LOCAL LORE. SEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Ites of Public Interest. A ttUgram from Mr. Emery to 'Vhis HHier, Mrs. Lelia Vtiderbuot, ot Salinn. stUes that her husband' brick building in tbatcity was bad ly wrecked by the earthquake, bit none af :he fim ly ii jurtd. Presbyterian church, M. S. ' usti castot. Bib'e school 10 a. m, werehip 11 uj., t-.ul.j-c, "A Si lent God." C. E. meeting 7 p. in. ia the eveniug at 8 the Easter can tata wiil be repeated. -TheCirvallis Ice and Ice Cream Company, began the manoiacture ofiueihis moruiog, and it ih the purpose to run steadily frm now oq through h3 season. Congrfgatioul church, morning permon, 'An Argument for the Im mortality of Everv Ulan." Even ing sermon, "A Folih Husband, and a Wise Wife." or "The Aliau who enjoyed Protection, but Refus--ed to Pay Hia Taxes," The bist of .music t the services and common 3ion at Plymouth at 3 o'clock. George M, Cornwall, proprie tor of The Lumberman, gave the Totes a pleasant call Fridv. The periodical of which Mr. Corn well is the guiding hand ia published for 'sthe lumbering interests of the coast ,an4 it fills the field with remarka ble euccees. A Grand Entertainment. The Dixie Jubilee Concert Com-jparry-, said to be the greatefct aggre gation of colored talentever brought together. This is Lyceum T leut and in correction with 5 Beaureaux This company will give a concert in the Presbyterian church under -Tthe auepices of the Ladies Aid So--ciety. Concert begins at 8. Tickets "35 .and 50 cents; on sale at Graham v& Wortham'sdiug store now. Watch ior the posters. The concert takes pl&oe the 25th of this month. In Memory of Mrs John Diy. iHigh place to the soul of the dead, From the die m of the worid the has gone, Oa the star in her glory to tread, To be bright in the blaze of the throne. In youth she wes lovely; and Time, When be rose with the cypress he twined, Xeft the heart ail the warmth of its prime, Left her eye all the light of her mind. The summons came forth and she died! Yet her parting was gentle, for those Whom she loved mingled tears at her side, Mer death was the mourner's cepose. Our weakness rnay weep o'er her bier, ' t But her spirit has gone on tie wing To triumph for agony here, To rejoice in the joy of its King, t ' A Friend. At Belief ountain. E. W. Howard and wife have re turned from St. Louis, where they have been taking a course in medi-' -cine. The Bruce baseball team organ ized last Sunday. Robbert Dennis, who was raised in our midst, but is now a resident of McCloud, Calif., h reported as ; suffering with cancerof thestomach, J3"red and Fay Porter are back llrom Southern Oregon. tHrass and grain Icok well in this 'vicinity. The Bellfquntain band will give a free entertainment Saturday, April 21st, at the hall. The fol io wirg program will be rendered. Bind concert at 8 P. M. ; opening address, J. H. Edmonds; music, or chestra; monologue, Mr. and Mrs. Rlcpard; violin s lo, F. T. Thomp Eon; rradirg C. E. Banton; music, orcbellra; rcitation, Alice Reader; . 6oio, Mabtl Hibbs; black face com--edy, Bane Bros.; Eong, McCloekey Broe. monologue, Solda Howard; i-aud F. Williams; music, orchestra; .reading, Edith Budkingham; reci tation, Bertha Coon; Solo, Mrs. J. H. Edwards;: recitation, D. V. Gragg; music, orchestra. All are cordially invited. " A Subscriber. PACTS IN NATURE. Hot Only Do Wo Set Inspiration Fxoxs Nature, Bat Eoaita as "Well. For poot)!r! who are run-down and nerv ous, who sufiV-r from iniiinstion or dys pepsia, headaeho. buioiisiifs. or torpid liver, coated tongue vitii biu.-r taste in the morning and. poor : !etitc, it be comes necessary to turn to sorw tonic or stren-thener which v.iil assist Nature and lielp them to rret on their fert and put t!ie body into its proper condition. It is becoming more Etid more ;pp:ircnt that Nature's raot vulunble health - giving agents are to be found i:i forest plants and roots. Nearly forty years afro, Dr. It.V. Pierce, now consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y.. discovered that by scientifically extracting and ecmbi:!i;ff certain medici nal principles from native roots, taken from our American forests, lie could pro duce a medicine which was", marvelously efficient in curing cares of blood disorder and liver and stomach trouble as well as nmuy ot'.ier chrouij, or lingering ail-ment3- This concentrated extract of Nature's vitality ho named "Golden Med ical Discovery." It purine.; the blood by putting the stomach and liver into healthy condition, thereby helping the digestion and assimilation of food which feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak stomach, indigestion, torpid liver, or bil iousness, and kindred derangements. If you havo coated tongue, with bitter or bad taste in the morning, frequent headaches, feel v;alc, easily tired, stitches or pain in side, back gives out easily and acnes, belching of rras, constipation, or irregular bowels, feel flashes of heat al ternating with chilly sensations or kin dred symptoms,, they point to derange ment of your stomach, liver and kidneys, which the "Golden Medical Discovery" will correct more speedily and perma nently than any other known agent. Con tains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed in plain Eng lish on wrapper. The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make a little more profit. He gains; you lose. Accept no sub stitute for "Golden Medical Discovery.'' Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative; two or three are cathartic For Sale. Black Spanish eggs at $1.00 per setting. Apply at the ice factory oh 3rd street. Disparene Spray. For fruit trees and shrubbery See Monteramery & Newton. For sale by Thatcher & Johnson. Lost or Stolen. Black horse, white spot in center of forehead, four white feet, scar on lett tore toot. . J,elt my premises Tuesday night. . Send or telephone information to R. L. Taylor, Corvallis. Imported Black Percheron Stallion. 55296 Potache 0064 Will make the season of 1906 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Potache was winner of 1st prize at St. Louis. Fair; 1st at American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1 st at Government Show in France; alsol international Live Stock show at Chicago 1904. -Mares from a oistance will be furnished rt,t class pasture. Terms $25 to insure. . T. K. Fawcett, Corvallis, Oregon. Not'ce ti Property Owners. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of au thority vested la me as ioHee judge ot the city ot Coivsllls, and by oidiaance 38s. which pass ed the common council on the Stn day ot Janu ary, 1906. and approveciby the mayor on the 9th day of January, 1906, providing for the im provement of certain utreets In Said city at the cost ot the property abutting upon the same ; that there is hereby assessed and levied upon each lot or parcel of land heiein described, the amount set lorth as follows: Lot ten In block two in the county addition to said citv, owned and undivided three-fourth thereof by P. M. Eder and an undivided one fourth by Bertha Greenberg, proportionate share $10. Lot eleven in block two in the county addition to said city owned, an undivided three-fourths thereof by P. 51. Eder and an i undivided one lourth by Bertha Greenberg. Lot 12 in block two iu the county addition to said city, owned an undivided three-fourths thereof by P M. Eder and an undivided oue fjurth by Bertha Greenberg. Lot 6 in block four in Wilkins' addition to the city of Corvalll3, owned by Lida V. Davisson, proportionate share $21.20. Lot 7 in block four in Wilklns' addition- to said citv, owned bv Li la V. Davissoli, propor tionate share $21.20. The west one hundred and seven feet of the south fifty feet of block 20 iu N. B. & P. Avery's addition to the city of Corvallis, owned by S. H. Blanchard, proportionate share S22.60. Dated April IS, 190i). . " . J. F. YATES, Police Judge. Notice of Guardian's Ssle Estate. V of Real Notice is hereby given that on Friday, theilth day of May, 1906, aj the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon .ofaid day, at the front door of tbe county court house in the city ot Corvallis, in Benton county, state of Oregon, I will ofler for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title. Interest and estate of Archibald Johnson, in and to; An undivided 54 interest in and to the following described real estate, to:wit: Fractional N E of Sec. SO; S E of sec. 19; W s2 of don. land claim of Cyn thia tS. Johnson, and the heirs at law of John Feichter, deceased, Not. No. 2171, claim No. 51; Fractional N i of aec. 28; fractional S of sec. 21; also, beginning at the quarter section corner between sections 19 and 20, and run thence S. with section line 49.02 chalne to claim line of claim No. 54; thence with said claim line to N W corner of said claim NO. 54. thenee north 23 69 chains to where center Hue passes through section 20 ; thence west 5.18 chains to beginning; also, beginning at N W corner of John E. Porter donation land claim, and run thence S. 27 03 chains: thence E. 73 chains to the state road; thence lollowlng along state road N 4 deg. SO min. E. 27.08 chains ; thence W.75 chains to place of beginning. All of the above situ ate, being and lying in township 13 South. Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. In Benton county, Oregon. Said eale is made under and in pursuance of a license and order of sale made by the county court ol the state of Oregon tor Benton county, on April 7, 1006, In the matter of the guardian ship of Archibald Johnson, an insane person, authorizing, licensing and empowering Cynthia E. Johnson: as guardian of said Archibald John son, insane, to sell the above described real es tate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, and to dispose ol the proceeds in the manner prescribed by law, - Dated this March 13, 1900. CYNTHIA E. JOHNSON. Guardian of said Archibald Johnson. IMPORTANT TO CORVALLIS. Profit by This ani Find Safeguard Ag inst H ny Ills. Nothing is more important to Corvallis than the pood heahh of her people. How rail tbev fill their place in this busy town unlei-s they are well? No one trouble is