LOCAL LORL SE'-VS OF VICINITY . r VALLIS AND OLD IN BRIEF. Tde Cimitii and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion ind O'JEr Iteois of Public Interest. Services a: Plymouth Sunday at 3 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. Handsaker are in Eugene attending the bedside of the former's father, vho is seriously ill. "Children's Dav Service" will le observed at the M. E. church. South, Sunday at n a. m. At 8 p. tn. ths tegular church service. Miss Vera Chambers entertain ed tbe High school class at her home Siturday evening. Dainty refreshments were served, ind all present had a delightful time. J. A. Gilkey has received a telegram announcing the death mt his youngest brother who was acci dentally killed while engaged in bridge work on tbe Northern Pacif ic railroad in Washington. On Decoration Day there will foe the usual services in the ceme tery at Monroe. The services will begin at eleven o'clock, and will consist of speaking, music and oth--r exercises. Articles of incorporation have been filed at the clerk's office" by the congregation of the Church of God. I he incorporators are, E. A. Morgan, J. J. Cady and W. P. Darby. 'J he church is located in Jobs addition. The Memorial sermon to the Grand Army Post will be preached by R.ev. E. F. Creen in the Con gregational church Sunday morn ine at ii o'clock. The members of the G. A. R. Post and VV. R. C. will attend in a body. The public is earnestly invited to attend. United Evangelical church. Sunday morning subject, "Our Du ties Toward God," the first -of a .-series of sermons on the Ten Com :mand merits. Evening subject, "What Our Flag Stands For," a service in anticipation of Memorial Day. C. T. Hurd, pastor. Congregational chuich. The -.morning service will be devotea to he Grand Army and Woman's .Relief Corps. Sermon and music , -appropriate to the occasion. Even ing sermon at 8, "The Ooe Word that Ruins Thousands. What is it?" The Ladies of the Congregation --al church held their regular month ly missiontry meeting at the home of Mrs. Martha Burnett, Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. R. J. Nichols presided and led the devotional ex ercises. Mrs. Emile Pernot assist ed in entertaining. There were vo cal solos by Mrs. C. E. Peterson, and Miss Hettie Lilly; a paper by Mrs. F. Berchtold and a reading' by Aliss Campbell. There was a re , port of the association meeting held at Albany. Light refreshments were served. Within the past few days sev enteen cream separators have been taken into that section of country embracing Lobster, Five Rivers and lower part of Alsea. Many ranchers in these localities are pre--paring to enter a branch of the dairying inJustry and there is con sider. :ib! 11 petition tor their pro duct. The ere im is brought to CorvoV.it by wagon, in some in stances neatly 60 miles, and it may be eispo-erl in' here or shipped by rail U) other oluls. A nt;.v eteinu'ry company has been organized in Corvallis. The papers are being prepared for pur poses of incorporation. The offi cers are, Guy Seeley, president, J. T. Cresou, vice president, and B. B. Arnold, secretary and treasurer. The name of the new establishment is to be the Corvallis Ice and Butter Company. The machinery for the creamery has been ordered and the building is in preparation. It is to be located at the present ice works owned by Seeley, Creson and Ar nold, and is to be an addition to that establishment. Prol". H. T. French visited old Corvallis ftierds on Tuesday, being a guest at the L. F. Wilson home. He was in the Willamette Valley buying goats, of which he is taking a carload to Idaho for experimental purposes. The university of Ida ho of which he is director of the experiment station, is much handi capped this year by 4he loss of its ddffiir.istration building which was destroyed by fire in the winter. The building is to be rebuilt, and along with it a fine new mining building, and an agricultural build ing for Prof. French, the latter of which is to cost $50,000. Premiums for Rose Fair. Lit of premiums at the Rose Show Jure ist. The entrees will close promptly at 4 o'clock. Doors open to tbe public at 8 o'clock. Class i Best single specimen roses, ist, $y, 2nd, $1.50. No les than eight named varieties. Class 2 Best decorated dicing