The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 03, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XIX.-No. 3
B. V. IKVIKK Editor
and Proprleto.-
-ii u uu un nfrii n n-
jWhen you want anything in .the line of
Clothing, come and see our line,' get- prices..
We balance our quality and , prices defy
competition. J: Gur clothing sales has made
. big strides in the" past few years and this has
justified a big increase in our buying. Never
before has our store received such a big ship
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate.
1.1$. stasis.
1 ,
x. m
Great Line Mens Fine Shoes.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
... ' - - - - - - j -i j ----.
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, supar and
- tole ageut far, . u rir
Chase & Sanhofn High Grafle
-, coffee ;v
The Best on Earth.
If you are looking for some real .good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry RanchesTwrite for our
special list, or come and see us. . We take pleasure in '
giying you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country. ' '
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Chamberlain the Only Democratic
Candidate for Governor Five
Republicans Are Seeking
the Office Other Newe.
Salem, April 1. Democratic and j
rpnnhliran nominations for " state I
and congressional offices are closed
and the party tickets tor the prim
aries are now complete;- except ' lor
county nominations. , George E.
Chamberlain is the sole candidate
for the democratic nomination for
governor, while five republican!
eeek the nomination of their party
as his opponent. ' ' - i ; r
' Friday, Marco SU, was. the last
day for filing . nominating petitions
for state and district offices with the
secretary of state. Candidates for
county officers, have qntil the . close
oi Business on Apru . io uie ineir
petitions with the county clerks of
their respective counties..
The Etate tickets of the two par-
tierwhich will be submitted to the
electors at the primaries on April
2O are as follows:
. Democratic State Ticket. -
Governor George E. Chamber
lain, Portland.
United States Senator John M.
Gearin, Portlands -" ?r -:'
Tastice of the , supreme court T.
G. Hailey,' Pendleton. ' - '!
Attorney-General Robert A. Mil
ler, Portland. .. '
State Printer J. Scott Taylor,
Klamath Falls. '
Secretary of State Paul T.
Sroat, Salem.
State lreasurer J. D. Matlock,
Eugene. . ' . .
Con grefsman, First District
Charles V. Galloway, MeMinnvi'Je;
P. A. Cochran, Wood burn.
Congressman, Second. District
Jomee Harvey Graham, Baker City.
Republican State Ticket -
Governor Harvey K.. Brown,
Baker ; City; T. T. Geer, Salem;
Charles A. Johns, Baker City; Chas
A. Sehlbrede, Cios county; - James
Withycorube, Corvallie. .
United: States Senator Long
term, Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Port
land; H. M. Cake, Portland; Ste
phen A. Lowell, Portland; .E. L.
Smith, Hood River; E. R. Watson,
Portland.:? Short term, : Fred, W.
Mulkey, Portland. ?b i, a
i Justice of the supreme court--
Robert. Eakin, Union county, j
' Attorney-Ge neral-A. ; M. Craw
ford,, Douglas connty; George H.
Durham, Josephine county, . :
State Pi idler-William J. Clarke,
Mir ion eouctv; Willis S, Duniway
Portland" J. R. Whitney, Albany.
: Secretary of State-Frank W.Bjd
son, Roseburg; Claud Gatcb, S
lem; Lot L. Pearce, Salerr ; Frank
T. Wrightman,. Silem. :
S ate Treasurer-J..H. Aitkin,
Biker C'fy; E. V. Carter, Jackson;
Ralph W. Hoy t, Portland; A. C.
Jeonings, Eugene; Thoma3 F. Ry
an, Oregon City; George A. Steel,
Oregon City. - "
Congressman First District,
Willis C. Hawley, Salem; Samuel
B. Huston, Hillsboro; Walter L.
Tooz?, Woodburn. Second district,
W. R. Ellis, Pendleton; William .!.
Lachner, Baker , Ctty; - John L
Rand, Baker City ; George S. Shep
herd, Portland.
Superintendent Public Instruc
tion J.'H. Ackerman, Portland.
Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff,
Portland. J ' : .
Washington, . March ; 27. The
United States is to have the biggest
battleship known, larger than the
British Dreadnought, so the com
mittee on naval affairs "determined
today, t The bill will carry -. $99,
750,000, as against $lo3, 000,003 for
the current year. It authorizes the
construction of one battle : ship at a
cost of $6,000,000; three torpedo
boat destroyers at $75o,ooo each,
and $1,000,000 for submarine torpe
do .boats, A ..nv.u x:.:i
The secretary of the navy is au
thorized to call on ' ship-buildings
plants for plans for the - battleship.
.The old frigate; Constitution is
provided for with an t appropriation
of $loo,ooo for repairs. 1 - "Old Iron
sides" is to be placed i in first-class
condition and . anchored at some
government yard accessible to the
New York, April 1 The World
tomorrow will say: One of the larg
est merchants in New York said
last night that arrangements are
being perfected here and in Paris
for an invasion of Venezuela, which
will annihilate Castro and open up
the country to American capital
and tnterprise.
A number of rich New York
merchants are said to be interested
in the movement, which,' the pro
moters declare, will involve the em
ployment of 15,000 soldiers and the
expenditure of 4 $5,ooo,ooov in the
campaign under which President
Castro, is to-be. eithe; - expelled or
destroyed and a native Venezuelan
statesman is to be installed as his
successor. ... , . t-lX-i-.
- ;In this4 connection it Is said that
Castro .anticipating - a successful
revolution against him sooner or la
ter, has converted some of his al
leged $4,000,000 iortune into cash
and has sent it to", America and
France;' " v ;
r Carlos Fuegerdo; Venezuelan cob-
sul in New York, said laBt night at
his home that, he had heard such
an expedition was being orgrnized
or being promoted, butt had been
unable to learn ; any thidg definite
about it. He Baid he had under
stood shares in the scheme were be
ing sold.
"I would like to get hold of
some of those shares," he said, "I
will buy all that are offered."
. The consul enquired eagerly as
to the point the expedition was to
sail from Europe in three large
steamships, which are already un
der contract.. - They! are to carry
about 5,000 volunteers, with the
following quantities of : arms and
ammunition: Eight thousand Mau
ser rifles of the latest pattern, 24,
000 rounds of cartridges, 500 shells
8. rapid, guns, 5,ooo officers' rs
volvers, " 3,000 s machettes and
swords, together with other sup'
plies. "
New York, April 1. The Herald
fomcrrow will say: Promises that
Senator Depew would return to his
place of duty by this timi have not
been fulfilled, for the reason that
hopes of his family for a complete
restoration of his health nave been
disappoiDtej. He is still in retire
ment on the Elliot F. Shepard es
tate, back of Cai borough on-Hud
son, where he has been in seclusion
for a month since he suddenly left
Washington. i. , - i " .
So closely is the senator guarded
that only a few persons living in
the . immediate ' neighborhood are
able to say from their, own knowl
edge that he is in the "villa," as the
houEe is known,, as extreme meas
u.res have been taken to, check .the
rapid .decline into which it has
seemed for several months he has
been falling. '. ,.i ,. -,
It any, emyloye on . the Shepard
place is questioned as to the eena
tor. he snsweis either with a well
simulated stare of amazement or
flatly denies that he has ever heard
a report as to the senator's wherea
bouts. Here and there can be
found ODe or two to admit having
seen Mr. Depew. Every pleasant
day recently be has been taken for
a ride in an automobile, and sever
al times he has taken children of
the neighborhood as companions
Except for caretakers, Senator De
pew is practically alone on the 200
acre estate. -'
New York, April 2.- The curator
and 10 keepers in Bronx Zoological
Garden had an exceedingly lively
time yesterday when they succeed
ed by main force in preventing the
gigantic 25-foot python from starv
ing himself to death. The snake
had not eaten for five months and
could not be coaxed to break ; its
fast. - Yesterday " the curator and
his men prepared a meal . for the
python. , They killed and skinned
five rabbits, which they , had tied
together in a long string, one end
of which they fastened to a 10-foot
pole. These details finished, ten
keepers dragged the snake out of his
den. The big reptile wriggled and
fought with .inconceivable agility
and strength," considering the length
of his fast. ...At length 25 feet oi
shake was stretch out at full length
upon the floor of. the feeding room.
Eight men held Mr. Python , down
and two rammed the entire. meal of
rabbits into the ; snake's stomach
and'withdrew the pole. ; The snake
less quarrelsome, than before: wa9
again . ' carried r into ' ' nis cage.
This meal will last him two months.
To exchange that old stove for a new up to date steel
Range. Remember -we have the Range that not
only SELLS but gives satisfaction
Abundance of references given ',
You will no doubt use some Carpet, Wall Paper or
Linoleum this spring. Ours is the only store that has
a complete line to select from. Our carpet remnants
are going fast, get in line and select a good pattern, they
are selling absolutely AT COST.
