The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1906, Image 3

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    4 v
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Hoskins was a
visitor Wednes-
The regular monthly meeting
of the Ladies Coffee club occurs
Monday afternoon.
Lee Bush of
Corvallis business
. day and Thursday.
Misses Ethel and Minnie Price
left Thursday for their home at
Kings Valley after a few days' visit
y in Corvallis with friends.
Mrs. Clarence McKellips left
yesterday for Comstock in response
to a message announcing the seri
ous illness of her grandmother.
The Congregational people
have already arranged their lecture
course for next year. It is said to
involve far better attractions , than
that of this year.
Spraying work is still in pro
gress. Prof. Cordley says there
will be at least two weeks more of
time for spraying for San Jose
scale. The commercial spray firm3
have orders ahead, both for town
and country work.
There is but little more than
two weeks leit for registration for
' the nominating election. The reg
istration books close Tuesday Ap
ril 10, and will remain closed until
nVimif Ai-iril ocfh fiop davs after
the nominating election. The lat
ter takes place April 20th. The
registration finally ends May 15th
So far, something over 1,300 voters
have registered, or about two-thirds
of the total vote.
Circuit Court is to convene at
the court house at seven o'clock
this evenine. The session will be
preliminary to the regular March
term which begins next Monday
morning. Judge Harris is expect
ed to arrive on' this afternoon's
train trom Eugene. For the reg
ular term, there are 20 cases on the
docket, seven divorce, and four
liquor among them.
Another horse race is on the
tapis. This time it is Gene Torto
ra's mare and a four year old colt
of George Brown. Though raw.
the colt is a descendant of Path-
mark and is accounted to have
eood speed. The distance is half a
mile, which is supposed to handi
cap the mare because her distance
is generally believed to be "not more
than a quarter. The race is set tor
Tuesday April 10th. The stakes
are $100 aside.
Samuel Bane received Wedhes
day from Cape Cod, Massachusetts,
nine ring-necked pheasants. All
are hens, and they are to be added
to Mr. Bane's yards. A dozen
were originallv in the shipment,
hut three died enronte. dneit is he.
lieved to starvation or thirst. The
expressage on the lot was 8 50
Mr. Bane has -four roosters of the
same variety, recently received from
Chicago. The ring-necks, or Eng
lish pheasants are slightly heavier
than the Chinas, but the plumage
is very much the same. The Eng
lish parent stock is supposed to
have come originally from Mon
golia, the home of the Oregon
A dozen workmen are engaged
in building operations at the Cor
vfIHs creamery. A carload of ma
chinery arrived there yesterday
morning and is to be addedto the
plant. The new machinery is for
the ice plant and comprises a big
engine with compressor, pipes and
the various other appliances for the
manufacture of artificial ice. It is
accompanied by an expert who will
install it in place. For the latter
task, about three weeks will be re
quired. When the ice plant is in
operation along with the ice cream
and butter business, Kaupisch's
estabishment will be a great big in
dustry. The new buildings and
rooms for the added plants are rap
idly neanng completion.
He stood at the sheriff's count
er, paying taxes. He thought the
sheriff was putting too much time
on me receipt, ana said so.
"We didn't use to get so much on
a tax receipt," he said; ' 'and it is
n't necessary now. What do you
put it all on there for?' and when
the sheriff had explained, he de
parted. At home that night, he
: was gazing at the receipt. He sud
1 denly started up and grasped his
. phone. "Say, sheriff, I don't own
any property in town," he said, and
- a conversation ensued. As a result
of the talk he came back to the
sheriff's office the next day. As it
finally .turned out, both he and his
wife had been assessed on the same
property in Jobs addition, though
by the description the fact was not
noticeable to the assessor. The
amount of the extra taxes he had
paid was $29.90, which of course
he" gets returned because the extra
stuff written on the receipt led to
the discovery. It was Levi
. Henkle. "
Mr. and Mrs. William Goldson
arrived hom2 from Newport Wed
nesday. -
Miss Edith Berthold returned
Thursday from Eastern Washing
ton. A surprise party was tendered
Miss Edna Finley at her boaie last
evening by a number of her pupils.
Eugene Guard: R. S. Bryson
is ill with scarlet fever at his home
on West Fifth street.
The Eugene Guard refers to
the State Oratorical contest as the
"Annual Holler."
Miss Frances Dilley returned
home last week after a three
months visit with relatives at Lit
tle Falls, Washington.
W. C. Edwards, a well digger
of Vancouver, Washington, aged 62
years has just fallen heir to a for
tune of $275,000 left by an uncle
in New York City.
-"There seems , to be a hollow
sound when I knock here, said
the fallen magnate, pointing to his
head- "What is that' spot?"
'That," explained the phrenolo
gist, is the spot originally intend
ed for your conscience." .