table, 1st, $3; 2nd, $1.50. Class 3 Best collection climbers, ist, $1.50; 2nd, $ .75. Class 4 Best set piece, ist, $1.50 2nd, .75. Class 5 Best artistically arrang ed vase of roses, ist, .73; 2nd, .50. Class 6 Best exhibit of wild flowers by children under 15 years, ist. .75; 2nd, .50. Class 7 Bent bouquetofcutflow ers, i-t. .75; 2nd, .50. All exhibits must be g own by the exhibitor, except Class 6. Eti'iy fee. Classes 1 and 2, each 25 cents. Classes 3 and 4, 15 cents. Classes 5, 6, 7, 10 cents. S. O Wa'k'DB nom'nse at the hands of the prohibition raiy uf Bpq'.oq equity fir tbe office of state penator of said couDty, is 29 3 ears ot age, born in Oregon and for 28 years a retidtn. of Ben on county. If elected be hereby declaies bim pelf committed to the following ser vice. Fits1. To ttudy to become acquainted with tbe seeds of his constiueuty. Second To use all Gd-gtven powers during fe-sion of legislature to elect U. S. senator as chosen by people, to maintain and increase the tfEciencv of our educa tional in-ti'utloD8 that they may successfully pursue their work which bus bt-en and. will be the dc; teroiloirg of our rapid advancement la civic improvement, and, at leg isjitiye S's-uens to oppose, by vote and lutluenc, all us less and uc necessary apprcpriationf and graftp, a id tu strive by all laudibls means lo.fKcure legislation that will be f ir the good of nil and u'jt 'or the tole bei era t of a few, 10 tbe end that the con an n people may as fur as po sibie have money to provide house hold comforts ibruagh iower taxeB and just government. PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Village Improve ment Society of Corvallis and the Benton County Citizens League have requested the City Council of Corvallis to name a day to be set apart by the citizens of said city to be devoted to cleaning up the streets, public grounds, lawns and yards within the corporate limits of said city, and Whereas, by unanimous vote of the City Council, it was resolved at a meeting, May 21st that Mon day the 28th day of May be set apart as such a day for cleaning up said city. By authority of said o "n u u 7lvii Council I hereby designate Monday , the 28th day oi May, 1900, as cleaning up day and request all authorities and citizens of the town to devote this day to cleaning up and beautifying the city. Alex Rennie, Pres. City Council. A mass meeting to further the plans of the above proclamation is called for Thursday night at City Hall. Imported Black Percheron Stallion 55296 Potache 40064 Will mnlrp trip. cpaQon nf inn at Will maite me Season Or I9OO at Abbott's feed bam, Corvallis, Ore- , - . r ' . Potaclie Was Winner OI ISt prize J . t i?n:-. ,.. 4- a 01. iuuia i au, lai. ai inuciiwu Roal Live Stock bhow, Kansas City; ist at Government Show in France; also International L,ive Stock show at Chicago 1904. Mares from a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms $25 to insure. T. K. Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon. Ice Cream at Campbell s bakery and confectioners7. Inoculated Red Clover Alaike Rape, Alfalfa, Speltz White clover and Arti chokes. Xand plaster, that will double the yield. See seed at Wellsher &. Gray's store. I 1. Brooks. A SUCCESS IN IDAHO. What Supreme Justice Sullivan says of Woman Suffrage. I most earnestly endorse the prir -ciple of "government by the con sent of the governed." In Idaho a constitutional amendment was a dopted in 1896, at the general elec tion that year, granting, to women the equal right or. suffrage with the men of our state. Since the sdo, tion of that amendment I have care fully observed the workings of woman suffrage in this state, and am fully convinced that it has been conducive to the betterment of the sccial and political conditions of the people of this state. The women of Idaho take an interest in the po litical affairs of the town, city, coun ty and state, and their influence therein has elevated the political standard much in advance of what it was ten years ago. At our gen eral elections a very large percent age of tbe women vote, and woman suffrage is now favored by a large majority of the electors if our state. I most earnestly endorse it, and sincerely hope that the good men of Oregon will endorse that priuciple at your coming state elec tion by an