The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1906, Image 2

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Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
Jonathan Bourne is advertising
for votes in Benton county. He
wants to be United States senator.
It will be but a very slim support
that he will corrall among Benton
republicans. Their recollection of
Mr. Bourne is that he was the chief
conspirator in concocting a very ex
pensive hold-up legislature, seven
or eight years ago. Because he
could not get a majority of the rep
resentatives to support him for
speaker of the lower house, he
formed a combination to prevent
organization of that body. Allied
with influences hostile to Mitchell,
who was then a candidate for sena
tor, he prevented the organization
of the house, and through forty
long days there was the humiliating
spectacle at Salem of a senate in
session at legislative horse-play
with members of the lower house in
hopeless and disgraceful disorgani
zation. It was the most disgrace
ful episode in the history of the
state, because revolutionary in prin
ciple and anarchistic in execution.
It was a proceeding wholly inde-
fensibleand completely unpardon
able. In the premises, Mr. Bourne
was more guilty than the rest, be
cause by reason of his money and
his brains, more powerful. He
will get small comfort from Benton
republicans, who are themselves
orderly, and therefore entirely un
willing to honor a man who has
been as disorderly, as has Mr
Bourne. In this race for senator
his public record ought to be, and
is, his undoing.
Walea Waha water bonds are
offered for sale in Corvallis. They
bear five per cent, interest, the
same as the Corvallis water bonds.
The Corvallis bond can be refunded
at any time after 10 years, and for
it a bond be substituted bearing a
lower interest rate if the market be
favorable, and this feature makes a
less attractive security to foreign
bond buyers. The fact, however,
that it sold on the same terms in
the market with the Walla Walla
bonds is complimentary to Corval
lis. Especially is this trne, in view
I ot tne tact that waiia vvaiia nas
22,000 inhabitants, tnd Corvallis
less than 3 000, Walla Walla, four
and a half million taxable property
with an actual value of $15,000,000,
against three-quarters of a million
of taxable porperty in Corvallij
Walla Walla s bank deposits are
more thaB $5,000,000.
By their refusal to sign Jona
than's petition, it is evident that
Benton republicans do not favor
politics on the harem plan.
Oak wood, stove lengths,
at Saw Mill Co.
Portland Market Report.
Wheat valley 70c
Flour $3.40 to $3.90
Potatoes .60 per hun
Eggs Oregon, 16c doz
Butter 1 6c per lb
Creamery27 to 30
Wheat 60c '". v
Oats 36c
Flour $.95 to $1 40
Potatoes 80 per sack
Butter 50 per roll
Creamery 70 per roll
Eggs 13 1-2 per doz
Chickens 12 to 15c per lb
L,ard 12 1-2 c per pound
Famous Acta to Appear inCorvall's
Hs Date Is April 13th.
Frederick Warde, the well-kn
Shakesperian scholar and actcj
to come to Corvallis, As all ki
he stands very high in the ream
Shakesperian expression and 1
pretation, having a reputation
that line that extends from ocean
ocean. His coming gives to G
vallisites an opportunity that they
rarely have, to-wit: that of see
in their own town, theatrical attri
tions of the very firrt-class. On al
such occasions in the past, they
have demonstrated their apprecia
tion by attendance and patronage.
The biggest houses that have ever
been seen in the Opera house were
drawn thither by attractions of the
higher class. The town's mental
standard as well as its standard of
taste has always been shown to be
higher than many Oregon towns of
double the population.
Frederick Warde will be an at
traction that all will plan to see.
His date is Friday evening, April
13th. The play to be given has
not been announced. The venture
in bringing Mr. Warde is made by
E. E. Wilson and B. W. Johson, to
whom the public will be indebted
for the privilege of seeing the fam
ous actor in his favorite roles.
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Notice to Bidders.
bids will be received by the
mmittee until six o'clock p. m,
16, 1906, for the construction
er through blocks 14,' 15 and 16
F. Avery's Addition to tne city
allia. according to the plans and
tions on file in the offiae of the
Judge. The rieht is reserved to
any and all bids.
Geo. E. Lillv.
R. II. Colbert. ,
P. Avery.
Sewer Committee.
A "Rain or Shine" Hat
made in all the season'8 la
test shapes and colors in both
berby and soft styles
The Mallory
Cravenette Hat
Common Colds are tbe Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of variout
diseases, claim that 11 catching cola could Dt
avoided a lone list of dangerous ailment-
would never be heard of. Everyone know;
that pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more serious by each
fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when you have a cold. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opium, morphine or other harmful
drug, and has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained ty its cures under every condi
tion, for sale lv irraham S Mortham-
Child Not Expected, to Live from One
Hour to , Another, but Cured bf
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. .
Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewev
of Agnewville, Va., Was seriously ill ot
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and 'did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "1 happened
to think of Chamberlain sUolic, Cholera anjl
Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham.
ed by Peter
ates. The
tnree-quarters JtVCQeron
The biggest mare ever raised in
Oregon was the famous animal bred
and reared on Mr. King's farm
four and a half years ago. It will
be remembered that she died while
on exhibition at the Fair in Port
land. Her weight was 2,670
ponnds. The day before she died,
her owner, Mr. Todd was offered
$4,000 for her. He refused the of
fer because he had. her on exhibi
tion in a tent and at 10 cents a
sight, was taking in $200 to $300
per day. She died very suddenly
and from unknown causes. Her
symptoms were only noticed a few
minutes before death. She was
observed to roll as if in pain, after
which she got up, and then, within
a few minutes dropped to the
ground so dead that she never even
struggled in the death throes.
She was one of the most remark
able animals ever in the world.
She was only a little over four
years old at the time of her death.
For County Recorder.
I hereby announce' myself as a
ndidate for the democratic nom-
tion tor the cmce ol county re
order, subject to the decision of
the voters, at the primaries April
Harley L. Hali.
t, 50 Cents Per SettiDg
For egg?. Beet brown Leghorns.
;x T- B. Irvine, Corvallis.
Hay for Sale.'-'
Good cheat.
Inquire of M. M.
City or country work, country a
specialty; reasonable rates. Inde
pendents phcne. 852, or 362. En
quire of J. R. Smith.
Read, Fullerton & Hubler,
Corvallis. .
Spraying and Whitewashing
Done in first class manner.
Montgomery & Tedrow
Phone 374.
Sawmill for Sale.
I will sell my mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath, Or
egon, consisting of 160 acres all good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
acies which are under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbuildings all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 in. saws, edger. plainer, saw-dust
ana slab conveyers, . large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth $3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf. 309. Second St, Portland, Or. .
If you expect to buy an incubat
r call at Blackledge's.
The S. P. is selling round trip tickets
between Corvallis and Portland for 3,
good going Saturdays or Sundays and re
turning Sunday or Monday following,
either on West or East side, bnt good on
ly on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Saturdays if East side is tak
en. Passenger a to - pay local fare be
tween Corvallis and Albany. 1
For Sale.
Vetch and Cheat and Clover hay.
White seed oats.
Also one fine M. B. torn.
T. A. Logsden.
Ind. phone 55, Mt. View line.
For Sale.
S. E- 1-4 Section 23, Kings Val
ley at $2.50 per acre.
' L. B. Lyons,
Craftonville, Calif.
For Sale.
Defiance Seed Wheat extra good,
Seventy five cents per bushel.
Address F. M. Sharp,
Corvallis, R. F. D. 1.
Seed is at the farm, known as the
Scholl place, at Granger.
Dry Slab Wood-
At the Corvallis sawmill, delivered
anywhere in town at $1.25 per load, cash
on delivery. leb27-lm,
Rendered rain- proof ' by the-
celebrated Priestley Craven-
ette .process.
Bxin will .not spot or streak
or lade it Three grades, $3,
3 50 and $4.
Woven to Order
From old ingrain or brussels
carpets or chenille curtains, any
shape, from 12 inches to 11 feet
wide and long as wanted. First
class workmanship and prompt
service guaranteed.
I Pay The Freight.
Write today for particulars.
318 E. 1st St., Albany, Oregon.
Competent girl to assist in gener
al housework.
Apply to Mr. A. Wilhelm,
Monroe, Or.
No Reserve
A Startler at J. M. Nolan & Son's that will bring Men
and Boys to their feet in a hurry!
After mature consideration we have concluded to close out with
out reserve our entire stock of Men's Young IVIen's, Boys and
Children's Clothing. We want the room for other lines of
Merchandise. The Decks must be cleared before July 1st
No Reserve
000 Stock Uncludiria out late mina Mr
will be thrown on tbe markd at a great sacrifice.
This will be the Greatest, Grandest and most Stupendous Sale of
High Grade Clothing ever conducted in the Willamette Valley
Profits and a big part of the cost annihilated, The time limit is set. We will, clear out this stock
quick DOUBLE QUICK. Better be an early buyer than a late one if you want the cream.
No Reserve
Sale Commences
Saturday, Mar 24.
No Reserve