Hollenberg & Cady.
The Gem Cigar Stoke "
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pooljroom.
'Jack Milne, prop. ,
Lived on Hay, Birk and Decayed
Horseflesh Come Forth Like .
Men from the D. ai
0:her News.
Lens, France,. Mirah 30. The
disaster at the Courriers coal mines
had a startling sequal today, when
thirteen miners were taken out alive
after having- endured unspeakable
horrors during the 2O . days of en
tombment. The story x of the sur
vivors, so far as it has beeatold,
discloses that they lived for many
days on putrid horse-meat, amid
total darkness and the stench of
scores of , decaying corpses. The
presence of human flesh would
speedily have forced the starving
men to resort to the last desperate
extremity if they had not' been re
cued,..;: : -. ; - '
The survivors were sturdy young
men from 17 to 25 years of age, ex
cept their leader, Henri Nemy, who
is 38 years of age. All show the
terrible effects of their experiences,
being emaciated and blinded. The
Doctors enforced quiet upon them,
fearing the results of fever and
poisoning from their having ea'en
decayed horseflesh J
There - were touching scenes as
wives and mothers greeted those
whom they had long given up as
dead. Crowds besieged the hospit
als to which the men were taken,
cheering the survivors and impre
cating the ineffective nature of the
salvage work that followed imme
diately after the disaster.
The rescue of these I3 men re
vived hope in many families that
others are alive and the relatives of
those whose bodies have not been
recovered clamorously demanded
that efforts be - redoubled to bring
out any possible survivors.'
There is a report that in addition
to the:I3 men who were brought up
out of the mine tod y, five others
came with them almost to the bot
tom of the pit, but were unable to
come further on accoQu. af exhaustion-
v:- -::n: -r.yr - -
' The total number' of men miss
ing after the catastrophe was 1212.
The bodies recovered approximate
ly number 5OO and there are still
unaccounted for approximately
The mine officiats Were deeply af
fected as the. weeping survivors were
taken to a hospital. .They all asked
for news of relatives and friends,
and wished to go home immediately.
The doctors, however, prevented
them with difficulty from so doing.
It is Eald that others of the en
tombed miners are alive and about
to be brought out, their signals
having been heard.
. . One of the men rescued today, a
man named Nemey, eaid that for
the first eight days the party eight
the bark off the timb rsof the mine.
Later they found the decompos
ed body of a horse, which they cut
up and ate with hay. The surviv
ors brought up portions of decom
posed horsemeatN
When cut off by explosion the
miners took refuge in a stable where
the mules were kept. They enb
sisfed for days on the lunches that
their dead comrades took down on
the day of the disastr aad had 1 ft
in the stables. Wnen all these
lunches were exhausted, the m?n
lived on the grain and water kept
for the livestock.
When taken out the men looked
more like ghosts than human be
ings.' Pale and emaciated, color
less, blinking at the unwonted light
of day, the rescued indeed were pi -iable
objects.. They were immedi
ately surrounded by a throng of
friends and relatives who showered
their congratulations upon them.
All were taken to a hospital where
they will be treated until able to re
turn to their homes.
The men were found in a remote
part of ths mine which had not
teen affected by the fire which
raged for two weeks in the mine
following the explosion. They hsd
lived 20 days with no light and but
little air. With one exception tb
men were well, but could not have
lived long.
Boston, April 2. So strange an
effrct has a rare wood brought from
the Philippines to a Cambridge fur
niture factory had on ths employes,
that 26 have been made iil. Bv
special order 15,ooo feet of wood
was imported to be made into fur
niture for a New York man to uee
in bis house at Buffalo. The sick
workmen had inhaled dust from
this wood or their hands had come
into contaci with it. The effect was
asthmatic and a very irritating rash
broke out on the arms or wherever
there was perspiration.
The wood is known as tonquin.
It is dark and rsembles English
oak, having nearly the same grain,
full of beautiful figures which spar
kle in places like silver when placed
under strong light. Employes were
affected in every room except the
finishing room and the wood caused
so much trouble that the firm re
fused to have any more of it in the
One Dollar Savd Represents 'Jeiv
Dollars Earned. '""
The average man does not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend
nine . dollare-in living expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
Save several .dollars-outlay later on. It is
the same . in buying Chamberlain's . Colic,
Cholera and 'iarrhoea Remedy". -It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham, '