overwhelming majority. Yours for woman suffrage, . Isaac N. Sullivan, Justice of the Supreme Court. Boise, Idaho, April 1906. What kind of corn is best for Oregon ? Yellow Dent. Who has it? Zierolf. COMING A. L Ferringtpn the , RUG MAN ; From Albany Thursday. May 3 ist "' If ybu have any' old carpets drop a card 'care genera! deli very, this city, and have him call and make prices. IMPORTANT TO CORVALLIS. . Profit by This and Find Safeguard Aginst Many Ills. Nothing is more important to Corvallis than the good health of her people. How rairtbey fill their place in this busy town Unless they are well? No one trouble is responsible for more nervous ills, sleeplessness, general debil ity, weakness,' back-ache-, rheumatic pains, even ill-temper and peevishness, than indigestion. . , -. Fortunately a combination of reme dies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has been discovered that absolutely cures in digestion' and. restores to health and strength ;the whole digestive system. The use of Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma ny illf; it acts directlyupon the gastric til inds, restores perfect' action to the di irestive ergans, aids the assimilation of i( d, and bo strengthens the whole; rii fsdve system that yon can eat anything at tiny lime without fear of indigestion. Just one little tablet out of a 5O cent t- x of Mi-o-na before meals for a few f and yon will soon regain perfect ) ' dth and strength, and be able to eat h thing digestible withont fear ofstom a '. difficulties. . reliable is Mi-o-na in ruring all f' ins of stomach weakness and troubles li. t Graham & Wells give a signed guar-at- e tha tbe remedy will cost nothing ti. less it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 51) cents si -I is invaluable to any one who suffers with indigestion, nervousness or week tt'jmich. Mr. J. Mon Foo, an ' experiened compounder of Chinese medicine"!, successor to the late Hong Wo Tong, of Albany, Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medi cine to all. The undersigned rec- ommends him and guarantees satis- f . & faction. Call or write him at No. i7. West Second Street, Albany, Ore. Jim Westfall. Ice and ice cream delivered on Sunday any part of the city by Corvallis Creamery Co. Notice of Guardian's Sale Estate. of Real Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 9th day of June, 1906, at tbe hour of two o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of tbe county court house In the city of Corvallis, in Benton countv. state of Oregon, I will ofier I Ior bHle aud seU t0 tne nigfaest bidder tor cash nhnd. all the rtehtL title, interest and estate Archibald Johnson, in and to: An undivided XA interest in and to the following described real estate. to:wIt: Fractional N E of Sec. SO; S EJ. of sec. 19: V ! of don. land claim of Cyn- . thlct E. Johnson, and the heirs at law of John Feichter. deceased. Not. No. 2171, claim No. 54 Fractional N K of sec. 28; fractional S of sec. 21; also, beginning at the quarter Bection corner between sections 19 and '20, and run thence 8. with section line 49.62 chains to claim line of claim No. 54; thence with said claim line toU W corner of said claim NO. 54. thenee north 23 69 chains to where center line passes through section 20; thence west 518 chains to beglunine; also, beginning at N W corner of John t. lortr donation land claim, and run thence S. 27 03 chains: thence . 73 chains to the state road: thence i olio wine alonir state road N 4 deg. 30 min. E. 27.08 chains ; thence W.75 cnains to Diace oi oeeinnine. ah ot tne above situ ate, being and lying in township 13 South, Bange o west oi tne t uiamene m eriaian in isenton county. Oreeon. Said sale is made under and in pursuance of a license and order of Bale made by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, on May 10, 1906, In the matter of the guardian ship of Archibald Johnson, an insane person, authorizing, licensing and empowering Cyntbia E. Johnson: as guardian of baid Archibald John son, insane, to sell the above described real es tate at pubile auction to the highest bidder for cash in nand, and to dispose of the proceeds in the manner prescribed by law, Dated this May 11, 1906. 