The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 18, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XlX.-No. 3
B.F. IRVOT Editor
and Proprietor
nn iin iin iw nn na n-jii ' nn nn w
When you want anything in the line of
Clothing come and see our line, get prices. i
iWe - balance our quality and prices defy
competition. JOmjr clothing sales has made
big strides Jn the past few years and this' has
justified a big increase in our buying. jNever
before has our store received such a big ship
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate.
Corvallis, Oregon I
Great Line Mens Fine Shoes.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn Higb : Grade
In fact nothine goes with our coffee but cream, sugar arid
bole agent for
Chase & Sanborn 1
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, .
Knives, Razors, Hammocks, Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store. '
Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop,
All Work Guaranteed.
Ind. Phone 12g.
Corvallis, Oregon.
. If you are looking for some real good bargains" in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write forour
special list, or. come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you ail the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. -
Was Born In Cologne March 2,
1.829 Was Miiieter to Spain
in 186I Foteth Trial .of ,
Caleb Powers. .
NewTork, May 14. Carl Schurz,
author, statesman, revolutionist
.and reiormer, died at biJ home in
'this city at 4:30 o'clock this morn-
ing from' a complication of.dieeapes,
aged 76. , Yesterday afteruoOn Mr.
Schorz sack into a Btate of Coma
and did not regain consciousness.
At the bedside were a toD, Carl L.,
and two daughters, Marianne and
Agatha; Edward L. Pretorins, his
partner, and Dra. Jacob! and
Strauss. ' - ' : ' ;. '
Mr. Schurz was born in Cologne
March 2, 1829. He was educated
at the Gymnasium f Cologne and
the Univereity of Bonn. At Bonn
he published s newspaper and took
part in revolutionary movements
in 1848 and 1849. when he was
forced to leave. He joined the rev
olutionary army and had to flee to
Switzerland. He became a news
paper correspondent in 1851 and
afterdwards a teacher in London.
He married Margaret Meyer- of
Hamburg in July, I852, and emi
grated to the United States, settling
in Watertown, Wisconsin.
He became immediately active in
politics and was defeated for lieu
tenant' governor' of ' Wisconsin in
1857: He was a member of the na
tional - republican convention in
1860 and was made United States
minister to Spain in 1861, resigning
to enter the army, where " he was
appointed" a' brigadier-general in
April, 1862, and a major-general in
looa.-He commanded a division.
at the second battle of Bull Run
and at Unaucellorsville and a corps
at Gtttysbu.g.
Alter the war Mr. Schurz be
came a Washington correspondent
of the New York Tribune. In 1866
be founded the Detroit Post and in
1867 became editor of the. St. Louis
Weetliche Post. He was temporary
chairman of .the national republican
convention in Goicago in 1868.
' Schurz was elected United States
senator frond Missouri from the
term, of I869 to 1875 and was one
of tbe organizers of the literal party
in 1872. He presided over the
convention at Cincinnati which
nominated Horace Greely for Preei
dent; !
in. 100 sjqutz was bacK again
with in republican" party and sup
ported Hayes for president. Upon
the election of the latter Schurz was
made secretary of the interior.
Leaving toe cabintt in 1881, for
the following three years be was
editor of the New York Evening
Post and was one of the leaders of
the independent movement in I884
suppling Grovi-r Cleveland fo
president again in' 1892, in which
year he was dected president of the
national civil service reform league.
As an author Mr. Schurz's prin
cipal works are ."Speeches," "Life
of Henry Clay," "Abraham ? Lin
coln, an Essay," and bisbiography,
now running in McClure's maga
zine. ""' ","
The republican state campaign
opened at Corvallis Tuesday night,
with an unusually large demonstra.
tion. -It" was one of ' the" "largest
political meetings that has been
held in Corvallis in several .years;
Many of the state candidates of the
republican party were present, and
several of them made addresses.
