The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 01, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Transmission Wire Completed
and Current Turned on.
Most of the newspapers in
the state profess to believe that
the new orimarv election law has
been demonstrated to be a howling
success. Perhaps it has, though
some of the results tend to discredit
that view. It has certainly demon
strated that personal fitnessand mer
it are not so valuable assets in se
curing a nomination as are organ
ization and dollars. It is notorious
that on nominating day, the farm
ing population was largely at sea on
the question of what candidates to
support. The same conditions,
in perhaps a less degree, was not
ably true of urban electors. It was
then and there that the organizption
promoted by use of money in secur
ing workers at the polls and other
wise had a tellmgeffect. This
luxury the less wealthy candidate
could not afford. In more than
one instance on state offices the
lack of it is believed to have chang
ed the result.
Analysis of the primary campaign
and its outcome shows beyond
.question that it cost every candi
date a large sum of money, that the
man who spent the least money
-was handicapped, that there will
always be times and instances
"where the nomination will depend
on the amount of money spent,
that on the whole money is a better
asset for getting a nomination than
is merit, and that the boss, through
his superior organization, ran prob
ably accomplish more in controlling
' the outcome than he did under the
convention system. The state is
- to an expense of many thousands
. of dollars, and as far as can be seen
the tickets are no better,, though
probably no worse than would have
been evolved by conventions. That
the law from a partisan standpoint
is a good thing for the democrats
is crtain. J. n at it will remain in
: effect is entirely likely, because
having once felt the new nominal
ing power, the electors will not be
willing to give it up.
The wheels at the electric light
plant stood still last night. They
are not not to run anymore in Cor
vallis. rney nave been in service
in supplying Corvallis with light
for something like twenty years,
but their usefulness here is ended
In a few days, the work of dis
mantling them will begin, after
which they will be shipped to Sea
side, where the work laid down by
them here is to be taken up there. I
The changed conditions are due
to the fact that .Corvallis electric
lights are now made by power
rom the Santiam ditch. A -new
generator was recently installed in
the Albany plant for the Corvallis
service, and a transmission line has
been under construction for several
weeks. It was connected up yes
terday noon, and the current was
turned on at one o clock in the af
ternoon. The lights were all on
thronghout the afternoon in order to
give the electricians opportunity to
djust things. The transmission
wire brings in a voltage ot 2,200
while the plants voltage was only
,100 which made readjustments
necessary, tiven wun precautions,
half a dozen arc lights in the south
ern and central portion of town
were burned out. They will all be
repaired and in service tomorrow
The transmission wire consists ot
three aluminum cables of seven
strands each. One wire is at the
top of the pole and the other two
are at either end of a five foot cross
arm three feet below. The usual
transmission wire is of copper, but
copper is 28 cents a pound now
30 miles of cable at that figure
comes high and the aluminum is
resorted to. The latter answers all
purposes, but permits a larger loss
of current m the process of trans
mission. As soon as transformers
and switchboards arrive, 10,000
volts of current will be brought ov
er the transmission wire into Cor
vallis. That will mean for every
body to keep hands off for it would
be instant death to touch a live
wire carrying 10,000 voltage
Will try to Grow Them at
Yaquina Shipment Receiv
ed for that Purpose. .
voltage of only 1,700 is.
electrocuting criminals.
used in
They say the primary election
law is a good thing. Undoubtedly
those who put up the job that de
feated William Jolly for the nom
ination think so. He is a good
man and had lots of friends who
wanted him renominated, but the
jobbers knew the trick by which to
let him down and didn't hesitate
to spring the trap.
In the same way they took vote
from Hawley and gave them to
former democrat to such an extent
that a man actually born and reared
within its limits scarcely got a plur
ality of the votes of the county.
As to the others who got railroaded
our of nomination by the combine,
each probably knows in what part
of the neck he got the axe, and
just what was the influence that
put it there.
If the primary law were given a
fair trial and voters were left frea
t act on their own information,
as the framers of the law contem
plated, it would doubtless work all
right. It would then give a fair
test of the party sentiment. But.
when by secret agreement, as was
the case in Benton, certain candi
dates agree to stand by each other
to down others, and when good men
are sacrificed by tricks of jugglery
and jobbery, the law cannot be said
to be universally satisfactory; Ex
perience here has demonstrated that
it is as easy to be unfair under its
operation as under the convention
system. . .
Suffered, for Fire Tear 'With Ridnaj
and Liver Trouble.
"I suffered for five years with kidney and
liver trouble, which caused severe pains
across the back and a bunding neadacne.
had dyspepsia and was so constipated that
could not move my bowels without a cathar
lie I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets and have been well now
for six months," says Mr. Arthur 8. Stride
land, of Chattanooga, Teas, For sale by
Grahaa A-Wartaasa.
Creffield Said to Have Disap
peared Followers Leav
ing Waldport.
M. M. Davis is planting Japanese
oysters in Yaquina Bay for experi
ment. Thirty boxes of the bi
valves, eacn dox weighing 250
pounds, passed over the C. & -E
Saturday, and were planted in the
Davis beds near Oysterville the
same evening. The oysters are of
large size, measuring from four to
1 inches in length and four to five
inches in width and are two years
old and over. They came from a
remote part of Japan, and two weeks
after being packed in the. boxes,
reached Yokohama, where they
were immediately transferred to the
steamer Nicomedia and brought to
Portland. The Japanese oysters,
says the Albany Herald, like those
native of the Pacific Coast, live and
multiply in cold water where the
Eastern oysters cannot increase.
Many of the oysters in the boxes
re dead owing to the long time
they had been out of water. When
ordered by Dr. Davis the instruc
tions were to take them from the
beds to ..Yokohama, there to be
placed in the water over one steam
er so as to revive them after being
out of water for two weeks before
they were shipped across the Pa
cific. But this order was ignored
and the oysters on arrival in Yoko
hama were immediately placed on
the Nicomedia;. . hence when the
shipment reached here yesterday
many of the oysters, especially the
large ones, were dead. Dr. Davis
was here to tranship them and - ac
companied the shipmentto the bay,
Dr.. Davis and associates have for
several years shipped out Eastern
oysters to Yaquina Bay in carload
ots and planted them on their ex
tensive oyster beds, and these are
naw beginning to be profitable to
them, but thus far there is no sign
of propagation ot the Eastern . bi
valves thus transplanted, owing
doubtless, to the cold water of the
Pacific. More of the Eastern oyster
seed will be sent out however, and
rthe supply be kept up in this way
for the present. Another ' carload
nom Narragansett Bay is now being
loaded and will reach Yaquina in
sbout two weeks to be planted in
the beds of Dr. Davis.
The oysters planted ; two years
ago will be ready for the market
next winter, and it is expected that
a large part of the trade of this
part of the state will be supplied
from Yaquina when the beds there
begin to produce the Eastern oysters
in quantities as expected. These
Eastern oysters planted in Yaquina
cay, while they grow to as large a
size in the East, take on the pecu
liarly rich flavor of the native oysters
and are a great improvement on the
genuine Eastern oyster, and for
that reason very much more palat
able. It is expected that When the
Eastern bivalve is once placed on
the market in large quantities
will be the most valued of all
bivalves to be found.
Notice of Sheriffs SK
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an execution, decree, and order of sale Is
sued out 01 we circuit court OI toe state of Ore
gon, for the county of Benton, bearing date ot
April 24, iwb, under tne seal or said court on a
decree and order ot sale tn favor ot J H Moore
ana against Lyle Im l. Howe lor the sum of ,
831.00, with interest thereon at the rate of ( per
cent per anuum from the date of said Judg
ment, aud the further sum of $350.00 attorneys
tees, and the further sum of $37.50 costs, less the
sum of S1.0C0 00 paid on said Judgment on the
6th day of July, 1905, which said decree was duly
entered in said court on the fith day ot July,
1905, and duly docketed on the 6th day of July,
1905, in a suit wherein I H Moore was plaintiff,
and Lyle L L Howe was delendant; said decree,
execution and order ot sale to me directed and
delivered, commanding me as sheriff of Benton
county, Oregon, to sell In the manner provided
by law for the sale of real pioperty on execution,
all cf the following descriDed real property, to
wlt: The orieiual D. L. C. of Jacob Modie and
Raohnel Mcclie, his wile, being claim No. 16,
Not. No. 2678 In rection 26. 7 S." and 34 in T. 10
S. K. 5 West, Will. Mer., containing 319.90 ocres
more or les, excepting 10 acres sold by Jacob
Modie to Sil:is M. Jones on the 5th day of august
1S58, by deed recorded on page 111 Book "E," re
cords of deedR, of Benton county, Oroeon. also
excepting therefrom 24.75 acres sold by Jacob
flionieto John Burns on the 30th day of May,
167, by deed recorded on page 616, Book "G,"
rcaords of deeds for Bunton county, Oregon.! Al
so the original D. L. . of Willinm M. Garrigna,
to-wit: Commencing on the 8 W rnrnernf olnlm
No. 46 of Jacob Modie and wile in T 10, S R 5 W,
Will. Mer., thence running 8. to the Hue divid
ing secuon il iast and West, thence Eust about
ib3 rods thence North 80 rods, thence E. 80 rods
hence N. 80 rods, thence W. about 12 rods,
thence S. about 27 rods to the 8. E. corner of
BHld claim No. 46, thence W. to the place ot be
ginning, containing 160 acres more or less. Also
iuc luuuwiug, to-wit: xne e wu me a. ;
the W H of the S E H, and the S E 4 of the N W
i of section 35: and the SEJol the S E of
tnuuD,IlllDI iu b k o west, will. Mer,
containing 200 acres more or Jess, excepting
irom toe last above tract one acre sold by J ri
Spring Styles for Young Lien.
Moore and Elizabeth, his wife, to school Dlstric t
No. Si, Benton county, Oregon, on -the 26th day
or April, 1900, by deed recorded on page 308, of
Book 37, lecord of deeds for Benton county, Ore
gon. All the above described land lying and
being situated in Benton county, state of Ore
gon, and amounting to 634.16 acres, more or less,
together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appertaining; and in obe-
uiente io tne commands ot saiu decree, execu
tion and order of sale, 1 will, on Saturday, the
26th day of Hay, 1806. at the hour of two o'clock
P. M., sell at public auction at the couit house
door, In the city of Corvallis, In Benton county.
uregon, to tne nignest Diaaer lor casn in nana,
an tne rignr, title, estate ana interest oi saiu de
fendant in and to said above described real
premises, to satisfy said decree, execution, and
costs and accruing costs, as in said decree, exe
cution and order of sale specified.
m. r. DUKflEi'll,
Sheriff of Benton county, Oregon.
Not'ce of Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue
of an execution isrued out of the circuit court ot
the state of Oregon, for the county of Benton.
under the seal of said court, bearing date of
April 24, 1906, on a judgment in lavor of J. K,
Smith, plaintiff, and against The Corvallis and
Benton County Prune Company, a corporation,
defendants, for the sum oft 2,867. bO, with Inter
est at the rate of 6 per cent ner annum, from the
20th day of Drcember 1905, and for the costs and
Disbursements, taxed at 1,500, which judgment
was renaerea ana aocaetea in said corut on tne
20th day ot December, 1905. in a certain action
wherein the said J. B. Smith was plaintiff and
Tne uorvauis ana senton county i-rune com
pany, a corporation, was defendant, said execu
tion to me directed, commanding me that out
oi tne personal property ot tne said defendants,
The Corvallis and Benton County Piune Com
pany, a con oration, pn 1 if snmt lent cannot be
ound then out of the i oal property of the said
defendant I satisfy said torn of money. Now,
therefore, in pursuant j of the commands ot said
execution, I have levied upon the following de-
scriDea real property oeiongmg to me said de
fendant, to-wit: Nof Donation Land Claim
no. 40, raotincaiion bo. jbuu, xowasnip n, soma
Range t West, In Benton coilnty, Oregon,) con
taining 320 acres, except 164 39 acres sold to E A
Thayer, and on Saturday the Z6th day of May
ivuo. at me nonroi one o'cioca m. oi haio dav
last aforesaid, at the courthouse door, in the
jiy oi uorvaiiis. in nentonr ceumy. Oregon. I
will sell at public auction, to the highest M lder,
tor cash In hand, all the right, title. Interest
and claim of sail defendant. In and to the said
aoove aescriDea premises, togetner witn ail ana
lingular tne nereaitaments. tenements and I aa
purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise
appertaining, to satisfy said judgment, costs,
and accruing costs.
a. r. HOistri,
Sheriff ot Benton County, Oregon.
There are signs that the Creffleld
campingpropositioa at Waldport has
miscarried. Two of those who
started for the rendezvous recently
arrived in Corvallis yesterday, and
a third passed out to Albany on
today's train. Creffidd himself, is
said to have been two or three
days at the camp and he then dis
appeared and has not since been
seen. The belief is that all the
others will within a short time, re
turn to their homes, and that Cref-
! field will go "elsewhere to carry put
nis devilish enterprise.
People familiar with the situation
are convinced that the residents of
the vicinity of the camp turned out
to be hostile totheundetaking, and
through fear of bodily harm, Cref
field abandoned his plans. Mrs.
Starr who deserted a seven months
baby and another small child in
Portland Saturday to join theparty
is said to be in Alsea. She arrived
here Sunday and is supposed to
have traveledmost of the way to Al
seaon foot. A story of her desertion
of her home and children appears
in last night's Portland Journal.
Creffield tells his dupes now that
he cursed San Francisco and that
is why the western metropolis is in
ruins, and that he has a similar
curse on Portland and Corvallis.
The redeeming feature of the
primary law is Statement Number
I. In principle, it is right, and in
the end, if Oregon voters are what
they ought to be, it will triumph.
Its first time in practice may have
its drawbacks, but there is only one
Bourne and probably he will not be
on hand to fret and fresco voters in
the next election. Then it will be
Charles Fulton, and those who now
condemn Statement Number i,
will extol it to the heavens.
CHOLiEKA infantum.
Child Not Expected to Live from One
Hoar to Another, bat Cared by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Buth, the little daughter of . X. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va, wag seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Bemedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before 'she had taken the half of ene small
bottle she was well." This remedy it fes sale
by Graham & Wortbam: .
Ice and ice cream delivered by
the Corvallis Creamery Co. in large
or small quantities to any part of
the city.
For Sale.
Vetch and Cheat and Clover hay.
White seed oats.
Also one fine M. B. torn. - .
T. A. Logsden.
Ind. phone 55, Mt. View line.
underwear at the Ba
Notice to &efUor.
Norlee is hereby aiven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed the administratrix of
we estate 01 viuton ti. wans, deceased, oytne
county court of tna State of Oregon for Benton
c-juuiy, ana nas quaunea as ancD administra
trix. All persona having claim against said
estate ara required to p esent 'he same duly
verified to the undersigned, at the office of W. 8.
KcPaddea in the First National. Bank building,
Corvallis, said county, within eix months iiom
Administratrix of lhe.etate of Clifton 6. Watts,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it may con'
cern, that the undersigned was on the 6th day of
April, 1906, duly appointed by the county court
of Benton counly. Oregon, as administrator of
the estate of J. H. Patty, deceased, and all per
sons navtng claims against said estate win pre
sent the same duly verlned as required by law
to the undersigned at Eugene, Oregon.
Sated, Apil) 6, 1906.
Administrator of the Estate of J, H. Patty, 'de-
- Oak wood, stove lengths,
at Saw Mill Co.
Ice and ice cream delivered on
Sunday any part ef the city by
Corvallis Creamery Co.
Eat Butter-Nut 'Bread.
Thatcher & Johnson sell it.
English Shire Stallion.
Imported English Shire stallion
7972 Southill Ranger 18366 -will
make the season of 1906 as follows:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days at Abbott barn Corvallis, an
days and Saturdays at Monroe Frd
Mondays at Watkin's place 12,
miles south of Corvallis.
Southill Ranger is a beautiful
dark dapple bay, 171-4 hands high
and weighs 2150 pounds.
Terms: $20 to insure with foal or
$25 to insure a living colt.
W. C. Belknap,
lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by rheuma
tism of the muscles and may be cured by
applying ChamberlainV Pain Balm two or
three times a day and rubbing the parts
vigorously at each application. If this does
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow; For sale by
Graham A Wortham.
If you are going
to paint, get the
t" house pjmnt
- For Sale by
Graham & Wells
Use Yellow Dent corn for plant
ing. It is the best. Get it at Zie
SawmU for Sale.
I will sell my mill property located
4 i-2 miles southwest of Philomath, Or
egon, coBBietiiig of 160 acres all good
sepond and old growth fir, excepting is
aclea which are under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbuildings all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 In. sawn, edger. plainer, saw-dust
and slab conveyers, large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth. $3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf. 309, Second St, Portland, Or. -
Remember we swe goieg out of ready to wear Clothing.
Every Suit in the house a bargain.
Buy (EaitrHy
We have a very nice assortment
of Dining Chairs and Rockers,
Don't allow the choicest bargains
to slip away before buying. Come
in today and look them over. A
mong our second hand goods we
have the following, some of which
may be just what you are 'looking
for, Saws, Axes, Safes, Cupboards
Tables, Jars, Couches, Ice Cream
Freezers, Ladies Bicycles, Barrel
Churns, Grindstones and Sickle
Buy early as there's a bargain in these goods.
HoHerg I Caiy.
There are no better than the best
The flour that stands the test,
Pare quality, appearance grand,
So surely, White Crest brand.
Good Bread
Delicious Pastrv
Fahcy Cakes, Etc.
So easiy made 'with White Crest
the flour of excellence, so good
you always want more, order a
sack today, 105 cents per sack.
Times Job office for the
Anything from a calling card to
a one-sheet poster. Color work
done right.