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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1906)
LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Mrs. W. O. Heckart of Eugene is visiting Benton county relatives. Mrs. McKellips returned Tues day from Comstock where she at tended the funeral of her grand mother. ' Miss Flora Mason of Albany leaves Monday for New York City, where she will be ioined by Maud Hoffman, the actress, and together they will journey to Paris. Leon Montgomery left Thurs day for Scio. his home. tie is a student of O. A. C. Lets go fishing at Hodes Gun Store. Biggest and most complete line of fishing tackle in town. All kinds of repair work guaranteed.. At the Episcopal church Sun day there will be celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 and at n a. m., evening prayer at 7.30. ; Rev. H. B. Chambers will preach. Miss Mary Jones left yesterday for Silverton where she has been engaged to teach in the city schools. She received tne appointment on the recommendation of President Gatch over 15 other applicants She graduated at O. A. C. irr 1901 Thomas Fawcett arrived Tues day, and is likely to be joined by his family to remain for the sum mer. They have resided at St, Johns since they left Corvallis last year. Mr. Fawcett's, announce ment in a business , way is to be found elsewhere in the Times. While working in the planing mill Thursday, Ed Buxton had a narrow escape from losing the sight or one eye. a suck new up, smit ing Mr. Bnxton on tbe side of the nose, almost in the corner of the eye, but only a slight gash was in flicted. The Artisan lodge of Lebanon it. ! i a. 1 n 1 lis lodge of the order, requesting that the local team and officers pay a fraternal visit to that lodge this evening, and assist in the initiation of a class of 25 candidates. The local lodge has a large membership, and has . achieved some repute in the work that is done by the degree team. - ' : t Misses Mary Nolan. Edna Ir vine and Louise Cooper, Messrs Lyman Bundy, Rae Walker, Sam Damon and Kenneth Cooper leave on tomorrow morning's early train to attend a house party given by Helen and Karl Steiwer at their country home near Jefferson. A Parent's meeting is to be held at Bellefountain on Saturday, April 7th. Features of the pro gramme are, address, "What should the school expect from home," L. N. Edwards; "What should home expect from school," M. M. Waltz, "Formation of character." J. H. . Edwards, "'The old and the new," J. B. Irvine, "Education, its value to the individual and the state," E H. Belknap, remarks, T. T. Vin cent and G. W. Denman. There will be a literary programme for which each school in the south end of the county has been invited to contribute two selections. The music will be in charge of Mrs. J. H. Edwards. There will be a bas ket dinner. Matt Wilhelm of the big mer cantile firm of Southern Benton, was down today from Monroe. The jviaua iarm owned dv mm near Monroe has been sold through Ambler & Watters, to Mr. How- lands and Mr. Chatterlin, lately arrived from Iowa. The farm com prises 190 acres, and the price paid was $20 per acre. The purchasers are to return East for their families. Both are railroad conductors who are planning to retire to a life which they hope will be less strenuous. Mr. Wilhelm returned on ' the af ternoon stage to his home, He is one of the brighest business men in the country, as well as a young man of highest character. Next Monday taxes become delinquent. After that it takes a 10 per cent penalty and 12 per eent Interest to get squared with the county. Many who did not get the rebate are now paying half their taxes and taking until October for the balance. One man who took that tack today explained that it had been his purpose all along to get the rebate. He had money enougn to do it, but a mend came along and borrowed some to pay his taxes and get the rebate for himself, Number 1 then dug up more money with which to get the rebate and another friend wrote asking him to pay his taxes. Again number 1 dug up money for him self but the borrowing went on tut til finally the time limit expired, and number 1, who was in fact. ' Connty Clerk Moses, failed to get tne rebate. Miss Anna Thompson return ed today from a two weeks' visit with Portland relatives and friends. Rev. M. S. Bush will preach at the Oak Ridge Presbyterian church next Sunday at 3 p. m. The Village Improvement so ciety is planting trees and making other needed improvements about the C. & E. station.' -, A. T. Grugett and family mov ed Wednesday into the house at the corner of Ninth and Monroe for merly occupied by C. W. Adams abd family. Mrs. F. E. Smith and son Kenneth, of Salem, are guests this week of Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. R. M. Gilbert. Walter Wade, - who has just completed a four years' course at OAC, leaves tomorrow for his home at LaGrande. He expects to re turn in June to attend Commence ment exercises. Up to last night the total reg istration was 1,418.- Only ten days remains for those who want to vote in the Horninating election, to reg ister as f hebooKs will close on the 10th, and remain closed until after the primaries. 1 Forest Grove Times: Mrs. Day of Corvallis who came down here . from Corvallis a couple of weeks ago to visit her friend Mrs. F. F. Knight.' has vbeen quite sick since and is unable to return home yet. GOVERNOR REVIEWED IT. ; TWO INDICTMENTS. After a five days session, the grand jury reported this afternoon and - was discharged, following which, court was adjourned to June 9th. At the last minute an indict ment was returned charging W. H. James with libel. He is the man mentioned by the Times as having been sued for damages by G. W. Parker. The charge ' of libel is based on the article he wrote about Parker. Another indictment is against Mrs. Janette Huggtns and Andrew Campbell, who are charged with giving morphine without a license and without being a physician. The morphine is understood to have been administered to the late Chas. Tower at the poor house. 0. A. C Cadet Rcg'ment And Made a Speech In Chapel What he Said. Upon invitation of the president, Dovernor Chamberlain today re viewed the Oregon Agricultural College cadets and addressed the entire student body with many vis itors from the town. In spite ot the disagreeable weather, several hundred spectators witnessed the various evolutions of the College cadets. The governor, accompan ied by President Gatch, Dr. Withy combe and Major Edwards, took much pleasure in watching the regiment throughout the review. At ten o'clock College cbapel was crowded with students and visitors so that standing room could no longer be obtained on the stairways in the adjacent halls. Following the regular morning devotions, two selections by , the Bach quar tette, consisting of B. W. Johnson, John Allen, Ottd Herse and Prof. Fulton. President Gatch introduc ed Governor Chamberlain as the chief executive 01 Oregon and as an alumnus of Washington-Lee University. After words of praise for the college, he imparted much good advice to the student body, frequently referring to President Roosevelt as America's model of fearless integrity. During the ad dress of twenty minutes he was roundly applauded repeatedly; and at the close of the exercises, the en tire student body gave nine rahs for governor Chamberlain. In part his address was: the governor's address. THE LAST DAY. For State and District Candidates to File The District Judgship. It looks very much like Judge Harris would have to trot alone in the race for circuit judge in this district. Today was the last day for filing nominations, for state and distnet offices, and up to noon no information had been received to the effect that a competitor either for the nomination, or a rival on the democratic ticket had come to the front. The office is open to any lawyer that is resident of one of the six counties that comprise the district. It was planned once to hare the extra judge a resident of either Lane, Benton and Lincoln but for some reason the bill did not pass the legislature in that way. It is probable however, that no res ident of other than the three latter counties would seek the nomina tion. It is also probable that Lane, Benton and Lincoln will be cut off from the second and be made a sep arate district by the next legisla ture, in which event a new office of district attorney will be created. It is understood that there is plenty of work for the extra judge, and that since the office was created, Judge Harris' time, has been whol ly employed with courts and cases. Imported Black Percheron Stallion. ' 55296 Potache '40064 Will make the season of 1906 at Abbott's feed barn, Corvallis, Ore. Potache was winner of 1st prize at St. Louis Fair; 1st at American Royal Live Stock Show, Kansas City; 1 st at Government Show in France; also International Live Stock show at Chicago 1904. Mares from a distance will be furnished first class pasture. Terms 25 to insure. T. K. fawcett, 'Corvallis, Oregon. Student wanted to act as agent for the Christy, .Hoe Safety Razor, ths razor that will shave. Liberal terms. Address, - Pacific Agency, Box 549, Portland, Oregon. Call Oak wood, stove lengths, at Saw Mill Co. V 4 '. ........ Order Seeds Now. Bed Clover Alaike, Alfalfa, Rap Spelts and Artichokes: I can furnish inoculated seeds and land plaster, that will double the yield. See sample of seed at Wellsuer Sc. Gray's store. Wanted 60 ton ' Vetch seed fox May shipment, a. ; -. :, Li lr, Brooks. As commander-in chief of the Oregon National Guard, it afford ed me great gratification to review your battalion. I say without disparagement to any institution, that I have nevar seen so large a body of men so well trained, phy sically and so thoroughly in the arts of a soldier. In common with oth er citizens of the stste, I am proud of the progress you have made and congratulate you upon your mag nificent showing as soldiers. Your training along military lines is for two purposes; first, so that our com mon-wealth and country may . be able to rely with confidence upon the trained soldiery, and second, but by no means least, in --order that you may thereby develop phy sically, because without a strong body it is difficult to maintain , a a strong mind, and I am sure that good results will follow from the efforts you are making. "In common with the people of the state, I am proud of you, and I am proud that we are citizens ot one of the most magnificent com monwealths When we read the history of Thomas Tefferson. who while yet a minister of Paris, morel than 100 years., ago, and of his de termination to send out to this' coast as emissaries, Lewis & Clark, with a letter of credit against the world; when we read of the hard ships encountered by our men and women, yonr ancestors; when we read of the straggle instituted at Champoeg in 1843 and the part played by Joseph Meek and the sole survivor of that honorable band F. X. Matien. when it decided Ore gon to be a part of American soil, when we read of all this and the hardships endured by those who have preceded seems like an epic poem and is more like ro mance than history. "There is everything - here to in spire you to higher aims and am bitions. Off to the right and left are magnificent valleys, schools and churches on every hillside; higher upon sides stand splendid forests and above them the snow capped peaks. .