The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 22, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
There is no position in the coun
ty of more concern to the people
than the office of county judge. In
the person of E. E. Wilson, the
people have a candidate who will
square with the most exacting
standard. He is in the vigor - of
manhood, being 37 years of age. It
was because of his known fitness
for the position that he was urged
by persons of all political parties to
become a candidate' One of his
best recommendations for the place
is his recognized capacity as a busi
ness man. He owns and manages
a farm of 400 acres west of Corval
lis, and this year paid into the
county treasury taxes aggregating
the sum of $130.64.. These mat
ters are mentioned merely in illus
tration of the fact that his sub
stantial interests make it certain
that he will have 'a care for the
interests of the other taxpayers of
the county.
. It is his oroeressiveness that is
perhaps his most noteworthy busi
ness trait, andwith this his business
ability,: force and push would be of
infinite value in devising means for
fully developing the public road
system of the county.
In short, Mr. Wilson is a typical
roughly up to the times in probate
law and in no sense dependent on
attorneys to unravel the high places
of the law incident to wills, estates,
guaruiansmps auu nitc iuii italics
of probate court.' He if not a res
ident of the third w?rd in the 1 city
of Corvallis, nor has he ever been
a resident of the city. This means
that the interests of the provinces
of the county outside of the second
and third ward of the city, as well
as thoFe wards will be in safe hands
... ;
as presidiug officer of the commis
sioners court. , With Wilson as
- judge and Paul Dodele as commis
sioner, it will not be a close corpora
ation in the second and third wards
inside the corporate limits of Cor-
; vallis. Sovernor e-enerals at Man
ila governing the outside provinces
may be allrightover in the Philip
pines, but it is not in order among
the sovereign yoemanry of Benton
In conclusion it is but just to
Mr. Wilson to say, that his views
on road and bridge building do not
reach the high ideals of skilled ar-
cnueciure exempunea in - . juage
Woodward's famous i and, fantastic
letter S bridge of some years ago.
Mr. Wil-on never learned ;to 4uild
a bridge so crooked that in crossing
it the leaders in a four-horse team
ate hay out of the hind end of their
wagon before the driver coulJ get
his outfit over-the structure.
No officer that has served Ben
ton county in an official capacity
has been more faithful in the dis
charge of his duties than has Wil
liam Buchanan. He keeps the
treasurers office at the court house;
where it is divorced . from 4 beans,
syrup, bacon and other assets " of
some down town , store, and that is
a reason why he is a most excellent
man for the office. '
The point in the case of Harley
Hall is that he can if elected, use
the salary of the recorder's office to
a most excellent advantage, and
can at the same .time give a com
plete, capable and painstaking dis
charge of his official duties.He is a
genial, straightforward young man,
whom once to know, is to always
regard most kindly."' Give him the
office and heywillgive honest serv
ice in -return. - - - -
For Sale.
. Registered -bulls ' for sale; : one
three year old and . two yearlings.
-Terms; reasonable. - For further par
ticulars inquire of - --- -J.
E. Wyatt,
Corvallis, Oregon.- . , p . .
A Favorite Remedy For Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cores have
maae raamDenains uough iiemedy a favor
ite withChe mothers? of spwill cjifilreti' flf
ouicklv cures their concha and ivilrU n,l r-
vents any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences, it not only ecrio
croup, but when given as soon as the croupy
cough appears will prevent the attack. For
sale by (jraham V Worth iu.
Whereas the Village Improve
ment Society of Corvallis and the
Benton County Citizens ' League
have requested the City Council of
Corvallis to name a day to be set
apart by the citizens of said city to
be devoted to cleaning up the streets,
public grounds, lawns and yards
within the corporate limits of said
city, and
Whereas, by unanimous vote
of the City Council, it was resolved
at a meeting, May 21st that Mon
day the 28th day of May be set
apart as such a day for cleaning up
said city. . By authority of said
Council I hereby designate Monday
the 28th day ot May, 1900, as
cleaning up day and request all
authorities and citizens of tbe town
to devote this day to cleaning up
and beautifying the city.
