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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1906)
VI i AJWlFDS? HA. PRIMARY ELECTION ff What nKeBfbnFtires Were Dr. Withycombe for - -'; Governor; " 'J-! The primaries Saturday, resulted in th'e oomtnat! n on the republi can ticket of Cke for senator. Dr. Withycjmbe for governor, Hiw;ey for congjew in thU tjis'ritt.iienSan for Shi rrtary of stated t) Xtii tey ' f ir pr'nter and probiVily Steel fortreas urtr. O 1 the Benton county repub lican ticket, the balloting resulted in fie nomination of Johnt-on for penator, CrW for representative, Wood ward, judge; Suiiih cotumie Bione'; Vincent, clerk; Peil, sheriff; and H irton for treasurer. One of the tfinarkablH iocidenteof the vot ing is that Biurne ca'rled Bsnton county with a handsome maj rity. Another surprise is that George Sfi b'at William Jolly for com missioner. Comment oyer fcoth propositiocs ie very kee amoDg tbe rnpubl cn?. Jo'ly ai.d his col leagues in the county have given Beuton one of the best administra tions in her history. Under the cir cumstances,, the turning; i dowa of M'. Jolly aod tUe friend j who urp ed his candidacy ia as Kg asurprii-e a tbe giving of the county to Bourne. In th comment on the fact, it U" freely declared thutit was tbe result of a combination among some of the candidates, aid their friendirwhetherSjua or not, theysNagasaki, which is dec!arTfrati Woodward andipmitb and piiifeaWy pDthe caudidatB pj$ ed issues for the purpose ofhrow-' ine down their oDDonentg. Smith. it is remembered jwasjWdw3ri road master n tne latter a rormer -'tertoaa couutyijaclge. Smith had a good draw down in the job, and -Woodward perpetuated him in it. As soon' as Jolly went Into offictTnp the ships side, to her deck. The r-Smith waa let aut.andjthe roadmas I tership brought toTTspeTer; I perpetual end. How far the job af- I fected theyote lot Belknap war ub, 11 sea ;u, is uui jr ,m but it is freely decb jrtcf by jltjadiofc f republicans that Hawl y lost many ! votes by reason of the secret agree nient and the getting .up of the vote that resulted. "There was a bigj b in JoTlv'ij defeat." said a well- kcowo republican yesterday. "The voters had no idea what it was un- ' fil I- na t rr lata nf fltem voted without an understanding of the situation. If tha democrats will tame a good man lor commissioner, he willbe elic ed, for ex-Roadmaoter S oitn is not the man for-the plac-." Oa tbe ttite ticket, tha demotr- 8 narrfd Gillowiy lor congressman over C cbran, that being the only office in which there was a contest., Oa tho county ticktt there were n con'eMs and the men hitherto an . nouned er the candidates. The -. fff rt cow among the unterriified is to fill out t e ticket. The lepubli can are dibsatisfied with several nominations and: are anxious for the vacant places on the demociat iet ticket to be filled out. Oae inci dnt ot the voting is that E. E. Wilson, though declining the place, was honored with the votes of more than one-third of the democrats for county judg9. An enormous amount of pressure is being brought on him by members of both partiee of the county, urging him to accept the pi ce. r The republican vote in the prim aries wae: U. S. serator, Malkey 569. U. S. senator, Bourne 251, Cake 173, l,oweil zue, smitn m, Wat son 57. CoDgreseman, Hawlev 346,JbIus' ton 312, Tooze 139. Uovernor, Jjrown zg, lieer 62, Johns 35, Sehlbrede 5, Withycombe 660. Secretary of Etate, Beneon 24?, Gatch 438, Pearce 3, Wrightman 46. State treasurer, Ai kin 80, Carter 314, Hoyt lo6, Jennings 65, Ryan , 92, Steele I4 5. Supreme judge, Eakin 673. ' Attorney-general, Crawford 553, Durham 174. Supt. instruction, Ackerman 689. State printer, Clarke 105, ' Duni way 449, Whitney 214. Labor commissioner, Hoff 66q. Circuit judge, Harris 576. State senator, Belknap 296, John sen 443. u State Representative, Carter 37o, Edwards 359. County judge, Irvine 131, Wil liams 166, Woodward 449. Sheriff, Peil 64 1. County clerk. Vincent 689. County recorder, Crawford 326, Newton 384. County treasurer, Horton 599. Commissioner, Jolly 286, Smith 43J. ' A Favorite Remedy Fop Babies. : , Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy a favcr ite with tie mothers of small children. I, quickly cures their coughs and colds and pre vents any ; danger, of pneumonia or other serious consequences.,. It : not oniy ecn. croup, but when given as soon as the cronpy congh appears will prevent Jhe attack. . for sale by Graham & Wbrtham.' " STUDXXNG SPANISH f con $riu0J r o tg :.ia ge 2 consideration. Horses are almost unknown, the wagons are all drawn fay Karid' and' 