The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 29, 1906, Image 1

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!i f l I I .
V. i
3 -
Vol. XIX -No 3
B,T. IRVOT Sdllcr
aad Proprietor
sf in iii ill iii ill III lit ill 111 ill . ....... w f v
- " -
- - ' '"-J 0J1
VVhen you want anything .in the line o?
Clothing, come and see oar line, get prices.
TVVe balance or quality and prices defy
competition. Our clothing sales has made
big strides in the past few years and this has
justiliid a big increase in our buying. Never
before has our stoie received-such a big shi
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate. ' ;--
Corvallis, Oregon
Xireat Line Mens Tine Shoes.
The wiggle-waggles have issued
anc Jur manifesto to the republican
voters; and in it theysay, "the
prirnary election law rrjuske main
tained; atirf - the only way rfc. main-
Uain it is to elect eyery republican
icaoaidaw.lcou'ity ; and. otherwise.'
ui courses, rne wiggie-waggies want
tte rtriiffafT'law.Y It iis-the'-slicE-.
est thing for" their purposes! 'ttieViier0
ever struck. "With it they jobbed
Bill Jolly, and horsed Andy Wil
liams to a standstill, and along
with these two men jobbed every
one of the 300 of the sovereign
voters that supported both. Not
one 01 xnes? repuDlicms . . haa a
No Prizes go with our
Chase nanta High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
chance for Jlis lifeiln voting The;
1 WiggfctW angles before Jthe voting
time came. They knew and
boasted beforehand that George
Smith would be the nominee for
commissioner, Woodward the man
for judge, and Johnnie Allen for
precinct committeeman. It " was
also boasted on the street that Bel
knap would never be nominated for
fseaatofy and that, if Jie .should Jbsua
democrat not Belknap, would be elect
ed. All thisfs history. All this treach
ery shameful as it is, is fact. The fig
ures at the court house, don't 1 lie.
They show why Belknap, why Jol
ly, why Williams and the others
aredown and out, and how the
gang nearly fixed Hawley with aJ
democrat, from Washington county.
Hence, the manifestoes, calling
on the brethren to "stand in."
The bunch jobs 'em, gouges 'em,
chisels 'em, gives'ema swift kick,
and then sends 'em letters . full of
affection and love from Eliza and
the children, and with -slush about
"stand in" and be jobbed again,
As a surveyor, it has come to be
conceded that Thomas Jones is ex
actly the man for the position, . and
that is why he is on the ticket for
re-election without opposition. He
is a member of the county board of
road viewers, as well as largely
identified by law with the bridge
building and because of his com
petency in these regards, Mr.
Jones 'is by" all" "conceded to be "the
man for the place.
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
- Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can "
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
Ind. Phone 126.
Corvallis, Oregon.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, writ farour
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure .in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also;
showing you over the country. n 64 fcSUBSK
A Ainr r?T"i m TA7 A TTCHG
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance.. JiT'Zjs.
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
The Joshuas of republicanism
that trio who go in to a sort t.f Cref-
field trance and get i heir inrpira ion
from cn high to comniaoicata it . to
their s flock ift tfil kbiro?r Bapifes
toes, and who r. side in that part of
Bnton cpaBtVf beerpping .-ntjjim
Smith's hardware Ttore- and roB
Two Already Mailed to Re-
v publicans by 1 heir Chair-
sing lBeoaiegetI)aiinft-j
back door of Jobn Allen's drug
store, in their latett diepeueation to
theii iollowers, eay "To tbe vict)!s
belong the epoila" ml tha', when
demrcrate are in office . republic: ai
get nothing. Was that statement
r-ayy from abovefcOrdid the , rod-
aster Tail into a Ua'noe and. .think
r put i 1 1 tiyw at) iu iub iauic
&ov&itkk..J Chamberlain appoinT
Judee Harris, a reptrcncao, t
circuit judegehip in this dietricl?
Did the eame governor appoint uaa-
oy other republicans to office, and
has he conducted . the office on a
etric'ly nonpartiean basis? Did a
democratic court in Beaton county
appoint more republicans than dem
qcrst!j road soperviaorships?
Corvallis Ore., 'May 27, 1906,
My children:
I am Cheermia of the party,
This uther feller is sickreteery.
We got a pard named Gecrge Road-
master Smith wot runs his chicken
biz clps. to our biz. My children
you tnust not vote for them dim-
rnicrsfts co$Ihey'll git the postoffice
lmmitmey jtonsonimaigKjsmaU-
poqki ia the poor houei ph them
nasi y j sttnktadimmycrats iz Bond
and ef they ever cum . pesterin
aroun me and niv .ickreteery and
our frend Smith we'll bust their
blame heds, thats all. . Why . they
say ever one of 'em hez got the
itch and that their fathers wuz all
hoss thievs an stump-suckers, and
the verry idee of stch cussed felers
W'GTDavTsTd rgtfeffl4a-fou-a wame--and
Here U thalief:
trictNo. i, rep: H M Fleming, No.
