LOCAL LOBE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Miss Bertha Portland friends. Davis is visiting Miss Mabel Davis left Saturday for a visit with Portland friends. Alonzo Allen and wife return ed to Portland Monday after an over Sunday visit with relatives. Mrs. George Irvine and little danghter are visiting, Albany relatives. Let's go fishing atHodes' Gun Store. Biggest and most complete line of fishing tackle in town. All kinds of repair work guaranteed. Glen Gillette, for several years' a clerk in the Zierolf grocery store, left Sunday for Hood River, where he hopes to secure employment for the summer. Miss Mabel Sheasgreen has ac cepted a position as telephone oper ator for Crane & Co. in Portland and entered upon her duties last , Wednesday. -,-' The Detective This is a plain case of suicide. The Coroner Howdovou know? The Detect ive Why, here in his hand is the bill for his wife's Easter hat. Mrs. Frank Ketchum, well known in this city, left Albany to " day to take op her residence at North Yakima. A farewell recep tion was tendered her ty tne mem bers of the First Presbyterian church . Among the former Benton county people suffering property losses but escaping unhurt in the San Francisco disaster were, J. W. Martin, a brother of Mrs. A. C. Tunnison of this city and Mrs. Jo sie Kiefer and daughter of Summit. Wool is 25 cents in the local market, and tne market abroad is said by a local dealer to be steady figure. A few small lots are being received and sold at that price. Shearing will begin, if the weather remains warm, in two or three weeks. Harold Strong and family ar rived Saturday from Stanford Um . versity where he has been attending college. Owing to the conditions resulting from the earthquake, school was dismissed until the fall term, but those students who were to have graduated this term were credited for the balance of the time. Mr. Strong has completed his study " ot law. M, M. Davis re from a visit at Mr. and Mrs turned Tuesday Newport. Mrs. John Spangler returned Sunday from an extended visit with her daughter in Oregon City. Merrill Mobres who was high jumper and broad jumper on the O. A. C. track team for several years, I accompanied by bis BACK FROM FRISCO. What Corvallis Men Saw There Not Much Else but Ruins. Countv Judge Watters and S L. Kline are home from San Francisco where they went after the fire. Mr. Kline arrived Saturday and Mr. Waiters Sunday. The latter was sister, THE DATE CHANGED. Attorney I,ee Paget and son of Portland were in Corvallis from Saturday until Monday. During their sojourn they paid a visit to the college, and were greatly inter ested in what they saw there. Sun day morning, Mr. Paget, who is an active member of the Laymen's Association of the M. E. church, spoke at that church in this city. Miss Daisy Harding was host ess at an informal dancing party given at the home of her father three miles north of this city Mon day evening. The guests' were: Miss;s Helen Holgate, Sarah Ja cobs, Carrie Ainslie, Mesdames R. H. Huston, J. O. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiger, C. E. McKel lips, J. E. Andrews, J. A. -Harper and Grant Elgin. Messrs E. E. Wilson, Bowen Lester, F. L- Kent and T. McDevitt. The fourth- relief car from Ben . ton, left the C; & E. station for San Francisco Saturday night. It con sisted of bacon, potatoes, eggs, oats, baled hay and other farm products. Nearly the whole of the car was contributed by Benton farmers. A particular section that was most liberal in donations was the Fair mount and Soap Creek neighbor hoods. About three tons of stuff came from farmers in that locality. There is a new manager of the C & E. railroad, vice T. H. Curtis resigned. He is Guy W. Talbot, recently manager of a rail road at Peoria, Illinois. Mr. Curtis, who has been with the Hammond roads for some time, has resigned to go into business for himself. Mr. Tal bot is to represent the same inter ests, and his appointment to the place is without significance. He is only about 30 years of age, being one of the youngest railroad mana gers in the'eountry. - ' A two manual, pedal pipe or gan has been installed in College chapel yesterday. Prof. Talllandier is bringing this instrument to Cor vallis at his own expense for the purpose of giving one or more public recitals, and the organ is to be used only for concert pmrposes. Prof. Taillandier announces an or gan recital to be given on Friday, May 25tk at 8:30 o'clock. Tickets will be 50 cents each as the expense for getting the instrument is con siderable and the total cost for rental, transportation, insurance, setting up, etc., will be nearly one hundred dollars. The organ is practically new, having been in use only a very few months. Full par ticulars will be given later. er cn the Cornell team. The try out occurred ten days ago, and Mer rill took two jumps, makiDg a rec ord of 21 feetnina inches, and pass ing up the restof the trials while his opponents were . trying to reach his mark, which they failed to do. The inter-state debate between the Washington- State College and O. A, C. teams takes place in college chapel Friday night. The O. A. C. debaters are Mark Weath erford, Miles Belden and Miss Min nie Phillips. The question is "Re solved, that aside from the consti tutionality, this government should support a general income tax." The O. A. C. team has the affirma tive. The Pullman debaters are strong people and a very interesting contest is expected. There is a famine in arsenate of lead in town. Arsenate of of lead is a favorite spray for Cod ling Moth, and everybody wants it. Every drug store in town is out of it, and the statement is that none will be available until the arrival of a car from the East about May 15. Meantime, however, Paris Green will answer all the purposes, ac cording to Prot. Cordley. It was always used until a year or two ago. It is somewhat higher priced, but still is within reach as a couple of cents will buy enough to spray an ordinary tree. The next time for spraying for Codling moth will be from the 20th to the last of June A gang of workmen are mak ing connections incident to the lay ing of mains for the Mountain wa ter distribution system in town. ripe tor the latter purpose is now being turned out at the Tacoma factory, and will begin to arrive shortly, after which it is the under standing that pipe laying will be pushed to the uttermost while the ground is yet in good condition for excavating. Things are at a stand still at the reservoir on acconnt of lack of material. The hearing of the injunction suits is to take place before Judge Harris, in chambers at Eugene, May 10th. Nothing has been heard from the front for several days, but at last accounts a considerable stretch ot pipeline was yet to be laid, and the excavating was in solid rock with slow- progress. Corvallis & Eastern RAILROAD TIME CARD 31 No 2 fcr Yaquina Leaves Albany . .12:45 P m. Leaves Corvallis 1:45 p. m Arrives Yaquina ,. 6:00 p. m No 1 Returning Leaves Yaquina. 6.45 a. m Leaves Corvallis. .11:30 a. m Arrives Albany.'. 12:15 p. m No 3 for Albanj-'Detroit Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 , m Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m No 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit ... 1 :oo p. m Arrive Albany 6:00 p. m No 5 for Albany Leaves Corvallis .6:30 a. m . Arrive Albany.. , ,.. .7:ioa. m No 8 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 7:55 a. m Arrives Corvallis 8:35 a. m No 7 for A lbany Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m No 6 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 7:35 p. m Arrives Corvallis 8:15 p. m No 9 for Albany Leaves Ccrvallis 12:40 p. a Arrives Albany 1 :25 p. m No 10 for Corvallis Leaves Albany. , . 2:30 p. m Arrive Corvallis 3:i0p. m No 11 for Albany, Sunday onlj Leave Corvallis .11:30 a. m Arrive Albany .......... ( .. 12:15 a. m No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only Leaves Albany 12:45 p. in Arrives Corvallis 1:32 p. m Train 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S. P. southbound train. Train 2 connects with S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany, giving direct aer vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a. m. arriving in ample time to rea tbe Breitenbush hot springs the same day Train 4 between Albany and Detroit connects with Eugene local at Albany also with local for Corvallis. a. m. catch train to Train 5 leaves Corvallis at '6:30 arrives at Albany 7; 10 in time to Eugene local for Portland and Detroit. , Tram 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis at 8:00 a. m. after arrival of northbound Eugene locaL Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. m. arrives in Albany in time to connect with local for Eugene and way points. Train 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at 7:35 p. m. after arrival of S. P. lccalfrom Portland.- For further information apply to r, . .. J.