The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 03, 1906, Image 4

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ae Comics and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Mis. Mason returned Sanday
evening from a
Ches'er atSalea.
Mrs. Floyd
visit to her son
Williams arrived
from Baker City
Saturday evening
and is visiting Corvallis friends.
Mrs. F. A. Helm left Monday
for a visit with friends at Jackson
ville, Orsgon.
E. S. Hornaday, formerly of
this citv, but now a resident of
Nashville, has accepted a position
as manager of a lumber yard at
Moro, Eastern Oregon, and has
gone there to enter upon his duties.
Dr Lowe the well known eye
spac i Uist will be at Hotel Corval
lis, Thursday and Friday of this
week, April the5 and 6. Have
him test your eyes for glasses. .
Dr. Lowe does not go from
house to house. - Eyes 'cannot be
fitted correctly to glasses that way.
Consult him Thursday and Friday
of this week at Hotel Corvallis. -
Charles W. Adams ' returned
Saturday night from Portland
where he has been for eleven weeks
taking treatment at the Good Sa
maritan hospital.
Lieutenant and Mrs D. P.
Quinlan accompanied by their little
neice left on Saturday evening's
train for Hollywood, California.
Mrs. H. V. Gates of Hillsboro
arrived Saturday evening for a visit
at the John Smith home. Mrs.
Gates is enroute home from a Cali
fornia trip. :z
Mrs. John Smith gave an af
ternoon tea- -'Saturday. Her
guests were: Mesdames W. A.
Wells, Lewis Wilson. : G. R. Farra,
M. E. Lee, E. Taylor 4 A. L
Knisely, . Rose Selling E- R.
Bryson, Charles Lee, I. M. Glenn,
of Eugene, and Miss -Juliet
The "Theory and Design of
a gas Engine" is the subject of the
thesis of A. L. Bradley, one of the
seniors at the college who grad
uates in June: Two others, Albert
Tedrow and Floyd Rowland, have
for a thesis the actual constr uction of
such an engine. They are at work
on it now, and expect to have it
completed, teady for use in about a
Prof. Raymond begins this
week a new term oi dancing les
sons. Last term he had upwards
of 65 pupils and the indications are
for an equally large class this term.
In addition to the usual pupils, in
struction will be given to a kinder
garten class, raDging in age from 6
to 12 years of age. Terms can be
had on application. ,
The County board of road
viewers, consisting of WV D. Bar
clay, John Harris and Surveyor
Jones, viewed a proposed r jad on
Ingram Island last week. The
forming of a gravel bar in the river
caused the removal of the ferry site
to a spot half a mile below, and
rendered approach from the exist
ing road impossible. The plan is
to construct a road to connect, and
it is understood that, after viewing,
the board made a favorable report.
The new football rules have
been agreed to, and the principal
change is that 10 yards instead of
five must be made -in three downs.
Failure to gain 3ardage "will result,
the critics think,? in more punting
and a more open game. The effect
will be to make punters in demand
and incidentally ;td cause them to be
' a very-much greater- factor in the
game.- There, are to be -more offic
ials, and severer penalties for un
necessary roughness. The changes
are designed to remove the features
to which so much objection has
been raised.
- Dr. E. J. Thompson has re
signed his pastorate of the Presby
terian church at Independence, and
the statement is that, on account of
his health, he will retire from regu
lar work in the pulpit, " preaching
only at such "times as his energies
will permit. His relations with
the Independence congregation
were most amicable, 90 accessions
having been made to the church
during his five years' pastorate.
He is to make his home at Inde
pendence. He is 75 years old and
Las been in the Presbyterian minis
try for 35 years. Before that he
was 18 years professor of Mathe
matics in the University of Minne
sota. He preached in Salem, Ore
.gon; from 1883 to 1886, in Corval
lis from 1886 to 1901 and in Inde
pendence from .1901 to the present
time. His church at Independence
is out of debt and has a member
ship of 125. In his time, Dr.
Thompson has united 1,283 couples
in marriage.