Alex Rbnnie,
Pres. City Council.
A mass meeting to further the
plans of the above proclamation is
called for Thursday night at City
To Old Comrades.
Park Place, Oregon.
Comrades: V "
The Fifth Annual Reunion of
the Association of Veterans "of 1st
Oregon Cavalry and Infantry Vol
unteers will be held in conjunction
with the State' encampment of the
Grand Army . of the Republic at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on June 21-,
1906. All comrades and their fam
ilies are cordially invited to be pres
ent and participate. '
" W. M. Hillary, Adjutant.
J.:T. Apperson, Commander.
The ladies of . the Coffee Club
are to give a Shirr Waist party oh
Monday evening May 28th. , -
Kenneth I,. Cooper,- a popular
left end on last year's O. A. C foot
ball team-, departed ; Saturday for
Sacramento, California,, to accept a
position with a party of : civil engineers.-.;
. : - .. . .
Waiter Sheasgreen, who- has
been operator at' Albany .for the
past two years has been promoted
to the managership of the Western
Union office at Oregon City, and is
to take charge June 1st. ' : '.
Those who failed to , hear Miss
Anna Shaw at the Congregational
church Wednesday evening missed
a golden opportunity. Miss Shaw
is a fluent speaker with rare mag
netic power . entertaining ' a very
large audience for two hours.
The handsomest baby in Oregon
or Washington. Whose is it? That
is what the Sunday Journalwhich
continues to be the best Sunday pa
per on. the Coast- wants to find
out ; and it is offering valuable
awards in its efforts to do so. ; .This
week's Sunday Journal has the de
tails. Writs to The Journal, Port
land, Oregon, for a free copy, '.
u'oramon Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of varioir
diseases, claim that if catching cold could b
avoided a long list of dangerous ailment
would never be heard of. . Everyone know
that pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, j
aim ail throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered- more serious by each
fresh attack. " Do not risk your life or take
chances when von . have a cold. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will cure it. before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opium,, morphine or other harmful
drug, and has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion. For- sale bv Graham & Wortham,'
- Give the Corvallis Creamery Co.
trial on ice and ice cream.
For Rent. ; ; r
Large rooming house. Partly
furnished. Apply W. S. Whitten.
- Newport, Ore. ;..
Eat Butter-Nut Bread;
Thatcher & Johnson sell it.
Notice Of
Guardian's Sale
of Real
Notice Is hereby given that on Saturdav. tbe 9th
day of June, 190ft, at the hour of two o'clock in
the afternoon ol saia day, at tne iront door 01
tbe county court bouse In the city ot Corvallis
In Benton county, state of Oregon, I will ofler
lor sale ana sen to the hienest Diaaer lor casn
n hand, al 1 the right, title, Interest and estate
of Archibald Johnson. In and to: An undivided
Jt Interest In and to the" following described real
estate, to:wit: fractional ol oi mc. ou
S EKoI sec. 19: W Hot don. land claim of Cyn
thia E. Johnson, andthe heirs at law ol John
Feichter. deceased. Not. Ma 2171. claim No. 64
Fractional N E X of sec. 28; fractional S H of
Bee. 21; alsq, beginning at the quarter section
corner between section 18 and 20, -and . run
thence S. with section line 49.62 chain to claim
llneof claim No. M: thenoe with said -Claim
line to N W corner ot said claim NO. 54. tbenee
north 28 89 chains to where center line passes
through section 20; thence west 6.18 ehalns tot
beginning; also, beginning I at H W corner of j
.uuuu. xuiwr uuukuuu ittuu utaiiu, buu run
tbenee 8. 27 03 chains: thence E. 73 ehalns to
the state road; thence following along state
road N 4 deg. 30 min. E. 27.08 chains ; thenoe W.75
cnains to place oi beginning. All of the above situ
ate, being and lying In township 13 South. Bange
6 vest of the Willamette Mercian In Benton
county, Oregon; - :- - : '
twia Bale is maae under and in pursuance ot a
license ana, order ' of eaM. made by
the county
on countv.
court ot the state of Oregon tor Benton
on May 10,1906, In the matter of the guardian
ship of Archibald Johnsons an. Insane person,
authpllzlng, licensing and empowering Cyntbla
E. Johnson, as guardian of said Archibald John
son, insane, to sell the above described real es
tate at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, and to dispose ot the proceeds la
the manner prescribed by law.
