The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XIX.-No. 3
IVENING, MARCH; 23.rl90(L .-
B.F. IRVTNW Editor
and Proprietor '
..1 k
When you want anything, in the line of
vjiotning, come ana see our une, -gei pnutas,
TWe balance bur
defy ',
competition." fOur clothing IjelhadCi '
big strides, in thq past few yed;ia)ijthiha7-
justified' V big increase in our buying, fjever
before has Our store received such .a: big ship
ment as this spring we. have clothing Nob
by clothing for sale. Investigate. ; '
art" ago, were "captains of in-
r 'The foole are not all dead
the number is growing smaller
stand with open month and ad
the audacity of the ."brilliant"
cials who are looting the people's
pock etfl and the public treasury, and
wbt;' between acts, are shouting
themselves hoarBe in defense of "na
tional honor," while forgetting their
own. " - ; - '
The people mean' business now,
they see that they 'have been "dupes;
and tools of grafters.1 1 proof of this'
look at Boston, Pbiladebphja, Cleve
land .''ToledoGbicagOKSeatUe -la
each of these cities tn eO ' are elected
who stand for feal ombcratrcprin
cipleeBelf government in 'ita tru-
i There have seldom been strenu-1uit. .ti, .fvisirt,.iunf
ous ooiJteBtB-intnednlocratieank& hurnv: .vnUwrWii -vi
nBaatoti' for! nomination . office.- hv Thl ni Wf? whtnwihi
ignation at the reign of corruption
& ve Booked and sOhft Ss k 'danio
Not One OfficeboGr . Among .the
'D'emocra ts- Thel Late Meetio g
Biiou.riu .,i-cvoyp , r uii
Jf. uropot jjaaterwin u u ,
e"!-. Ubeerver abetter. . -
r4 1., ; ..V y'.i .i;'',.' .i u.
Corvallis; Oregon
Great Line Mens Fin&ShtfeS.
Cnase &
No Prizes go with our -'
Sanborn -High - Grafle
In fact no thins goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
jjole agent for
Chase & Sanborn
Pi .1
Aliflis are BowReafly
Having secured the services of J. K. Berry,
who has eight" years experience in bicycle ;
and general repair work, I am now prepared
to all kinds of repair work on short notice.'
All Work Guaranteed
Come and see the Olds work.-
here h dve Sometimes been- kTelv
ed blUeTrness; More times theoffioe
Bi Wetwa .rafctically Iforced byq
Die f rie,ndfl to rnaae ?hjb' "race 'two
tbit b utterly fodiSent-' as tdl
Of cotifseVie Meads 'willivinaaoe
blfcai to becomfi; 'candidate;; In tact 1
a4f tlfr' peopI'?wnf lrii ? for the
piace. -ne is a sneiHJ-aimosi -wnn j
ot:a peer in' the' state: " He te Safe,
and'erei'ybbdjf kfiow6 it and that
3 why h is wanted, a'hereistalk:
thaV the Uadldgf epnbHoanBas well
as rank and file repablicans are ad
vising that no candidate be pat up
against him. ,' ' ' , . ,
Immense pressure is being brought
on Victor Moses to permit the use
of his name for the clerkship.' Since
the action of th& late rneetiDgtn re-
qjiestlng him '(b run, .' Jettere . have
began to come to -fl(lr.. .Moses f rom
alt- parts of the; county, 'urging him
to accept the nomination; ' Staanch
republicans, some of them butepok
ea, are amobg those who are urging
his candidacy. - The idea . seems to
be to make the pressure so strong
that he cannot refuse, though up to
the prefPht he has shown no signs
of weakening. !,f-Hls; splendid ; rec
ord as an official is mainly respons
ible for the condition; Following
are resolutions passed at the late
meeting of the democrats.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write -for. our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you ; wish, also
showing you over the country. . -. ,
" : Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
GorvalUs and PWlomath, Oregon. , ;
Resolved, That whereas. It has been
established fey the lathers from time im
memorial, "that a public Omce is a pub
lic trust" and "that the office should
seek the man and not the man the office;
therefore, be it
Resolved, A8 the sense of this meet-1 full yiew of the abject and un-A
merican coarse, so vigorously pursued by
the ' numerous Belf-seekera for Office' a-
mong otfr local republicari brethreu ev
en supplemented by- divers and sundry
promises by these self-same- seekers, as
to the discharge or the trusts1 so urgently
sought 'for, to Wholly inimicable to A gov
ernment of the people, oy the peopleand
for the people violates all the usages,
principles and traditions of the past, and
emphasizes: the modern, spurious . theory
that "grafts" and "snaps" whether large
or small aie ine dominating factors ot
the self seekers- who cflvet officer "for
what is in if Vr Independent of airy Call or
desire on the part of the people:
uesoivea. mat we depreciate and
condemn'the course of these self-called
servants of the people, "'moved ' by their
own volition and hunger for office, forc
ing themselves upon the body politic as
free-will offerings as subversive of all pre
- : J : .1 e : L - . j si -
largely to reduce public office to the con
tempt of the common people.
