The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 27, 1906, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Fred Piel of Monroe, was a
Corvallis business visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G arrow
are visiting in Portland this week.
Born, last Tuesday, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Williams of Belle
fountain, a son.
Tames Pfouts and Ernest Brim-
ner of Monroe are in Corvallis this
week, serving on the jury.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and
Mrs. Lulu Wilson are visiting in
in Portland. They left Sunday.
H. L. Mack and Floy Johnson
returned yesterday from a few days'
visit with friends at Bellefounlain.
Sam Hartsock returned Mon
day evening from a few days' busi
ness visit at Astoria.
Miss Mabel Sheasgaeen spent
Sunday with her parents in Port
land, returning Monday evening.
Miss Frankie Payne, who has
been a student in the college must
cal department, left Saturday even
Jng for Albany to remain.
Mrs. Ed Graves left today for
Wilbur, Washington, being called
there by the serious illness of her
Mrs. Alice Wicks returned
Monday evening from a month.' s
visit with Astoria and Portland
R. M. Gilbert left this morning
for Detroit to resume charge of the
Gilbert saw mill there. He was
accompanied by his grandson,
Oscar Groves.
An elaborate literary and mu
sical programme is to be given in'
college chapel Wednesday evening.
The proceeds go to the Village
Improvement Society.
Physical Director Trine arrived
last night from Portland where he
underwent an operation for remov
al of an ulcerated tooth. jjgg$
The union evangelistic meetings
in the Opera house are continuing
with increasing power. Many are
finding Christ and from t':e intense
interest manifested many more will
come. The meetings will be con
tinued indefinitely until the work is
There is to be a review of the
cadet regiment by Governor Cham
berlain on the college campus at
eight o clock Friday morning
Governor Chamberlain was invited
by President Gatch to make the
review, and in a telegram today
signified his acceDtance. '
' Joseph Mitchell has sold his
property in Jobs addition to John
W. Simpson. It comprises two
lots and a small house, and the
consideration was $200. uene
Simpson is to operate the place and
will convert it into a pheasant
ranch, in connection with" the pre
mises that he already occupies,
A little more, than half of Ben
ton's state taxs was paid by Coun
ty Treasurer Buchanan last Satur
day. The amount remitted was
$6,610. The entire tax, including
the Agricultural College tax is
$12,625. Th amount last year
was $20,745. The year before it
was $24,710, the present am unt
being only about half what it form
erly was. Governir Chamberlain's
vetoes helped to make the- reduc
tion, ; The second debate in the ser
ies for the Gatch cup took place in
College chapel Friday night. The
'question wa?, Resolved, that the
Monroe doctrine as it is at present
construed, should be abandoned by
the United States government. The
debate was between the " Philadel
phians and the JefFersonians, the
former having the affirmative and
the Jeffersonians the negative.- The
decision was unanimous in favor of
the cegative. - The judges were R.
J. Nichols, Prof Holmes and Rev.
. Vincent. The winning team was
J. G. Shroeder, Harold Wilkins
and E. R. Selleck. The Philadel-
phun speakers wereX. B. Russell,
jn. H. Gunderson and Elmer Raw
7! lie time ot the circuit court
was occupied yesterday and the
most of today in the trial of the
Lewis Bicknell damage suit. The
jury, in me case was, .bob Ueilatly,
George Hal!, Charles Franklin,
Norton Ad a mi, George Sebrel!,
W. II. Castle, William Leadbetter,
W. C. Schriber, J. E. Cronk, H.
Seifert, J. W. Handy and Ernest
Brimmer. The foundation for the
suit is the discharge of the contents
of a gun into Lewis' knee when he
tried to enter the Bicknell house
last year, with a buyer, while the
place was unoccupied. ; : Mr. Lewis
was required to exhibit his limb in
court. Five thousand dollars
damages is asked.
. H. B Carter of Medford re-en
tered college today after an absence
ot three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Bohannon, who
have been visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Jones of this city,
left today for their home at Sea
side. '.
Specimens of the Manker's
chickens sent to the college for
analysis have been destroyed. On
account of the illness of Prof. Per-
not, bacteriological analysis was
impossible. From the accompany
ing letter, Dr. Withycotnbe con
cluded, the trouble to be diphtheria
and'asfonly a bacteriological analy
sis could fit the case, the specimens
were burned at once to prevent in
A grand jury is on duty at the
circuit court. A host of witnesses
has been examined," but it is not
known what the jury is working
on. Evangelist Frank Miller was
among btner witnesses examined
yesterday." " The jury is, Paul Tru
it, foreman,- J, , G. Horning, J. H.
Dorsey, James P. Pfouts; Henry
Scheele,' Arthur Allen, J. E. Bu
chanan. ' ' - ' '-.i'".'"
Contractor Mitchell wants
more men to work on the unfinish
ed stretch of pipe line. It is In the
mountains, and on - that account he
is going to pay laborers $2.50 per
day. Board will be available at $4
per week. The. contractor furnish
es all tools. .
A talk to men only on "Scar
let Sins," was given at the Opera
house Sunday afternoon by Evan
gelist Miller, and there was a large
attendance. A meeting for women
was given at " the - Presbyterian
church at the same hour, and many
were out to hear the address. The
meetings at the M; E. church are
to continue for about three weeks
longer. Already . -about 50 people
have been converted and reclaimed,
and the attendance and interest is
daily increasing. No services were
held at the church yesterday, but
cottage prayer meetings in various
parts of town were held during the
Thomas Bilyeu . has resigned
his position as instiuctor in wood
work at the college, and he left this
morning for Portland where, in
connectiou with David Hirstel, an
other O. A. C. graduate, he will
open an offioe in mechanical engi
neering. The firm will do draught
ing and contracting, for which pur
pose they will maintain a well
equipped office, the only one of its'
kind in Portland. They will also
be manufacturer's agents for many
important mechanical and electrical
appliances. Mr. Biiyeu's resigna
tion is much to be regretied, as he
was an enthusiastic and energetic
man at his work. No less
than 25 Morris chairs, as sightly
and substantial as the best furniture
house affords have been turned out
by students under his direction al
ready this year, most of them by
boys who entered as Freshmen at
the beginning of the current year.
Mark McAllister; of last year s
graduating class, has been placed
in charge of the woodwork classes.
Gobbling up all the Power
Sites on Cascade Rivers
' Monopoly Ahead.
A statement, on what 'seems to
be good authority, was made , to
the Times this morning that a large
portion of the power sites on the
North Santiam river haved passed,
into private control. The inform;
ant said: "I know of a man who
has ben at work for a year in se
curing water rights and in purchas
ing power eites with the result that
most of the North Santiam ha
already gone into private nands.
The same influences I also know,
are at work on the South Santiam,
and on the McKenzie. Whether
it is the same parties that are at
work on the two litter streams, T
do not know. That, however,
capitalists are gathering up - every
available source of electrical power
supply, is a certainty." ,
The speaker is a man who is tho
roughly' posted in such matters,
and is never wild of statement
Whether the facts have a connec.
tion with the purchase . of electric
Kant plants and -the securing of
franchises by a "-single company all
over the valley, is not known. That
monopolization along these lines is
planned and ' now in process of
promotion is certain. There is
vast wealth in the mountain streams
and it is a pity to see them pass in
to private hands without one small
po.tion of the usufruct going to the
people for whom the streams the for
ests, the mountains and ths lands
Were created. 1 ,
But alas, as it was with our for
ests which have gone to the stuffed
rich, so it is apparently going to be
with the streams and their valuable
power. ;. ' ' ,
Real Estate Transfers.
State of Oregon to G. A. Hanna,
39 a. near Corvallis, $200.
Hattie H. Hovendon et al to
Joseph Hanna, land near Corvallis,
$1. .. .
Cases Disposed of Liquor Cas
es all Continued for : the .
Mary E. Coon, T. M. Coon et al
plaintiff, versus A. L. Coon, Defen
dant suit for sale of real property.
The State of Oregon, plaintiff,
versus, Chas. M.. Kline, Merwin
McMaLnes, Jack Milne and John
Doe whose true name is unknown,
defendants. Appeal from J. P
Court, " Continued.
The State of Oregon, plaintiff,
versus Chas. " M. KJine, and Jack
Milne, defendants. Appeal from J.