Excitement prevailed near the
Southern Pacific depot Wednesday
evening. The dfily freight train
was switching and an open switch
caused four cars to run off the
track. It took some time to right
them. v.
Evangelist Miller's greatest
message to men will be given at
the Opera house next Sunday at
p. m., "The Challenge, of the
King" or "Scarlet Sins". It has
moved the men of other cities as no
ptrjer message he has given.
Revival services in the Opera
house are to be continued all next
week under the able leadership of
Evangelist Miller. There is a grow
ing interest manifested.' Union
service of the five churches both
Sunday morning and evening.
W. S. Uren of Oregon City
was in town Wednesday on a politi
cal errand. He was once a leader
in the populist party. He is now a
republican, and is said to be a
staunch supporter of Jonathan
Bourne for senator.
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Thursday at 2 o'clock a crowd
of women filled the opera house and
listened to Mr. Miller s strong appeal
and at its close arose almost enmasse,
pledging themselves to carry out in
their lives suggestions he had made.
Mr. Miller will speak at the Pres
byterian church at 3 o'clock sharp
next Sunday for teu n-inutes.
ing oaui
culated J days
past. TBeTns rr?wfepubh
can candidates lor United Stats
senator has been a feature of the in
dustry. Petitions for Bourne, Low
ell, Cake, Smith, and Watson have
gone the rounds. t - si
In all cases, the desired quota ot
names Has been easily secured,
though some difficulty attended the
case of Mr. Bourne's petition. Sev
eral of the most prominent republi
cans in town refused flatly to sign
his petition, arid a number who
signed, did so with mere or less pro
test. In all other cases no objec
tions were offered, and signatures
were easily, and freely secured. It
is provided in the law that the fact
that a man signs one candidate's pe
tition does not prevent him from
signing that of a rival aspirant. A fee
is paid for circulating the petitions
andthe securing of signatures is easy
Each candidate for state office must
have seven counties represented on
his petition with two precincts in
each of the seven counties and with
1,000 names in all.
Among others who refused to
sign Mr. Bourne's petition was 1
well-known business man. "I re'
fused to sign that Bourne petition,'
he said, "because I don t want to
have anything to do with the can
didacy of that kind of a man. In
fact, it made me angry when the pe
tition was presented to me. I am
willing to sign the petition of any
deserving republican candidate, but
when it comes to signing up for
Bourne, I must beg to be excused.
If specifications are wanted as to
why myself and other republicans
should not stand for Mr. Bourne,
let them consult the acts of Mr.
Bourne at all late legislative sessions
in Oregon when United States sen
ators were to be selected. The man
ought not to get a single vote
Benton county."
s One of tne new' Cases
the Circuit Court.
suit fcr damages is
cases to come up at tne
of circuit court. G.
; the plaintiff and W.
Blodgett is defendant.
rittea ?by James about
part"'Of the complaint,
a-bit of literature as
It makes sweeping
ut Parker, and heaps
such prodigality that
to a newspaper writer to
telling what is in the arti-
For instance, it practically
rges Parser witn tne wanton!
winner of his 6rst wife and a
number of children. It alleges that
he starved his children until they
were hollow-eyed and sunken
cheeked, or words to that effect.
With elaboration of adjective and
multiplication of verb and noun it
paints Parker in about as diabolical
a light as can be done in the Eng
lish language. Most eveiythmg in
the way of emphasis . is called into
play except cuss words. Of course
Parker denies everything, and for
that reason seeks in court a redress
for his grievances. ,
The article was not published in
any newspaper, but is alleged in tne
complaint to have been circulated
through the community.
Monday week, taxes will be
come delinquent. A few who fail
ed to get the rebate are paying halt
their taxes now and taking until
the fi st Monday in October lor
payment of the balance. Those
who have not paid at least half
their taxes by a week from Monday
will have to pay a ten per cent pen
alty and 12 per cent interest.
The basket-ball team had social
honors heaped upoo them Wednes
day evening. Their entertainer
was Harold Wilkins, who has been
an official of the team throughout
the season. The first team men and
subs, together with lady friends
were the guests. The function oc
curred at the Wilkins home, which
was elaborately decorated with col
lege colors for the occasion. The
big O. A. C. champ on flag draped
artistically about the parlors was
one of the adornments. A hand
painted programme with basket-ball
devices was given each as a- souve
nir. The evening was highly en
joyed by the twenty persons pres-.
The last of. the entertainments
in the Lyceum Course by the Con
gregational cljurcn people was
given at the Opera house last night
and with pleasing effect. Harry
Butterworth in basso, profundo
songs was a very agreeable feature,
and so was Miss Whitney, violinist,
Miss Wallace, reader and Mrs.
Grace, soprano. The audience, as
has been the case at all the Lyceum
entertainments, was very large.
The course from the professional
standpoint has been successful, but
it is understood that the church
people net but little if anything from
the enterprise.
An important change is soon
to occur in the R. M. Wade hard
ware company's store in this city.
Horace Lilly , who for two years
has been general manager of the
concern, and who for three and a
half years previously thereto was
bookkeeper, is to go to McMinn
ville in two or three weeks, to ac
cept the position of head salesman
in the R. M. Wade hardware store
there. William Currin who was
transferred from Corvallis to Mc
Miunville, is to be transferred to
Corvallis as manager of the local
establishment,- his old position.
Ever since he leff thi9 city, Mr.
Currin has been in ill health and it
is on that account that he moves
back to Corvallis.
Suffered for Five Years With Kidney
and Jjiver Trouble.
"I suffered for five years with kidney and
liver trouble, whicn caused severe pains
across tne bacfc and a blinding headache.
had dyspepsia and was so constipated that J.
conld not move my bowels without acathar
tic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets and have been -well now
for six months, says Mr. Arthur S. Strick
land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by
tsrraham &'VVortham.
J. M. Nolan & Sons 3, days
special introductory sale of "Peer
less" Muslin Underwear. March
26, 27, and 28th.
Wanted. .-.'
Competent lady to assist in gen
eral housework. "
Apply to Mrs. M. Coffee,
Monroe. Oregon.
Gordon Hats are with n the
reach of every man iri this
town. Within the retich ol bis
pockbook; within walking
distance of his office. No need
to eay very much about Gor
don Hats. You know your-
self that no better hat can be
matfde at any price. The Gor
donHat, soft or stiff, cost you
$3, pay more for a hat, and
you have paid something for
nothing, j.
New Spring Styles have Arrived
all Shapes and Colors.
The People's Store.
Established 1864. Corvallis, Oregon
For Sale.
Farm and city property. j
S. L. Henderson,
: Corvallis, Or.
. Order Seeds Now.
Red Clover Ahike, Alfalfa, Rap
Spelts and Artichokes. I can furnish
inoculated seeds and land plaster, that
will double the yield. See sample of
seed at Wellsher & Gray's store.
Wanted 80 ton Vetch seed for May
L. L. Brooks.
The original of Sam Weller was Sam
Vale, an English low comedian, who,
In the early part of the last century, was
quite popular In the south of England.
In the year 1811, and for a few years
after, he made quite a reputation In the
musical farce called "The Boarding
House," written by Beaaley. In this
he played the part of Simon Spatter-
dash, a person who indulged In odd and
whimsical sayings. "Come on, as the
old man said to the tight boot;" "I am
down onyou, as the extinguisher said
to the candle;" "Let every one take
care of himself, as the donkey said
when dancing among the chickens,"
are fair illustrations of his witticisms
In the course of that play, the resem
blance between them and some of the
sayings of Sam Weller being very
marked. In private life Vale was a
wit, and many good things In his own
time were credited to him. A man of
excellent temper, he had no enemies,
and the good humor which pervaded
every saying, together with the droll
ery of his manner, gave bis witticisms
unusual value. His sayings were called
Sam Valerisms, and on the appearance
of Pickwick in 1836 the character of
Weller was generally recognized as a
portraiture of Vale; The comedian died
tn 1843 at the age of fifty-one.
The Gem CigPv Store
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whi'st and Pool room.
Jack Milne, prop.
. . ; - - -j
i l i There are no better' than the best -.
The flour that stands the test,
Pure quality, appearance grand, '
So surely, White Cre?t brand.
Good Bread
Delicious Pastrv
Fancy Cakes, Etc.
-' So easily made with White Crest
' '. . the flour of excellence, so good '
you always "want more, order a
sack today, 105 cents per sack. -.
Hodes' Grocery, ggp
, , ' l j ;. ..
Wool and Wash Dress Fabric
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
Dress Goods has arrivad. 1 All colors, weights
and weaves, at prices that will tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard
Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue,
. - Green and Navy.
New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New assortment embroidered waist patterns
New veluets, collars and belts.
Remember we give 5 percent discount or
ali Cash Purchases.
Highest Price for Country Produce.
Has just received the services of one of tho fi t
mechanics in the valley and from now on wi 1 l
prepared to do all kinds of repair work from a p i i
lock to a threshing machine.
Guns, Sewing Machines, Locks a Specialty
We have just received . a complete line 0'' '.? 2
Base Ball goods, also a fine line of up to di li li
ins: tackle, fllash lights, batteries and sewing .m
: t chine extras always on hand.
Are You Re
To exchange that old stove for a new up to
Range. Remember we have the Rane 1
only SELLS but gives satisfuct
Abundance of references sivet
You will no doubt use some Carpet
Linoleum this spring. Ours is the only si
a complete line to select from. Our 0-
are going fast, get in line and select a goou
are selling absolutely AT, COST. 1