The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 10, 1906, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
J. Fred Yates spent yesterday
in Albany on business.
A brother of W. E. Dunham
bas arrived from Dakota for a visit,
and to have a look at the country.
J. H. Harris, Henry tf&ce and
W. J. Wilbanks returned home
Monday from a very enjoyable fish
ing trip to Nashville.
Mr. Nowak who has been the
gtiest of Dr. and Mrs. Flint for a
few days, left Sunday for his home
at McMinnvilfe.
Mrs. Irving M. Glen who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bry
son, for a couple of weeks returned
. l .. 0t. - In..
to ner noiuc at uugcuc uaii
Miss Daisy Harding and Miss
Rummelin of Portland are visiting
at the home of Gus Harding north
of this city. The young ladies are
eoroute home from a trip tdroughJ
Southern California.
The Norton place of five acres
has been purchased by Samuel Kei-
i- - : i T . f
Iowa. The price paid was $2,600.
Mr. Keiser is to have possession in
June. The Nortons talk of going
to Hood River to reside.
Eugene Guard: Mrs. R. S.
Bryson is down with scarlet fever
-: following the sickness of her hus
band and baby with the same dis
ease. She passed a very bad night
Tuesday night.
A small boy rushed up to a
doctor's office and shouted, "Say. I
want the doctor to
come to our
"Who are
iiouse right away.
yoa?" asked the doctor. "Gee,
dori t you know me ? Why we deal
with you regular; we had a baby
from here last week."
Mrs. J. B. Horner president of
the Presbyterial Society of the
" AViHamette Presbytery left today to
attend the sessions of the society in
McMinnville, tomorrow. Others
who went from Corvallis were Rev.
and Mrs. M. S. Bush, Capt. and
Mrs. J. W. Crawford and Mrs. J.
H. Harris.
H. C. Dunham and family,
who have resided in Corvallis for
about a year, left Monday for
Mound City, Missouri, their former
home, to reside. Mr. Dunham has
been a clerk iu the J. H. Harris
store for some time. Mrs. Dunham
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi
A number of CorvallLites at
teuded the parents' and teachers'
meeting a Bellefountain Saturday,
and report a fine gathering. The
affair was held in the Grange hall,
and there was a fine musical and
literary program. Addresses were
made bv L. N. Edwards, M. M.
Waltz, J. B. Irvine, E. H. Bel
iinap, T. T. Vincent, Supt. Den
man -and others, and a basket din
ner was served at noon. There
was a splendid attendance.
A box of fine dahlia bulbs left
Corvallis yesterday morning for
Higginsville, Missouri. They were
entby E. B. Horning to Miss
Georgia Page, a lady who saw and
greatly admired some of the blos
soms from Mr. Horning's yard that
were on exhibition in the Benton
county booth at the Lewis and
Clark fair lastsummer. Miss Page
-stated that in her extensive travels
over the United States she had nev
er 'seen such beautiful dahlias as
those exhibited by Mr. Horning,
and the order shipped yesterday
was the result of her desire to pro
cure some of the coveted flowers.
Moses Kline has purchased the
plumbing business of Corbett,
Failing & Co., one of the largest
establishments of its kind iu Port
land. It was formerly the estab
lishment of Goldsmith & Lowen
berg, well known in its day, having
been acquired by Corbett, Failing
& Co. several years ago. A curi
ous fact in connection with the lat
est sale of the business is that the
new proprieter, Mose Kline, then a
Corvallis boy, entered the employ
of the firm seventeen years ago on
a salary of $40 per month. Tie
stride from the former position to
the present one is a long one, and it
constitutes a very good business
50 Cents Per Setting
For eggs. Beet brown Leghorne.
J. B. Irvine, Corvallis.
For Sale.
TVetch and Cheat and Clover hay,
""White seed oats.
Also one fine M. B. torn.
T. A. Logsden.
Ind. phone 55, Mt. View line.