Selling now in Corvallis at About
Three Dollars a Bushel. j
Corvallisites - are paying two!
and a half cents apiece for apples
now and are smacking their lips
over the fruit. The apples go at
the same price as lemons, bananas
and some oranges, which is a start
ling condition considering that the
Willamette valley ought to be the
world's apple orchard" They cost
the consumer about $3 a box, and
at tbese swell prices many boxes
hav; been sold. r ,
The apples the town is now buy
ing are not even grown in Willam-.
ette at all, but are imported from
Hood River, and they cost $2.50 a
box in Portland, $2.65 per box liid
down in Corvallis. They are of
various varieties, including Yellow
Newtown Pippin and Ben Davis.
In a college hill orchard last sea
son, by spraying, 98 per cent of the
apple crop was redeemed from Cod
ling moth. With apples now sell
ing at $3.00 per box or 30 cents
per dozen, what an appeal the con
dition is to farmers to clean up the
old orchards and bring them into
bearing healthy, wholesome fruit.
Or Life-Long Republicans will
Bolt What a Polk County
Newspaper Says
There is one proposition with ref-
ence to Statement Number 1 that J
cannot be dodged or escaped, and
that is, that candidates who don't'
sign will lose the support of many
a voter who wants direct vote for,'
United States senators. Republic
ans down in Polk county are going
to scratch the legislature candidate
who doesn't sign, and they are-going
to do it in Benton, if any of
them have the temerity not to sign.
The Independence Westside Enter
prise is authority for the statement
as to the conditions in Polk, and it
is public comment as to the situa
tion in Benton. In its last issue
the Westside Enterprise, Walter
Lyon's paper, says:
"The Westside Enterprise speaks
a trutn ana sounas a warning in
time that safety for any republican
candidate lies in his signing the
pledge to observe the wish of the
people as expressed at the polls in
j the election of United States sena
I tor. Numbers of " lite-long repub
lieans in Polk county have express
ed the determination to support no
candidate, regardless of politics,
who does not agree to support the
people's choice for United States
senator. They have taken part in
placing the present' law on the
statute books. This paper is on
good terms with all the candidates
and has no preference personally
and it asks them for the party's
sake, to be considerate of the feel
ings of the rank and file in the mat
ter of the election of United States
Paying Honest Debts. ;
A minister at the conclusion of
one of his sermons said: "Let those
in. the house who are paying their
honest debts stand up.
Every man, .1 woman and child,
with one exception stood up.
After seating them, the minister
said, "Now, every man not paying
his debts stand, up."
The exception noted, a careworn,
hungry-looking individual, clad in
his last summer's suit slowly arose
to his ieet.
"How is it, my friend," asked
the minister, "that you are the only
man who does not jrieet his obliga-
"I run a
answered, '
stood up
newspaper," he meekly
'and the , brethren - who
afe my subscribers,
and" ' - ' i ' ,
"Let us pray," exclaimed
Sawnrll for Sale.
I will sell my mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath, Or
egon, consisting of 160 acres all good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
acies which are under cultivation. -House
barn, mill, and outbuildings all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 in. saws,, edger. plainer, saw-dust
and slab conveyers, large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth 3,ooo, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf . . 309, Second St., Portland, Or.
Hay for Sale.
Good cheat. ! ;
Inquire of M. M.
. Corvallis.
For Sale.
. Vetch and Cheat and Clover hay.
White seed oats. 1 .
Also one fine B. tom. --.-
, , T. A. Iogsden.
Ind. phone 55, Mt. View line.1
Don't Starve or Diet, bet Use Mi-o na.
and Cure Your Stomach. Troubles.
The average treatment of stomach trou
bles cois-ihia of a ritrid diet lisi, which
often starves the patient. Uf course it
would be fuolish for any one woo know
that some foods are positively harmful
and poisonous to continue eating them,
even while following the Mi o-na treat
ment, but in ordinary casea of stomich
troubles it is not necessary to starve or
diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet
before each meal.
This scientific remedy, for the cure of
stomach i roubles, acts upon the whole
digestive system, and strengthens the or
gans so that tbey are able to digest any
food that is eaten without fear of distress.
If you suffer from loss of appetite, belch
ing of gases, sour taste in the month,
furred tongue, severe pains in the region
of the stomach, depression of spirits, bad
dreams, lack of energy, a stomach cough,
offensive breath, headaches, back aches,
loss of strength and weight, you can be
assured that these troubles are all due to
imperfect digestion.