Dated this May 11, 1906.
Guardian of said Archibald Johnson.
Of Insane Man who Died in
,r ; Asylum.
Papers are in preparation for the
appointment of V. A. Vidito as ad
ministrator of the estate of - James
D. Killbury, who died at the asy
lum last March'. Recent disclosures
have rendered necessary the ap
pointment ot an administrator.
Deceased was a brother- of Mrs.
R. S;; Barclay, of? Tidewater, at
whose home he lived for a long time
previous to his commitment. .Kill
bury was always regarded as ec
centric but in eailier- life was quite
prosperous. During his stay with
the Barclays he spoke of having
$3,000 in a San,, -Francisco bank,
but said nothing of -having money
or property elsewhere. His mental
condition was such : that little at
tention was paid to his .Statements
at the time and he was not ques
tioned specifically on ; the subject.
Before going, to make his home
with his sister, Killbury lived for a
long time at Coos Bay, - and since
his death letters of inquiry directed
to Marsh field to ascertain if possible
something further as to the condi
tion of his business affairs. To the
surprise of those interestedj it has
been discovered that Killbury had
in a bank at Marshfield more than
$1,500 and a good note for ; nearly
$100. : These funds are available at
once by the regularly appointed ad
ministrator. ; Discovery of this
money will prompt the investigation
into Killbury's statement that , he
had money in a San Francisco
bank: r .- 7;
-. ' At. the Barclay home . Killbury
left.a quantity of personal effects,
among them a trunk, - which have
not been examined by anyone since
he was sent, to Salem: The Bar:
clays understand that it will be the
business, of ,. the -administrator to
take charge of these. - It is believ
ed that fur ther important disclosure's
will, be made when , the trunk is
opened and contents examined.
The June number ot The Pacific
Monthly, will be extraord'nary in
fact the equivalent of: two. numbers
in one. It will contain1 a most
graphic and complete symposium
contributed by thV best writer?,
business, professional and scientific,
covering the recent appalling events
in San Francisco. ; It will be ready
about May 22 and will be sold on
the news stands at 15" cents per
copy. . ' ' -:-' " ; :
Sawnrll for Sale.
I will sell my ' mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath, Or
egon, consisting ot 100 acres all good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
actes which are under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbuildings all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power, combined. 44
and 50 in. saws, edeer. plainer, saw-dust 1
and slab conveyers,, large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth 3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. i.tJaJl..on or address r :
; ' ,- , , OTIS SKIPION. : -tf.
'.. - 300, Second St, Portland, Or.
For Sale or Trade.
Two good cows, one good Can
ton sulky plow and -five cords of
wood. - - - - -
Wanted,- broadcast seeder, rid
ing corn cultivator, and goats-.
Inquire at -iTimes office.- -
Sharpen Up.
All kinds of grinding and sharp
ening done at M.'M. Long's repair
intern .m . : msa. " '
Blacksmiths, Machinests, Wagonmakers and Horse Shoers
'All' kinds grinding, Oliver chilled plow shares, also
all kinds of machine work done in first-class shape.
Newest and Latest Up-to-date Machinery,
Prices so both can live.
Benton County Boy Suicides
in Albany.
- Johnny Beal, a young man of
years, who was born, and reared
near Wells, : Benton . county, com
mitted suicide in Albany Saturday
night or early Sunday morning by
drowning in-the Willamette river.
The body was recovered Sunday,
after a careful search, B. J. Hecker
finding the remains at the foot of
Mill street. According to report
the young man had been in bad heal
th for some time, and a few months
ago, was obliged to give up his po
sition in the Albany chair factory
on that account. He seemed to
grow worse and spent a sleepless
night of illness Friday night, aris
ing Saturday morning and going
for a walk. He did not return
Saturday and search was finally in
stituted with the result stated.
