The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 20, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XlX.-No. 3
B. F. TBTISK Editor
and Prpprlcto."
When you want anything in the line of
Clothing, come and see our' line, get prices.
IWe balance 6ur-rqtfaHty, andi prices defy,1
competition.' Our clothing sales has made
big strides in the past few years and this has
justified a big increase in our buying. Never
before has our store received such a big ship
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate.
Corvallis, Oregon
Great Line Mens Tine Shoes.
Chase k S
No Prizes go with our -
aiorn High Grade
In fact nothinz gops with our coffee but cream, snar and
trole agent for
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
The Best on Earth.
ill , M?Mk,sM dm
Cilifomia Shaken to Its Very Cen
ter and Other CitiesBurning
Terrified People Rush into
Streets to be Felled by
Falling buildings
2,ooo Killed.
San Francisco, April 18 Earth-,
I quake and fire r today have put
neatly half of Sin Francisco in ru
ms. 1 nousanas 01 people are nome
less and destitute and all ; day long
streams of people have been fleeing
from the stricken districts to places
ofaafeiyi, " .".V s'-tf'(
It was 5:15 o'clock this , morning
when a terrific earthquake shook
the$ whole city and'; surrounding,
country. , Oner shock apparently,
lasted two minutes and ahere was
an almost an immediate collapse of
flimsy structures all over the city.
The water supply was cut off, and
when fires broke out in various sec
tions there was nothing to do but
let the buildings burn.
The various fires have been rag
ing all day and the fire department
has been powerless to do . anything
except to dynamite the buildings
threatened. HU day long explo
sions bavi- shaken the city and add
ed terror to the inhabitants. All
efforts to prevent the , fire from
reaching the Palace and Grand Ho
tels were unsuccessful, and both
were completely destroyed.
All of Sin Francisco s best play
houses, including the Majes'ic, Co
lumbia, Orpbeum and Grand-Opera
house, are a mass of ruins. The
handsome Rial to and Casserly
buildings were burned to the ground
as was everything in that district.
The city ball, built at a cost of
$16,oco,coo, is completely ruined.
Two thousand dead, hundreds of
millions of property damaged, a sea
of flames consuming the ruin3 and
wrapping 6tately structures in a
maLtle of fire, the boom of dyna
mite need to stay the progress of the
flames, the crash of the collapsing
structures, the screams of the panic
stricken mingling with the hoarse
shouts of thejir men, is the Bum
mary at noon of the havoc wrought
by the most disastrous earthquake
in the history cf America, which
shook the inhabitants frcm their
beds at 5:20 o'clock this morning.
and wrecked the business portion
of the tity by the Golden Gate.
Fires are raging in a score of the
different sections of the city- Along
rrarket street from the ferry to
Seventh street, 5O different fires
are raging. It is impossible to se
cure water enough to fight the
flames to advantage, as all mains
ware cracked by the earthquake
shock. Street-car tracks were bad
ly twisted, many costly buildings
have sunk four and five feet, crev
ices have been torn in streets and
sidewalks and all thoroughfares are
thronged with people fleeing from
the scene.
Gas and electric lamps were snap
ped and huge water a-a!ns crasked,
flooding the streets.
At least 5O blosks south and east
of Market street in . the region in
cluding Saosome, Mission Froot,
Davis and Drummond streets were
destroyed. Houses tumbled in all
directions. The police are carii g
for the dead, but many are thought
to have been lost in the fire which
consumed the debris
evidently a fact that the city is
burning as reported. It is believed
that Palermo is burning.
Firemen are dropping from ex
haustion. For SO hours they have
batiled with the holocaust, and ma
ny of them are sleeping under wag
ons, carelees as to the approach of
fire. The situation could not be
worse, unless a volcano began pour
ing molten lava over the city.
A correspondent of the Oakland
Tribune, writing from San Francis
co at 1U o'clock, says:
At this writing there seems to be
practically no hope of saving the
city. The firemen are fleeing from
the flames in despair. Many peo
ple are being buried alive, impris
oned in the doomed - buildings,
where the rescuers could not reach
them. The last : big structure 1 to
barst into flames was Grace church
which was totally destroyed. ; -
The war department has receiv
ed the following telegram from Oak
land: -"Los Angeles says buildings
:at rocking like a boat. JuBt lost
connection with Los Angeles im me
diately after this report. Men prob
ably left building."
c-i : ........ . ' . .. ...... . .
ct: .. ' - -
1 Portland, Apill 16. Evening
Telegram: Senator Clay was talk
ing about an important bill.