""-Strengthen the stomach by taking a
Mi-o-na tablet before each meal, and
soon you will gain in weight, strength
will return, and your food will give nour
ithment so that the rich red blood will
carry good health to every part of the
Graham & Wells have so much confi
dence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure
stomach troubles and resulting ills, that
they give a guarantee with every 50 cent
box to refund the money unless it cures
. ,r; Proclamation. , j. :
' 'Whereas, the 'secretary of state of the
state of Oregon, has notified me in writ,
ing that pursuant to the provisions of an
act entitled "An Act making effective
the initiative and referendum pi ovisions
of Section 1 Of Article IV of the Constitu
tion of the state of Oregon, and regular
ing elections thereunder, and providing
penalties1 for violations ., of ; pro
visions of j this act,'' - ' approved
eDruary. . 24, ' 1903V tue V Oregon
State Orange duly filed in this ' office on
February 3d, 1906, an initiative ; petition
containing 7 648 signatures properly at
tached to a copy of said measure,, certi
fied in accordance with law, demand mg
that a proposed law; the title, tenor and
effect of which is hereinafter particularly
set forth, sLall be submitted to the legal
voters of the state of Oregon for their ap
proval or rejection at the general election
to be held in said state on the 410 day of
Tune, being the first , Monday in June,
1906.. - ''J. 1 ;. ; : ' -;
Now; therefore,"!, George E. Chamber
lain, governor ot the state 01 .Oregon, in
obedience to the provisions ,of sa:d, act
hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby
make and issue this proclamation to the
people of the state of Oregon, annoanc
ing that the said Oregon Grange has filed
said initiative petition with the requisite
number oi signatures thereto attached
demanding that there shall be submitted
to the legal yoters of the state of Oregon
for their approval or rejection at the reg
ular election to be held on the 4th day
of June, 1 906, said day being the first
Monday in f aid month, a bill to propose
j by initiative petition a bill entitled "A bill
provide additional revenue for state pur
poses; to levy a license on the gross
earnings of Sleeping car companies, Re
fii aerator car companies and Oil compa
nies: defining a Sleeping car company, a
Rcfiigerator car compauv and an Oilcom
pany within the meaning of this-act; de
fining the manner of ascertaining the a
mount of such gross receipts, providing
a penalty for violating the provisions of
thi act." the tei.or and effect of which
in 'irief is: -
- First. To require every Sleeping car
c mpany, Refrigerator car company and
( 1 : company to pay in addition to taxes
ii provided for by law, a license of three
p centum upon the gross earnings of
s !i companies, annually, to the treasur
er f the state.
cond. To particularly define each
oi .- id compauies included within the
te : is of said act. ' -
. '' bird. To provide the manner of as
ct" dining the amount of such gross re
cn.ts by requiring the proper officers of
: s.u' ll companies, as particularly mention-
uouea in saia dui, to transmit 10 tne
state treasurer on or before the iat day
of March of each year a statement nnder
oath of the gross receipts of such compa
nies from business transacted within the
state during the preceding year ending
December 31st, and giving in. such state
ment "information as to the name of the
firm, company, business or corporation;
the nature of the business transacted by
it; the location of its principal office and
under what laws it is organized,. -and
, whom, if anv one. it renrpsptira. nnrl in
; certain cases provided by the bill whose
wares it handles; the name, address
place of residence of the proprietor, chief
officer, or managing agent of the business
or company in the state of Oregon; a de
tailed statement of the real estate owned
by the firm or company in the: state of
Oregon, where situated and the value
thereof as assessed for taxation.
. Fourth. To provide for the payment
of ten per centum additional to said li
cense fees in case of a failure to make the
statement or to pay the license required
to be made or paid by the terms of said
act, and to provide the method of collec
tion thereof. -
Fifth. To "provide that if any officer of
any company or corporation or other per
sou mentioned in said bill shall fail, re
fuse or neglect to make and file the an
nual statement therein required to be
made for thirty days after the ist day of
March in each year, on conviction there"
of he shall be punished by a fine of not
less than 500.00 nor more than i,ooo,
or by imprisonment in the " county jail
not less than thirty days nor more than
six months, or by both fine and impris
onment in the discretion of the court, and
making it the duty of the district attor
ney oi the-proper judicial distiict to com
mence and prosecute ' for violations of
said bill in any court of competent juris
diction an action at law to enforce said
Done at the capitol at Salem, this 28th
day of February, A. D., 1906. - -'
(Signed) F. I. DUNBAR,'" -v
.. Secretary of State.