'the , tourists .;ride:l in jicrikiba, plso drawn by men. We sailed from Yokohama the following noon and the next day arrived at Kobe. TheIghts here were much the same as in J Yoko hama and Tokio VJe y stopped heifetwo days and I went-,, inland sorpl distance-and, gained a' general ideaipf the rural districts r -f " , f V,. FAMOUS INLAND SEA. f Re gmbarking at Kobe, we pass ed thrbugh '.what is universally conceded to be the most magnificent sheet of water in the .world with a length, of about 240 miles.' - This is a nin! and sea,-whose clear shallow water and beautiful little; islands decked mtb shrines and njihiature temples js a. sight not soon to be fo gotte$$Je chaiinel in? places will nardlyipefmit; the passing of two sbipw;'Th2 sea I is j studded with islands of evry conceivable shape and size from the!- barren rock standing up afone tp large islands artistically terraced from the water's edge tot .thef summit, and all under the hlgfhes cultiva tion. StfSff WAGES NINE CEfere A DAY. The following morning we made noted, chiefly .,as a great paling staupn. A unique specticle pecuiHaf to Naga saki alrJheTTSthe method f;icoaHng ships. As soon as the steamer ja&ancbjoredj she f was surrounded b'y lighters oPalf kinds, sizes and shapes, loaded jlown with coal, men, women and 'childrt Sfagiiig was then built from the lighters, men were sent below in the steam- oria the-coalT-wiiile the women formed in lines and passed it umkislittle baskets holdineabout fbf;p)Si.nd4' fi& I torotn the jbalkeXf downj asJsoohf a f they are emptied whefeuponf r-the children gathered them up and assisted in I refilling them. So rapidly did this human elevator w0rkthat-i2,ooo tons of coal were put aboard and stowed in about eight hours. For this the women are paid about 9 cents a day, and the men receive from 12 to 13 cents. . ' SAILING INTO MANILA BAY. 1 A few hours here' gave me ample time to visit the temples and some of the most famous idols, and I was ready to depart to a country where che stars and stripes could be seen again. Although I only spent a week in Japan I do not think that I will ever desire to visit the em pire fgain - One's -ideas are . so highly built upon what he expects to see that he naturally feels that he has' been "humbugged" after- visiting the islands. Perhaps an American expects too much of an oriental people, but ore must be his own judge. . . : "v ' That evening Feb. 3rd, we left Nagasaki and proceeded south, and Feb. 7 found us coasting along the island of Tuzon. At 2 p. m. we entered Manila Bay, and at four o'clock were in the city of Manila, thus bidding adieu to the S. S Coptic which was done without many regrets. We of the constabulary, will be kept here in the city until July get ting acquainted with our duties and mastering the . Spanish lan guage, and then will be sent out to our various posts. The . constab ulary consists of about 325 commis sioned officers and 5 ,000 ' native soldiers. The companies are scat tered at different, points where needed throughout the entire Ar chipelago. In addition to the training and instruction for our men we will have a great deal of civil and" political work of an : im portant character and must be pre pared to take the field and our du ties in suppressing brigandage in volves at times field work- of : the greatest difficulty and danger. .,,,1 ; 1 I will not comment upon the at titude and temperment of : the- na tives at this time, and I have- al ready occupied more space than I intended. - ' L,ikut. F. A. Williams; . ; Philippine Constabulary, ; , Manila, P. I. , I,ost or Stolen. Black horse, white spot in center of forehead, four white feet, scar on left fore foot Left my premises Tuesday night. . Send or telephone information to -; . ; - 1 , . ! R. I. Taylor, ir,- Corvallis. Good for " Stomach Trouble " and 'Constipation. -t t .. -."Chamberlain's Stomach. and Liver Tab lets .have done me a great deal of good,'?, says C Towns, of Eat - iPortage, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild -physic,- the - after effects are not unpleasant, and I can tfecom mend them to' alf. who' strffef from stomach disord.J,vt'or8aieiby raham & Wortham z-ll iAmoatitsxchjarciA Counts Tcea.iurer,Buchanan is ready to'dlsburse amdng" supervis ors ihs funds to which eachdistrict is entitled.; The amount -on hand for each is as follows:.: in v.::-f ': stai..; District No. ";r?:- . $ 1 6j 65 u i, I65 98 iSl l'l ; - 83 s? :: 12668 ' 175 47 164 25 0 i 58 88 98 55 "7 27 .301 02 238 57 ft: 151. II c 157 1.5 . 188 12 i 89 30 - 177 59 v 0 : 70 86 1 ;ti6 15 14207 :.