It is too delicate a measure, he
said, "to be treated so harshly.
Knocked about like that, it would
come to the same pass as the Paint
Rock man's razor."
"The Paint Rock man's razor?"
"Ye?. : A Paint Rock man arose
one morning, and slipped into the
bathroom, and turned on the water
for his tub, and then, taking down
his razor and strop, shuddered and
gave a great cry of despair.
"Oh!' he shouted, 'oh, my razor!
Who hbs been tampering with my
"The little son of the Paint Rock
man spoke up bravely, coming to
the bathroom door.
" 'I was using your razor, fath
er,' he said. T used it to open some
oyesters with yesterday afternoon.'
" 'Oh, did you?' said the father,
Here. then, take it and give it a
lick or two on a cobblestone, or I'll
never be able to get a d' ceDt shave
this morning.' "
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you. over the country.
, - Real Estate, Loan and Insurance .
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Oakland, April 19. All efforts
to check the flames in San Francis
co are now abandoned. At noon
there is absolutely no hope of pre
venting a clean sweep of the city
by fire. The flames continue to
spread. Buildings on every street
north of Market from the ferry to
Twelfth are burned. Thousands of
balf-crazsd people are trying to
cross to this city. Scores are iy ing
dead at San Jose and Santa Rosa,
while here and there a seaside resort
has been wiped out of existence.
The Cliff House, San Francisco
Famous Pleasure Resort, wa3 hur
ed into the sea by the earthquake
shock. , Nothing remains to mark
its site but 6tubs of timbers.
Chinatown was swept away by
10 o'clock.
Reports from along the coast are
coming in slowly. ; Wires are down
and news is secured only by the
use of automobiles. Not a word i
received from Santa Roea, and it !
Johnstown, Pa., April 17. O
der again reigns at Windber, after
a night of riot and bloodshed, in
which three lives were lost ana a
dozen men seriously injured.
With daylight arrived the state
constabulary ordered to Windber
by Governor Pennypacker. The
town is now practically under mar
tial law. ' )
The miners did not return to
wotk in great numbers this morn
ins. although four mines of the
company are in operation with lim
i ted forces.
A short time after 6 o'clock this
mornieg Sheriff Begeley and a force
of deputies escortea the J 1 men ar
rested last night to the street-car
line and started them on their way
to the jail at Somerset.
The efficera were all armed with
rifles and formed a cordon around
the prisoners, who were handcuffed
Curtis Kester, the boy bystander,
who was shot through the bowels,
was erroneously reported dead dur
ing the night. The physicians be
lieve he has a fighting chance for
There were many altercations
and boirterous arguments on the
streets through the day, but no ee
rinns clash occurred. A large mass
uiteii ar was ntia wunout any ais-
oider until Deputy Sheriff W. M.
McMullen appeared. The foreign
ers are apparently antagonistic to
McMullen. He was for five years
chief of police of Windber, and dur
ing his administration, made him
self unpopular with the miners.
The sight of McMullen infuriated
them, as he was looked upon as a
spy. Many of the men rushed for
him and threats were
made against; his life. He fled,
taking refuge in the home of Chas.
Davis. A mob surrounded the Da
vis home and stoned it until the oc
cupants were obliged to seek refuge
with neighbors.
During the riot about 20 of the
t& mors were placed under arrest
and landed in jail.
After a Thorough Investiga
tion of the Subject, He Con
cludes That Saloons
Are Not Necessary.
Editor Times:
Having been up to the first of the
current month almoet a daily visit
or to the bustling little city of
junction, we could not help but no
tice the general - improvement that
was in progress there.
Kemarking this condition to an
old timer on the Street one day he
waxed eloquent, and with unbound-
edenthueiasm set forth the following:
Junction i improving ahead of
any town in the valley. We built
more new houses last year than we
ever built in on season. We will
build more this year than last per
haps twice as many. Fifty acres
of commons that : have , only been '
utilized for cow pasture for the past
1 s or 20 years have been fenced in
to lots ard are being utilized, culti
vated and many of them will be
built upon this summer. In fact,
more lots have been fenced and im
proved during the past winter than
in any period of five years before.
We have just installed an elec
tric light plant and the S. P. is put
ting in a $30,000 oil tank, and all
our merchants and millers are busy,
and there is not a vacant lot in
in town."