-C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt T. Cockrell, agt Albany, H. H. Cronise, agt Corvallis. Miss Mirmi Wntters. who is a trained nurse, and who was in charge of an important cae at the time of the earthquake. The patient had un dergone an operation a short time before and whea the shock came plaster from the ceiling fell all about the room, some of it striking the patient tn the face. Miss Wat ters remained with her charge un til the fire came, and then with an assistant carried her to another place a block away.. Ia a short time the flames drove them to a second move, when they managed to get a conveyance to the Presidio. The same evening Miss Watters nnd her oatient went in a tug to Oakland, where they found a shelter from which they were net again driven. The following day, the patient underwent a second opera tion, and at last accounts was re covering. Mr. Watters says, as do all wbo have been there, that words cannot ponvev an adeauate description of the desolation that the eye sees. when from a vantage point a view of the ruins is obtained, Of the fair citv. nothing is left but occas ional groups of buildings here and there about the outskirts. JSot more than one fourth and possibly not more than a fifth remains standing. The-suffering and hor ror through which the San Fran ciscans passed were such that many of them will leave the place forever unwilling; to hazard the chance of another similar experience. There is an undercurrent of feeling that does not find expression in the newspapers which causes some of those who hear expression of it to doubt it the city will ever rise to anything near its former glory. An epidemic is another possible horror yet to be reckoned with, and fear of it is driving thousands in search of new homes elsewhere. Many of the sewers of the city are dis placed as a result of the earthquake and it will take months to restore the drainage system to a condition of effectiveness. Still another ever-present danger for the time is tne presence of thugs and ghouls, who await every op portunity for pillage and plunder. The act of nature that plunged the city into ruins and the sight of its consequences, seemed to unloose all the ferocity of the underworld, and realizing chat opportunity for murder and robbery was at hand, the bloody hand is everywhere. In the ruins there will be found a great deal of melted gold and "silver and the opportunity to seize . and make off with it is awaited. But for the presence of the soldiery, the scenes of human ferocity would have been more horriblejihan" the devastation by earthquake and flames. A few mistakes by the California state troop3 were made, but they were infinitesmal beside what would have happened had not the mailed hand of the military been held over the city to restrain and deter. Mr, Kline found his house pretty badly wrecked by the earthquake. When he unlocked it, the front door fell in. It was hung on un usually heavy binges, and these were broken by the shock. A door to the basement would not open be cause the structure had settled some what eskewv The house was sit uated 10 blocks trora the nearest fire line. "It is everywhere ruins, ruins, ruins," said Mr. Kline. '"No picture can be painted so desolate. The one redeeming feature is that the survival of the Call building shows that structures can be built that, will withstand both earthquake and fire, and that is the best hope for a new city of San Francisco. Though 22 stories high, the Call building with its steel frame and stone walls intact stands as majestic as ever, having been, of course, gutted by the flames. Across the street the Mutual Savings bank building, 12 stories, also stands as a monument of the ability of man to build quake proof and fire-proof structures." For Philomath Meeting Also Corvallis Hon. Charles Galloway. The date for the meeting Charles Galloway is to hold at Philomath and Corvallis has been changed. Mr. Galloway - is the democratic candidate for congress. He is a young man of rare ability. He graduated seven years ago. at the State University, an!.. Las since been engaged in farming. He was to have delivered an address, at Philomath next Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, and at Corvallis the same evening. The date- has been changed to next Monday, on which day he will speak at three o'clock and at Corvallis the same evening at eight o'clock. He is well wonh hearing, aud those who fail to attend will mis a frank, open, free, gentlemanly discussion of th; living quSt:o s .hat vittll concern the" public and private weal. A Shoe Lesson! That will teach you how to make your fee . ft el at 1 o:ne em bodied in eveiy pair of DEAD HORSE THERE. Is in the Stream Short Distance up Mary's River Farmer Tells of it. A farmer in town yesterday brought the unwelcome information that there is a dead horse in Mary's river at a point two or three miles above its junction with the Wil lamette. The farmer says tne car cass has been there several weeks