O. A.. C. in charge of In stracter Proebstel, ;left Monday on a trip to the Bohemia mines for ten aaya insomcnon in pracnau bub inr. Thev expect to make topo graphical p&ts of the ' ledges and general lay of the country. The party was: H. C. Gete, Harold Rumbanzh. Arthur Garrett, Miles Belden, J. Bingo, C R. McCor- Bjich, Palo Singh, F. M. Roth and BUSY SCENES. Some of the Things which En- : liven Corvallis Industrially ; To the average American whose commercialism dominates him to such a marked degree, few sounds are more agreeable than the roll of ear wheels, the swash of river craft, the chuck of transportation wagons, tha i whirr of saws, the crack of hammers, the muffled notes of pick and shovel, all combine to make the hum of industry. A walk about the city of Corvallis will disclose the activity common to larger cities. , In the neighborhood of the City Hall, a force of workmen are shov eling earth at a lively rate, exca vating for the sewer which is to ex tend through two blocks from the Jefferson main. Workmen are al so engaged on-the Harris-Miller lat eral, also to connect with the Jeffer son main. "- A string of fifteen teaaas plod through Main street all hauling gravel to a half -mile stretch of the Sol King . road recently graded. Other teams are hauling screened gravel which is shoveled aboard cars at the foot of Washington street to ht conveyed to the city's reservoir. This gravel goes into the cement which is to line the res ervoir. Three teams are engaged in hauling from the railroad track to the works. Six incoming daily trains and a like number departing lend a part to the cnorns of industry, while the exhaust of Willamette river steam boats is a feature of the melody. ' Innumerable farm wagons laden with products for the creamery, and dray-loads of the same, carted from the depots to the local butter and ice cream factory, are very sugges tive of the commercial advancement ol the city. Forty-five laborers with pick and shovel working on the streets ot Corvallis " to complete . the new mountain water system affords a glance at ' our commercial activity which is encouraging. Thirty of these men in line along Main street, excavating' for distributing pipe of the system presents an inspiring scene, and:, dissipates the notion of want in Corvallis households. The whole is an earnest of prosperity. Imported Black Percheron Stallion " 559 ' Potache 4 0064 Will make the season of 1 906 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Potache was winner of 1st prize at St. Louis Fair; istat American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1st at Government Show in France; also International Live Stock show at Chicago 1904 . Mares from a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms $35 to Insure. . . T. K. Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon.'- Ice Cream at Campbell's bakery nd confectionery. - Inoculated Red . Clover Alaike Rape, AUaUa, Spelts White clover and Arti chokes. Land plaster, that will doable the yield. See seed at Wellsher & Gray's sUv. : ... s.-. . V . V. V, Brooks. For Rent Large roaming house. Partly furnished.- Apply W. S. Whitten. ' Newport, Ore. " Ice and ice cream delivered on Sunday any part of the city by CorvaUis Creamery Co. Vocal Lesions. - Mrs. Harold Strong is prepared to give lessons in singing. Special rates for the summer. . Residence on Third street between Harrison and Tyler. - ' If you knew the value of Chamberlain's Salve yon would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the diseases for which it isesnecUllr valuable: sore nippies. chapped hands, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore ayes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price S5 cents par box.; For ale by Graham A Wortham. S. Watkini nom'n?a at the handslrf the prohibition tarty of Benton county f jr the office of state senator of said county, is 29 jears of age, born io Oregon and for 38 years a redden - of Ben'on county. If elected he hereby declaies him self committed to the following ser vice, first Io stndy to bscome acquainted with the needs of hla constiuency. Second To nee all God-given powers during session of legislature to elect An S. senator as chosen by people, to maintain and increase the efficiency of our educa tional institutions that they- may successfully pursue their work, which has been and will be the de termining of our rapid advancement in civic improvement, and, at leg islative sessions to oppose, by vote and influence, all uselese and un necessary appropriations and grafts, and to strive by all laudable means to secure legislation that will be for the good of all and not for the eole benefit of a few, to the end that the common people may as far as pos sible have money to provide house- bold comforts through lower taxes and just government. , New Allovers at the Bazaar. . . r Notice. - Notice is hereby given that I will not pay anv bills that are not con tracted by myself,. or on my written order. .Lewis . Hartlev. Corvallis, May 19, 1906. For Sale. Reeistefed bulls for sale: one three year old and two yearlings. .terms reasonable. Jf or lurther par ticulars inquire of J. E. Wyatt; Corvallis, Oregon. ; Give the Corvallis Creamery Co. trial on ice and ice cream. . For Sale or Trade. Two good cows, one good Can ton sulky plow and five cords of wood. Wanted, broadcast seeder, rid ing corn cultivator, and goats. Inquire at Times office.. Sharpen Up. All kinds of erindiae and sharp ening done at M. M. Long's repair shop. A. Bargain. -163 acres known as the Cauthoru place on Peak road must be sold at once. 30 acres in crop. House of 5 rooms, new barn, 50 x 60 f t 30 acres of heavy timber, balance pas ture, running water on place. This is a bargain at $1,600. . Ambler & Watters, agents. .: : Round Trip $3.50. Over the Southern Pacific to the Portland "made in Oregon" ex position. The sale dates are from May 33 to 34th and. the return lim it is May 37th. For further infor mation apply to " J. E. Farmer. Agent at Corvallis. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. ' Notice is hereby siren that on Saturday, the 9th dar of Jane, 190, at the hour of two o'clock in the anernoon 01 aaia day, st the front door of the countr court house In the citr of Corvallis. In Benton count? , state of Oregon, I will offer for Dele and sell to the highest bidder for cash n hand, all the right, title, interest and estate of Archibald Johnson, in and to: An undivided H lnterestjn and to the following described real estate, to:wlt: Fractional N E a ot Sec. SO; h 01 sec. iv; w h soil iana claim 01 uyn thla B. Johnson, and the heirs at law of John Feiehter, deceased. Not. No. 3171, claim No. 64; Fractional THE Hot sea. 28; fractional 8 M of seo. 21; also, beginning at the quarter section corner between sections 19 and 20, and run thence 8. with section line 49.62 chain? to claim Hue of claim No. 64; thence with said claim line to N W earner ot said claim NO. 64. thenee north chains to where center line passes through section SO; thence west 6.1S chains to beginning; also, beginning st N W corner ot John E. Porter donation land claim, and run tbenoe 8. 21 03 chains: thence K. 73 chains to the state road; thence following along state road N 4 deg. SO mln. .37.08 chains ; thence W.7S chains to place of beginning. All of the above situ ale, being ana ivmg in townsnin 13 soutn, Jtange I west of the Willamette Meridian in Benton county, Oregon. Mia ssm is maae nnaer ana in pursuance or a license snd order of sale made by the county court ot the stats of Oregon for Benton county, on Hay 10, 1906, In the matter of the guardian authorizing, licensing and empowering Cynthia is. jonnson, as gnaraian or saia Arcnioaia John son, insane, to sell the above described real es tate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, and to dispose ot the proceeds In tne manner preaoriDea oy taw,. Dalsd this May 11, 106. OTBTHIA S. JOHNSON, uardian ef said Archibald Johnson. A Shoe Lesson! That each yoa how to mjke yoar "feab fael at lioine em bodied in evoiy jbir of S. L. KLINE The People's Store. Established J 864. Wool aiu WasH Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash Dress Goods has arrivad. All colors, vreights and weaves, at prices that will tempt all. New Merceriaed Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown, Green, Navy, Fancy. Mixtures, Cheeks and Stripes. New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue, Green and Navy. New White Mereeriaed Shirt Waist Goods New assortment embroidered waist patterns . New vehiets, collars and belts. Remember we give 5 percent discount on att (3asft Purchases Highest Price for Country Produce. P. L. MILLER Moses Brothers You will always find ms up and coming and our prices teasonable. For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, hats, caps underwear, every day and a shirts, ladies skirts, mens and boys suits Also a Fine Line of Groceries crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery de partment. Look Out for Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something donig Ices and Creams! We are now prepared to provide the- public with Ices Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line. Special Fancy Orders - For soeial functions solicited. We cater to the whole public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices. When you want anything in our line remember us. . Our own special free delivery to any part of the city large or small. vallis Creamery Company. ffistoif>h Shoes Vi hen you pat on Rals'ons , Noun fetl sure cn've doue the t f. r tur fiei iti t int of bvVb K)ml'urt and ftvle.- Ralbton sLoes are built on a Btruetural principle worked out from a close study of the loot as'uature made it. - D d you ?ver notice how the firm, eloee-packtd sand of a smooth sea biaoh supports and fit every part of the foot ' Ifc Ralston Health Shoes fit that way. Come in and try on a pair. Corvallis, Oregon Dress Faiirics 0. ; V; "Galloway 1 "of Yamhill County - Demosraiic Nominee for Representative .... In Congress.- . : BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved secu rity. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Eu- lope and foreign countries DR. E. E. JACKSO: Veterinary Surge Office Winegar & Snows Office Phone Ind328 " - " : . Bell 441 Resident Ind 389 H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoi&ce. Residence Oerf rum ana jenerson streets. 'Honrs IX a. m., l to 4 p.m. Orders ma ell at Grabam & t,-t.ham,B drnor t J. FRED STATES . : ATTOKNh 1 -AT-LAW. . Zierolf Building. . Only Set Abstract Books in Benton Cotsafy B. A. CATHEY Physician & SurgSon ;- Office, room 14, BanK Bids;. Honrst io to ia and a to 4. . Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Orti. G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office ai iairsii Birni 8fick Seventh st. ?aii X -1 . :hi . ti WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking Company COHTALUS, OrKGOS. Responsibility, $100,000. Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal eorresnondenic. SAX FRANCISCO ) PORTLAND ( The 1BaaaL SEATTXE C TAOOMA I NEW YORK Messrs. J. V. Horns M Co. LONDON, ENG.; N M RothsotaUds A I CANADA, Unlet; Rnk afOansdit Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trains Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan- sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland snd Seattto Pallman First-lass BleeDlhe cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night snd day. Observation and Parlor cars. The reenlar Yellowstone Park mauta Tla. Liv ingston and Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park. Park season 3 une 1st to September 20th. See Enron. If you will bnt see America flier. Start right 6m Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland The ' famous Northern Paeiflo book can be had lor the asking or six cents fey mall. '. The Route ot the "North Ooart Lsmlted' the Only Electric Lighted Modrn Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland is at 255 Morrison street, corner Third; A. Di Carlton, Assistant General Passsngsr Agent, Portland, Or, 3 7 J T S,