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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
BBKLT JLITID SEMI- Vol. XIX.-N0. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 10. 1900. B.F. IRVINE Editor and Proprietor s I j DOES IT PAY TO INVESTIGATE? iuuuuiuiumiujuutiuiuR When you want anything in the line of Clothing, come and see our line, get prices. TWe balance our quality and prices defy competition. JOur clothing sales has made big strides in the past few years and this has justified a big increase in our buying. Never before has our store received such a, big ship ment as this spring we have clothing Nob by clothing for sale. Investigate. Corvallis, Oregon Great Line Mens Pine Shoes. llll" No Prizes go Chase & Sa COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sufar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. So'e agent fcr Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE HE The Best M. M. LONG'S r HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for oiir special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. . AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance - . Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. I HrU with our nborn High Grade OLDS on Earth. A POISONOUS' ACT TRIED TO KILL INMATES OF HEPPNER BOARDING HOUSE. Number of Boarders 111, but Early Discovery Prevents Fatal Re sults Man Accused Had Quarrelled With Land lady.. ..'..' Heppner, Or., April 6. A mys- fterious attempt at wholesale pois loning. resulting in the illness of (several persons, through the niacins of oxalic acid in the. coffee served the boarders at" the boarding house conducted by Miss Mary Bshrns, has caused great ex citement here. Early discovery of the presence of the poison alone prevented more serious consequen ces. J. H. Bode, stepfather of Miss Behrns, has been arrested for the crime, though he strenuously de nies hiB guilt. The poison was discovered by T. R. Gay nor, W. S. Wharton, and one or two other boarders who were the first in to breakfast. They start ed to drink their coffee and noticed the -peculiar taste it had. Mr. Gay- nor, who had tirunk part of his cup began to feel sick. It was noted that the cream as soon as put in the coffee curdled,, and thinking it might be sour, the landlady's at tention was called, but investiga tion showed it to be all right. The coffee pot and teakettle were then examined and the . inside of these vessels were found to be black, particularly the teakettle. The boarders, thinking something must be wrong, had the contents . of both coffee pot and - teakettle analyzed which disclosed the fact that they both contained a large dose of oxal ic acid which might . have caused eerioos results had it not been dia cohered in time. - J. H. Bode, a tailor, who is Miss Benrna'. stepfather, is under arrest accu ed of the crime, although theie is only circumstantial evidence a gainst him. In a recent altercation with Miss Behrns he is eaid to have threaten ed to get even witb ner, ana it is alleged he also has a grudge against her Hoarders, claiming they broke up his home. His wife, Miss Behrns' motcer, recently secured a divorce from him on the grounds of cruel treatment, and charged that he re peatedly pointed a revolver at her and threatened to kill her. In a fit of rage yesterday afternoon be went into Miss Behrns house and smash ed dishes, broke up furniture and poured carbolic acid on the piano, ruining the instrument. Bode is a German and has been in the tailor ing business here for five or fix year?. He use? oxalic acid to clean clothes. It is thought the poieon was put in the teakettle Wednesday night while Mies Behrns and her brother were at the theatre, lbe rear en trance to the house could not be locked and it would have been an easy matter to get in undetected. A neighbor who lives across the alley eays she saw some one come out of the back door of the board ing house between 10 and 11 o' clock but was not able to tell who it was. i The doctors who analyzed the water in the teakettle say tbere was enough oxalic acid in it to kill 3O persons. Bode declares that he is innocent and can prove it. T. R. Gaynor, who got the worst dose, is the chief mover in the prosecution. New York, April 7. Two weeks ago Miss Johnstone Bennett, but a short time since the idol of the Ri alto and the star in a dozen high class theatrical productions, was an emaciated, dying consumptive, de spaired of by many eminent physi cians and hopelessly resigned to death. Today she was seen at her- coun try home near Bloomfield, New Jersey, lying in her bed reading a novel, her face of regular contour, her eyes bright and apparently speedily recovering from the dread disease, all through the wonderful discovery and application of the cu rative properties of the Bermuda onion by Mark Goliusky, a scien tist, who has made an exhaustive study of tuberculosis. "I have ; decided to live," said Miss Bencett. "For a while I pre- pared myself to die. It seemed in evitable. Doctors gave me no hope, my temperature was enor mous and I could not speak a word. Today I believe I could walk with a little effort. And it is only six weeks since I was taken from a train in a semi-conscious condition to die in my old home." Dr. Goslineky speaks with confi dence of one tbat has tested bis own theory in practice. He avers that he can cure tuberculosis in the first stage be the end of four weeks aad any case within six weeks. ' My results in the treatment of consumption are only forthcoming after 20 years of study and re search," said Goslineky at the bed side of bis patient. . "I basan first with yellyw fever in Cuba and found that onions were a positive preventive if not a cure. I found that ho geim could live near an on ion, that the fumes of . an onion would spell death to the most viru lent of the poisonous germs. "I gradually evolved my theory so as to effect the treatment of tu berculosis and succees has crowned my labors." Dr. GoslinBky declares that with in the short time that he has been practicing onion treatment he has not had a patient die, and he has taken them in every stage of the disease, even when death seemed to have claimed the victim. IMPORTANT TO CORVALLIS. Profit by This and Find Safeguard Against Many Ills. Nothing is more important to Corvallis than the good health of her people. How cau they 11 their place in this busy town unless they are well? No one trouble is responsible for more neivous ilia, sleeplessness, general debil ity, weakness, back-acnes, rheumatic pains, even ill-temper and peevishness, than indigestion. Fortunately a combination of reme dies, called Mi-ona stomach tablets, has been discovered that absolutely cures in digestion . and restores to health and strength the whole digestive system. The use of Mi-o-na is a safeguard against ma ny ills ; it acts directly upon the gastric glands, restores perfect action to toe di gestive organs, aids the assimilation of food, and so strengthens the whole di gestive system that you can eat anything at any time witnout tear ot indigestion. . Just one little tablet out of a 5O cent box of Mi-o-na before meals for a few days, and you will soon regain perfect health and strength, and be able to eat anything digestible, withont fear of stom ach dimculties. So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all foi Jis of stomach weakness and troubles that Graham & Wells give a signed guar antee thai i he remedy will cost nothing unless it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 5O cents and is invaluable to any one who suffers with indigestion, nervousness or week stomich. Philomath Items. People are taking advantage of the fine weather to plant garden and fioih spring SDwiig. Crops aie in a nourishing condition. Two buggy loads of students with one of t he teachers of the Agri cultural College, attended the med al contest, beld under tte auspices of tbe local rronioition alliance, in the chapel, Thursday evniLg. In the company were MUs Mary Suth eriand, net John witnycombe, a student of the college, who served as judges in tbe contest. The Benton County Lumber Co., employing about 50 men, is turning out a vas-. quantity of lumber for the market. As the weather bs comes s-ttlfd so that building can prcgrees orders for lumber are bn ginning to come ir about as faet as taey can be conveniently failed. Notice of Guardian's Sale Estate. of Real Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 11th day of May, 1906, at tbe hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of tbe county court house In the city of Corvallis, f-i Benton count-, state of Oregon, I will offer for bale and sell to the highest bidder tor cash in hand, p'i the right, title, interest and estate of Archibald Johnson, in and to; An undivided li interest in and to the following described real estate, toiwit: Fractional N E a of Sec. 80; S E M of sec. 19; W y of don. land claim ot Cyn thia E.Johnson, and the heirs at law of John Feichter, deceased, Not. No. 2171, claim No. 64 ; Fractional N E of sec. 28; fractional S of sec. 21 ; also, beginning at the quarter section corner between sections 19 and 20, and run thence 8. with section line 49.62 chain to claim line of claim No. 64; thence with said claim line to N W corner of said claim NO. 54. thenee north 23 69 chains to where center line passes through section 20 ; thence west 5.18 chains to beginning; also, beginning at N V corner of John K. Porter donation land claim, and run thence S. 27 03 chains: thence E. 73 chains to the state road; thence following along state road N 4 deg. 80 min. E. 27.08 chains ; thence W.75 chains to place of beginning. All of the above situ ate, being and lying In township 13 South. Range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian in Benton countv, OrBgon. Said sale Is made under and In pursuance of a license and order of sale made by the county court of the state of Oregon tor Benton county, on April 7,1906, In the matter of the guardian shin of Archibald Johnson, an insane person, authorizing, licensing ana empowering uyntbia E. Johnson: as guardian ot saiu Archibald-Johnson, insane, to sell the above described real es tate at pubile auction to the highest bidder for cash in Hand, and to dispose ot the proceeds In the manner prescribed by law, Dated this March 13, 1906. CYNTHIA E. JOHNSON, Gnardian of said Archibald Johnson. FINALLY CAUGHT JACK MITCHELL CHARGED WITH TWO MURDERS, AR RESTED AT EUGENE. Local Detectives Nearly Had Him, But he Escaped, Only to Be Captured by Southern Sher iff Before Leaving Train. Dodged Officers of Three States. Portland, Or., April 7. Portland Journal. Jack Mitchell, accused in five states of horse stealing, train robbery and the murder of two sheriffs' deputies, and has repeated ly declared that be would never be taken alive, was captured at Eu gene yesterday afternoon through the efforts of the local police de partment. Detectives Vaughn and Hellyer had the man almoBt within their grasp at Montavilla Thursday, where they went disguised as mem bers af a surveying party, but he gave them the Blip that night. He will be sent to Idaho for trial for tbe murder of a deputy sheriff who tried to arreet him as a horsetbief. For more than two years the au thorities of Montana and Idaho have been searching for Mitchell. Three other states took part in tbe man hunt at different times, butall finally gave up the chase except the Idaho authorities and railroad de tectives. Mitchell was trailed into Canada by a railway detective and a short time ago to Portland. The aid of the local department was asked end by instructions of chief Gritsmacher Inspector Bruin de tailed detectives Vaughn and Hell- ver to assist in capturing tbe noted dme:adcill3 I will never be taken alive." That is the sentence repeatedly ut tered by Mitchell, and the two de tectives were made acquainted with tbe murderous nature, courage and indomitable will of the mau with whom they were dealing. It was