Ed.Tihes: .... . L .
. ! We were Ihere 5 The unterrified
met at the courtroom pursuant to a
call made by that wide-awake dem
ocrat, "Bob"' Johnson. The writer
also was there, a silent spectator
witb no bees in bis bonnet' It if
not easy to sit still and say nothing
at a democratic rally, especially lor
o'ne'accustomed to active' work in
the party, but there are times when
silence is golden. ";;.;'( f
r One,tbing the observer' observed,
there was no mad scramble to get
on the democratic ticket. . It is due
no doubt to modesty, for' as Chair
man Johnson said, "democrats don't
know what defeat means." I ike
that, spirit, that is what wins. Ha
was right. The . democratic demo
crats"' may'1- lose battles;" he
has , in the - past, but the war is
not ended until he wine. There is
no cause for timidity:'" The time is
ripe for democratic 6ucces6.
.There was a period following our
Spanish war when it could truthful
ly be said of the people
They are mad, "grown mad in the
race for gold,
tThey.are drunk with the wine of
The truths the fathers proclaimed of
old, :
They mock with a high disdain. '
But reason is f eturning.1! 'Disgust
has UkeabaateeieKdiOirJb'tt'
for the scoundrels; whoVboly a Couple
ratl$ statej'apd'its:- leglslaWre. at
hWelnfftci fcorre6tVttle,r -abtoses
hat bave grown opln sixteen years
f misrule.
The overwhelming liberal? victory
n Great Britain Btrows that the
democratic party jot America 'ahd
the iiberai party of . Great Britain
are ldenticabiri principle.' When; I
BbesM of democracy it is not in any
bartrdiwv.' partisan- isenseV"bnt5-the
broader 'one hieff ineans the ihle
pf the? ople instead of the, rule Ypf
poli tical .: bosees ; that . democracy
which is not seeking just the loaves
and fishes,, but which nails" to the
ma8t'its motto ''Equal rights , to all
land special privileges to none.'.'- ;
I Applying that test, not every one
who votes the ticket is a democrat,
and there are-honorable men in the
republican party who are truly dem
ocratic in'Wincipte'ahir'are wdrthy
everywhere," Had the writer lived
in Wisconsin he would haye voted
for La'Follette as be was, as1 gover
nor and Is, as United States sena
tor, a better democrat than his , so-
called dombcratic opponent. Roope
velt's large vote was only a negative
i victory; The oeople Wefft' not in a
mood to tolerate plutocratic! demo
crats of the Parker, and Cleveland
type, the vote was more of a rebuke
ti them than a compliment to
Roosevelt, though bis' democracy is
as good as their
ocrats who eta
finite as do W
nsoo, Willi
ayor Dunne
William J nniDg
ine to fear; the
n v
t least. Thedem-
r sometbioe de
Douglas, Tom
ickman Moore,
ret and always
an, havenotb-
TJeonle are with
them and want them, for -with re
turning reason they see tbat in
them, and their principles, lies the
germ of real stlf-eoveromant. Let
Benton' county democracy be found
in the van in the day of democratic
tiiumpb. -
Augustus Sans Cognomen.
Don't Starve or Diet, but Use Mi-o na.
and Core Your Stomach Troubles,
The average treatment of stomach trou
bles consists of a ririd diet list, which
often starvetfthe patiehC " Of course ' it
would be foolish for any one wbo knows
that some foods are positively harmful
and poisonous to Continue eating them,
even while following ' the Mi -o-na treat
ment, but in ordinary cases of stomach
troubles' it is not necessary to starve or
diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet
. This scientific remedy,' for the cure of.
stomachiroubles, acts upon the 'Whole'
digestive system, and strengthens the or
ga-is so "that thev ire able to digest any
tiKjd that is eaten without fear of distress
If you suffer from loss of appetite, belch'
ine of gases.' sour taste in the month
furred tongue, severe' pains ;ln the region
01 toe siomacni aepression ui epints, uau
dreams, lack of energy, a etomacn cougn
offensive breath, headaches, back aches.
