LOCAL LORE. KEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. zhe Camings aud uoings ot Feopie Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items oi Public Interest. Miea Hlen V. Crawford vieit ed Albany relatives Situniay. PendletoD is wide aweke. She liae voted to pave ten blocks of ber busioets streets. Ctl Thrasher left Monday to attend the funeral of Mayor Ct arlee Gris?en of MsMionville. Heory Woribam te at home II 1 ' J aiLCJ v U nuciuwi' v. . . ... at Newport. She We never hear of any women after-dinner speakers. He .2o; can't wait until a'ter dinner. They tell everything they know be fore dinner. j Roeehurg Review: The differ ence between John D. Rocki-felltr TIT J TU T Rnr.lrori.11er T 19 ALL UUU iliJUU i-J wui.ni that the former is an heir apparent and the latter baa no bair apparent. Lebanon Express-Advance: MiS3 B9rtha Wltnoan leiurnea home yesterday from the O. A. C. t Carvallis, where she has teen taking a elx months' coarse in mu- i .AanmA toanKlnor mn- -8io the first of next month. A letter received in Eugene 'trom an Easterner saye: "I am thinking of locating in Eugene, but I hear the typhoid fever is rag ing at that piece so much that the town is quarantined and trains are not allowed to Etop, and the town hat. horl . lis Violnprl ho thfl stftt. ' Albany . Democrat: Maud Hoffman, an actress with a nation al reputation, who formerly resided ia CorvalliH, and has several good friends in Albany, is said to have recently declared that when she re tires from the stage she will be glad to return to Oregon to spend the -retraining days of her life. Ciass work for the spring tprm - at the college was resumed tcdiy. Matriculation began yesterday and up to noon 508 had registered, tl e number being 63 more than at the close of the same day lastyear. The spring enrollment is thus the laig est by far io the bictory of the col lege. Mr. aod Mn. Quinlan fxp:ct to leave Saturday. They are al ready packing their household f ' fectP, preraraiory to departure. Tbey go to Hollywood fur a visit with rditives before Lientecant WUU:ldU lUlUn UI3 ICilliiCUIi Ufa 1' Ul r .. : . i . u;. ..... ... I?..-. AVingaif, New Mexico, in May. Mr. aod Mre. Currin are to occupy irir Lous. The p iff line of the citv wsUr works bus reached the ) eartof Cor vallis. As the Times goes to -pres " the excavators nave passed into Jef ferson street between Fifth and Sixth, and expect to complete this tid of the line by tomorrow night or early Thursday morning. After that there is three miles of line to to 9 put in at tha other end and the work will be done. Mr. Mitchell expects to finish it by within 30 -days, cr by May 1st. Engineer Miller will soon begin construction of the reservoir. 1 Eugene Guard: It may be in teresting to note that Attorney R. S. Bryson, who has the scarlet fe ver, contracted the disease by occu pying a room in the Commercial Club building as an office, the room severtl years ago when the build ing was used as a residence having been occupied by a scarlet fever pa tient. Mr. Bryson is secretary of 'i-tia Crm mcrnlfl 1 fMllH anil KoBDnonil "" """J " -" ru" a great deal of bis time in that room. Wben the building was arriv ed recently to make room for Drf Paine's fine new brick block' to bta occupied by the club, it was given a shaken up, and the scarlet fever germs which had remained in the walls were communicated to "Mr. Bryson, This etory may seem -strange, but this Is the only explan ation the physicians can give as to ; how M r. Bryson contracted ihe '-disease. - i -At a meeting Monday night, tt. ... ..tn- ---A i J i- . the distribution system in Oorvallis of wood stave pipe, such as has oeen usea on tne pipe 11ne.1t woum have cost $8,240 additional to have built the town mains of steel pipe. Expenditures and estimates to date show that building the system of wood, save half a mile of steel pipe to be laid on Main street, would . practically consume all the money from the bond issue. To have built a steel distiibution system would have involved problems the board could cot well surmount. Besides, exhaustive investigation of the sub 3 ect has led a large per centage to i believe the wooden pipe to be t better than cheap metal. The ord er for the pipe for the distribution -vBtem was sent yesterday to the factory. A ; , !j7 Born, March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Post a daughter. i Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Whitney, a ' daughter. Arthur Lilly 2nd J. C. Lowe were visitors in Albany Sunday. Prof. Charles Johnson return ed Monday from a visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilbert of Salem were guests of Miss Edna Ir vine over Sunday. Miss