2. dem; Willism Schmidt, No. 3,
rep; ,0 I, Davis, 4, dem; T B Wil
liamson, 5, rep John- Price, Kings
ValUy, dem: W M Clark, Summit,
dem; X Cadwalader, BIodgett,-4ep;
Wf f lVIcUee, Wren, dem; J R Feh-
ler, Pnilomath, rep; Jasper Hayden
Alsea, rep; Cbanccy Barclay, Bell-
fountain, dem; Richard McBee, No.
12, rep; Albert Zierolf, Monroe, rep;
Richard Scott, Willamette, rep; W
warneid, Aleea, rep; neory Hec
tor. Fairmount. dem: B W Harris.
Welh, dem; Roy RickaflfrKTTrt; tHa "pnes-wuidy .acJtsoi
nd A M Gray. 22. dem: M C
Leeper, 23, rep; Robert Kyle, Bell
fouptain rep; D. B.Farley, Monroe
rep; tottl democrat?, lo; total re-
publitian8; 13 :'s " - V,
How about this? Was there not
a lis in that last manifesto, a creai
big lie? Djis republicanism and re
publican privileges -and principles
depend upon a lie? Not by a
shot. Do the eoundj -eubstantial re
publ cans of Benton couuly. , want
lrffe-t'jfld by the pffi rt! bead -of t'le
It is true that E. Woodward is a
gentle kindly , honorable old gen
tleman, but it can not be wiped out
that Roadmaster Smith, if both
should be elected, would be com
missioner, court," county- judge,
and the whole blooming republican
party, Smith's friends are claim
ing his election to a' certainty
which makes'it all; the more im
portant to put a strong young busi
ness man in the "person of E. E.
Wilson in the court as county judge.
j;":"rr - f '::,.
Who knows Mr. Pie? Mr. Gru
get says 1 doev buU who i knows
Mr. Grugett? They iay Mr. Piel
has been keeping books up n one
corner of Beaton for two , or three
years, and that he is nice" young
man. Grant all that, what then?
Seventy-five thousand dollars a yeai
in taxes to h bandied! Sayenty
five thousand bT the peoptea mon-e'y-trust
funds o be looked after!
Hadn't otd reliable Ttlt Burnett
better be kept as sheriff? Telt Bur
nett, the man to whom taxpayers
all over the county eend signed
cheeks with tbe amount left open
forbira to fill in? : ;
" Here h an ideal arrangement for
the county court of Benton: Peter
Rlckard, a faim r, commissioner1
who resides in Southern Benton, lo
miles distant from the county seat;
outside the city limits of Cor
vallis, with property in town and a
farm four miles west of the county;
r 1 1 0 ... .
rani jjjaeie, a iarmer, residing in
county eeat.. By- that arrangement,
every interest of every section of
tbe whole cparty would . be repre
sented -a-nd; pro'vrded foT and 1 there
would be do close cooporation with
a judge from tbe Third ward and a
commissioner from the .Second ward
ini the city of Corvallis; i
m. - rr r
HSL jB. Wn.sojr is ioot tbi eandi-
date of the democrats particularly,
but of a great many republicans
vha wnnffiR vitrrtrrkiie vnnnir Ktic-
inegsna&D as "'Breridine officer of the
rewMty fautP Mr. Wilson is bit
terly opposed to tbe omce of road-
deceiving and duping themf. -
indeed -noil. DoLniiLthe sil'd, stib?
stantial high minded lepublieaoF, J
and there are lots of them in Bes.K;
ton county, know, that tvary tiine p"
one of these manifestoes la sent out,
planned as it is by the 'outfit in tbei
vicinity of tbe poultry parlor and
dominated and guided by the road
master himself, reproach, humilia
tion .and misrepresentation is
brought upon the part ? Of course
they know it.
"To th victors belong tbes polls."
That is the motto on the g-r-e-a-t
manifestoes sent out lo B niton re
publicans with orders as to how
tbey are required to vote," which
orders emanate from that very
small part of Benton county begin
ning at Jim Smith's hardware store
and running thence via George
Roadmaster Smith's poultry par
lors to the back door of John Al
len's drng store. It was Andrew
Jackson, peace to his ashes, one of
the fathers of democracy that orig
inated "To , the victors belong the
spoils." It was democratic doctrine
until the party,' in -order to keep
sUp'with' 'advancing civilization,
had to throw it aside. "To the vie
tors belong tbe spoils" as a motto
of republicanism 1 ! Shades of .Lie
coin ! ! Into what paths cf demo-
my children an the Roadmaster
and my Sickreteery So efcotezfurtm
fur Ofiice,' why mi God, children,
that Vic Moses and thet Ed Wilson
an that Telt Burnett ought to be in
thepenitencheery, an its blame
liklie that they 11 git there afore they
git oftis. Now you children keep
your noses-wiped and vote er strate
xoz ef ye done, the. country's gone
to hel.
