The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 30, 1906, Image 1

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    . . '
Vol. XlX.-No. 3
B.V. IKTimi Editor
and Proprietor
fWhen you want any tiling' in the line of
Clothing, come and see our line, get prices.
TVe balance " our quality, and prices defy
competition. . ,Our clpthing sales has made
bfg strides in the past few years and, this has
justified a big increase iD our buying. JNever
bet ore has our s tOreKriceived such aT big ship
ment as this spring we have clothing Nob
by for' 6ale. ' Investigate.
, -
Gorvallis, Oregon
Great Line Mens Fine Shoes.
Chase &
No Prizes go with our
Saiiborn High Grade
In fact nothins goes with rmr coffee but cream, sup ar and
p. M. zieroLf.
feole agent for - , v'4
Ioeide History of Pater Fraud-
He Dupsd His Confederate
The Reason Why Puter Ib
Eager to Escape. Oth
er News.
Boston, Mas?., March 2t. Ste
phen A; D. Ptt'ter, 'wanted by the
United mates department ot justice
for complicity in ' the Oregon " land
frauds,-was 'arrestedlast' night by
Secrel' Sefvi,ceTAgent w J. Borne,
who had followed- him frohiJ Port
land To San -Francisco" 'and'jfrom
there to - ostonV' "Scarcely ' had
Burns made: the' Arrest whea'PaWr,
periling' VftriMU1,' leltf f t.Btf ecet
service5 mair'off and. ba'ckiBg ?.way
thrbogli the cr'owdV'madebis eecaps.
-"Barns hd!-lbeen iti this? !flit a
week or more, but it was Tnfdv' until
three days ago that he learned than
Puter was-stopping -to tsaoBav,
under the name John H, Brownell.
Stationing' himself near the postpf-
fice, ijurns watched, tor three days,
and last night -Puter appealed
there. The secret service agent held
hirtt in conversation ' for " half an
hour and thought that the station
superintendent had gone for the po
lice. After waiting some time he
placed Puter under arrest, searched
him for weapons and then led his
captive' ouYsldeV'' expecting to! find
tbe"pallce iif waiting. -1 :'' " '
There was no officers ip sight, and
Puter, taking advantage of 'Burns
obvious discomfiture, whipped out
a revolver and under its cover ee
caped. Quite a crowd had gathered,
making it all the easier for the phs
oner to get away.
story that tbe, government got aline
on Puter. It was a strenuous chase.
which for the moment seems to
have failed. Puter, so it is said.
has declared that he would kill
himself before going to jail.
It Is now known that Puter is
wanted here on an indictment found
last year. -It is brcause he knows
that he faces a serious charge here
in Oregon as welj as elsewhere that
he Is making such a desperate effort
to escape.
Boston, Maes., March 27. No
trace haB been found by ; the' police
of Stephen A. D. Puter, who held
up secret Service Agent Burns last
night0 "and escaped. r ' A general
I LX - Mil bnai.
iofindTrtr tAWhs a; and closa f watch "' ff? H 7. 0 '
m8JE! "MX. Tenth t
enue, South, early today, t The bod
lea were found this morning, mqtiV
Chase Sc Sanborn Hig
a Graae
The Best on Earth,
Six Dead and Fight Lasts Only
Few Minutes Murderers Bleed
Victims to Death Clews
f ' ' Are Found.
Minneapolis, March 23. Six !
taliarr cr Qreek laborers were slash-
placed upon all, lines of travel' but
of .the'eity;- Mr. Burns was at the
Federal building today consulting
Marshal Datlinff and United State?'
District Attorney uarland. ae ai.-
so communicated with Chief Wu
kie of "the s stcriit service, 'ahd'is
awaUinfl: "Instrrictions Wore ''thaW-
ing hii next indve to! Ibcafe'Putei;: '
i - - 1 . : -j - -. . .. . jC- i-l '.
" ' .. -
, If you are looking for some real good bargains" in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come arid -.see us, . We take -pleasure . in
giving you all ther reliable information you ; wish also
showing you over; the country. '
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance,
dqryallis and P,lmomatiiJ dregbri. '
Telegram's Salem Bureau, March
2?. The story of the arrest and eS
cape of S. A. D. Puter ii Boston
brines to the surface' a story of
tbe inside history of. the gigantic
land fiaud swindle. '
The whole tcheme was originated
and elaborated by Puter mainly for
the purpose of providing himself
with ready money. : It will be; re
membered that late last fall, Puter
and McKiDley disappeared , and both
the government and btate officials
lost all track of them.
