The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1906, Image 4

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H'ae Coinings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-
lion and Other Items
Public Interest.
President Ga'ch left yesterday
for Mjbsma, Marion county, to the inter-term vacation.
Mips Bees'.e Bush of O. A. C,
5s eroding s. few days with her
paruotb in KinL'S Valley.
-Mies Pauline Davis is to enter
tain a number of friends tbia eve
ning io honor of her eighteenth
After a visit of several days
with friends In this city Miss Hel
en Steiwer. returned yesterday to
3jei' home at Jfcffarson.. . .'..".
Mrs. Emma T. Kline, of this
city, has been honored by the pres.
Ideot of the National Woman's Re
lief Corps with au appointment on
her staff as national Bpecial aide.
Albany had a fire Sunday ve-r
nlng in which Simpson's Grill "was
destroyed. The owner is George
: Stmneon. a brother of J H. Simp
eon and Mrs. M. S. Woodcock, of
this city,. ,
The Locke Bro?., north of town
left todav for Salem with a bonch
f hef fiftttle. This is the i second:
h,r..h ihnv have taken from this
-vicinity within the past ten days
Raubeo Patty has ' beeb ap
nointed administrator of the testate
. , t 1 T 1 C
of J. H- rattv. wno aiea juiy o,
190.5- TheboDdoftbe admininis
Uaior was fixed at $1, ooo
Elsie May Miiler, aged sixteen
rPK was last Siturdav . taken to
t tbe Boys' and Girls Aid Society io
Portland by Mr. and Mre.iJ John
""Welts. The yotrng girl is thecbild
-of Harvey and Viola Miller."
Examinations -for the second
term at the college ended Wednes
-day aad thtre is vacation until the
le-open'.Dg for the spring term next
A nt'inue entertainment was
'"iven by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Toni
tort, the 13th of tbis month to 13
eirle. 13 year- eld, in booor of their
daogbier Bosa e l3.b birthday. A
ride on a hayrack to their home
oue mile soul'ti 01 town, suppt-r
gp.cies and music was enjoyed by
A Kansas mau's wi e let him
run the nouse and get his own natal
for a vrpi-k or two. He cooked
he thought, the breakfast food every
morning. Woen the wife-returned
feh noticed toat ber husbaud twit
tered and be bimtelf acknowledged
an mrlmation to warble. It was
found that he had cooked and eaten
a. whole package of canary seed
' A letter received Wednesday
from the bedside of Mrs. John day
who U critically ill with typhoid
:fr)ver at Forest Grove, states , that
,t.h ;a no' iniorovin?. and that her
fever etacds at 103, day and night
The writer tf the letter states that
if 00 complications arise, Mrs. Diy
may recover, but that if everything
is not the most favorable, there, is
-no hope.
A 'Kansas man away from
hora rec-ived a dispatch from : hiB
wife, facing, "Gome to pee me at
once. I.ara dving." He took ; the
train immediately and reached
home eight hours later. His wife
received Hod joyfully. When he
was abla to speak, be asked her
what she meant
such a message,
that 1 'VfiK dying
wife explained, "
ouiv iei.rc!t; send
by sending hlm
I wanted to say
to see you," -the
but the man would
ten words for a
Tha closing exercises for the
year of Ihu College of Phi'omath oc
curred at Philomath today. The
usual cpiing tsrm has been elimin
ated fur tljia year, because of the
2re wkieli destroyed the college
' building laat fall.. Ever since, the
laas3:ag Lai! has been occapiecLfdr
ciasts work, and tQe Methodist build'
mg ur ccurca Eeivices 01 me ae
cominytioj. The trustees of the
college beve voted to rebuild, and
the v.-oik c
:.f securiug funds for the
purpose il' ia ptogresB. The Phil
omathic society gave itB anniversa
iry entertainment last evening.. . .
The Cotvallis creamery made
over e. ton of .butter ' Wednesday.
The eslab'iehmeut is turning out
nearly 7,000 pounds of batter a
week. That aggregate so early in
the season makes promise of an im
mense output during theyear. LaBt
year, t a,9 bus i ness ran above $75,000.
It is cue of the" big industries - of
. Beaton county. It ia by far the
ibiggeet creamery business in the In
vterior of the state. The ruling price
for Gutter fat is 27 1-2 cents. today.
The-demand for the product, is far
greater than fhe supply.
FraiVHorf returned to "hiei
borne at Seattle, Werlneeday, after
a brief visit at home. '
O E. Fofier, . who, with bis
family came to Corvallie laet Sep
tember from WiecoosiD, i to move
the firet of April onto the Ireland
hopyard, north of town.
Born. Wednesday to Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Morgan, a daughter.
Miss Ella Brown of Portland is
visiting in Corvallis, the guest of
Miss Marie Cathey.
Arthur Bouquet leaves today
for Hillsboro tor "a few days' visit
with friends. .
Mr. Bohannon of Seaside, who
is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Thos.
Tones, has been on the sick list for
a day or two.
There will be services at the
Episcopal church Sunday at the us
ual hours.
There was quite an exodus of
students v yesterday going to their
homes for a few days' vacation be
tween terms. . College re-opens on
Presbyterian church. M. S.
Bush, pastor. Morning and even
ing services in union revival meet
ings in the Operaj House 4 Annual
congregational meeting' next
Thursday evening, , .March 29, at
Rev. T. S. Handsacker will
preach at the Christian errorcfatieixt-
Sunday morning. Subject, "The
DrawingrPower of the'reross.'4-
Tfaere wilrtoe no-evening' service osr-
account of the union meetings.
Judge CakV-a brbther. of H.
M. Cakei-Jonecof hjt' candidiates for :
rlie republican jiominatioa tor sena
tor, was ia town Wednesday, in
the interest of his brother's candi-.
daey.- - - . -
Miss Edna Gillette, for a long
time book ; keeper at K. M.
Wade's, has resigned the position
and left a few days ago for her
home in Crook county. The po
sition has been ' accepted by Miss
Lulu Wright.
The 55th birthday of Mrs.
Martha Peters was celebrated at her
home Tuesday afternoon, when a
party of friends gave ber a- genuine
surprise. The afternoon was very
pleasant for all, and concluded with
dainty refreshments. Those pres
ent were: Mesdames John Young,
D. D. Berman, . J. D. Wells, J. J.
Cale, Robert Jones, Asa Austin,
W.; P. Miner, W. L. Sharp; Misses
Pansy Peters and Edna Dow.
The theft of base ball mits by
a youngster in his teens is a late in
cident. The articles . were taken
from the establishment formerly
conducted by Dilly the Fixer. The j
matter was reported to Chief Lane,
and the result of an investigation
was that the boy was found with
the mits in his possession. He
made acknowledgement of the facts,
and paid for the stolen property,
after which, in view of his age, he
was allowed to go, Another boy
or two who ' have been" up to the
same game are about to be discov
ered, along with., the .evidences of
their guilt.
..j . A beautiful counter, for the
bank at Toledo, Lincoln county
was shipped today from. Corvallis.
It is entirely panel work, and Ore
gon oak is the material. It is 10
feet and three inches in length -and
of the usual height and width, be
ing very handsome r in its propor
tions. The workmanship , is ele
gant, 'all the fittings baing per
fect and the polish of most finished
character." Additional parts of the
furniture are a high writing desk,
a table and a bracket , desk for use
Qf customers,
The whole sat is of
oak, and in its entirety is most
creditable to the establishment that
turned it out. It was manufactur
ed at Colbert's furniture factory.
The Corvallis i Flouring Mills
has just, received from , The Big
Bend country, two car loads of No.
1 choice Blue-stem wheat. The
same will be milled straight and
placed under the brand of Mount
Hood Snowfall. All persons wish
ing a hard wheat patent flour can
J secure the same
from your grocer,
or at the Mill at $r.i5 per sack.
This flour is .strictly guaranteed by
the Mill , to be as good or better
than any hard wheat flour on the
market, . while the straight Snow
fall is a Valley patent and sells at
$.15 per sack less. Owing to the
large r number of Eastern friends
coming to this section the Mills
have found it- necessary to adopt
their own brand and. ship in the
hard wheat, to procure a more glu
tenous flour for a number of East
ern people. All the flour manufac
tured - at the Corvallis Flouring
Mills is treated with ozone, or elec
trifiecLair, which is a perfect sterilU
zer and also an ageing process mak
ing the bread much whiter and per-.
fectly wholesome while some mills
are using -an - acid to blend their
product -which i is generally known
to be veJy : injurious j s .
As Comrna.nda.nt at. 0. A
tenant Qanlan fa Join His
A dispatch from Washin
Bounces that Lieutenant Oj?
has been relieved lrora duty
lessor 01 military science,
tics at the state college,
failure of the college autbl
support him in the matter
pline is the reason. LI
Quinlan is to take a two ni
cation after which he vn
regiment, the fifth cava
M-xlio. Tbe cadet regir
abou. January 10th, has bl
the command of Major Pra
wards, tormerly of the 2d
vulunteers,- who received a b
wound through both ihiehs in t
battle ot Malabon, Philippine Isl
anas. . He will, continue as com
mandant throughout, te current
year, and it is understood that it is
the wj-h of President Gatcb that
Major Edwards be placed perma
nently in the posi-ion, At the end
of his s-rvice asiommandant on . a
former occasion, he was ; given , by
tbe cadets, a handsome gold.watcb,
valued at$i75. . . . ; '
Major Edwards had the reputa
tion ot being the best drilled man as
well as one of the highest skilled in
tactics of all tbe soldiers at Camp
Mernttiat .one time' dufin? jtbe P)iU
ippie. ysrar, 'though, there' was at
the time, -hundreds Nof s regulars in,
tbe camp. When, the voiuntefrs
were about to sail, he was elected a
first Lieutenant to serve as a com-
J manding officer' during the trip
across tbe Pacific, and received u&a
appointment as such.