Letha Patton came over from Albany Friday night for Miss Pauline Davis' birthday party. Karl Steiwer of Jefferson was the guest of "Mundyville" friends from Saturday until Monday. C. L- Proebstel returned Mon day from a seveial days' visit with his wife io Portland. Mrs. B. A. Cathey returned home yesterday from a three weeks visit in Southern Oregon. Dr. Lowe, the well known eye specialist, will be at Corvallis April the 5th and 6th. The incoming trains were crowded yesterday with students returning from vacation visits. Mrs. A. L- Knisely and child ren returned Sunday from a five months' visit with Eastern rel atives. Rev. Simpson left Monday for McMinnville where he is to hold a series 01 meetings during the week. Mrs. John Wells and Mrs. King of Couer d' Alene, Idaho, left yesterday for a visit at Toledo. " Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lipton of Falls City are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs, -Walter Taylor. Miss Cecil Erwin was an over- Sunday visitor at the Chauncey Barclay home, in Southern Benton. Ralph Cady, son of J. J , left yesterday to engage with his broth er in the laundry business at Day ton, Washington. Miss Eva Starr, who has been confined at home with illness for over a week, is slightly improved, but is not able to Jae out. A? H. Cramer arrived yester day from Nebraska. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cramer ot College hill. He will occupy a farm tbat he has leased near Belle- fountain. There are no quotations yet for wool. AH the signs however, according to the statement of local dealers, point to good prices again this season. The figure is not ex pected to be as high as last year, but a dealer said yesterday that he would not be surprised to see the market start off at 23 or 24 cents. The foundation on lots at the N01 tbeast corner of Adams and Eighth is shortly lo have a building on it. "c T. H.- Crawford, who re cently purchased the site from Prof. Horner will begin building a home there as soon as the weather settles. The architect is now at work on a model for the building. Mohair is quoted at 29 cents in the local market. Several very good lots have been delivered et that figure. Dealers say the pros pects and price abroad are. not en couraging for better figures. : They add that, because of the prevailing styles, mohair" is not to enter as largely as usual into the materials for ladies' dress good" and that as a result the demand will be consid erably lessened.' Miss Pauline Davis was at home to her friends on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday Friday evening. The guests were enter tained with marbles and cards. After lunch was served, Misses Al len; Cooper and Davis gave a short vocal arid j Instrumental "program. Miss DaVis"; guests were;" Misses Mabel Withycombe, , Mary Danne man, Letha Patton, of Albany, Louise Cooper : Mary; Nolan, Edna Irvine, Juliet Cooper, Bess Danne man, Edna Allen and Mabel Da vis; Messrs. Tom Nolan, Charlie Watts, Cyril Brownell, Sam Da mon, Lytnan Bundy, Charlie Shen ofield, Ray Walker, John Withy combe and Kenneth Cooper. Workmen have been cutting away, and pruning the huge maples at therold Add-on corner, north across che street from the Presby terian church. The property pass ed recently into the hands of S. L,. Kline who is preparing to build a home there. The plans for the building are now under advisement and the purpose is to begin con struction as soon as the weather is favorable. The building is to be of cottage design with basement for furnace heat and other conveniences and with all the living rooms on the first floor. The building site comprises two lots. The. old house now on the spot will, as soon as the streets are dry enough to permit, be moved to the north end of town on lots formerly owned by Sheriff Bur nett Which have been acquired by Mr, Kline. At "Belief ountam. The politic-il pot tbat ban been sior raeriog f jr come tim now be ginning to to 1. Mr. and M s. Fred C. Waters tf E miri, are -visiting relatives in this place. Bannie O iks arrived home Wed need ay from P.ntand where he bae been in thK ho'piiBl fur six weeks Mr. Wilson aud family have re turned to their home on Gr-en Peak, whre tbey expect to reside in the future. Charles Perin made a trip to Co: vallis for Woodcock & Taylor, Wednesday,-. The b-iiid was agreeably turprir ed on Tuesday evening, hy the la dies of this place. Refreshmerts were served, after which can dy pulling was the order, at a late hour. Mr. Sifson and family have mov d back into this neighborhood. Mrs. Cox, a t-i-ter of George R. Iall, is spendicg a few weeks at Newpoit before returning to her home in the