The chief speaker of course, was
Dr. Withycombe, for the launching
of whose campaign the meeting was
especially planned. The presiding
officer was Mr. Westgate, . the ac
complished editor of the Albany
Herald, and state chairman of the
party; Decorations of very fine
artistic mould, with Cecil Cathey
as the artist, was a feature of more
than passing : importance. The
numerical feature of the attendance
was not less conspicuous,' all the
extra chairs provided being filled,
with standing room still at a pre
mium. Many ladies " and college
boys and girls were in the audience
College yells, called for by .the
chairman, added interest to the
proceedings. The firing of anvils
and music by the OAC cadet regi
mental band heralded tbe meeting,
Io tbe great race between tbe float
ing drydock "Dewey," tbe Panama
canal, tbe railroad-rate bill and the
Greene-Gaynor trial, tbe Daweyat
present eeems to have the pole.
Cincinnati, 0.. May 17. Caleb
Powers now in the Newport, Ky..
jail, was yesterday order-d back to
the custody of the Kentucky state
court. Powers will next be arraign
ed for bis fourth trial for complicity
m the murder of William Goebel.
Chicago May 8. At the end of
a weary two-mile walk, Rosy Gold-
bery, 8 years old. laid her l:yeariold
brother down at the county hospit
al yesterday and aeked in broken
English that he be admitted for
treatment. The clerk looked at the
baby face and then at the girl in
wonder. The infant was dead. ,
Rosy' is the daughter of Joseph
Goldbery, a shoemaker, who came
from Russia three months ago. The
girl has been tbe only nurse to two
younger children. Yorke, the baby
was taken with measles and whoop
ing cough, and neighbors at length
prevailed upon the family to have
it taken to the hospital. With the
tew English words at her command
Rosa inquired the way to the coun
ty institution. It lequirad consid
erable explanation to pursuade tbe
girl that tbe baby was past medical
aid and coald not be received.
Then she quietly lifted " ub
body and started for the door,
tending to return with it to
father's house. -The- hospital
thorities with difficulty ' convinced
her this would not dd, and that tbe
body must be taken to the county
morgue. Weeping, she carried the
child to the morgue, ' on the south
part of the group of build lege.
Tamboff, Russia, May 17. Se-
hanoff, a police officer, who partici
pated in the brutal maltreatment of
Maria Splndonovo, was shot and
killed on the street bete today by
an unnown person. . The avengers
of the young revolutionists recently
meted out the same fate at Boris
spgliebsk to Abramoff, the Cossack
officer, who boasted of his cruelty
to her while she was in prison.
- Maria spiridonovo, tbe young
daughter of a Russian general, shot
and killed Chief of Police Luzhein
off-ky, of Tamboff. -She was con
demned to be hanged, but her Ben
tence was commuted to 2O years
imprisonment, Tbe girl was terribly
abused In prison, immediately after
commitlng the crime, by Abramoff
and another Cossack officer, who
are said to have made a loitball of
the beautiful young woman, kick
ing her from one to the other in her
cell until she was unconscious, then
renewing their sport as soon as she
had revived; Oiher and unspeak
able miseries were inflicted, through
all of which the high-spirited' girl
retained her dignity and her stead'
Washington, May 17. Commis
sioner of Corporations Harry A.
Garfield's full report regarding tbe
Standard Oil and railroad relations
was sett to congress by the presi
dent without comment today. The
decument consists of 25,000 words
It presents evidenae of rebating acd
secret rating by which the Stand
ara nas Deen anie to.cruen compe
Garfield in a special letter an
swers the Standard's defense issued
shortly after the publication of tbe
original summary. The report
.sm that the New England roads
were asked by the Stanpard not to
prarate, despite the statement of
Rogers that, the roads were blama
ble and not the Standard.