-f. 191 93 ITJ 108 12 151:6$ 49 1.23:56 't 2 -3 v, -4 5 : 6 7 ;, : 8 ; 9 r.IO II. ' 12 13 :i4i, ! l-z .16 -17 :: rl8 190: 20 ', ! 21 . 22 ; 24 ' :lr. V. Stockholdefs off Cbfyallis Indepen id 1o s ent Telephdne Cp- l Notice , is hereby givert-'that the annual meeting pf the stockholders of the Cofvallis f Independent Tele phone Company hwill be held' at' the office of : the 1 company ' in:Jlierolf building ' ,in Oprvallis,iJ Orefeonj on Wednesday, the oth'.' ; day' of May, "1906; atthis''hotir ' of eight oVlock in; the e, evening of ' 1 said day for the purpose of electihg-'directorsor the 'ettjuft'g year;' and the" ff anacfibn 6f such'rc4her-bnslriess gaHy: come before the neetini - Robert JohnsbifPsecretat'y Corvallis, Gfego&y3 cf miisl A ; '' April 1906?' -' w mof; ; IMPORTANT TO CORyALLIS. Profit by- This "and i Find Sa feguard Ag inst Mny Ills. Nothing is more important toCorvallis than the gotfd health of her people. How can they fill their place in this busy town nnless they are well? - ' ) :; No one trouble ia responsible for more nervous ills, sleeplessness, general debil ity, weakness,' back-aches, rheumatic pains, even ill-temper and peevishness, than indigestion.;; . ic ' - i-; - Fortunately. -a combination of reme dits, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has been discovered that absolutely cures in digestion and restores to health and strength the whole digestive sts'em.-The use of Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma ny ills, ; it acts directly upon the', gastric elands, restores perfect action to tiie -di gestive organs, aids the assimilation of tonrt, and so strengthens ttie whole di gestive system that you.can eat anything at aiy time without fear of indigest ion, . Just one little tablet out of a jo. cent box of Mi-o-na before meals for -a few day, and you will -soon regain perfect healih 8nd strength, and be able to eat am thing digestible withont fear ofstom-at-;-ilifflculties. ' .,' S 1 reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all fot of stomach weakness and troubles Craham & Wells give a signed guar- thai the remedy will cost nothing s it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 50 cents is invaluable to any one who suffers indigestion, nervousness or week i ich. . I ocnlated Rer1 Clover AUike Rape, Al: fa, Speltz White clover' and Arti-cb- kes. ' Land plaster, will double tht yield. See seed at Wellsher & Gray's store. , . - r L. L. Brooks. Ice Cream at Campbell's bakery and confectionery. County Prohibition Convention. The Prohibitionists of Benton county , are hereby notified that their , convention , to nominate a ticket for the coming June election will be held in the college chapel of Philomath, the 28th inst,, beginning at 2:15 p. nr. , . -. , . ... . .-. ,-, - - . - The,, registered . Prohibitionists present will constitute , the legal con vention and entitled to all the privi leges thereof ;.. and all other persons who are in . favor of dissolving the pari nership-between the State and the,, saloon ; - will , be accorded the courtesies of the convention. . ; ..,;.E 4-.;-t ' Henry Sheak -, -. County Chairman.- -Philomath, Ore., April 23, 1906. r 5vCent8 Per Setting 't j' -For eggs. Best brown Iyghorne. : ' ! I. B. Irvine, Corvallis. Common Colds arc the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. , -Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of Various diseases, claim that-if catching cold could b avoided, a long, list of dangerous ailment would never be heard of. , Everyone know that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and . rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when .you -have a cold., phamber lain's Cough, Kemedy will cure, it before these) diseases : develop. .This, remedy cod. tains no opium, morphine) pr , other harmful drug, and has .thiry.years.pfxepntatiflnback of 4 V gained by i ta cunjs under every condi tion. For sale by Qnafeapii Wrtift;i in2; tmg 25cia shoe, ' New; shoes. a prsc. I ; . No 6 and Qver,$2';j' I J A li C W o R Kl jS" :: : 0 r-jrg received 45MaI-, , lable ton Bedsf fall , prices,, ' from i $2 90 tip.:! Ohe t thousand yards" I ;;Matting, just 'mJ;;Nsw wall -. Paper x i list received. T; r Xower I ; man any house in ISenton! county here.: 'ss siolsd tjvsn-1 Jed u-xf nil J. .no: 03 boos 02 as a 00 1 ; ! J j ui ( j.j iUii.UiibC :(!(! -i.-.