eai-t. MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONQ AND SICK WOMEN WELL. Forty years ago, Dr. Pierce searched Nature's laboratory for a remedy with which to supplant the ignorant and vi cious methods of treatment, with alco holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still too commonly prescribed and advised for woman's peculiar ailments. Nature abounds with most efficient rem edies, and in Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root, -Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root, Dr. Pierce found medicinal properties, which when extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure glycerine, have proven most potent in making weak women strong and sick women well: It contains no alcohol; is not a "patent medicine," nor 'a secret one either. "I was stiff ertng with nervous headache, pains In the back and dizziness, so that at times X had to lie down fur hours before I could raise my head." writes Mrs. Mary M. Thomas, of 337 Winston Street, Los Angeles. Cal. "After taking the first bottle of 'Fa eorite Prescription," however. I was so pleased with the results that I kept on taking it until 1 1 was restored to health and strength. I shall never be without this great medicine, and shall take a few doses when 1 do not feel strong." One of the principal uses or Dr. Pierce 3 Favorite Prescription is the preparation of prospective mothers lor th trial and danger that 'comes when a child is born. The "Prescription" is strength ening and invigorating and lessens pain .and danger. It insures the perfect well-bt-.ing and the perfect health of both mother and child. Every woman should I;tsow these things before she really needs ! know them. There are many things in i'r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad-vi-r. that every woman ought to know, i'i'.is ooiebrated work reached a sale of '. - Cm copies at $1.50 each. The expense ;f production having thus been covered, it is now being given away. A copy will ! ' svMt to any address on receipt of 21 -"-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing '.'.(. or. in cloth binding for 31 stamps. i.:.-oss Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. n't Be Hoodwinked, h15SS& . v or-persuaded into accepting a substitute , ha Original Little Liver Pills, first put i bv old Dr. R V. Pierce, over 40 years ago, ti-i cailed Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. :::v'vi been much Imitated but never . One or two are laxative, three or ... -ailiartic Publfc concerts owe their Tllrect en couragement to John Banister, who had won fame by his playing on the violin and who succeeded the cele brated Baltzar as leader of Charles II.'s L.ind of twenty-four violins. Pepys, In 1 'i entry In his diary for February, l :i7, tells us the court gossip of the t'. '.y "how the king's viallin Banister i.i mad that the king hath a French i.. m come to be chief of some part of i'i.i! king's muslque." T !anlster'3 concerts at the close of the y ar 1672 were advertised in the Lon- iv, -n Gazette as follows: "These are to t re; notice that at Mr. John Banister's h.ivise' (now called the Mustek School), over against ; the George... tavern In White Fryers, the present Monday will be thnslck performed by excellent mas ters,". beginning precisely at 4 of the elock in the afternoon, and every after noon for th'6 future precisely at the same hour." - Four years later oh we read again: "At the Academy;, in- Little Lincoln's Inn. Fields win begin the' first part of the Parley, of.' Instruments', composed by Mr. John Banister.". ..he admission was at this time as a rule a shilling. and these concerts seem to have been held pretty regularly down to within short time of Banister's death, which took place in 1679. Chambers' Journal, BIRTH OF THE BUS. Thia Class of Vehicle First Appeared In Paris In 1662. 'e omnibus appeared in Paris In 16v 3 a "carrosse a cinq sous" (coach for t."- "jnce halfpenny), by authority ot Louxj XIV., under the management of Pascal, the mystic and philosopher. Whether this eminent thinker originat ed the Idea is not clear, but there Is no doubt that his influence assisted in the establishment of the service under the auspices of a royal decree. Later on these earliest omnibuses ceased to run owing to lack of support, and did not reappear in Paris until 1827, when Lafltte, the banker, who was among the largest proprietors, was credited with originating the re vived service. , The new coaches started to ply In London on July 4, 1829, when the first one left Paddlngton for the Bank of England, and another ran from the bank to the Yorkshire Stingo, New toad. These first British busses were known from