County Clerk's statement of the
Oregon, on April 1st, A. D., 1906.
October 1, 1905, To County and road warrants
March 31, 1906, To warrants issued duTing six
March 31, 19G,
Total 3
April 1st, 190G, 3y County Warrants edeemed $18174.04
By Road Warrants redeemed 12.12
By Special Road No. 13, redeemed . . 186.95
By Special Road No. 15, redeemed... 163.22
By Special Road No. 19, redeemed.. 15.86
Total amount warrants redeemed six months ending March
31, 1906 $18552.19
April 1st 1906, to total amount warra ts outstanding and unpaid. . $5527.56
April 1st, 190C, Warrants outstanding and unpaid $5527.56
Interest thereon estimated at 100.00
Balance 1906 State Tax 6015.00
Total Liabilities $11642.56
Cash in hands of Treasurer, applicable to payment of County War
rants and State tax $ 8127.12
Cash in hands of Sheriff $7907.29, amount thereof estimated, appli
cable to payment State tax and County Warrants, 5931.15... 5931.15
April 1, 1906, Total resources exclusive of delinquent taxes and un
April 1,
taxes , $14058.27
1906, Total Cash resources $14058.27
Total Liabilities $11642.56
Net Cash resources $ 2415.71
State of Oregon, )
County of Benton.' )
I, Victor P. Moses, County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, hereby certi
fy that the foregoing is a true statement of the claims allowed by the County
Court for the six months ending March 31, 1906; on what account the same
were allowed; the amount of warrants redeemed and canceled during said
six months, and the amount of county and road warrants outstanding on the
1st day of April. A. D., 1906, as appears from the records in my office and in
my custody.
Witness my hand and official seal this 3rd day of April, 1906.
They Present but Five Names
for Primary Election A
' Meeting,
The unterrified in Benton are
compelled to go into the primary
election with only five names on
their county ticket. These are,
Victor Moses for clerk, M. P. Bur
nett for sheriff. Harley Hall for
recorder, W, A. Buchanan for treas-J
urer, and Thomas Jones for sur
veyor. Neither has opposition on
his own ticket. Mr . Jones has so
far no opponent on the republican
A strong effort was made by the
democracy to fill up the ticket. The
evening before the time for filing
announcements expired, an inform
al meeting of the local unterrified
was held with a view of getting
candidates for state senator, repre
sentative, county judge and com
missioner. The conference . lasted
until a late hour but without re
sults. E E Wilson was strongly
urged to allow the use of his name
for county judge, and Thomas
Callahan eiiher lor the judgeship or
commissioner. Both declined to
become candidates. After much
discussion, it was determined to let
the rest of the ticket go over until
after the prim ry election when the
vacant places can be filled by pe
The difficufty in getting candi
dates is not due to lack of interest
or fear of the outcome of the elec
tion. The general concensus cf
opinion at the meeting was that the
unterrified never had so much
ground for assurance in an appeal
to the people as now. The admin
istration of Governor Chamberlain
whose vetoes have saved the people
enormous sums of money in taxes
is in itself a powerful appeal to ev
ery man who has to pay taxes.
One bill that he vetoed at the last
session carried an appropriation of
.$70,000 alone. It was for a pro
posed new state building at Salem
which was entirely unnecessary.
It was through his efforts that the
million" dollar appropriation bill
was kept in a shape so it could be
vetoed by the people. With state
taxes only half what they were
formerly, the unterrified have some
thing on which to bid for support
all round.
In Benton, it has been the rule
of the democrats to always put up
for office only men of perfect quali
fications. This is seen in the ad
ministration of the sheriff's office
by Telt Burnett, and of the clerk's
office by Victor Moses. There are
no better officials. There are few
as good. These things set up an
air of stability and reliability that
give the unterrified a right to ap
peal to the people for support with
a very large, degree of confidence
that the people, who always recog
nize and reward merit, ' will look
with unusual favor on the claims of
their candidates.
