The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 11, 1906, Image 4

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In Republican State Campaign
It was Fired at Corvallis
The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-,
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
' .Other to be Heard Tomorrow
Jerry Henkle and Water
Committee Agree.
One of the iniunction suits
brought against the mountain wat
er system -is to be dismissed. It is
-the one in which Jerry Henkle of
Philomath, is the plaintiff, and
-which will on the motion of Mr.
HenkJe's attorneys be dismissed
without cost to either, party. Pa
spers to this effect were signed by
Mr. Henkle at a special meeting of
the Water Board held in the coun--cil
chamber Tuesday evening.
The withdrawal of the suit is the
-result of a compromise between Mr.
Henkle and the Water Board. Ne
gotiations between the plaintiff and
the sub-committee of the Board be
: gan several days ago, whenthesub
committee journeyed to Philomath
and tendered Mr. Henkle $700 in
cash as payment for such damages
as he would sustain by the removal
of such water from Rock Creek. The
'-:3noney, which was in currency,
was laid down on the counter in Mr.
Henkle' s store.
The reply 01 Mr. Henkle was
;that he was acting under the di
rection ot his attorneys, and that he
would not accept without consulta
tion with them. That was on Sat
urday, and on Monday Mr. Henkle
'visited Corvallis. He discussed
the matter with various members
-of the Water Board. He
returned home and on Tuesday,
notified the sub-committee of ' his
-determination to accept, and to
have the papers ready to be signed
the same evening.
After the papers were all signed.
Mr, Henkle m-ide a siatement be
-fore the committee saving that the
sum was totally inadequate to pay
the damages he will actually sus
tain by removal of the water. He
felt the water system, however to
be of inestimable vilue not only to
Corvallis but to Philomath. He
felt that it would be wrong to take
-any action that would withhold
this water from the people of Cor
'vallis. .Therefore, he has made a
For Sale.
A few ton of good Vetch Hay.
F. t,. Howe.
Phone 2 Mt. View Line,
best of all, at
Disparene Spr2y,
For fruit trees and shrubbery.
See Montgamery & Newton. For
sale by
Thatcher & Johnson.
kind of
corn is best for
Dent. Who has
riti .Zierolf.
Ice Cream at Campbell's bakery
-and confectionery.
Notice ti Property, Owners.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of au
thority vested In me as police julge of the city
of Ooivallls, and by ordinance 18S. which pass
ed the common council on the Sth day of Janu
ary, 1006, and approved by the mayor on the
9th day of Jamiary, 1906, providing for the im
provement of certain- streets in said city at the
cost of the property abutting upon the same ;
that there Is hereby assessed and levied upon
- each lot or parcel of land herein described, the
: amount set forth as follows:
Lot ten In block two in the county addition to
rsaid city, owned and undivided three-Iourth
thereof by P. M. Eder and an undivided oue
fourth by Bertha Greenberg, proportionate sh are
-$10. i
Lot eleven in block two in the county addition
to said city owned, an undivided three-fourths
Jthereof by P. M. Eder and an undivided oue
lourth by Bertha Greenbers.
3j 12 in block two In the county addition to
-said lty, owned an undivided three-fourths
thereof by P. M. Eder and an undivided one
fourth by Bertha Greenberg.
Lot 6 in block four in Wilkins' addition to the
flity of Corvallis, owned by lida V. Davisson,
proportionate share $21.20.
OjOtJin block four in Wilkins' addition to
satd city, owned bv Llda V. Davisson, propor
tionate share $21.20.
The west one hundred and seven feet of lha
-south fifty feet of block 20 In N. B. & P. Avery's
addition to the city of Corvallis, owned by H. H.
i-Blanchard, proportionate share $22.60.
-Dated April 18, 1906.
- J. T. YATES,
Police Judge,
The republican state campaign
opened at CoTvallis Tuesday night,
wilh an unusually large demonstra
tion.. It was one of the largest
political meetings that has been
held in Corvallis in several years.
Many of the state candidates of the
republican party were present, and
several of them made addresses.
The chief speaker of course, was
Dr. Withycombe. for the launching
of whose campaign the meeting was
especially planned. The presiding
officer was Mr. Westgate, the .ac
complished editor of the Albany
Herald, and state chairman of the
party. Decorations of very fine
artistic mould, with Cecil Cathey
as the artist, was a-feature pf more
than passing importance. The
numerical feature pf the attendance
was not less conspicuous, : all the
extra c airs provided being filled,
with standing room still at a pre
mium. Many ladies and college
boys and girls were in the audience
College yells, called .for, by the
chairman, added interest to the
proceedings. The firing of anvils
and music by the OAC; cadet regi
mental band heralded the meeting,
and music by a quartette composed
of Messrs Fulton,. Cathey, Allen
and Johnson was a feature of the
On the platform were many states
men, local and otherwise. Among
those from abroad, beside the
speakers were State Superintend
ent Ackerman, Judge Eakin of
Eastern Oregon. Editor Hofer of
ths Salem Capital Journal, besides
many Albany and Independence
republicans. The Albany, Salem,
Independence and Dallas people
were brought by special trains,
which carried their passengers home
after, the meeting. Very few re
mained overuniil morning, but.ot
course it was not because Corvallis
is a dry town, the visitors being
republicans. Among local citizens
on the platform were Hon. G. A.
Waggoner, Rev. T. T. Vincent,
Hon. S. L. Kline and Hon. J. O.
The chief address of the evening
was by Dr. Withycombe. At tha
request of the chairman, the audi
ence stood and gave three cheers
for Dr. Withycombe and the whole
republican ticket as the gubernator
ial candidate was introduced. It
was a very pretty reception to Dr
Withycombe, as well as the other
state candidates present.
Speeches were also made by Mr.
Mulkey. the short term candidate
for senator, who declared that his
father and grandfather were origin
al Benton county people and that
when he was receiving the election
returns he tu ned first to see if
Mulkey had been given a good vote
in Benton. His speech was reple-e
with witty remarks, but it had the
misfortune of being too long and
many left the room before and im
mediately after he concluded. The
other speakers were Frank W. Ben
son of Roseburg, candidate for sec
retary of state, and Mr. Hoff, nom
inee for labor commissioner. The
meeting from all standpoints w.s
very creditable, and Bert John
son, George Denman, and the other
local leaders who planned it are en
titled to the thanks of their party,
personal sacrifice, and has accepted
in his opinion, a sum less by $1,000
or more than he would actually be
damaged. This sacrifice, however,
he felt willing to make for the bene
fit of the people of the two towns
' It is to be added, that from the
first, Mr. Henkle has sought to
settle by negotiation, rather than
by suit, the differences between him
and the committee. He began sev
eral months ago to ask for offers
from the Board, and by other means
endeavored to avoid litigation. His
relations with the members of the
committee all along have been cor- j
dial, and it was not unfil after ,a
long period of waiting that he fin
ally brought suit, and not then un
til advised to do so by his attorneys.
There is not the slightest doubt
that in accepting the offer of $700
from the committee, Mr., Henkle
believes firmly that he has made a
large sacrifice in the interest of tne
people of Philomath and Corvallis.
Argument on the Farra ipjunc
tion is to be heard by Judge Harris
at Eugene tomorrow.
The Coming Horse Show
It is np to the farmers now to
show what they will do for the
coming horse show to be held in
Cor vallist jane 1st. Tbecommittee
in charge at a considerable sacrifice
of time and business interests have
completed all preliminary arrange
ments, and the business men have
contributed freely toward the ex
penses of the show. It remains for
the farmeis iq enter their horses
and colts in competition for the
various ptemiums offered in the
pamphlets which will be distributed
within a day or two. -
We believe the farmers will at
tend thoroughly to their end of the
business. Any farmer who is not
interested in good horses this spring
when it takes a millionaire to buy
one must be slow indeed. A mag
nificent showing of horses and colts
can be furnished by Benton and ad
joining counties and not one good
one should be left out. Entries can
be made with Grant Elein. secre
tary, May 16th to 31st.
In addition to the interest dis
played by Benton countv horsemen
it is understood that I,inn county
will be well represented here.
Clydesdales will be shown from the
breeding farm of Hulburt and Mil
ler, and I. Oeling. Mr. Miller
of Albany, has announced his in
tention ot entering a ; number of
Morgan colts, which expert judges
report as very fine and there are
rumors of many, others competing;
About the only criticism that the
committee has had' to meet, is on
account of, confining the show
to horses only. Many .farmers
would like to include sheep, cattle
and other stock. This seemed im
practicable at present on account
of the expense of securing grounds,
buildings, sheds, etc. If sufficient
interest is shown by .the farmers to
warrant the expense a project is
now under consideration to broaden
the scope of the show another sea
son and include all farm animals.
Monmouth State Normal School.
June 27 to Ansr. 7th and Aug. 13' to Sept. 7th.' First sit weeks devoted
to special preparation for County and State Exams. Liist four vcti ks a
continuation of Normal instruction tnd spetiul attention to Trhmaty Me
thods wilh model Dtpil dasfcC
Faculty of over Twenty Instructors
Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted college and public school educators.
Tuition 1st Term $7.50 2nd $5.
For catalog, summer school cicnlar or other information write Pres. E. IX Ressler,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Under direction of the Common Coun
cil of the city of Corvallis, notice is here
by given that a general election will be
held at the City Hall, of said city, on
Monday, the aietday of May A. D., 1906,
from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M.
of said day, for the purpose of electing
the following officers, viz: Chief of po
lice, city treasurer, ponce ludge, one
councilman for the First Ward, one
councilman for the Second Ward and
two councilmen for the Third Ward: that
tie judges aDd clerks appointed by the
council to conduct said election are R. H.
Colbert, Caleb Davis and Joseph Yates,
j'iriges; C. A. Gould and S. L. Hender
son, Clerks.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 4th day of
May, 1906. J. r . YATES
' Police Judge,
Woodmen Picnic
Suver Camp No. 7,332 M. W. of
A. will have their oth annual pic
nic, May 26th at Ridders Grove
near Suver.
Frcfit by This and Find Safeguard
Against Many Ills.
Nothing is more important to Corvallis
i a the good health of her people. How
they fill their place in this busy
10 u unless they are well:'
n'o orre trouble ia responsible for more
ii' vous ills, sleeplessness, general debil
i . weakness, bark-aches, rheumatic
pins, even ill-temper and peevishness,
tb-tn indigestion.
Fortunately a combination of reme-
dies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets,, has
been discovered that absolutely cures in
digestion and restores to health and
strength the whole digestive svstem.-The
use of Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma
ny ills ; it acts directly upon the gastric
elands, restores perfect action to the di
gestive organs, aids the assimilation of
food, and so strengthens the whole di'
gestive system that you can eat anything
at any time without fear ot indigestion.
Just one little tablet out of a 5O cent
box of Mi-o-na bpfore. . meals for a few
days, and you will soon, regain perfect
health and strength, and be able to" eat
anything digestible without fear ofetom
ach difficulties.
So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all
Jbrma of stomach weakness and troubles
that Graham & Wells give a signed guar
antee thai the remedy will cost nothing
unless it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 5O cents
and is invaluable to any one who suffers
with indigestion, nervousness or .; week
stomach. ,
. A 'Favorite Remedy For BaDles.
Its pleasant taste and prompt' cures have
cicade Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favcr
. ite'with Cbe mothers of small children. .1.'
quickly .cures their coughs and colds and prc
' Tents any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences. It not only euro
icroup, hut when given as soon as the cronpy
eough appears will prevent the attack. For
Inoculated Eed Clover Alsike Rape,
Alfalfa, Speltz White clover and Arti
chokes. Land plaster, that will double
the yield. See seed at ' Wellsher &
Gray's store.' - ' ,
1,. Brooks.
ReihenAer Blackledge is Here
3 We have just received 45MaI
lable Iron Beds, all prices,: from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just in. New wall
Paper fjust received, 1PLower
than any house in Benton county
The newfoldingJ.Go-CartsJare
For Floors,' Woodwork, etc.
We'don'thave time to change our ads every week, but
we sell goods to beat the band.
; Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish
ing Goods 4 rooms fulL Acme Washer.
Remember Blackledge is Here
The Gem Cigar Store'
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigafs. Whist and PoolYoom.
Jack Milne, prop. .
$8 Leather Suit Case
For every dollars worth of goods purchased at my store you will
get a ticket entitling you to a chance in the drawing for an elegant
suit case, the more tickets, the more chances. Drawing to take
place at my store at 4 p. m. Saturday June 9th. The cheapest store
in town to by clothing and mens furnishings.
Corvallis, Oregon,
Hand Cream Separators.
, Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay
ments. Several different makes. Write yourjname
and address below and send to Independence Creamery
Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information
about the dairy industry.
Name. v Address
Pift "lied water used in Camp
bell's Soda fountain.
Stsrered for Five Years With Kidney Liver Trouble.
' "I suffered for five years with kidney and
liver trouble, which caused severe pains
across the back and a blinding headache. I
had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I
could not move my bowels without a cathar
tic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets and have been well now
for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strick
land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by
G raham AVWortham. .
Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experiened
compounder of Chinese medicines,
successor to the late Hong Wo
Tong, of Albany, Oregon, is now
prepared to furnish Chinese medi
cine to all. The undersigned rec
ommends him and guarantees satis
faction. ' -
,uaii or write mmvat JNo. 117
West second Street, Albanv, Ore
- Jim Westfall.
' 56 Cents Per Setting -
For eggs. ' Best brown Leghorns.
J. ti. Irvine, Corvallis.
The Grocer ,
Ice and ice cream flelivered on
Sunday any part of the city by
Corvallis Creamery Co. . .
We are not inclined to spend much time
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Horning
C. V Galloway
of Yamhill County
Democratic Nominee for Representative
in Congress.
The First National Bank of Corval
lii, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loan? money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
'money traneferredto tbe principal
cities of the United State?, Eu
rope and foreign countries
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Ind 328
" Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
Office over nostoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & w ham's drug store.
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician & Sttrgeon
Office, room 14, EanK Bldg. Honrsi
IO to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office to -.iir?ii
ideace 01 tn :: 1 ;
Seventh -it. ? u 1 : .
3 trii-.t 3-iVt
r ' IiLiii
. 1 i
Banking Company
Coevallls, Oregon, x
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
SEATTIK f Callforniai
NttW i OK K Messrs. J. p. Korean A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG.-N M Rothschilds & Sons ,'
CANAD A . Cnlcc Rank of Canada
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and the East.
2 Trains Daily 2
Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan
sas City St. Louis and East,
Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman Fir.t class sleeping cars. Pullman
Tourist 8lee(ji 'curs, Dlulug cars night and day,
Observation and Parlot cars.
The reeular Yellowstone Park B-;ute via. Liv
ingston and Gi.rciirer, Mont., tne government
official entrant' t- the Park.
Park season June 1st to September 20tU.
See Eurrpc IT you will btit see America first.
Start right. See Tell; wst-ne Katienal Park
Stature's greatest wi.uilei iA.
Wonderland Th famous Northern Paciflo
book can be had lor the asklr.g or six cents by
The Route cf the "North Coart Lsmlted" the
Only Electric Lighted Modern Train Irom Port
land to the East.
The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison
street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.