the man who organized them as "Shiilibeers," and the conduc tors of the first two are said to have been the sons of British naval officers. Three horses drew them, and they cap rled twenty-two passengers, all Inside SXSiZ I J. G. MORRIS I j SUCCESSOR TO A. M. AUSTIN j Practical Shoer & General Blacksmith j i Prices for general shoe- a Careful attention given I ing. Setting 25c a shoe, knee hitting, interfering, I New shoes $1.50 ahorse. I lameness. Treatment I I No 6 and over $2. I without extra charge. I I ALL WORK FIRST CLASS. -1141 emember Blackledge is Hero We have just received 45 Mai lable Iron Beds, all prices, from $2 90 up. One thousand yards Matting, just in. New wall Paper just received. Lower than any house in Benton county The new folding Go-Carts Jare here. JAP-A-LAC For Floors, Woodwork, etc. Wedon't have time to change our ads every week, but we sell goods to beat the band. Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish ing Goods 4 rooms full. Acme Washer. Remember Blackledge is Here r This Glothin and Shoe Store First we buy our clothing from the factory, we get the same prices as the city stores. Second it costs us about one-tenth asmuch to run our store as the city ones and we save you that differ- r ence which is from $2 to $6 per suit. Third we have the best makes of ready-to-wear clo thing. A. K. RUSS Corvallis, B The . we are not inclined writing advertisements and customers speak for OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. 1 WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION G. B Horning oses Sure Pop You will always find us up and coming c and our prices reasonable. ' FOR . k. .. Boots and shoes for men, women and children, hats. caps, underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact;; things to numerous to mention, ALSO A fine line of groceries, crockery and everything that is needed in a grocery department LOOK. OUT For Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the bell and you will find there is something doing off is the Best Oregon. o!3 Borning, Grocer . & to spend mucn time in we prefer to let our goods themselves. - B rotifers BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative ranking business. Loan money on approved secu rity. Drafts bought and sold and money traosferredto tbe principal cities of the United States, Eu rope and foreign countries. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon Office Winegar & Snows Barn O&ce Phone Ind 328 " Bell 441 Resident " Ind 389 E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & - -ham's drug store. J. FRED TATES ATTORNn l-AT-LAW. Zierolf Building. Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. Hoorn IO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office stairs i a 3 itn'X Brick idence oa tS-s cjrier j;" iilmi Seventh it. Pin; i u,-.il i C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become settled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Graham & Vortham: WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents SAN FRANCISCO 1 , : ': PORTLAND SEATTLE IAOOMA The Bank o California NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub. - Ho. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Sons ; CAN AD A . Untcc Bank of Canada Summons. In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. Myrtle Benson, Plaintiff,) versus John T. Benson, Deft. ) To John D. Benson, the above named defend ant: Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled suit In the above entitled court, now on file in the office of the clerk of said court on or before iii- lat day of the time prescribed in the order fur publication of this summons made by the county judge of Benton county, state of Oregon which order Is hereinafter re ferred to to-wit, March 23d. 1906, and you are hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court tor the relief demanded in her said complaint, namely, for a decree ot divorce from the said defendant forever f issolv lng the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and Said defendant, and for such other further and different rule, order or relief, as to the court may seem proper. This summons is published In the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and oon secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of February 9, 1906., and ending with the issue ot March 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon. Virgil E. Walters, county Judge of Benton county, Oregon, being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the above en titled circuit court, dated February 8, 1906. Date of first publication hereof is February 1906. E. E. WILSON, Plaintiffs Attorney.