0YHTH1A E. JOHNSON. Guardian of said Archibald Johnson. SUMMER ' Monmouth State june 27 10 Aug. 7th aud Aug. 13 to continuation of Normal instruction and spe il attention to Pjimary Me- thods with model oupil classc. . - Faculty of over Tw-nty Instructors Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted college and public school educators. Tuition 1st Term $7.50 2nd $5. For catalog, summer school cicolar or other information write Pres. E. D. Ressler, Monmouth. Oregon. Rememtier Blackledge is Here We have just received 45TMaI lable Iron Beds, all prices, from $2 90 up. One thousand yards Matting, just in. New wall Paper just received. Lower than any house in Benton county The newjfolding Go-Cartsare here. JAP-A-LAC gFor Floors, Woodwork, etc. We don't have time to change ourjads every week, but . we sell goods to beat the band. ;. i Dont buy until you"see our large stock of House Furnish ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer. Remember Blackledge is Here 1 The Gem Cigar Store All Leading Brands of. Key West and Domestic Cigars Whist and Poolroom. Jack Milne, prop. $8 Leather For every dollars worth of goods purchased at my store yon will get a ticket entitling you to a chance in the drawing for an elegant suit case, the more tickets,. the more chances. Drawing to take place at my store at 4 p. m. Saturday June 9th. The cheapest store in town to by clothing and mens furnishings. A. K. ROSS Corvallis, ;': Hand Cream Separators. Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay ments. Several different makes. Write yourJname and address below and send to Independence Creamery Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information about the dairy industry. Name Address . B. The We are not inclined writing advertisements and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION 6. B. SCHOOL - - . Normal School. Sept. 7th. First six weeks devoted 1 Suit Case Oregon. ftornind. Grocer to spend much time in we prefer to let our goods Horning ' 0. V Galloway of Yamhill County Democratic Nominee for Representative in Congreaf. BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative tanking "business. Loan money ou approved ptcu- .' rity. Drafts bought and sold and mooey trautferred to the principal cities of (he Unitsd States, Eu rope and foreign countries. DR. E, E. JACKSON ,. . . Veterinary Surgeon O&ce Winegar & Snows Barn Office Phone Ind 328 " " Bell 441 Resident " Ind 389 H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postofBce. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12a.m., 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be eft at Graham & - ham's drug store. J. FRED TATES ATTORKhl-AT-LAW. Zierolf Building1. Onlv Set Abstract Books in Benton County B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon -Office, room 14, BanK BldsJ. Honrsi lO to la and a to A. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. ! G. r. farra; Physician & Surgeon, Office a? -iciiriii B irajr.t 3-ik idence oa til jitter i 'lil.in Seventht. c 1 i: i . . i WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking . Company Corvalus, Oregon Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND I Tho Bant SEATTLE f California TAOOMA I NEW YORK Afeaar.. J. :. Mr(tan A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of Tne Repub lic. LONDON, ENG.-N M Rothschilds A Sons ! CANADA. Unlet- Rank of Canada Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Trains Daily 2 Denver, LincolD, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four daily trains between Portland and Seattle PulTrann ! !'' class sleepitig cars. Pullman Tourist slett'1' cars. Dining cars night and day. Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park B-mte via. Liv iDgstnn aud Gardiner Mont., the government otiicial entrance to the Park. Park season June 1st to September 20th. See Europe if you will bHt see America first. 8'art right, fcee Yellowstone Rational Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland The famous Northern Pacific book can be had xor the asking; or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Coart Lsmlted" the Only Electric Lighted Modnrn Train from Port land to the East. The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison street, corner Third ; A. D. Carlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent Portland, Or,