50 Cenla Pef "Setting' rr
For eggs. Best brown Leghorne,
: J. B. Irvine, Corvallis.
" " "
Practical Shoer &
ing. Setting 25c a shoe, I
New shoes $1.50 a hors'e. f
No 6 and over $2. :
Remember Blackleg
- We have just received 45 Mai-.
: Iable Iron Beds, all. prices, from
- $2 90 up- One thousand yards
Matting, just in. ' New. wall
Paper just, received. Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new,
:here .
folding 3 Go-Carts
, , JAP-A-LC
For Floors, Woodwork, etc.
We don't have time to change
. we sell goods to. beat the band.
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish
ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer, .
Remember Blackledge is Here
Why This is the Best
Glothing and Shoe Store
First we buy our clothing from the factory, we get
the same prices as the city stores.
Second it costs us about one-tenth asmuch to run our
store as the city ones. and we save you that differ
. ence which i? from $2 to $6 per suit.
Third we have the best makes of ready-to-wear clo
thing. A K. RUSS
. Brfiorning,
The Grocer
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writmg advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Boriiiitfl
Times Job office for the
Anything from a calling card to
a one-sheet poster. Color work
done right. - . - :
Genera Blacksmith
L-arelul attention eiven ?
knee hitting, interfering,
. wiuwiMj, X I C a I 111 C II I I
I without extra charge. i
-nn ub ii-frii mi nd nw nj. j
our ads every week, but
Tire Firet National Bink of Cbrval
lie, Oregon , transacts a general
conservitivs laoking busitieBg.
LoB4 money ou approved eecu-'
rity. Drafts b jught and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of the United States, 'Eu
rope aod foreign countries
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Ind 328
" Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. . Hours 10 to
12 a. m., l to 4 p. m. Orlers may be
eft at Graham & " -ham's drnt store.
Zierolf Building.
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
j r Physician &Surgbon
Office, room 14, Bank Bldg. Hoorn
.10 to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office 83.
Residence 351.
E. R, Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office op tairii B ira s-.t B -ick
idence oa ttii o;isr jf dil'.tji
Seventh it. Pji:i i.t.;.ii . i
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cougb.
. Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney,
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cld may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
settled in the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
Will TireVent. tllP nt.tanl? nhon rrivan aa onnn
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
tne croupy cougii appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Graham & Wortham: ... "
Banking Company
Corvalus, Oregon.
Responsibility $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents
i unii.a ju 1 The Bank
BtA"''" 1 California
NEW TORK-Mcmra. J. IP. Morgan A Co
CHICAGO National Bank of Xhe Repub.
LONDON, ENG. N BI Rothschilds & Son.
CAN AD A . Dnlcc Rank of Canada
In toe Circuit Court of the Stat 3 of Oregon for
Ben tou County.
Myetue Benson, Plaintiff,)
John T. Benson, Deft. )
To John D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the
above entitled suit In the above entitled court,
now on ale 111 the office of the clerk of said court
on or before t.i" last day of the time prescribed
in the order for publication of this summons
made by the county judge ot Benton county,
state of Oregon which order is hereinafter re
ferred to to-wlt, March 23d. 1906, and you are
hereby notified that if you tail so to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof tbe plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief demanded In
her said complaint, namely, tor a decree of
divorce from tbe Bald defendant forever ?issolv
log the marriage contract existing between the
plaintiff and Said defendant, and for such other
further and different rule, order or relief,-as to
the court may seem proper.
Thin summons Is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with tbe issue of
February 9, 1906., and ending with the issue of
March 23, WOfi, under and In pursuance of the
directions contained in an order made by tbe
Hon. Virgil E. Walters, county Judge ot Benton
county, Oregon, I being the county where the:
above entitled salt Is pending In the above en
titled circuit court, dated February - 8, 1906.
Date oi first publication hereof is February
; - . - Plaintiffs Attorney.