Charleston News and Courier:
-" English Shire Stallion. -
Imported English Shire stallion
7972 Southill Ranger 18366 will
make the season of 1006 as follows
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days at Abbott barn Corvallis, an
days and Saturdays at MonroeFrd
Mondays at Watkin's place 12,
miles south of Corvallis. .
Southill Ranger ; is a -beautiful
dark dapple bay, 17 1-4 hands high
and weighs 2150 pounds.
Terms: $20 to insure with foal or
25 to insure a living colt. f
' W. C. Belknap,
. ' ' Manager,
Discovered by George Hodees. a
Timber Cruiser Women Sub
- eist on Shell Fish Tells
of Their Delusion
Other News.
Portland, May 16. The Oreeoni-
an says that five women and a tiny
little baby, emaciated, worn out
and ' haggard,; and , with hardly
enough clothing to cover themselves
were discovered last .Saturday on
the beach in the vicinity of Heceta
Head by George Hodges, a timber
cruiser, of Salado, this state,, who
was forcing his was through ' the
rough country to inspect some tim
ber. ' The women had subsisted on
crabB and mussels for days ' and
were in a pitiful plight. Mr. Hodg
es supplied them with some sea bis
cuits and condenBed milk and had
to make bis way to the nearest set
tlement without a bit of food.
The womeh told Hodges that they
had been sent out in tbe wilderness
by "Second Messiah" Creffield, and
while they had heard that he bad
been killed in Seattle, they said
they knew that such was not' the
case,' for know one . but the Lord
could have the power to take his
life. -
"Mr. Hodges arrived in Portland
yesterdayj aad he believes some
thing should be done to rescue the
fanatic women whesa minds have
been turned by the hypnotic influ
ence of the man who a few days ago
was shot down like a dog by young
Mitchell, whose sisters Creffield
had succeeded in bringing into
disgrace. .
These women will starve to
death or expire from exposure,'
said Mr. Hodges. "I found them
in a most inaccessible spot on tbe
beach, and they had nothing to eat
but a few mussels gathered on the
beach. They had two tents, and
bad prepared as best they could to
await the return of Creffield, who,
they said, bad gone to Queen Char
lott s douna to select a place tor a
colony on one of the many islands
there. "Creffield is the Second Mes
siah," they told me, and they would
rather starve to death than disobey
bis instructions. He had told them
to rerrain where they were until
his return, and they retueed every
offer that I made to see them back
to civilization. Four of the women
hail from Corvallis, for I have seen
them ' there, but I cannot recall
their names, , although I think
Fr . nk Hurt's wife is one of them.
"I was cruising timber in the vi
cinity when the women came and
asked me to help raise their tents,
which had been torn down by tbe
the strong winds that sweepinfrom
the ocean. They told me they had
lived in the isolated spot for three
"Creffield certainly 'knsw where
he was going when he took those
women icto the wildernes?, for a
more 8f eluded place could not be
selected. ' It is four miles by the
roughest trail imaginable from the
nearest settlement, and about I4
miles from Waldport, the nearest
town. The people of Waldport re
fused to assist the unfortunate wo
men, and I can see no other fate for
them than starvation unless they
are rescued before many days."
Mr. Hodges expects to return to
Waldport in a couple of .days.
by the Federal statute in each cae .
is imprisonment not to exceed ldf
years and a fine'of not more than .
$1,000, or both fine and imprison
In asking tbat the case be set for
final disposition, United StateaDia
trict Attorney Bristol said that the
motion for a new trial involved
nothing more than law points,
which could be settled at any time.
and be desired the case disposed of
as soon as possible.
lhe case has been pending ever
since the famous 21-count , verdict
was returned nearly two years ago.
and by many has been forgotten.
It was eclipsed by the colossal lamf
fraud trials succeeding it, and was
not called to : ths attention of the
court until District Attorney Bris
tol took action this morning. Tbe
vacancy on the Federal bench waB
in large part responsible for the de
lay. The case was tried before the
late Judge Bellinger;
District - Attorney Bristol this
morning addressed a letter to Geo.