The., occasion for ; the . relief of
Lieutenant Quinlan was an incident
early4a January ia which, be and a
cadet mixed np j'a a fisticuff. Th
boy apologized for his c atduct in a
written letter 'to Pre&idenf Gtch,
mentioning lieutenant Quinlan by
name.'saylng tie Was sorry for his
conduct and promising not to si de
mean himsef aga-n. President
Gatch thought' this afpology '''suffi
cient and read ii in caapel be'ore
the astmbled: students. Lieuten
ant Quinlsn refused to accept it,
and his relief from duty after 'ari in
vestiibtion by Major Wisser i the
A dispatch from Wasbingfon
sta'es that it is information toere
that the military discipline ' at tbe
Ore on Agricultural College ii ' ftr
cicaL". . Speaking of the dispatch
yesterday. Lieutenant Qu nlansaid:
"The state'm'-nt that ths discipline at
the coi leae is farcical is not Tue, . I
have "never had'-oo'casio i to com
plain at the discipline or of thei-up-
portof the ' autioritit-s'' until 'tbe
present instance. On the contrary,
pr or to the pr-ent intiflce, and
wi h the exception . compe ling
cadets to purchase uniform, my ef-
fo ts at discipline w-Ti suported io
everyway."-. 't:' ' .'
Corvallis & Eastern
N 2 for Yaquina " ' "'
" Leaves Albany. . ...... 12:45' p. m.
. Leaves Corvallis,-1.........; 1:45 p. m
-; -vrrivea 'Yaqninai.:vi. .. .... 6:oop. m
N- r Keturnmij -.v . ,. ...
' ) eavea Yaquina.' 6 .45 . m
;. leaves. -Corvisl I is, 11:30 a.'m
. . . vrrives. , Albany-. .12:15 p.
N 3 for A'buy-Detroit
Leaves Albany for Detroit:. 7:3o a, m
Arrive Detroit . . . . . . -. ... . , 12:30 p. m
No 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit . . V; 1 :oo n: in
Arrive Albany . . . . 6:00 p. m
ISO 5 lor Albany :
Leaves uorvanis. .r ... .b.-jo a. m
Arrive Albany . 7:ioa. m
No 8 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m
Arrives Corvallis 8 :35 a. m
No 7 for A lbany
Leaves Corvallis. . . 6:00 p. m 1
-Arrive Albany........ 6:40 p. m
No 6 for Corvallis
' Leaves Albany. .... s... ... v 7:35 p.' mi
!i Arrives Corvallis. .-i..!-.:. ,'. .. 815 p. m
No 9 for Albany
, Leaves Ccrvallis. . . . . . .'.-12:40 p. m
Arrives Albany .... 1:25 p. m
No 10 for Corvallis r
Leaves Albany . 2:30 p. m
Arrive Corvallis.. 3;i0p. m
No 11, for Albany, Sunday only
' Leave Corvallis . . .' : r.. 11:30 a.'m
' Arrive Albany .12:15 a. ta
No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only
Leaves Albany,. , . 12:45 p. m
: Arrives Corvalli9 1 :32 p. m
Train 1 arrives in Albany in time to
connect with S. P. southbound train.
Train 2 connects with S. P, trains at
Corvallis and Albany, giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
. Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at
7:30 a. m. arriving in ample time to'rea
the Ereitenbusb hot springs the same day
' Train 4 between Albany and Detroit
connects with Eugene local at Albany
also with local for CorvalliSj -
! Train 5 leaves Corvallis at' 6.30 a." m.
arrives at Albany 7:10 in time to .catch
Eugene local for Portland and train to
Detroit. ,
i : Train 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis "at
8:00 a.m. after arrival of northbound
Eugene local.
Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. in.
arrives in Albany in time to connect with
local, for Eugene and way points. ' '
1 Train 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at
7:35 P- m. after arrival of S. P. lccal from
For further information apply to
i J. C. MAYOj Gen Pass Agt
T. CockrelU agt Albany, f
H, H. Cronise, agt Corvallis.
m m
1 l
lableSw. J-icesV-from
t$2 ?() i3v -Drie Jousand yards v
- Matting; just in. NewT
,. irapsr just received." . Lower
th4n any house in Benton county '
Thg rtew ffoldlng GCarfsJarX
.'.kere.' ' ' " ' , lJ;' 'I'.''!j"u '
' Fop Flnora'. Woodwork:' 6 feR.'1'
, jWe'don't hkve timi to change our ads every "week, , but! '
t i: we Sell gbods to IseaV the bah"d.r ' ' 1 ,' . " :
! Pont buy tintil you see-our-large stock of House Furnish-'
.'; mgifjbbcls 4vrmSfulll Acme Wished-
! . !,
THe fiadfefa
" : . ''V. fi"- ir i- . ' -!.
: j If you had, been wearing a Packard foot-form shoe,
that corn-would not 'have been there "to hurt
Packard Shoes, no corns.
A. K.
Corvallis only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store
We are not inclined
writing advertisements
and customers speak for
1 .
- , , . Sure Pop
You will always find us up and coming
and our prices reasonable.
........... -
Boots and shoes for men, w6men and children, hats,
caps, underwear .everyday and Sunday shirts
ladies skirts, mens-and boys suits in fact r
; s things to numerous to mention, "
A fine line of groceries, crockery' and everything that
' n . is needed in a grocery department
For Moses Bros quick ; delivery wagon; r "Listen for the "
bell and ybu will find there is something doing
. ri.
teneral Blacksmith
CJarctul attention given i
knee 1 hitting, interfering,
lameness. Treatment I
without extra charge. I
IIH 1111 U
ckledge is Here
Mai - ,
" f
wall I
these, That
my uorn.
to spend much time in
we prefer to let our goods
,. CJ TVAJJ. d.-.. . . jCAuw. f- MJH
The First National Bnk of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts ' a general,
conservative t anking . business,
Loans money va approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold aad
money traneferre.dto tbe principal'
cities of the United States, Eu
rope and foreign .countries.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Ind 328 ".
" Bell, 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
it . ,
'Office over postoffice.; Residence Cor.,
Fifth and Jefferson streets.. Honrs lQto
12a.,to 4 p. ni. , "Orders may, be,
eft at Graham & '- -ham's drng store.';
T WtlTiTv rr a mn ri
T- A TTORHti'l -AT-UAW. '
. . -Wr".'jn''t ' 'j"::-.5;( .;;;:: ,
r; Zierolf Bnildinff' .... .
- . o
Only Set Abstract l-Soots in Benton' Coonty'
PhysiVian & SrmGioN ' '.
Office, room 14, Banb Bld. , Honrsi
' . . , 10 to 12 and a to . V " - , ,,
Phone.' office 83. Residence 351. ' -
Corvallis, '' ' Oregon.1
E.t iR. Bryson,
I r, I ,.
Attorney-At-Ldw, '
Physician & Surgeon,'
. Office up air3ia 6 -truant Brick .'
idence oa tin cataer. jf vliluji ;
Seventh at. Paws i in.:.i(.u '
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
jvfeu Jime fard for f. E.
Taking effect January i, 19OG, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows: :
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8:00 a. m.
12:45 P- m- and 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany: 6:30 a. no.
11:30 a.- m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallie for Albany at 6:30 a. , m.
The afternoon tram leaving Albany at
2:40 p m. will be discontinued.
-:. i . '.' .- , .. , !.:
Banking Company : '
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals In Foreign and Domestic
. t
.. Bays County, City and School
) Warrants.
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND rThe Bank o '
SEATTLE f California
NEW YORK Messrs. J. f. M organ ft Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of Tbe Repnto.
. Ho. -
LONDON, ENG. N M RothschUds ft Sons
CANADA .Union Bnk of Oanadu
In the vlreuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Myrtle Benson, Plaintiff,!
John T. Benson, Deft )
To Jehu D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaiut of the plaintiff In the
above entitled suit In the above entitled court,
now on file in the oliice of the clerk ol said court
on or before the lat day of the time prescribed
in the order tut publication of this summons ,
made by th&rounty judge ol Benton county. i
state ot Oregon which order Is hereinafter re- .
ferred to to-wit, March Sid. 1906, and vou r'
hereby notified that if you fall so to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof tbe plaintiff will apply 10 the
above entitled court tor the relief demanded in
her said complaint, l namely, for a decree of
divorce from the said defendant forever dissolv
ing the marriage contract existing between the
plaintiff and said defendant, and for such other
further and different rule, order or relief, as to
the court may seem proper. .
This summons is published fn the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successf ve nd con
secutive weeks, beginning with tbe issue of
February 9, 1906., and ending with tbe Issue of
March 23, 1A06, under and in pursuance of the
directions contained In an order made bv the
Hon. Virgil K. Walters, county judge of Benton
county, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit Is pending in the above en
titled circuit eurt, dated - February 8, 1906.
Date Of first publication hereof is February
190t . . J E. E. WILSON, .'A
. Plaintiffs Attorney. ;