S ate Land Agent West, while
traveling 'on a Southern Pacific
train, accidentally engaged in con
versation with two travelers, who,
inthe 'course of the talk, discovered
who he was,- aDd they ' volunteered
tao lnforttation that there was
man in' Sn' Francisco "who could
reveal all the inside hi-tory cf the
fraud:' ' ' "J " f
Through this information West
placed himself" in - communication
with this confederate, who came to
Salem and told West the whole Bto
In order to serve the ends of jus
tice tbe name of this man is with
held tor tne present, out ne was
born and 'raised 'near LaCrosse
Wis. He had known McKinley
from boyhood. Puter met him and
told him what he proposed to do.
It was agreed that in the swindle
to be worked none of the confeder
ate's friends in LaCrosse was to be
defrauded. Puter prepared all the
fraudulent certificates. Theblai lis
were printed in Chicago and at va
rious other eastern cities, only a
portion of them being printed in
the same omce, to prevent as much
as1 possible arousing suspicion of
fraud; '
' This Wisconsin man was prom
ised targe sums of money, but Pu
ter was eo penurious that he did
did nottHvide fairly. Finally this
confederate became troublesome,
and 'od the promise of ' a lucrative
position m San - Francisco he was
induced to go West.1 Alter he: left
Chicago' Puter . opened Tip on the
LaCrosse people; among the victims
being Henry Salzer, who was not to
have been a victim. On their way
west Puter and McKinley first
learned that their scheme bad been
exposed.. ; They disappeared,; and
the 1 confederate,' not eettine his
share, "peached"; and ; gave the
whole scheme away. ..
- About this time Government Ss
cret Agent Burns came r west, and
took charge of the matter. He fol
lowed up some of the tips given out
by this confederate, and every one
led1 to facts, which.proved : that the
story was true. It -was : from I this
New Vprk,, March 27 The first
definite move' in the ipng , ei;pectd
prpBectftiph ol, h'fji lneurapce orSclals'
wit making pampaign 'cbntttbutibtas
from the funds of; the 'insurance
companies' was 'taken' today; when
Magistrate Moss bt the police court,
aft.Hr it conference with District At
torney Jerome', issued a warrant for
Ljeorge w, rersins. turuici viuo-
preeideht' of tBel New York Life'Xn
suranoe company and partner of J.
, " Recently when before Judge ,0'
Sullivan, the district attorney said
that he might ask Warrants for the
arrest of Cornelius Bliss, chairman
of the national republican central
committee; George B. Cortelyou,
postmaster-general and chairman
of the national republican commit
tee and George W. Perkins, ' former
vice-President of' the :New York
Life Insurance company, who were
responsible for the payment of poll'
cy-holders s rands. - - --..v
Jerome went direct from tne po
lice court to his private office,
where he communicated by tele
phone with Perkins. As a result
Perkins i3 expected to appear before
tbe magistrate promptly to surrender
himself by bondsmen. ,
This is apparently Jerome's ans
wer to Judge O'Sullivan, who urged
that the grand jury should: bring
indictments after a thorough inves
tigation of all the evidence a nd that
it should not permit the district at
torney to take the insurance caees
away from it. ,
"The warrant was eworn to by
Vice-President i D. P. Kingsley of
the New York Lifa Insurance' com
pany;;'" - ' ""
It is Jerome's plan to test the
law, and if the prosecution of Per
kins is successful , other prosecutions
will follow. Perkins will' apply for
a writ of - habeas corpus. Jerome
will submit the facts and ask for a
speedy decision.
ated, with a systematic thorough
nesst whieh together with the. .fact
that there was ? np,, robbery, points
to revenge as tl)e mot,iye ; of tje
crime. The tragedy occurred in a
, .H Magnussen, a vegetable ped
dler, rented the' shack to nine Ital
ians, or OreekV; recehVy-' Tlie he w j
lenanxB were apsent, aayume, put
were together e, very e vening. " 'J '
. .-lit is beiieyeq the nine mep. con
stituted a Mafja of'iack Hand dr-
sanizatloh aucL were' searching 'the
citv for a mfah' markedV'.f'dr death.
thp gan' Veyidentjy I fpupd tbt l?
man last night, for there were three
new faces among them when they
returned., from yesterday 's search,
The evening was' spent quietly.
At midnight, however, a fight start-
ea eviaentiy lasiiDg .put a lew imp
utes. Soon after ward six men were
seen to leave, r ' , . '. .'
This morning, when! the police
changed beats, the new officer heard
that six . men were seen running
from the building. He broke in
the door and there discovered ' that
wholesale murder had been' done. ;
In the center of the dark and dingy
room lay, side by side',' four dead
bodies. .. Blood lav , in thick pools
aljabbutthe room. The officer lit
erally waded -through it to reacn
the bodies. He found three long,
black-handled knives beside the
bod lee.
The murderers had evidett'y let
the injured bleed to death, for the
wounds were not deep,' but, rather,
ip long, systematic ela.i-h-s, which
run lengthwise along the bodies.
The faces were mutilated. None of
the wounds were deep enough to be
fatal, but the loss of blood, muet
have been lrightful':
When the search was concluded
on tbe ground floor, Officer Peter
son went into the cellar.' Here two
more bodies, cut and slashed in a
similar .mariner: 'were found- lying
iri pools of blood. ' ;
In a tin box oh the first story of
the room was found a check for
$373.60, made out to Nicolo Denutri,
evidently a' priest -in the Greek
Catholic church. The box also con
tained $500 id Italian gold
and $400 in American currency.
The room contained several eatch-
ele. One was marked Nicolo Dem
tri, and contained the complete
vestments of a Greek Catholic priest
even to. the coBtly mitre . and robes.
In this grip were found passports
in Turkish, Greek and French Ad
dresses to Ddmtrl were also found
follows: '"Lincoln, IlJ., bjx
345," "Chicago. III., 315 Austin
avenue," and "New Salem, N.. D.'.'
An address of "Kerstem Rouvko,
New Salem, N. D." was also found.
Another grip with similar vest
ments and garments was found la
beled VCar.Bco jDsmtri." Other
grips were marked Dakon Capoui
and Saini Yeeymi." "
' 1 he police believe tbe victims
were fured to the spot and then told
that thev must die.' A-'Heht was
started, during which not . only the
three Victims, but, three of the' r s
isnilants' were killed.-. Robbery, was
not. tbe motive, fpr the. money, was
left,' nntoticlied. and: tbevictjija. all
bad. small eums;on thjsijr : per.spnjt :
1 The nine men.LWhp.; rented.' the
pUce we:e naystefcious: i,q ; all;- Ujeir
movements during the two months
cf .reaidience ih Miane.apolisM Y.Tbey
stayecluf) all night Monday, ..but
Tuesday, sight there, were. no. lights
Irl the places -despite. :tbf(' fact" oithe
presence of .the three extra: men..
; Boeton, Mass., March 2. Se
cret Sejryke Agent Burns says that
the. more he . thinks th,e mattr oyer,
the.mpret Bqrprisedhe is th,at Ste
phen. &,. D, Puter ; did not., put' a
bullet, in. him before he took his
sensatipnal departure Monday night
He Bays that Puter is a bad man
and desperate enough to kill. if ne
cessary, to escape.
"I assume, all. responsibility, for
Puter'a escape,'' saidi; Burns. "In
some of tbe stories published, it is
made to appear that I blame Super
intendent Swift, for not getting po
lice assistance. I. did, not,, intend
any such impression. Mr. Swift
gave me. s 11 the assistance I asked,
and Puter a escape is in no way due
to him.
"PutT is a dangerous man, a bad
rran. I am informed tbatr be hs
been living with a woman since he
has been in Boston, and I am co -fident
thai we shall locate bim again
before long, tboaah I believe that
n- has left the citv.
''In the fight we had over his gna
he broke away so that I managed to
get my own weapon. Just as I whs
about to shoot a woman came out
of a restaurant and passed between
us. Had I shot I might have killtd
ber. "'
"I have nothing to say against
the Boston police. As soon as I
reported the matter they lost, no
time in getting after Puter, but I
dou't think we'll find him soon.".
Boise, Idaho, March J. 28. Aft6r
hiving given up the search for the
five bottl s of ."ceil fireM at j Poca
tllo, Steve Adams and the officers
have b en rewarded, by the reepv-
continued on page 4
Chicaao, March '27. While one
Chicago minister is establishing bil
liard rooms and dance halls to keep
young members fiom straying,
another announces a matrimonial
jarlor. Rev. John S. Thompson,
iu announcing the plan at a social
gathering, said:
"This will be an excellent chance
for young men to find suitable
wivs and youog women to ' eelect
rui.-bandp, handsome and devoted'.
What better piece could be found
to ccoose a life partner than in the
ehadow of the church? I believe in
marriag9 and the church should af
ford opportunities for yonng people
to become acquainted. If the
churches do not, the saloons and
dance halls will."
ReV. R. A. White, in defense of
his billiard room and " dance hall,
' "If the church frowns on these
amusemements, we must not be
surprised to see the young people
go elsewhere "for - them.1; Every
church in Chicago should have bil
liard rooms and dance halls. I al
so favor municipally conducted
dance halls,' which' could be con
nfected with public schools1. These
things are here to stay and it would
be better to conduct them ourselves."
A Favorite Remedy Fop Babies
) Its Weasant taste and Dromot cures have
made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favor
itewith Jie mothers of small children. If
quickly cures their coughs and colds arid pre;
vents any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences. It not only eulti
ale by (j
Absolutely Pure
It makes the most delicious
and healthful hot breads,
biscuit and cake
No other, baking , preparation or powde
hasequal leavening strength
; or healthful qualities
... . -'..!:.-:j'
4-i liiH,' .. ....