On the bank of the river Mr. Beal's
nat ana coat were rouna, - witn a
note inside the hat, "Goodbye, "I
love you all. J. D. Beal." When
these significant tokens were dis
covered, dragging the river was at
once begun, and the body recover-,
ed about a block below ' where the
articles were picked up. '
- Johnny Beal was a son of W," A.
Beal of Wells, ; one' of Northern
Benton's best known " farmers. He
was brought up in this county, and
married Miss Jennie Robbins, May
21st. 1902, a daughter in another
well known family tor many years
residents of the vicinity of Wells;
who with a child, survive,
"The funeral was held in '-Albany
at the Robbins home at 2 p. m. yesterday.'-
- "- " c : :-;
A fact that added to the sadness
of the funeral was' that it occurred
on the fourth anniversary of ' the
wedding of - the young couple;
Much sympathy is expressed ; for
all who are bereaved by" the -untimely
passing of the young 'man,'
who had ever led a quiet and ex-;
- : .; Disparene Spray. 1
For fruit trees and shrubbery.
See Montgamery & Newton. Fo
sale by ' ." ' " "
; Thatcher & Johnson.
Go East
at reduced rates. ' The Southern
Pacific company announces reduced
round trip rates to the East for the
season of 1906 as follows:
1 Corvallis to Chicago and return,
$73-95- St. . Louis, , $69.95. Mil
waukie, $72.15: St. Paul and Min
neapolis, $62.45. Sioux City, Coun
cil Bluffs,- Omaha, St. Joseph, At
chinson, Leavenworth and Kansas
City, $62.45. .
Sale dates June 4, 6, 723, 25.
July 2, 3. August ,.7, 8, 9, Sept.
8, 10. ,:. . . ..r
Limit going, 10 days. .
Return limit 90 days but not af
ter Oct. 31st. . " i " , - -
Use Yellow Dent corn for plant
ing. It is the best, 'i Get it at Zie
rolf's. 7
One ' Dollar -Sav'tid 1 Represents ...Uem
Dollars .Eskrnedl
- The average man ioes not save to.exceed
ten per eent. of his earnings. : He must spend
nine dollars in living expenses for every
dollar .saved. That being the case he cSn
not be too careful abent unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars outlay later on. It ia
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Going lushing
Get your Fishing Tackle at
We carry the Famous Bristol Rod. '
Freshly loaded shells for pigeon j
shooting. Repair work, done;
Cool Clothing
for Harm
Remember we are going out of ready tp wear Clothing.
Every Suit, Top coats Ove? coats, a genuine bafgain. Buy
your Spring Suits now and save from $2 to $5 per suit.
Hints tor the
Boned chicken, Chicken & liver, Boned
turkey, Deviled ham,. Veal loaf, Lunch
tongue, Germ an. lunch sausage, ViennB
sausage, .Vienna sausage and sauer krout
!. Chipped beef and bacon in glass jars, .
', -,r , Roast and corned beef, Lobsters, Shrimps,
Oysters Salmon, Sardines, crab and
, clams, Fresh fruits, cakes and crackers,
. Napkins, many pretty patterns to
select from, Paper plates no picnic
baskets complete without paper
i. plates. AH kinds of pickles
, . and olives in the bulk at
Hodes' Grocery
' JMicteiimnier
8ear that looks
cool and feels '
cool fi ' 1
Randsome, stylish
- two piece suits that
have, tbe tone of refine
ment that stamps
them as bigb class
clothes '
Our stock (3 complete
with garments that you
will appvectate and enjoy
during tbe summer
Call and examine tbe
different styles and
patterns: they're
correct in every detail
JVIade .. .
ehoiild see them
For the next 30 days we will close
out all cf these machines at $7. 00;
regular price $9.oo. The Ocean
Wave is a standard machine and
one of the most substantial made
washers on the market.
Now is your opportunity to get
an up-to-date washiDg machine for
a little money. : :
I Cafly.
Lunch Basket.