responsible for more nervous ill?, sleeplessness general debil ity, weakness back-aches, rheumatic pains, even ill-temper and peevishness, than indigestion. Fortunately a combination of reme dies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has neen discovered that absolutely cures in digestion and restores to health and strength the whole digestive sv stem. The use ot Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma ny illb ; it acts directly uuon the FastHc uLtiids, restores perfect, action to the di gestive organs, aids the assimilation of lood, ana so strengthens the whple di gestive system that you can eat anything at any lime without fear of indigestion. Just one little tablet out of a jQ cent box of Mi-o-na" b-fore me&ls for" a few days, and you will soon regain perfect health and strength, and be able to eat anything digestible withont fear of stom ach dirhcu I tiee. So reliable is Mi-o-na in ' curing all forms of stomach weakness and troubles that Graham & Wells give a signed zuar- antee tha,i he remedy will coal nothing unless it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 50 cents and is invaluable to any one who suffers with indigestion, nervousness or week stomach. 5 1 Cent Per Setting For tggs. Beet brown Lpgborns. T- B. Irvine, Corvallis. For Sale. Vetch and Cheat and Clover hay. White seed oats. Also one -fine M. B. torn. T; A. Logsden. Ind. phone 55, Mt. View line. V Proclamation, Whereas, the secretarv of state of . the state ot Oregon, has notified me in writ ing that pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An Act making effective the initiative and referendum pi ovisions of Section i of Article IV of the Constitu tion of the state ot Oregon, and regulat ing elections thereunder, and providing penalties tor violations ot pro visions ot tnis act," approved February 24, 1903, the Oregon State Orange dulv filed in this office on February 3d, 1906, an initiative petition containing 7 648 signatures properly at tached to a copy of said measure, certi fied in accordance with law, demandiug th-t a proposed law, the title, tenor and effect of which is hereinafter particularly set forth, stall be submitted to the legal voters of the state of Oregon for their ap proval or rejection at the general election to he held in said state on tne 4th day of June, being the first Monday in June, ior 6. Now, therefore, I. George E. Chamber lain, governor ot tne state ot Oregon, in obedience to the provisions of sa'd act hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby make and issue this proclamation to the people of the state of Oregon, announc ing that the said Oregon Grange has filed said initiative petition iih the requisite numbei of signatures thereto attached dpmanding that there shall be submitted to the legal voters of the stute of Oregon for their approval or rejection at the reg ular election to be held on the 4th day of June, 19:6, said day be'ng the first Monday in ! aid month, r bill to propoe by initiative petition a bill entitled "A bill to propose by initiative petition a law to provide additional revenue for state pur poses ; to levy a license on the gross earnings of Sleeping car companies, Re fii jerator car companies and 0:1 compa nies: defining a Sleeping car company, a K -frigerator car company and an Oilcom- ny within the meaning of this ac'; de nning the manner of ascertaining the a 1. uunt of such gross receipts, providing - oenalty for violating the provisions of i act." the tei.or and effect of which i . -irief is : First. To require every Sleeping, car inpany, Refrigerator car company and 1 1 company to pay in addition to taxes I, w provided for by law, a license of three V centum npon the gross earnings of s .. h companies, annually, to the treasur er -'f the state. ' Second. To particularly define each of said companiesv included within, the terms of said act. Third. To provide the manner of as certaining the amount of such gross re ceipts by requiring the proper officers of such companies, as particularly mention tioned in said bill, to transmit to the . state treasurer on or before the 1st day ofMarch' of each year a statement imder oath of the gross receipts of such compa nies from business transacted within the state during the .preceding, vear ending December 31st, and giving in such state ment information as to the name of the firm, company, business or corporation; the nature of the business transacted by it; the location -of its principal office and under what laws it ia organized, and whom, if any one, it represents, and in certain cases provided by the bill whose wares it handles; the name, address and place of residence of the proprietor, chief othcer or managing agent of the business or company in the state of Oregon; a de tailed statement of the real estate owned by the firm or company 'in the state of Oregon, where situated and the value thereof as assessed for taxation. Fourth. To provide for the payment of ten per centum additional to said li cense lees in case of a failure to make the statement or to pay the license