and that it is badly swollen. The decomposition is so great that it is very offensive to those who pass along the road in the vicinity, it ought to be somebody's business to go up there and remove tne carcass from the stream, as well as to bury it. The streams are now getting toward their low stage and it is wrone for the drainage from this putrid carcass 4o be flowing into the local water pipes and thence in to homes for domestic use. The incident? ought, by all means to suggest the withdrawal of the injunction suits against the. moun tain water system and the substitu tion in place of them suits for dam age by those who will be damaged by the taking of water from Rock Creek. In suits for damage, both plaintiffs in the injunction cases have a complete remedy, without a resort to injunction proceedings. With dead .horse carcasses contam inating the present Vc1irce of water supply, it wduld look like all's Vnol? desire a hastening of the hour when from Rock Creek, beyond the point where there is possibility of contam ination, pure, cold water might be brought for Corvallis reonl What if this dead horse had died with glanders, a horrible disease. cannM of transmission to man ? Ralston Health Shoes When you put on Ralstons you can feel sure 301ve done the best fur your feet ia point of both t'omfort nd ttvle. ! Ralfton shoes are built on a structural principle worked out from a close study of the foot as nature made it. D d you 3ver notice how the firm close-packed sarjd of a smooth sea beach supports and fits every part of the foot? t Ralston Health Shoes fit that way. Come in and try on a pair. S. L. KLINE The People's Store. Established 1864. ' . Corvallis, Oregon Wool and Wash Dress Fabrics Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash Dress Goods has arrived. . All colors, weights h and weaves , at prices that will tempt all. New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool aud Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown, Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes. light Blue, New Dress Linens m Green White, Gray, and Navy. For Sale or Trade. Two good cows, one good Can ton sulky' plow and five cords of wood. - Wanted, broadcast seeder, rid ing corn cultivator, and goats. Inquire at Times office. "Aunt Jerusha's Quilting Par ty" is the title of a play to be gtv en early in June by the Indies Aid society of the Presbyterian church. Give the Corvallis Creamery Co. trial on ice and ice cream. For Sale., A few ton of good Vetch Hay. F. I,. Howe. Phone 2 Mt. View Line; Corvallis. Imported Black Percheron Stallion. 55296 Potache 4 0064 Will make the season of 1006 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Eotache was winner of 1st prize at St. Iouis Fair; 1st at American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1st at Government Show in France; also International Live Stock show at Chicago 1904. Mares trom a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms $25 to insure. T. K.Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon. Supervisors Claims. Following is the claims of super visors filed for 1 st quarter, 1906. H. M. Fleming Sup. Dist. 2 Si t 71 jonn trice " W. M. Clark " "8 A. Cadwalader ' " 0 R. Fehler ' ' 11 A. M. Gray " " 22 W. P. McGee " "10 Unless objections are filed to al lowance of above accounts, the County Court will allow same at the May term of said court, 1906. Published by order of County Court. . Victor P, Moses, County Clerk. Dated April 1 8, 1906. New Wliite Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods New assortment embroidered waist patterns New veluets, collars and hlti Remember w . give 5 percent discount; orr ali Casix Purchases. Highest Price for Country Produce. F. L. MILLER Moses Brothers You will always find us up and and our prices leasonable. coming 10 00 5 00 15 00 11 25 5 00 21 25 BMItth TI Kind You Haw Always BougS For Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and children, hats, caps underwear, every day and Sunday shirts, ladies skirts, mens and boys suita Also a Fine Line of Groceries crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery department. Look Out for Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will fird ; there is something donig Ices and Creams We are now prepared to provide the public with Ices Water Ices, creams, Sherberts, and everything in this line. Special Fancy Orders For soeial functions solicited. We cate. to the public and guarantee the best at reasonable prices, you want anything in our line remember us. Our own special free delivery to any part c' large or mnalU P Corvallis Creamery "Company. whole When he city 1