- - 1 - : - ELIZA.
Cheermin oi the publican partey.
p. s. Tew the vickters belong
It is general belief that A. J.
Johnson, republican candidate
for senator, makes a grae
mistake when he attacks Governor
Chamberlain,: There are some
things that even "Senator" John
reCn'earrnot wipe out. , It was Gov-
pracr 'Chamberlain that loaned the
siats scnooi money. - seiore uov-
party in Benton, and told to repur)-lernor Chamberlain's time the state
hcans thnmseivea for tbe purpose iofl ' ! , t .
a tuJLs- K Ttreasureri had jj, been loanmgr the
leading their brethien? Have thete
leade's gone democratic entirely
since thev supported for concrete
nortnern uenton, 10 mi lee trom the Huston, a democrat, over Hawley,
cfe'laty" Allen aud tfaeroadmarterT-v
a WpubUean3 f fj fi Q f T X U fl O
001 was me uiu suerm 01
Benton, and he served a good many
terms. Lots of republicans used. to
vote hard against him, but3&&kc
many a democratic friend, -aad!
thesevoted fbr "and kept him m 08k
ice octanse lucy uikcu iiiuia u
official. Sol was always non- parti
san in conducting the office, and
the democrats were non-partisan in
electing him, though he was a 're
publican. 7
money and pocketing the interest.
$2,$,ooo4 year, 80" nobody denies
itiln the court house at Corvallis,
overnor Chamberlain four years
ago promised that the school funds
should be loaned,, they have been
T6aned"and asTa fesuIET$45,666 ad
ditional per year, goes, to the school
children of Oregon. -' 'It' is equally
true that Governor Chamberlain ve
toed 29 bills and no republican
governor would have done it, be
cause to have done so would have
been to arouse the ire of the repub
lican legislature and through that
be ruined politically. It is true
that-every one of those 29 vetoes
saved dollars and dollars to the
tAxpayrSt-reducing.the.. state taxes
of Benton to about $12,000, the'
lowest they. have,-. been in fifteen
years. It is true that Governor
Chamberlain cleaned out the state
land office, got land thieves indict
ed, exposed frauds, and listed and
brought into the market lands to
the value of if 195,000. These and
scores of other acts by Governor
Chamberlain are known to all the
people of Benton county, and Mr.
T6TinsWeckraswTong when he
attacks the governor. Governor
Chamberlain lived; for something
like 20 years almost within a stone's
throw of Corvallis and it is the gov
ernor' s old neighbors that Mr.
Johnson is talking to, when he
makes his attacks.
The prettiest and best set of rec
ords in the state of Oregon is in the
county clerk's : office of Benton.
and correctas recofSs can be made'
To add to their great value, is the
fact that they are accurate, for the
man that made these new records
Lis Victor Moses who is one of the
hnost accutatS'derks in the country.
These records ithat he makes are
the pride ef every Beaton county-
ite who has ever seen- them, and
the envy of people from other
counties. He makes these records
with his own . book type writer,
which he purchased at the price of
$175 and has placed at the disposal
of the county. It certainly seems
as th6ugh an official that does all
these things lor the people of the
county deserves to be given another
term. As a matter ot naked fact,
isn't it wrong to vote against him
when in the service he has given,
J ' We have Just received 45tMal
Iable Iron Beds, all prices, from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just in. : New wall;
Paper just received.- , . . Lower
than any house in Benton county
The nswj folding GoKCartsarei
"here. - ;.:
For Floors, Woodwork, etc.
We don't have time to change ourjads every week, but
we sell goods to beat the band. .
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furr
ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer.
Remember , Blackleige is Here
Monmouth State Normal SchooL
Jie 87 to Aug. 7th and Aug. 13 to Sept. 7th. First six weeks devoted,
to special preparation for County and State Exams. . Lait four weeks a "
continuation of Normal instruction and special attention to Piimary Me
. thods with model pupil classes.
Faculty of over Twenty Instructors
Regular Normal Facolty assisted by noted college and public school educatora.
Tuition 1st Term $7;5 2nt $5.
For catalog, summer school cicular or other information write Pres. E. D. Ressler,
Monmouth, Oregon.
"ri A A
$8 Leather Suit Case
For every dollars worth of goods purchased at my store you will
get a ticket entitling you to a chance in the drawing for an elegant
suit case, the more tickets, the more chances. Drawing to take
place at my store at 4 p. m. Saturday June 9th. The cheapest store
in town to by clothing and mens furnishings.
Corvallis, -
Hand Cream Separators.
Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay
ments. Several different makes. Write your2name
and address below and send to Independence Creamery
Independence, Oregon; for particulars and. information
about the dairy industry. .
Name Address........
G. B. fiorning,
The Grocer
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves. '
EBv Horning
I there fa so much to applaud? -
v '- ::i i;" . ' Ji. ..