P. Court. Continued.
The State of Oregon, plaintiff,
versus Cbas. M. Kline, Merwin
McMaines, Jack Milne, defendents.
Appeal from J. P. Court. Con
tinued. The State of Oregon plaintiff,
versus Chas. . M. Kline, Merwin
McMaiues and C. C. Geer, defend
ants. Appeal from J. P. Court.
James L. Lewis, plaintiff, versus
Spencer Eickiielt, defendant. Act
ion lor damages. jn trial.
R. V. Mco're, plaintiff, versus M.
May Moore, defendant. - Suit di
vorce. Decree of divorce. .
Sarah A. Schiffler, to Carrie
Blain, 5 a. near Albany, $10.
Emma Groves to City of Corval
lis, Right of way, pipe line, $r.
S. T. Wyatt and wf . to City of
Corvallis, right of way pipe line, $1.
A. Keast to City of Corvallis,
right of way pipe line, $50.
A. Bennett and wf. to City of
Corvallis, right of way, pipe line,
W. Crees and wf. to City of Cor
vallis, right of way pipe line, $1.
Mt. Union Cemetery to W. R.
Miller, lot in cemetery, $12.
W. J. Mitchell to J. W. Simpson,
2 lots Jobs add. $200.
G. Manning and . wf. to Sarah
Owen, 160 a. near Bellefountain,
C. E. Philbrook and wf. to M.
D. Wyatt. lot in Mt. Union Ceme
tery, $12.
T. W. B. Smith and wf. to W.
W. Smith, land near Bruce, $1.
Julia Cline and hus. to O. C. Bel
cher, land on Kiger Island, $700.
High Southern Padfc Official and
Ano her Mn's Valise -A Station
- Epi-od .
A. L. Cra g, general passenger
agent of the O. R. & N. a d South
ern Pacific, one of the best known
railroadmen in th West, was
caught in the act of esc ping with
an therm n's suit case at the C.
& E. stati n Saturd y. Karl
Steiwer was the owner ot the b g
gage, and recovered hrs property
just as the fugitive railroad mai
wasabot to board the train with
it. Mr. Craig picked up ths valise
unobserved, as it rested unguarded
at on- end of the p atform. The
train was about starting and Mr.
Craig, carrying the grip, hurrie I
along the pi tform to the rear, of
the train to wh;ch his private car
was attached. The owner observ
ed his valise with its precious con
tents disappearing and hu red off
in pursuit. Jack Mayo saw that
Steiwer was about to lose hi valise
and being a friend of hi , also join
ed in the chaie. "Hey there;"
"hold on there with that grip;"
"stop the man with the suit case;"
these were some o'' the exclamations
that mingle ! with' the taps of the
lrcomotire bell, the tramp of flying
feet and the noisa of the starting
train. : . . .
Just as he was about to climb the
steps to hU car, violent hands were
laid on Craig. "Gimme my grip
stranger," demanded the ex col
lege boy as he laid hands on his
suit case. "Give the man his grip"
shouted Mayo, who had arrived
breathless in speaking distance.
"That don't go here,, mister,", in
sinuated a truckman, for, by this
time everybody about the station
was a horrified eye witness to the
. Mr. Craig was full of explana
tions and blushes. He saw the grip
on the platform and thought it was
Mayo s. He saw Mayo talking to
a pretty girl and knew Jack would
be sure, under such circumstances,
to forget the grip. The trainbell
rang an i sure enough, Mayo start
ed off with ut the vlise. Craig
seized it and bohed f r his car with
tne result re ated. "I'll travel no
mo e with you,'1 was the last thing
the assembled crowd heard Mayo
say to Craig as the train pulled out.
Gordon Hats are with n i ho
reach of every man in this
town. Within the rtseL of his
pockbook ; within waikiug
distance of his offi. e. No need
to say., very much about Gor
don Hats. You know your
self that no better hat can be
mande at any price. The Gor
don Hat, soft or stilf, cofct you
$3, pay more for a hiit, and
you have paid soznt thing for
New Spring Styles have Arrived
all Shapes and Colors.
The People's Store.
Established I 864. Corvallis, Oregon.
Competent girl to assist in gener
al housework.
Apply to Mrs. A.'Wilhelm,
Monroe, Or.
' . F.or Sale. . .