All these things we had noticed
to be true but strange as it may
seem he wound up bis epaech with
the following remark:
"When the railroad gets through
with all she is going to do tor us
there will b? but one thing necessa
ry and that is to vote the town
"wet" again and then we are all
Do you think so? we asked
"Think si, I knew it. Why!
this dry business is kiliing us off.
It is loosing to Junction thousands
of dollars. The railroad boys all
speed their money in Harrisburg
now, so Harrisburg is getting thous
anas of dollars that ought to be
spent here."
This put us to thinking and in
vestigating. Inquiring atthe post
office we lesraed that the postal re
ceipts for the vear 1904 were $1,804,
for I9O5 over "$2,800; were told the
quarterjust ended far exceeded that.
Business men informed us their
trade hai increased wonderfully.
We oniy found one merchant who
seemed idle all the time. We asked
a local editor if Mr. ever ad
vertised. "Advertise!" exclaimed
ing improved now. But one busi
ness bad decreased; arrests for.
drunkeness had fallen off about 9c
All this made us anxious to fee
Hrrisburg where all the money was
going to and being spent. We visit
ed Harrisburg yestreday. While
we did not have time to secure data
as to postal receipts, R. R. tonage,
etc., we observed the large flouring
mills were idle for lack of business.
We failed to see a single house built
last year and if there is a rod of
new fence in the city we could not
find it. In fact, the town seemed
to have imbibed heartily and gone
to sleep. j
. From the above facts which can-"
not be refuted we draw the conclu-'
sion that in order for a town to
thrive and grow it is not necessary'
to have saloons. ' John Hbnry.
Suffered for Five Tears With 'Kidney
"I Buffered for five rears with kidney and
liver trouble, which caused severe pains
across the back and a blinding headache. I
had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I
could not move my bowels without a cathar
tic 1 was cured bv Chamberlain's Ktnmurk
and Liver Tablets and have been well now
for six months." savs Mr. Arthur 8. Strick
land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale Rf
Graham &'Wortham.
the astonished quill shover, "Why,
he never reads tte paper."
We found the bank deposits, in
creased, the railroad tonnage had
outgrown the accommodations so
the depot had been enlarged to twice
its former eize. The milis were
running day and night on rush or
ders, schools were overflowing and
carpenters told us they were en
gaged for all the work they could
do this summer. We. found tiea
real estate offices where as before
local option there was but one.
Here we found that sales, had in
creased nearly loo per cent but that
most of the sales were of heretofore
unimproved property that was be-
"Queer idea of Jenks in adver
tising to trade bis auto for a mole.
wasn't it?" "There was some logia
in it. He says if it's a case of etern
al swearing, he wants something'
with ears to swear at." Milwaukie
Chicago. Anril 1fi. Ten rinnra
between Chicago and New York on
trains operated by electricity, mak
ing an average speed of 75 miles an
hour, is the plan of incorporate rs
of the Chicago & New York Elec
tric Air Iine railroad.
The scheme appears to ba far in
the future, however. It is asserted
that "eome of the right of way has
been secured," but the projectors
decline to say how much. They
uupo iu uavc ma iudu iu uperauuu
in five years. It will be a thirdrail
The proposed road will sacrifice
everything far speed and distance.
Jonathan D. Price, president of the
Co-operative Construction Compa
ny, which was organized to build
the road, says the line will be 742
miles long, or 2C0 miles shorter
than any steam road now connect
ing the two cities.
Part of the line has been survey
ed. The first section to be built
will be out of Caicago,andthew6ik
on this will begin soon.
In choosing the route, no atten
tion is paid to whether the line
runs through large cities or not.
As now surveyed, the road will be
eight miles south of South Bend,
Ind., and at that point it is pro
pased to build a station and run a
spur into the city. The same plan
will be followed where the road pas
ses any other city. These spur
lines will be connected with the
the street railway systems in each
town, and it is proposed to run
freight trains at night.
. The details as to the kind of cars
fo be used have not been thorough
ly worked out.
Embroidery Lessons.
Mrs. M. P. Burnett will giveles
sons in Eyelet . Embroidery Wed
nesday and Thursday , afternoons at
her residence.
' Ind. phone No 202.
Bell phone No 135.
BaMug Powder
The United States Agricultural Department
has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report,
giving the results of' elaborate experiments made
by and under the direction of the Department,
which show the great saving from baking at home,
as compared with cost of buying at the bakers.
All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much
fresher,cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when
made at home with Royal Baking Powder