CORVALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY EVqSING HAY 29, 1906. HAS IT COME TO THIS? Has it come to this, that .the sovereign republican voters ofSen- too don't know how to vote, and that little wiggle-waggles must is sue great orders telling ,iem what they must and what they must not do? Great Scott; is all the know ledge as to republican principles and republican privileges concen- , trated, focused and centralized in the little stretch of territory from Jim Smith's hardware store via George Smith's to John Allen's drug store? Are these three, Josh uas who have received the word direct and before whom the rest of : the party must crawl on their bellies and In servile prostration get their instructions? Where are the Ed wards, the Henkles, the Starrs, the Belknaps, the Carters, the Fehlers, the Parleys, and hundreds of other thinking, intelligent republicans, each of whom the wiggle-waggles propose to brand with a big hot branding iron, and then to put a blind bridle on him and lead him to the. voting booth and vote him like a spotted calf. Behold the picture, "Bring Joe Edwards" quoth Chairman Smith. "Bring Joe Edwards," echoes Secretary Allen, and Roadmaster Smith leads Edwards into the branding stall. "Brand" commands Chairman Smith with an imperial wave of the hand, and "Brand" is the word that Secretary Allen passes along. "Zi-s-iz-z-wu-u ugh!" as the road master socks the hot branding iron on Joe's hip and the smoke fogs as Joe yells and tries to burst out of the pen. "Branded" shouts the roadmaster; "branded" echoes Sec retary Allen, and then with a sec ond wave of his imperial hand, "Bridle him" shouts Chairman Smith. The secretary pries open Mr. Edward's mouth with a rusty harrow tooth and the road master puts ou a blind bridle. 'Bridled' ' shouts the road master; 'bridled" echoes Secretary Allen, and then in a loud voice of command, "Vote him" shouts the chairman. And Joseph Edwards a proud spirited republican who had always thought as a sovereign American citizen he had the right to vote as he pleased, branded and bridled, is led away to the voting booth by Roadmaster Smith and there made to vote as the wiggle-waggles say. "Bring on Ed Belknap" thunders Chairman Smith. "Ed Belknap" echoes the secretary, and so on, one by one they intend to brand, bridle and vote them. Great guns: what a pass for the republicans of Benton, a high-minded, intelligent and hon orable lot, to be brought to. Brand ed by Jim, bridled by John and voted by Roadmaster Smith! NOT BECAUSE HEKEEDS IT. Although the salary of the of fice would be very acceptable to him and his family, it is not on that ground that he needs the place that Harley Hall bases his candidacy for the office of county recorder. The claim his friends make is that he is perfectly qualified, and that if elected he would make a most capable and most loyal official. His friends also urge that no man could be more obliging and more kindly in his dealings with the public, for Harley Hall is a genial, kind-hearted, straight-forward lad who is as kindly to all people p.t all times as he is at election time. Every vote bestowed on him will be com pletely deserved and unfalteringly repaid in good, honest service, if he be elected. Many a time during the 30 years he served as county clerk, the late Bush Wilson would have been de feated but for democrats that rallied to his support. He was a republican but that made no difference, for he was a tried and true officer and the people didn't like to make a change A farmer never, if he can help it, changes a tried and true hired man for a green one, and that is why they kept Mr. " Wilson in office. For the same reason, many a citizen of Benton wants Victor Moses re tained as clerk now. ,.. Qraod Cash Dflscomiit Sale! " " ' - "" ' " . :' :;;r. ; ; - T Commencing June 1st and continuing until further notice, we are .going- to have a Grand Discount Sale, which will give the people of Corvallis ancyicinity an opportunity to buy 1st class merchandise cheaper than ever before. - v - Our Prices Knock Out the Catalog House Silk Section Ttffdta eilk in all the latest shades and sood aualitv. Soeeial die. lount, 62c. v Dress Fabrics We invite an early inspection of our complete lines ot colored and black Dress Fabrics, for spring and summer. The assortment embraces Men's Suits the best selection from foreign looms, and the entire line" is included io throughout and perfi ct fitting ' nam"t 1,0 the grand discount sale. 1 Corsets We have about 100 W. B. Corsets, a-.d as we expect to disoontinua his Hup, the entire lot will be tffered at epeoial discount during this ale, ?9C;nt8. Wool Fabrics .5o Reduced to .42 .75 " -63 l.oo .84 Las " " " - .95 2 00 " " 1.68 Wash Fabrics .lo Reduced to .o0 .12 " " -11 .15 M ".124 .30 " ".16 2 3 .a5 - " - " -21 4o " .33 Kingsbury Hats are sold 'round the world because they fit every kind and condition of men. For $3.00 you get the same style same finish same wear as you have been cutting for $5.00. Discount Coupon, This coupon entiles Name 1 Address ; Or any member of the family to a Jivn per rent, discount oq any pa r of Boots or Shoes in our etore, before July 1-t. This offer is made to in troduce our up-to date gooic, and must be piesented within the epecifi! time. . ; -. ' $12.50 suits at 1350 ' " I0.80 14. oo . " ' 11 2i 15 oo " " 12 i o IG.oo " " 12 8) 1G 5 " 13.2! 17.Vo " . " 13 Go 18 o " " 14.4a Great Values in Men's Wear f 5 cents Men's fact Black Hoee lo cents. Boys and Young Men's Suits We are over stocked in this department and must' make room', for our fall shipment. , . 2i 25 " " " 22 " Summer weight shirts and drawers 25 cents. 5o 3 J 5d 65 '" . " 75a " Golf Shirts, 50c. offer, Men's Trousers v , Be sure and read the prices. careful, and note thegreat bargain we $2.oo Trousers Now $1.45. 2.51 " " . 1.95. ' 3.oo ' " 2.4b. 4 5o " " 3.B5. 5oo " " 3.85 COPYRIGHT IMS BY THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHQMER White Lawn Shirt Waists at Bargain Prices .7s now at .55 J51.oo " " 82. -125- IO5.- 1 5'J " " l.l5- 2.00 I.60. 2.50 " ""-'l)o. 3.oo "Vi? 2.25. Sateen Skirts $1 25 R'duced to o5 . ; I.50 ' 41 1.17. 2.oo ' " 143 2.5o " " 1 98. 300 " 2.38 , We just receiued a large t hipmtn- of these skirts from the East and have placed them on pale at gjvUl discount. BOVS SUITS. $2 50 now goes at 3 00 now goes at 3 50 now goes at.,..,.... 4 00 now goes at , 5 00 now goes at YOUNG MEN'S SUITS., $i 75 tS 00 now goes at . . . . ;' . . . . .$4 00 .. 2 35 6 00 now goes at 80 5 85 6 50 now goes at 5 00 .. 3 00 . 7 00 now goes at 560 . 3 85 7 5 now goes at 6 00 8 50 now goes at 700 10 00 now goes at . . .'. 7 35 Ladies' Kid Gloves A complete line, all shafts aDd eizes; il 50 grade at 1 00 " " .1 8.1 Domestic Department We have no reserve; everjthiog in this department is included ii the grand diecounnt scale. Good calico 20 yards for $1.00. Remember this is a genuine Sale of the entire stock of high grade Merchandise, Groceries ex cepted as we must cut the stock down and make room for our fall shipment. F Dn M 1 .liLIS O37 Oak wood stove lengths, at Saw Mill Co. Call