ascertained that Mitchell's wife, whoee maiden name was Col well, lives a' Montavilla with her brother and sister. The detectives watched the home for two or three days and w ii finally rewarded by eatctlag sight of Mitchell. Knowing him to he armed, Vaughn and H 11 yer, and the railway dettctive at urea themselves as merrbers or a surveying party and pretended to work in the vicinity of the house Mitchell became suspicious of their actions, kept close to the house and after dark Thursday night made his escape. The detectives next learned that he applied several days ago at a lo cal employment office for work and was promised it at Drain, Oregon. They then discovered that he took the train from here for drain. Word was telephoned the Eugene author! ities and yesterday afternoon Sher iff Fisk and Chief of Police Far rington boarded the train from Portland and arrested him on de scription . Dtective Vaughn was eent after him and arrived in tb city with hie prisoner this morning- Mitch ell is still ignorant that the author ities know who he is and tbat he is to be sent to Idaho for trial for murder. More than two years ago Mitch ell is said to have helped rob a Northern Pacific train in Montana. He was trailed by a posss to au In dian reservation and escaped, after killing one of the posse. He was next hunted f r horse stealing and in Idaho killed a deputy sheriff in a posse searching for him in tbe hills. His trail was taken up, there by the railway detective, who has followed him pertinaaiously for months. Sheriff Fisk and Chief of Police Farrington knew the character of the man and were told of his dec laration that he never would be tak en alive. Yet they took the chance of a revolver duel with him rather than have a number of deputies aid them, as they believed that too ma ny men might cause confusion and give the man an opportunity toes cape. Good for Stomach " Trouble ." and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TaV lets have done me a great deal of good," says C. Towns, of Eat Portage, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physic the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom mend them to all who suffer from stomaci disorder." For sale by Graham & Worthanr BUYING HORSES. And Shipping Them out of Benton Surplus is Nearly Exhausted. 'Benton county is almost in the throes of a horse famine. Sales of equines have proceeded so freely that the surplus is about exhausted. Another shipment of eight head left for Portland by last Friday's boat. They were picked up by Mr. Murphy, a well known buyer. Three came from the farm of the late C. M. Smith, and others from jesse Wiley. Buyers are paying far less attention to ages, size and other points now. As the supply lessens they become less particular. Old horses of a dozen years and up wards have been recently sold at sky prices. The statement is that buyers are frequently in the coun try precincts, picking up animals wherever and whenever it is pos sible. Peter Bilyeu recently sold his black team for $125. The buyer took the span to Portland and chanced to be passing along the street where a team and wagon was stuck in the mud. He hitched on his span and pulled them out, and, on the spot, sold the Corvallis team for $75. It is understood that many of the horses being shipped out are being sent forward to work on the various railroad lines that are under con struction in the Northwest. Corvallis & Easten RAILROAD TIME CARD 31 No 2 for Yaquina Leaves Albany .12:45 P- m. Leaves Corvallis. 1:45 P- m Arrives Yaquina 6 too p. m No i Returning Leaves Yaqnina 6 .45 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m. No 3 for Albany-Detroit ' Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 a. m Arrive Detroit 12. -30 p. m No 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6;oo p. m. No 5 for Albany Leaves Corvallis 6:30 a. m Arrive Albany 7 :io a. m No 8 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m Arrives Corvallis 8:3a a. m No 7 for A lbany Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6:40 p. tn No 6 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 7 135 p. m Arrives Corvallis 8:15 p. m No 9 for Albany Leaves Ccrvallis 12:40 p. m Arrives Albany 1:25 p. m No 10 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 2:30 p. m Arrive Corvallis 3:10 p. m No 11 for Albany, Sunday only .Leave Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrive Albany 12:15 a. m No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only Leaves Albany .12:45 p. m Arrives Corvallis 1 :32 p. m Train 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S. P. southbound train. Train 2 connects with S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany, giving direct ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a. m. arriving in ample time to rea- the Breitenbush hot springs the same day Train 4 between Albany and Detroit connects with Eugene local at Albany aleo with local for Corvallis. Train 5 leaves Corvallis at 6:30 a. m. arrives at Albany 7:10 in time to catch Eugene local for Portland and train to Detroit. Train 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis at 8:00 a, m. after arrival of northbound Eugene local. Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. m. arrives in Albany in time to connect with local for Eugene and way points. Tram 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at 7 :35 P. m. after arrival of S. P. lecal from Portland. For further information apply to J. C. MAYO, Gin Pass Agt T. Cockrell. agt A'.bany, H. H. Cronise, ant Corvallis. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to Another, bat Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Kuth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Graham & Wortham. A Favorite Remedy For Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favcr ite with Che mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and pre vents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Graham & Wortham. .