For Sale.
Wagon and harness for sale
Apply to Mrs. Summers, residence
near water works.
Hay for Sale.
Good cheat.
Inquire of M. M. Long,
from page 3
condition cf Benton County,
outstanding and
months ending
Whereas, the secretary of state of the
state ot Oregon, has notified me in writ
ing that pursuant to the provisions of an
act entitled "An Act making effective
the initiative and referendum pi o visions
of Section 1 of Article IV of the Constitu
tion of the state of Oregon, and regulat
ing elections thereunder, and providing
penalties - for violations of pro
visions . of this act," approved
February 24, 1903, the Oregon
State Grange duly filed in this office on
February 3d, 1906, an initiative petition
containing 7,643 signatures properly at
tached to a copy of said measure, certi
fied in accordance with law, demanding
thht a proposed law, the title, tenor and
effect of which is hereinafter particularly
set tortn, stall oe submitted to the legal
voters of the state of Oregon for their ap
proval or rejection at the general election
to be Held in said state on trie 4th day ot
June, being the first Monday in June,
Now. therefore, I. George E. Chamber-
lmn, governor 01 the state of Oregon, in
obedience to the provisions of sa-'d act
hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby
make and issue this proclamation to the
people of the state of Oregon, announc
ing that the said Oregon Grange hap filed
sid initiative petition with the requisite
number of signatures thereto attached
demanding that there shall be submitted
to the legal voters of the state of Oregon
for their approval or rejection at the reg
ular election to be held on the 4th day
of June, 1906, said day being the first
M'iuday iu aid month, a hill to propose
by initiative petition a bill entitled "A bill
to propose by initiative petition a law to
provide additional revenue for state pur
poses ; ro levy a license on the gross
earnings of Sleeping car companies, Re
fri pjerator car companies and Oil compa-ni-.'s:
defining a Sleeping car company, a
R frigerator car company and an Oilcom
p i.y within the meaning of this act; de
nning the manner of ascertaining the a
ii ount of such gross receipts, providing
uenalty for violating the provisions of
' i act." the tei.or and effect 'of which
i,i 'irief is:
J-irst. To require every Sleeping car
C' :npany, Refrigerator car company and
U ; comnany to pay in addition to taxes
jif.r provided for by law, a license of three
p. : centum npon the gross earnings of
si.- h companies, annually, to the treasur
ei f the state.
Second. To particularly define each
of said companies included within the
terms of said act.
Third. To provide the manner of as
certaining the amount of such gross re
ceipts by requiring the proper officers of
such companies, as particularly mention
tioned in said bill, to transmit to the
state treasurer on or before the I St day
of March of each year a statement UDder
oath of the gross receipts of such compa
nies from business transacted within the
state during the preceding vear ending
December 31st, and giving in such state
ment information as to the name of the
firm, company, business or corporation;
the nature of the business transacted by
it: the location of its principal office and
under what laws it is organized, and
whom, if any one, it represents, and tn
certain cases provided by the bill whose
wares it handles; the name, address and
place of residence of the proprietor, chief
officer or managing agent of the business
or company in the state of Oregon; a de
tailed statement of the real estate owned
by the firm or company in the state of
Oregon, where situated and the value
thereof as assessed for taxation.
Fourth. To provide for the payment
of ten per centum additional to said li
cense fees in case of a failure to make the
statement or to pay the license required
to oe maae or paia oy tne terms of said
act, and to provide the method of collec
tion thereof.
Fifth. To provide that if any officer of
any company or corporation or other per
sou mentioned in said bill shall fail, re
fusetr neglect to make and file the an
nual statement therein required to be
made for thirty days after the ist day of
March in each year, on conviction there
of he shall be punished by a fine of not
less than 500.00 nor more than $1,000,
or by imprisonment in the county jail
not less than thirty days nor more than
six months, or by both fine and imoris
onment in the discretion of the court, and
maKing it tne duty ot the district attor
ney of the proper indicia! district to com
mence and prosecute for violations of
said bill in any court Of competent juris-
diction an action at law to enforce said
penalty. v
Done at the capital at Salem, this 28th
day of February, A. D., 1906.