required to be made or paid by the terms of said act, ?ndto provide the method of collec tion thereof. Fifth. To provide that if any officer of any company or corporation or otherper sou mentioned in said bill shall fail, re fuse or neglect to make and file the an nual statement therein required to be made for thirty days after the 1st day of March in each year, on conviction there of he shall be punished by a fine of not less than 500.00 nor more than $1,000, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both fine and impris onment in the discretion of the court, and making it the duty of the district attor ney of the proper jadicial distiict to com mence and prosecute for violations of said bill in any court of competent juris diction an action at law to enforce said penalty. Done at the capitol at Salem, this 28th day of February, A. D., 1900. (Signed) GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. Governor. (Signed) F.I. DUNBAR, v Secretary of State. J J. G. MORRIS . I J SUCCESSOR TOA. M.AUSTIN ' J Practical Shoer & General Blacksmith j 1 Prices for eeneral shoe- - Careful attention eiven I ing. Setting 25c a shoe, I New shoes $1.50 a hote. f lameness. Treatment I No 6 and over $2. I without extra charge. I ALL WORK fIRST CLASS. lememta Blackleflp is We have just received 45'Mal- lable Iron Beds, all prices, from $2 90 up. One thousand yards Matting, just in. New wall Paper just received. Lower than any house in Benton county The newj foldingj Go-Carts jfare here. JAP-A-LAC For Floors.fWoodwork, etc. Wejion't have time to change our ads every week, but we sell goods to beat the band. Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish ing Goods 4 rooms full. , Acme Washer. Remember Blackledge is Here The Gem Cigar Store All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room. i Jack Milxe, prop. Why This is the Best Glothing and Shoe Store First we buy our clothing from the factory, we get the same prices as the city stores. . Second it costs us about one-tenth asmuch to run our store as the city ones and we save you that differ ence which is from $2 to $6 per suit. Third we have "the best makes of ready-tor wear clo- tniog. A. K. Corvallis, Hand Cream Separators. Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay ments. Several different makes. Write journame and address below and send to Independence Creamery ' -Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information about the dairy industry. Name Address : E. B- The We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION e B Rorning I I RUSS Oregon. Rorning "1 Grocer & 1 I knee hitting, interfering:, Here BANKING. The First National Binkof Corval lis, Oregon, traoea-cts a general conservative laoking business. Loan-" money ou approved pecu rity. Drafts bought android and moDey traoeferredto the principal cities of ihe United State?, Eu rope and foreign countries. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon Office W'inegar & Snows Barn Office Phone Ind $28 Bell 441 Resident " Ind 3S9 E. E. WILSUX, ATTORNEY AT. LAW. H. S. PERNOT, Physician" & Surgeon Office over postofflce. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may. be eft at Graham & ' -ham's drag store. J. FRED STATES ATTORN. I -AT-LAW. Zierolf Building. Oily Set Abstract Books In Benton County B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hosrst lO to ia and a to . Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Orerfen. E. It. Bryson, Attomev-At-Law, G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stair ii 8 irasrt Brick idence oa tm cataer jf Jitiiji Seventh st. ' Pa is i i n : . i I i WILLAMETTE VALLEY i Banking Company COHVALLIH, OrEOOX. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. 8 AN FKANCISCO " PORTLAND I . 8 BATTLE ?" TAOOMA 1 The Bank o California J NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morno A Co. CHICAGO National Bank ot The Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. N" 91 Rothschilds A Sons , CANADA. Cnlcp "nt of Canada Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Tpains Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Diuingcars night and day. Observation and Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park Konte via. Liv ingston and Gardjner, Mont., the government ouiuial entrance to the Park. Park season June 1st to September 20th.. See Europe if yon will but see Ameiica first. Start right bee Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. Wonderland The famous Northern Pacific book can be had for the asking or six cents by mail. The Route of the "North Coart Lsraited" the Only Electric Lighted Modrn Train from Port land to the East. The tickut r fflce at Portland h at 203 Morrison street, corm f 1'iir ! ; A. i. Carlton, Assistant General Passeuscr Agent, Portland, Or. Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy in His House. "We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mf. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become jettled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For saa by Graham & Wortham: