The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 03, 1906, Image 2

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    feRANOEGEE, KINCA1D &W00D.-C0Pmi6HTED I90&
Rememberwe are going out
of Ready to Wear Clothing.
Hundreds of Fine Suits, Top Coats, Rain Coats Odd Pants
for Men, Young Men, Boys, Children at phenominal prices
No ' man who really ' deeds' a Summer Suit No mother whose Little Men" ;
want new clothing can see ; our display without , coming in and making
an investment, Oar widows with price Wonders in them; bear eloquent
i ' witness to the truth of pur claim. ' Don't wait until lines are broken, buy now'
All our New Spring Arrivals Included in Slaughter
Corvallis Times
The incident of Sunday night
in which a quartette of boys threw
eggs at an evangelist as he passed ;
along the street was wrong. The !
fact that the minister had said some
things better left unsaid is not jus-!
tification. The act of unknown
persons who exaggerated to the
preacher such evils as may exist in
; this town partly caused the affair.
All towns have their - contingent of
people who go to preachers and
' newspapers and want others ripped
up but always end the tale with the
request, "but don't mention my
name." These breathed exagger
ated stories into the evangelist's
ears, he poured them out in the pul
pit, some-who heard went away and
exaggerated what he said, people
who had not heard were angered by
the wonderful accounts of what was
supposed to have been said and
were not slow to resort to crimina
tion and denunciation, most of
which was hurled at the pulpiteer.
Boys are not men. That some of
them should have been grossly
misled by what they had heard is
not amazing. Whether their of
fense is greatest or not, they are the
ones to suffer, because their act is
wholly indefensible.
If one doesn't like a preacher,
the thing to do is not to. go to
hear him. If others like him, let
them be his audience. If he says
objectionable things, pay no atten
tion to them, for if, untrue, they
will be their own denial. And,
finally, preachers should pay no at
tention to people who tell a great
big tale of iniquity and end it with,
"but don't mention my name.?'
These simple rules if observed will
be a sure preventative of such in
cidents as that of Sunday evening.
The Times made a vigorous fight
for Statement Number i, and in
spite of newspaper opposition to it
in their own party, all the republi
can legislative candidates have
signed. The gentlemen have made
no mistake, as the future will dem
onstrate The next duty of Benton
republicans is to see to it that Mr.
Jonathan Bourne gets no support
among them for United States sen
ator. He organized a conspiracy
at Salem which aborted a whole
legislative session by preventing
organization of the house. .That
kind of a political crime against the
people cannot be pardoned, nor the
man who did it be forgiven. At
the coming primaries, let our peo
ple show the test of the state that
bar 1" politics cannot succeed in
" Of 187 legislative candidates in
the state so far, 116 have signed
Statement Number i without modi
fication, 30 have signed it with
; slight qualifications, and 41 have
' .Ignored it , altogether. Every one
of those who failed to sign, regard
less of whether he be a democrat or
republican, should be defeated. We
have all been clamoring for- years
for election of senator by direct
vote, and now when the reform
is within reach, all so-called states
men who stand in its way, should
be brushed aside.
The Lady Believed she had
Discovered Proved to be a
Familiar one.
As to caterpillars, here i3 a true
story on the subject. : A Corvallis
lady who worked with her fruit
trees on a fine day recently dis
covered ridges around the branches
and trunk in many places, The
color was almost the same as the
bark. She thought the phenom
enon queer and concluded after ex
tended investigation that it was a
new pest, not before reported. She
succeeded by. considerable effort,
in dislodging a number of the rings
from the branches, and put them
away in the, house, A day or
two ago. she told a friend of the
incident and went to gethe rings to
show the guest the new pest.. Her
consternation was lifted to a high
pitch when to her dismay she found
that what she thought to be solid
rings was in reality caterpillar eggs,
and further, that the warm air of
the room had hurried the hatch
ing process and that little cater
pillars from the rings were crawl
ing about the place. From the in
cident those who have fruit trees
may find a way o destroy the cater
pillars by the wholesale by attack
ing them while they are yet un
hatched. w
Charged Criminally and Other
wise Mr. James and his
: Article.
The trial of the case against W.
H. James for libel, in the Benton
county circuit court will not take
place in the November term. Mr
James was indicted on the charge
because of an article he is alleged
to have written and circulated
against G. W. Parker. The two
are neighbors, residing on adjoin
ing ranches half a dozen miles
southwest of Philomath. Both
have lived there for several years,
and the accqunts are that neighbor
ly relations between the two have
notj always run smooth as the
brooks by which they sported as
boys. There js in fact, a story ex
tent of a hostile meeting out on the
hillside in their neighborhood in
which there was gun play to the
extent of the flourishing of a re
volverwith a cold steel barrel, and
a menpcing mien. The suit for the
$5,ooo"damages against Mr. James
on account of the article will also
be tried at the November term, so
that there wijl be lively times
among the Jameses .about those
days. - Mr. James formerly resided
on Soap Creek.
At the late term, after the in
dictment " was brought- in, Mr.
James was arraigned and put under
$250 bonds for future appearance at
court. He will plead at the ad
journed term of court to be held
June 9th.
Will be Tried at November
Term Something About
the Affair.
One of the last scenes irTthe late
term of the circuit court was the
arraigning of Mrs. Huggins and
Andrew Campbell on a charge of
"giving and disposing of opium
without a licenseand without being
a practicing physician.' What the
evidence in the case is, of course,'
is known only tottaegiand jury and
the district attorney. It is under
stood that the matter referred to the
administering of the drug to Charles
Tower. All sort of vague rumors
went the rounds while the witness
es were being examined by the
grand jury. . Simmered down to
the naked facts, however, it is un
derstood that the medicine was giv
en in the same way that it is often
used under similar circumstances,
and with no other than the best of
intentions. Tower was suffering
at the time with bowel trouble, and
is declared to have already been
in the throes of death when to re
lieve him temporarily, opium was
administered. This is the story as
it is told by a friend of the family
who is familiar with the manage
ment of the poor house.
The case will be tried at the Nov
ember term of court. The defend
ants were placed under $250 bonds
for appearance.
Last Sunday between Corvallis
and the Sol King farm, a folding
pocket book issued by the Mer
chants Bank of Pembina, North
Dakota. Finder will be liberallv
rewarded for the return of the same
to the Times office.
William McCarty.
. Spraying, " j.- '
City or country work, country a
specialty; reasonable rates. Inde-;
pendent phone, 852, or 362. En
quire of J. R. Smith. r
Read,' Fullerton & Hubler,
; Corvallis.
Order Seeds Now.
Red Clover Alike, ; Alfalfa, R ap
Speltz and Artichoke. I can furnish
inoculated seeds and land plaster, that
will double the yield. See sample of
seed at Wellsher & Gray's store.
Wanted 80 ton Vetch eeed lor May
shipment. '
" L. L. Brooks.
For County Recordei.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the democratic nom
ination for the office of county re
corder, subject to the decision of
the voters, at the primaries April
Imported Black Percheron Stallion.
55296 Potache 4 0064 .
Will make the season of 1906 a
Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore.
Potache was winner of 1st prize
at St. Louis Fair; 1st at American
Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas
City ; 1 st at Government Show in
France; also International Live
Stock show at Chicago 1904. .
Mares from a distance will be
furnished first class pasture. Terms
$25 to insure.
T. K. Fawcett,
Corvallis, Oregon.
A Sewer that Carried off Dirt
Faster Than Workmen
Could Fill it up.
There has been trouble with the
Davis-Hy land -Lee sewer lateral.
The dirt that covered it kept mys
teriously cavingand disappearing.
As fast as the hole would be filled
upi, :tbe filling wou Id begin to melt
away, and in a short time the. cav
ern would be as big asver. The
fumes from the opening became ex
tremely odious to - the neighbor
hood, and an investigation finally
disclosed the fact that a joint of
pipe connecting with an upright
drain was defective, and that it
was through this opening that the
dirt escaped into the sewer and was
then carried off by the water drain
into the river. A new joint of pipe
was put in, ana tneupngnt connec
tion, which had been made without
authority, was taken away and the
drain closed up. There is an or
dinance requiring all ; persons
ing tapping sewers to first get au
thority from the proper officials,
and providing a heavy penalty for
violation of the provisions.. This
course is necessary in order to see
that all connections are proper. By
no other means can the sewers be
protected and the sanitary condi
tions be kept in the best shape.
Benton County Circuit Court in
Session this Week.
Forjnurder in the first degree, R, J.
Moses of the firm of Moses Bros will hang
April 5th., 1906 for murdering prices on ev
er thing in the store. For CASH ONLY
is the verdict.
Will hang up large list cards in store stating what
will be included in the murdering price sale. There will be
good bargains in every line we handle. It will pay every
one in and about Corvallis to save on what they buy at our
3 Days Sale April 5 th, 6 th and 7 th.
Don't forget the date. Regular customsvs can have
all orders filled and delivered as usual.
No appeal from this verdict to a higher court
There are no better than the best
The flour that stands the test,
Pure quality, appearance grand,
V v So surely, White Crest brand. .
Good Bread
Delicious Pastrv
Fancy Cakes, Etc.
So easily made with White Crest
the flour of excellence, so good
you always want more, order a
sack today, 105 cents per sack.
Hodes' Grocery, ST