(Signed) F. I. DUNBAR,
Secretary of State.
1 J. G. MORRIS !
I Practical Shoer &
Prices for general shoe
ing. Setting 25c a shoe,
New shoes $1.50 a horse.
No 6 and over $2.
lemeiier Bttledge is Here
We have just received 45 Mai
lable Iron Beds, all prices, from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just iru New wall
Paper just received. Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new folding Go-Carts are
For Floors, Woodwork, etc.
We don't have time to change our ads every week, but
we sell goods to beat the band.
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish
ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer.
Remember Blackledge is Here
The Gem Cioar Store j
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room, i
Jack Milne, prop. I
Why This is the Best
Glothing and Shoe Store
First we buy our clothing from the factory, we get
the same prices as the city stores.
Second it costs us about one-tenth asmuch to ran our
store as the city, ones and we save yoa that differ
ence which i? from $2 to $6 per suit.
Third we have the best makes of ready-to-wear clo
thing. A. K. RUSS
Corvallis, 1 SLOregon.
Hand Cream Separators.
Hand Cream Seperators sold on $5 months pay
ments. Several different makes. Write your jname
and address below and send to Independence Creamery
Independence, Oregon; for particulars and information
about the dairy industry.
! Name Address
E. B.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
6. B fiorning
Genera Blacksmith
Careful attention given
knee hitting, interfering, j
lameness. Treatment f
i without extra charge.
Tbe First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative tanking business.
Loan. money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money traoeferred to tbe principal
cities of the United State?, Eu
rope and foreign countries
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Wiaegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Ind 328
" Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
Office orer postoEce. Beeidence Cor.
Fifth and Jefierso meets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4p.n1. Orders may be
eft at Graham & "- -hm' drug store.
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. - Honru
lO to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 3S1.
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. R, Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office ap scairiii 3 in;-t Bricic
idence oa" ttn cjtaer j; rltlijii
Seventh at. Pnu 1 tii.t.ii i
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Always Keeps Chamoerlain's Cough.
' Remedy in His Iiouse.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney,
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That b just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
settled in the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Graham & Worthan:
Banking Company
Cohvaij.i, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreig'n and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
The BanK o
NEW YORK Messrs. J. V. Moriran Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENO.-N M Rothschilds & bona ;
CAJf AD A . Unlet? Kvtk f Canada
In the Circuit Court of the Statj ol Oregon for
Benton County.
Mybtle Bessos, Plaintiff,!
John T. BessoK, Deft. )
To John D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the romplaiut of the plaintiff In the
above en titl"d suit in the above entitled court,
now on fl'.e i th otiiee of the clerk of said court
on or before i.i lust day of the time prescribed
in the order for publication of this summons
made bv the county judge of Benton county,
state of "Oregon which order is hereinafter re
ferred to to wlt, March 23d. 1906, and you are
hereby notified that If you fail 60 to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief demanded in
her said complaint, namely, for a decree of
divorce from the said defendant forever ("issolv
ing the marriage contract existing between the
plaintiff and Said defendant, and for such other
further and different rule, order or relief, as to
the court may seem proper.
This summons is published in the Coivallls
Times once a week for six successive und con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of
February 9, 1906.. and ending with the issue ot
March 23, 1906, under and in pursuance of the
directions contained in an order made by the
Hon. Virgil E. Watters, county judge of Benton
county, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending in the above en
titled circuit court, dated February 8, 1906.
Date ol first publication hereof is February
1906. E. E. WILSON,
Plaintiffs Attorney.
'I IJJ-.'.'.'U .
Iu till vibjfos
"i V -'"Ml.