White Side pats. Address,
Wra. Crees, Corvallis.
" Ind. phone 234."
Cll for City Warrants.
, Notice is hereby given that thee
is money in the treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general
fund and indorsed prior to May , 5,
lg03. Interest on same will . ttop
from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon,
March 27, 1906. .
- Wm. McLagan,
City Treasurer. '
City or country work, country a
specialty; reasonable rates. Inde
pendent phene, 852, or 362. En
quire of J. R. Smith.
Read, Fullerton & Hubler,
J Corvallis.
Oak wood, stove lengths. Call
at Saw Mill Co.
" . ' Order Seeds Now.
Red Clover AUike, Alfalfa, Rap
rSpeltz and ArticbokeB. I can furnish
inoculated seeds and land plaster, that
will double the yield. See sample of
seed at Wellsher & Gray's store.
' Wanted 80 ton Vetch seed for May
L. L. Brooks. -
A State Office Candidate His
: Friends Claim his Nomi
nation. Claud Gatch, of Salem, spent
yesterdsy among Corvallis friends.
He is a candidate for tie republican
nomination for secretary of State,
and according to all accounts has a
good lead over all competitors in
the race. His entire life of forty
odd years,, with the exception of
three weeks at the beginning, has
been spent in Oregon. He was ed
ucated at Willamette. University,
where more than 25 ' years ago he
was a student alonar' with R. J.
Nichols, Miles Starr, .Mrs. Robert
Kyle, the, writer and other present
residents of Ben! on county.
He has never held public office,
though he lacked but two or three
votes of being named for congress
to succeed the late Thomas Tongue
when Ileiaracn was nominated at
Eugene. These votes, it has long
been knosvn to his friends, would
have been forthcoming if, behind
the scenes at the convention, he had
made certain promises, t .These
promises involved the sacrifice of z.
principle and he thrust aside the
nomination rather than make them.
He was a square, straightforward,
honest lad as a school . boy, and
such he has been as a man, .which
is the secret of his wide popularity
among those to whom he is person
ally known. In all recent
elections he has made campaign
speeches in the interest of re
publican candidates, a fact not true
of any of his competitors in the race
for the nomination.
Claud Gatch is the only surviv
ing son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M
Gatch of Corvallis. . He left this
morning for Southern Oregon.:
Competent lady to assist in gen
eral -housework.
Apply to Mrs. ' M. Coffee,
Monroe,. Oregon.
' Larae Back. -
This ailment is usually caused by rheuma
tism of the muscles and may be cured by
applying Chamberlain'?1 Pain Balm two or
three times a day and rubbing the parts
vigorously At each application. If this does
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow.... For Bale by
(Jrraham & Wortham. "
. :. For Sale.
Farm and citv Prooertv. -
. : S. I. Henderson, -f
V y ' Cotyallis, On
B-iflVred for Five Years With KSaney
, . . and Liver Trouble.'
"I suffered for five years with kidney and
liver trouble, which caused severe pains
across the back and a blinding headache. I
had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I
could not move my bowels without a. cathar
tic I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets and have been well now
for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strick
land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For -sale hy
Graham Ss-WortUam, '
Wool and Wasb Dress Fairies
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrived. All colors, weights,
and wfeaves, at prices that will tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool arid Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Browne
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue,.
Green and Navy.
New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods
New assortment embroidered waist patterns
New veluets, collars and belts.
Remember we give 5 percent discount on
ali Cash Purchases,
Highest i Price for -Country Produce. "
ff.- L. MILLER
Has just received the services of one of the finest
' mechanics in the vajley and from now on will bn
. prepared to do all kinds of repair work from a pad
lock to a threshing machine.
Guns, Sewing Machines, Locks a Specialty
f We have just received a complete line of 1906
, Base Ball goods, also a fine line of up to date fi&h
ing tackle, Slash lights, batteries and sewing ma-
chine extras always on hand.
To exchange that old stove for a new up to dale -su e
Kange. "Remember we have the Range that ot
: only SELLS but gives satisfaction
Abundance of references given
You will no doubt use some Carpet, Wall
Linoleum this spring. Ours is the only
a complete line to select from. Our
are going fast, get in line and select a good p
are selling absolutely AT COST.
HollenUerg 4