The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 27, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XIX.-N0. 3
B. F. IK VI J B Editor
and Proprietor
-ml ll-frl
. rr n
in every uupu imuni.
Never before has our store display such
a volume of goodr. Consisting of all the
newest creations that are. offering for the w
spring of 1906 .......,..,...; V f
, 4 r
Wool and Cotton Dress Goods
Silks, Gloves, Hosiery,
Waist Patterns,
Ready-Made Skirts
Waists, Etc.
in fact lots of new things that we ask 'i
ybu to come and see. Big-Hne of Shoes,
'all styles" just received.- Warners com
plete line corsets. See our rugs, lace
curtains aud other nice things to furnish
the house. White and New Home Sew
ing Machines. :
. . .' ..
' ; T! 7
-Ull HH-
Chase &
our j? sain
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, suj ar and
Sole agent for ." ?c5?
Chase & Sanborn Higli Grade
The Brst on Eartn.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all he reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvailis and Philomath, Oregon. -
-j.. x
- - - :
-im 11 u mi H n-
No Prizes go with our '
Sanlsofn Higft Grade
Styeral Hundred Families Will
Find Homes in Hitherto Neg
lected Sections of the State n
Talk About Railroads.
Albany, Or. , March 25. The
transaction recently reported in the
Oregonian whereby J. M. Tallman,
of Cedar Rapide, Is., aid S. E.
Wlghtman, of Watertown, S. D.,j
have gained possession bf 30,000
acres of land along the line of the
Corvallis & Eastern railroad near
Yequina Bay, is one of the most
mportant realty transactions that
has been consummated ioOregonfor
some time. The gentlemen who
made the purchase are representor
tives of a large colonisation scheme,
and have now returned to their
Eastern homes to report reading ss
to care for several hundred families.
Theee people are coming to Ore
gon to livs, and will populate one
of the richest and yet most neglect
ed portions of . the valley. Their
land will extend from the interior
through the Coast Range Mountains
to tide land on Yaquina Bay. It is
now a eparsely-tettled country, con
sisting of considerable grazing and
open land, fit for cultivation, and
many acres of land covered with
excellent timber ready for the' mTU.-
All this vast tract of land will
be cultivated and utilized by these
thrifty farmers who are coming
west to escape the rigors of winter
climate in Iowa and the' Dakota?.
When the stretch from Benton coun
ty to the coast along the line of the
Corvallis, & Eastern railroad is
thickly settled by the large number
of people who compose the propesad
colony, the region between albany
and toeoast will become one of
imparfaht agricultural and indus
trlol districts of the ttate.
In this connection, extension of
the Corvallis & Eaetern railroad in
to Eastern Oregon is a topic of dis
cussion iu Albany again. If settle
ment of the country contiguous to
the coast branch of the line makes
that end of the concern a paying in
vestment, will it not mean the es
tablishment of extensive colonies
aloDg the line of the road In East
ern Oregon, and the extension of
the road into that interior country,
is a qu stion that is being asked
Certain it is that Harriman peo
ple are interested in the colony in
Lincoln county in more or lets de
gree, and the hundreds of people
who are to form the colony are slat
ed to tome to Oregon over the Har
riman lines. Of course the inter
est of the Harriman people may ex
tend merely to getting the colonists
routedover their aces for the . bust
ness there is in it, but local opti
mists try to think there is more
than that in it.
They like to think it means that
Harriman is interested in the Cor
vallis & Eastern railroad, and now,
when the Oregon territory is the
objective point of great railroad op
erations, that Mr. Harriman has
become aroused to the situation and
is beginning the work of making
good in the Corvallis & Eastern
railroad territory.
Chicago, March 25. A dispatch
to the Record-Herald from Kansas
City, Mo., Bays:
"If a mau commits a crime so re
volting that it shocks, the morals of
the people just to hear about it
then that man can go scot fres."
That was the statement made by
Judge Wofford in the criminal court
yesterday. He had before him John
Martin Speyer, of New Oi leans,
twice convicted of murdering his
little boy and twice given a Dew
trial by the supreme court. Ang
ered at the action of the higher trib
unal be refused to try the cage
"I sat as judge twice in this case,"
be went 00. "Both times the su
preme court has seen fit to take a
different position from mine. I
will bave nothing more to do with
"I'll call in Judge John A. Rich,
of the circuit court of the Ffteenth
Judicial dristrict, to hear the case.