C. Brownell, attorney forMeldrum,
apprising mm of thegfact that-' the
fate of hia client is to be determined
June 8. r '
Hillsboro, Or.. May 16: The re
volver taken from the Farmers' and
Merchants' Bank of Forest Grove,
when that institution -. was robbed
in December la' t, was found Tiurled
beside the railroad track' near this
place yesterday by A'. P Luther, a
farmer, who was plowing on ibe
right of way. ,
Buried with the revolver belong
ing to the bank were found dy Ca
nute caps, skeleton keys, a number
of candles and 56 shells. The lat
ter were of the same size and de
scription as those used in the gun
taken from the home of Carey Sny
der at the time ot the bank robbery.
Mr. Luther bad been working
yesterday on tbe strip of land bord
ering the lin9 of the railroad, and
toward evening his plow 6truck in
to the cached explosives and other '
articles. He reported his discovery
to Sheiiff Connell, who, upon in
vestigation, found tbat the revolver
was the property of the Forest
Grove banking house and had been
missing since the time ef the rob
bery. The theory was advanced at the
time of tbe crime and pursuit that
the robbers bad taken a : northerly
course, and had gone into the sUte
of Washington. . Finding of the
buried Implements and explosives
indicates that the bandits took a
route along the railroad in the di
rection of Hillsboro, which shows
that their course was almost direct
ly east. This ' would indicate tbat
they ' either came to Portland
or, reaching the main line of the
Southern Pacific, went Sauth, hop
ing to reach California.
The story of the alleged kidnap
ping of Carey Soyder in Portland
on Decemter 1, 1905, the night of
the bank robbery at Forest Grove,
is recalled by discovery of the hid
den weapon and ammunition.
He was said to have been eplritt-d
away by two companions, who
drove out of the city. The Forest.
Grove bank was entered that niplt
by robbers, who pried open tne
front door and broke into the vaulia
with dynamite, making theireecape
with toore than $5,000.
Yellow' Dent corn, best of all, at
Zierolf's;; .;': ' ; i -
Ice and ice cream delivered by
the Corvallis Creamery Co. in large'
I or small quantities to any part of
If Jadge Wjlverton imposes the
maximum penalty on Henry Mel
drum, former surveyor-general from
Oregon, he will go to jail with a
sentence of 2I8 years of imprison
ment hanging over his head. If the
court imposes the heaviest fine the
law allows, Meldrum will owe the
government $21,000. Judge Wol
verton this morning set Friday, June
8, as the day which Meldrum will
come before the court for sentence.
A motion for a new trial is pend
ing in the case.
-Meldrum. waB convicted in the
Federal court November I7, 1904,
on an; indictment charging7 him
with forging the names of alleged
applicants for surveys of govern
ment land. 1 The indictment charg
ed him with haying forged fraudu
lent affidavits in 2I instances, and
the jury returned a verdict . finding
him guilty on all 2I counts.
The maximum penalty prescribed
Under direction of the Common Coun
cil of the city of Corvallis, notice is here
by given that a general election will be
held at ihe City Mall, of said city, on
Monday, the 2iat day 01 May A. ., 1900,
from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M.
of said day, for the purpose of electing -the
following officers, viz: Chiet of po
lice, city treHsmer, police judge, one
councilman for the First Ward, one
councilman for the Second Ward and
two couQcilinen for the Third Ward: that
the judges and clerks appointed by the
council to conduct said election are K. a.
Colbert, Caleb Davia and Joseph Yates,
judges ; C. A. Gould and S. L. Hender-
son, Clerks.
Dated at Corvallis. Or., this 4th day of
May, 1906. J. F. YATES.
folice Judge.
underwear at the Ba-
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy. It is kept on hand contin- ,
nally in our home," says W. W. Kearney,
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
settled in the system. , This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. Foe
sale by Graham & Worthiv, ' . .'
the city. r