-r ft 1 . We don t have, time to change , r , we sell goods to beat! the'bahd -H qoi:Vd .up fCioDac bed oaw ?n ij mo'-I ; -laq-sdj -rquooo o) A . tM .tvh1v v-DoxA buy untiIyousee ou,lareestGckiof House Furriisih-1; ,Pepij&te till vd vrn-c oiffiO srsi 'io issisb srfj ;o trtii .srij rrrtfJiW .1 l0i!!3": 5dTHE'GrMCmif Store bf- L nil T n 3 j! tr L ir 4!. .... . . . . mi seeming Diaiius 01 iey vvesi, jinu .''1 ; (Jack1 Milne, prop. This GIotKing and First we buy our clothing from the factory, wo get - : the same prices as the city stores. - ; : Second it costs us about one-tenth asmach to ran our "store -as" the -city ones and we save you that differ r T ence which'ij from $2 to $6 per suit. ; " ,.f ; ; ;j , -Third we have the best makes of ready-to-wear fclo-; ' thing, .ec-iiec .-o z,i5vl ,K .'i h;s . ,c-;;f .k , A. K. : Corvallis Hand Cream Separators. Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay ments. Several different makes. Write yourname and address below and send to Independence Creamery Independence, Oregon; for particulars and , information about the dairy industry. ...... Name Address . B. Iioming, j- : The, Grocer :o o. j a .We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements--we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION B. Bortifng wod knee hitting, tinterfermg,; j f - IamenessJ irnTreatmenl-1 '' witliout extra fcharge. nf I I R ST,. C LASS. ...V. "t -'-I :-l it-'l our ads every week,-; butr "Here o ?a 25Sn0aZ v;5rra:. ijomesuc cigars, wnist and foot room. J; is the Besti Shoa tore RUSS ItH" : ,1:' Oregon. iagtiil sal bad ait fJorrriiCS.. -"' J 'ill j 3 1C j 'U i fOl 0V)J,r SI3J-J bun ,S13- - '-:S Tbe First National B ink bT CorYat uiift Oregon, ' Irangftcts'' a general cdneervafive F asking "TytisribesB. -Lioa n taoney-oo-approvBi eoca ;:titj. D.afts bough t, and sold.-and - u tnooey trag(ei;re d tq tbe principal cities of the United StateevfiEo ..' rope and foreign couotrief-. , - - DR.E.E. JACKSON if s-y . .qr; Jia l ; Veterinary Surgeon i r. Office Winegar & Snows 'Barn Office Phone Ind 328 fl"::'ln - r( Bel! 44t - Resident " Ind 389 E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY A 7 LAW. H. S. PERNOT, ? Physician' & Surgeon ' ' ; --!-ur'-r -:; Office over postoiBce. , Residence Oar. Fifth and Jefferson streets.' ' Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & ' v -ham's drag store. pVEii T. IK I? W TjrTYT ET TTlT!IB n!. vjiWrfiML f fit Wl . m.-. w?; .j . ZierdlfiBuilding.a- Owy Set Abstract Boots In Benton County ' " '"Ir1 r-,-,-1 c.t -j r..,.,. : - 'vv i , : otqr.ciaa bed asi IbbS rtniis? -ir.aff B. A; CATHEY . i.-J l.c-.O atntfi io 3Jior ?rh n !---:; rali-rf 3713 . wince, rMm l4i BaaK .BU;, Hooni hops.jbftM 8V " Residence 351. S5yn Bryson,: Physician & Surgeon, Office a? stiirj i i B in ; B -ick ' -idence oa ttu cjtisr jf vli luiI C Seventh-it.: Pi-te i i i . 1 1 WILLAMETTE VALLEY i . - - ; Banking Company Cobtalus, Okbgoh ' . ... ResponsibiiUy, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic , :rc::t i:.- - Exchange. ; :;T Bays County City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. lot 8JUT FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8KATTI.E TAOOMA The Bank o California NEW YORK Messrs. ,T f Mora-nn A Ca CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lto. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds & Sons CANAD 4. Unlet" Rank of Canada Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 ; Daluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul . - and the East. ; 2 Trains Daily 2. Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dully trafns between Portland and Seattle Pullman First class sleepihg cars; Pullman Tourist sleeping oars, Bluing cars night and day, Observation and Parlor cars. . '. The regular Yellowstone Park B-utei via., Liv ingston aud Ctardiner, Mont., the -government otlicial entrance to the Park. -' i u ... Park season June 1st to September 20 th..- See Europe if you will but see America first. Scan rieht See Yellowstone National Park Xature's greatest wonderland. - -' : Wonderland 'The famous Korthern Paciflo book can be had tor the asking or six cents bv mail. :.!:,-...... rv.i The Route ot the "North Ooart tsmlted" the Only Electric Lighted Modom Train from Port land to the Kast. The ticket r nice at Portland la at 2o5 Morrison street, corm r i-n ri ; A. n . Carlton, Assistant General Pasiener Agent, Portland, Or, Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in His House. . ' "We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. It is kept on hand contin ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cared in much less time than after it has become .settled in the system, .j This remedy is also without a peer , for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse; , or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy, is kept at hand, for sale by Graham & Wortham; '"