The trial will be set for June 28."
' Speyejr killed his 3-year-old boy
July 22, 19O2. The man was a per-
former with a street show. Speyer
was in a tent when officers arrested
him for attempting an assault on a
little girl. He asked for permission
to go into-bis tent a minute. The
officers allowed him to, and he
picked up a kcife and cut his liUle
son's throat from ear to ear before
thev could interfere.
That the leading medical writers and
teachers of all the several schools of
practice endorse and recommend, in the
strongest terms possible, each and every
ingredient entering into the composition
ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
tor the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia,
catarrh of, stomach, "liver complaint,'
torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel
affections, and all catarrhal diseases 01
whatever region, name or nature. It is
also a specific remedy for all such chronic
or long standing cases of catarrhal affec
tions and their resultants, as bronchial,
throat and lung diseases (except consump
tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It
is not so good for acute colds and coughs,
but for lingering, or chronic cases it is
especially efficacious in producing per
fect cures. It contains Black Cherry bark,
Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root.
Mandrake root and Queen's root all oi
which are highly praised as remedies for
all the above mentfoned affections by such
eminent medical writers and teachers as
Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col
lege: Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.:
Prof. Flnley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben
nett Med. College, Chicago; Prof. John
King, M. D., late of Cincinnati ; Prof;
John M. Scudder. M. D.. late of Cincin
nati Prof. Edwin M. Hale, M. D., of
-Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and
tcores of others equally eminent in their
'.- teveral schools of practice.
-The "Golden Medical Discovery " is the
only, medicine put up for sale through
druggists lor line purposes, tnat has an;
such professional endorsement wort
more than any number of ordinary testi-
, monials. Open publicity of its formula
on the bottle wrapper is the best possible
guaranty of its merits. A glance at this
Sublished formula will show that "Golden
ledical Discovery " contains no poison
ous or harmful agents and no alcohol
chemically pure, triple-refined glycerine
being used instead. Glycerine is entirely
unobjectionable and besides is a most
useful ingredient in the cure of all stom
ach, as well as bronchial, throat and luni
affections. There is the hiehest medlca
authority for its use in all such cases.
The "Discovery "is a concentrated glyc
eric extract of native, medicinal . roots
and is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
med'cal authorities, endorsing its mere
dlents mailed free on request. Address
DrB. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Sunbury, Pa., March 24. Seven
people met death here this after
noon when the Philadelphia &
Raiding No. 5 ran into a farmer's
covered wagon at a grade crossing
near here. Only one in the wagon
escaped death.
The party were returning to their
homes in Rappoho township from
this , place. Washington Neidig,
who drove, did not ere the engine
which struck the wagon squarely
in the middle. Ths bodies wtre
carried along for several hundred
yards and were horribly mutilated.
Don't Starve or Diet, bat Use Hi-o na.
and Cure Your Stomach Troubles.
The average treatment of stomach trou
bles consists of a rigid diet list, which
often starves the patient. Of course it
would be foolish for any one wbo knows
that some foods are positively harmful
and poisonous to continue eating them,
even while following the Mi-o-na treat
ment, but in ordinary cases of stomach
troubles it is not necessary to starve or
diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet
before each meal.
This scientific remedy, for the cure of
stomach troubles, acts upon the whole
digestive system, and strengthens the or
gans so that they are able to digest any
food that is eaten without fear of distress.
If you suffer from loss of appetite, belch
ing of gases, sour taste in the mouth
furred tongue, severe pains in the region
ot the stomach, depression of spirits, bad
dreams, lack of energy, a stomach cough,
otteDsive breath, headaches, back aches
loss of strength and weight, you can be
assured that these troubles are all due to
iinpr-rfect digestion.
strengthen the stomach by taking
Mi-o-na tablet before each meal, and
soon you will gain in weight, strength
will return, and your food will give nour
ithment so that the rich red blood will
carry good health to every part of the
Graham & Wells have so much confi
dence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure
stomach troubles and resulting ills, that
they give a guarantee with every 50 cent
box to refund the money unless it cureB
Dry Slab Wood.