-, All these things while ad ding to the beauty of the 'state do not constitute a state; it is citizen ship that makes it great and this institution of yours is engaged in a work that will do more than any other factor to teach our people to strive for higher ideals in public and, private work. PRAISE FOR ROOSEVEIT The time is not far distant when you, young gentlemen, the students of this splendid institution, must assume the affairs of government and it is your duty to study the life and character of those men who have done and who are doing so much for uplifting citizenship in puplic life. And first let me say that our President, Theodore Roosevelt, has done more the last few years to lift the standard of cit izenship than any other person. He has made it the text of his speeches and of his life to teach that the public office is a public trust and to punish those who are delinquent in the discharge of their duty. j - - ? - - Then too, Joseph W, Folk sever al years ago started a movement to pnrify the government offices that is to be followed by others. He punished those who betrayed their trust as they should be and they were lodged behind prison bars. As a result of his work, the people of his State have honored him by making , him their chief executive. And so others might be named. 1 be time is not far distant when all will come to realize that no man can be dishonest and not be detect ed by those who have honored him in the conduct of their affairs. I might call attention to innumer able instances to show that delin quency in office is not confined to any. party; a rascal in politics is a Democrat in a democratic commun ity and a Republican in a republi can commnnity. He knows no rite of political faith and honor. PEOPLE MUST LEGISLATE ''In thU connection I wiBb to call your attention to the fact that Ore gon is a pioneer . in public legisla tion. Tne time bas b-tn when the responsibility of legislation r eted upon the legislaurt; that responsi bility no longer rests upoa legisla tive bodies; but the p ople an un do laws they make ae ihey can veto any mea&ure that neets tbeir diap proval. In other words, the people are the legislators and can de fend their interest. Thus the pur pose of this institution is to teacb you not only the proper methods of raising the varied crops that Oregon soil produces most bountifully, but to teach you as well to strive for lof tier and better and bigber citizen ship so that when the responsibili ties ci which I have epoken rest up on yonr shoulders, yon will not on ly know bow to administer affaire, but you will administer them faith fully and well. I know those who havethe Interests of the Oregon Agii cultural College at heart, have also at heart your welfare and are striv ing in their instruction to make yon better and help to place our state in the first rank of the great states of the union. "I congratulate your distinguished president and his splendid corps of assistants, who compose the facul ty ottnis institution: and in con clusion let me bid you God speed in the splendid work you are doing for the people of the state and the advancement of its best interests." GORDON HATS .Gordon Hats are with n the reach of every man in ibis town. Within the rpacL of his pockbook; "within walkiug distance of his office. No need to say, very mneh aboutGor don Hats. - You know your self that no better hat can be mande at any price The Gor donHat, soft or stiff, cost you $3, pay more for a' hat, and you have paid something for nothing. New Spring Styles have Arrived :all Shapes and Colors. S. L. tLINE The People's Store. Established 1864. Corvallis, Oregon. In the Circuit Court. Geo. W. Parker, piaintiff, versus W. H. James defendant. Action for damages. Continued until next regular term. , -,- - - Amy A. Humiston, plaintiff, ver sus Curtis Stimson and Lettie Stim son, defendants; Suit. Decree for damages. Cecil I. Turner, plaintiff, versus Bert Turner, defendant. Suit di vorce. Decree for plaintiff. Albert Kemp, plaintiff, versus Martha A. Kemp, defendant. Suit divorce. Decree for plaintiff and custody of minor child until further order of court. Myrtle Benson, plaintirr, versus John T." Benson, defendant. Sui divorce. Decree for plaintiff. . i James L. Lewis, plaintiff, versus Spencer Bicknell, defendant. Act ion tor damages. $166 iudgment for plaintiff. . R. V. Moore, plaintiff, versus M May Moore, defendant. Suit di vorce. Decree of divorce and cus tody of minor child given to plain tiff, r Kor Sale. - A good team of work horses. Price $125. Can be seen at Thatch er & Johnson's store Saturday. " John Feller. Call for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the treasury to piy all warrants drawn on the general fund and indorsed prior to May 5, I9O3. Interest on same will 6 top from this date. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, March 27, 1906. Wm. McLagan, - City Treasurer. Spraying. City or country work, country a spseialty; reasonable rates. Inde pendent phene. 852, or 362. En quire of J. R. Smith. Read, Fullerton & Hubler, Corvallis. Wanted. Competent lady to assist in gen eral housework. Apply to -Mrs. M. Coffee, Monroe. Oregon. For Sale. Farm and city property. . .. S. L. Henderson, Corvallis, Or. Suffered fop Five Tears With Kidney and Liver Trouble;. - -' "I suffered for fi ve years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathar tic. I wascuridby Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur 8. Strick land, of Chattanooga, Tenn, ; For sale by Graham &-Vortham. Wool and Vasb Dress Fabrics Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash Dress Goods has arrivad. All colors, weights and weaves, at prices that -will tempt all. New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Cray, Brown, Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes. Blue-,, New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Green and Navy. Light . New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods New assortment embroidered waist patterns ''NewSeluets, collars and belts. Remember we give 5 percent discount on all Cash Purchases. Highest Price for Country Produce, t ' f. L. MILLER Are You Ready To exchange that old stove for a new up to date steel Range. Remember we have the Range that not only SELLS but gives satisfaction Abundance of references given You will no doubt use some Carpet, Wall Paper or Linoleum this spring. Ours is the only store that has a complete line to select from. Our carpet remnants are going fast, get in line and select a good pattern, they are selling absolutely AT COST. Hollenber g & Cafly. Job Printing at this Office.