At the Corvallis sawmill, delivered
anywhere in town at $1-25 per load, cash
on delivery. feb27-lm.
One Dollar Saved Represents Ten
Dollars Earned.
The average man Joes not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars in living expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Misguided Effort on the Part of
Good Women Brings results
the Opposite of Those De
sired Other News.
Seattle, Wash., March 24. In an
addresB before the Knights of Co-,
lumbus, Chaplain John A.r Ferry,'
Tenth infantry, stationed at Port
Lawton, declared that the W. C. T.
U., in a misguided effort to abolish
the army canteen, is responsible for
much of the diunkeneas among the
troops. He declared not to exceed
2 per cent, of the enlisted men be
came intoxicated on pay day, and
added: - .
"But these faults, though small
compared with civic organizations,
would still be smaller if the army
were untrammeled by a certain well
meaning but overzealous civilian
society. I speak of the W. C. T.
Ui through whose efforts the anti-
canteen law was promulgated.
' "The abolition of the canteen has
been disastrous, and far from the
expectations of these good women.
So far-reaching has been the evil it
will be only a matter of a short
time when congress will give back
the canteen to the soldier boy. Al
ready steps are being taken among
officers to bring this about.
When the army had the canteen
only the beet of beer was sold. No
man was sold more than he could
reasonably contain.' If through aef
,1 . 1 1 " i ; ' i, 3
ciaent ne oecame , intoxicated mere
were friends to look after him. The
money paid came back in periodi
cal dividends to the companes.
There was not the strong attraction
to leave the post and miss call?, as
there is at present with theauti-can-tten
law in operation.
"The guardhouse had few occu
pants when the canteen was flour
ishing, and the town grogshops few
soldier habitues. The sooner the
canteen is given back to the soldier
the less cause the civilian will bave
to turn up his noEe at the enlisted
New York, March 24. The Rock
efeller fortune to which1 John DH
III will succeed is eetimated at
1,000,000,000. At simple interest
of 3 per cent., in 50 years the for
tune will have grown to $2,500,000,-
000. bhould the baby inherit the
money-making traits ot his grand
father and merely go on compound
ing the fortune that will be his in
50 years, when he is much younger
then his grandfather is now, it will
amount to nearly $5,000,000,000.
This is twice the amount of the na
tional debt of the United States,
which latt year was $2,283 84
382. "
If the baby born today eo desires,
at the age of 50 years he might be
in a position to wipe out tbe na
tional debt of the United States and
still have a couple ot billion of dol
lars left to keep the wolf from the
New York, March 17. John D
Rockefeller has resigned as a trus
tee of the Fifth Avenue Baptist
church. His resignation was hand
ed in several months ago, but baa
just become known to others than
members of the board. His reason
is poor health.
Mr. Rockefeller is af? his Iake
wood home, where hs cannot be
molested by subpoenas iu the liti
gation against the Standard Oil
company started by the state of
Missouri. Tbe process issued by
the Missouri supreme court is with
out effect in New Jersey. The Lake
wood home, however,- is under close
guard by employes of Mr. Rocke
feller. He has searchlights erected
around his house and it te'iaid
his guards have orders to Bhoot any
persons found in the grounds after
Rome, March 24. J. P. Morgan
has fled from Italy in fear cf his
life. There was a plot to kill him.
He came to Rome to buy antiques
and woiks of art, but before he
could unpack his luggage he beard
rumors that sent him flying. Dur
ing the past three dayB the Roman
newspapers have been discussing
the precipitate flight of Mr. Morgan.
The chief of the -Roman police
meets the rumors-with-humor. He
says the plot to kill the American
financier was merely a ruse of jeal
ous antiquarians who wanted to
scare Morgan out ot Italy.
Never did a ruse work more suc
cessfully. Friends of Morgan say
that when he heard that his life
was in danger he gave way at once
to fear. His nerve? became raspy
and in a few hours he bad essured
himself that Rome was no place for
If you knew the value of Chamberlain's
Salve you would never wish to be- without
it. Here are some of the diseases for which
it is especially valuable.- sore nipples, chapped
hands, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic
sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum
and eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Graham & Wortham.
r . , Proclamation. .
Whereas, the secretary of state of the
stite of Oregon, has notified ma In writ
ing that pursuant to the provisions of an
act entitled "An Act making effective
the initiative and referendum ptovisions
of Sections of Article IV of the Constitu
tion bf the state of Oregon, and regulat
ing elections thereunder, and providing
penalties ior vioiauons ot pro
visions of this act," approved
February 24, 1903, the Oregon
State Grange dply filed in this office on
February 3d, 1906, an initiative petition
containing 7,648 signatures properly at
tached to a copy of said measure, certi
fied in accordance with law, demand mg
that a proposed law, the title, tenor and
effect of which is hereinafter particularly
sefforth, shall be submitted to tbe legal
voters of the stats of Oregon for their ap
proval or rejection at the general election
to be held in said state on the 4th day of
June, being the first Monday in Jnae,
Now, therefore, I, George E. Chamber
lain, governor of the state of Oregon, in
obedience to the provisions of safd act
hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby
make and issue this proclamation to the
people of the state of Oregon, pnnounc
mg that the said Oregon Grange has filed
said initiative petition with tbe requisite
number of signatures thereto attached
demanding that there shall be submitted
to the legai voters of the state of Oregon
for their approval or rejection at the reg
ular election to be held on the 4th day
of June, 1906, said day 1 eing the fust
Monday in aid month, a bill to propose
by initiative petition a bill entitled "A bill
to propose by initiative petition a law to
provide additional revenue for state pur
poses; to levy a license on tbe r--3
earnings of Sleeping car companies. I'.s
ftierator car companies and Oil coiui.i
nies: defining a Sleeping car company, a
Refrigerator car company and an Oilctui
pany within the meaning of this, Wi
nning the manner of ascertaining tho a
mount of such gross receipts, proyidi-ig
a penalty for violating tbe provisions of
thh act, " the teLOr and effect of whn'h
in brief is :
First. ; To rrquire every Sleeping -ar
company, Refrigerator car company and
Oil company to pay in addition to taxes
now provided for by law, a license of thtee
per centum" n'pon the gross earnings of
such companies, annually, to the treasur
er of the state.
Second. To particularly define each
of said compauies included within the
terms of said act.
Third. To provide the manner of as
certaining the amount of such gross re
ceipts by requiring tbe proper officers of
such companies, as particularly mention
tioned in said bill, to transmit to the
state treasurer on or before the iat day
of March of each year a statement under
oath of the gross receipts of such compa
nies from business transacted within the
state during the preceding year ending
December 31st, and giving In such state
ment information as to the name of the
firm, company, business or corporation;
the nature of the business transacted by
it; the location of i's principal office and
under what laws it is organised, and
whom, if sny one, it represents, and m
certain cases provided by the bill whose
wares it handles; the name, address aud
place of residence of the proprietor, chief
officer or managing agent of the business
or company in tbe state of Oregon; a de
tailed statement of the real estate owned
by the firm or company in the sta'a of
Oregon, where situated and the value
thereof as assessed for taxation.
Fourth. To provide for the payment
of ten per centum additionl to f id li
cense fees in case of a failure to make the
statement or to pay the license require l
to be made or p-vd by the tei of paid
act, and to provide the method of collec
tion thereof.
Fifth. To provide that if anyofficerof
any cotnpat.y or corporation or otherper
sou mentioned in said bill shall fail, re
fuse or r.eglect to nicke and file the en
nual statement therfin required to be
made for tbr- .y days after the ist day of
March in each year, on conviction there
of he shall be punished by a fine of not
less than 500.00 nor more than $i,cr ,
or by imprisonment in the county ja;l
not less than tbu.y Hya nor more than
six months, or by both fine and impris
onment in the discretion of the court, and
making it the duly of the district attor
ney of the proper judicial district to com
mence and prosecute for violations of
said bill in any court of competent jut ls
diction en action at law to enforce said
Done at the capitol at Salem, this 28th
day of February, A. D., 1906.
(Signed) F. I. DUNBAR,
Secretary of State.
A Favorite Remedy For Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have
made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favor
ite with ihe mothers of small children. It
quickly cures their coughs and colds and pre
vents any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences. It not only ccro
croup, but when given as soon as the croiipy
cough aDDears will prevent, the attack. For
-ale by Graham & Wortham.