loss of strength 'and c Weight, 'you can be
assured that these troubles are all due to
imperfect digestion.
atrengthien the Etomacn by taking
Mi-o-na tablet before each "meal, and
saon you will gain in weight, strength
will return,and your food will give nour
ithment so that the rich red blood will
carry good health to every part of the
system.' ;" . ' ' ' ' '
Graham & Wells have so much confi
dence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure
stomach troubles and resulting Ills', that
they give a guarantee with every 50 cent
dox to refund the money unless It cure
Competition, which the traction mo
nopoly never would permit, is al
most assured, and incidentally, the
Wabash railroad probably will gain
its long-sought entrance into Phil
adelphia: Moreover the city 'will'
regain franchiees woth millions of
Daughter .Thinks She Will .Die in
, Poverty-nMaBter, qf Standard. ?
Oil Guarded. in Lakewood. ; , , .
n Fortress iBrotber; a -
; S. Cancer, ,Ylctimu,', ,.
New York? March .20;--John D.
Rockefeller, the richest ; man iu the
world, is worrying vhimBelf into a
state bordering on' insanity in his
heavily guarded home at Lakewood,
N. J., his friends fear today, while
bis dautehferrUfFsV: Cha-rTev 'A.
Strong, wifeoftheCplrnbiaijjD.!vKr-
I: e sti.iiLiti Jikit&i ii'A
Bi iy pruiesBur, 10 lujq taaue Biieaaeu.
by tbe greatest Specialists , Who are
striving to cure lier - of' the strange;
delusion that she Will die' a pauperl
This delusion seems tov afrow dn
her, despite the certainty' that her
inheritance out of her father's ; vast
fortune can scarcely be "snort of
$50,000,000. , .':
Mr. Rockefellers conditionlis.dti'e;
in a large, measure, to' his daugh
ter's mental s'tateft hlfs". friends '.skyi
ana worry over ner is as much to
i.. li j JK.j'-iLm
pe uiaiEcu aa worry, over ine pro.
cess servers who havehaunted bis
Steps and made "him1 take' b his
beautiful country residence, which
is in a state of armed, siege. He . is
also distressed ove the illness of
his brother, .-;
According to; the latest reports
from Cannes,1 1 Where Mrs. Strong
baa hAnn .tl srin in nn hfit.
ter. She still continues the system
of close economy that first drew at
tention to ber mental ' state. She
discharges several ' servants a day,
believing that she cannot aflord to
keep them. The servants of course
pay no' attention to such 'actions,
as they arelunder., instructions ,r to
humor their mistress in every pos
sible way,
Mrs. Strong economizes on laun
dry and grocery bills and thus far
efforts to divert her attention have
met with but little (-access.
Confirmation was obtaiued trdiy
of statements that William Rocke
feller, brother of John D., is suffer
ing from cancer, but not of the vir
ulent type reported. It was learn
ed that Mr. Rockefeller was advis
ed by his physicians last Fall to go
abroad because of a cancer, a growth
at the base of the .tongue, which for
the last to or three years has been
causing more or less trouble. At
times it - was necessary for Mr.
Rockefeller to lower his voice to
an extent tbat it was barely possi
ble to understand him, in conversa
tion. The recent reports of hU ill
ness are attributed to a probable
renewal of ' eyrxptoms previously
Lame Back. V"
This ailment is usually caused hyjhenmn-.
tism of the muscles and may . be cured by,
applying Chamberlain'- Pain Balm' two or
three .times a day and rubbing the part
vigorously at each application. If this does'
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel '
slightly dampened' with Pain Balm, and quick .
relief is almost sure to follow.. For sale by.
Graham & Worthami
Cincinnati,.. March 2O. Fblldw-"
ing thV eelaratiqn'j bf 'Tilden 'R,
Fren'cJiilhat'beJf would !pf'y. tio. Cb'e'
cpunty lie arflp'unt'i in, estinjated.
banks during his termsas, county
treasurer ,f ' 'the , courts tjMjS
that "Ke ' was not entitled to fb$vfyti-
ey MrVs)f renchj Vtbday ,hande4iio.
County Prosecijijbr i , ttollinson.ik'i
ebi(or: ,$ijtQOQ. T 'It ihf figu'ref.
pQ..thf'aipa: .bbok;8"ipTj
dicate 1iejrVApm9V-Al P'oyiisetlj,
to;pay4heriainderu;;; 7 ,
' .EqJouhty;r Treasuera ,Rud.oph
KI, Hinhick' and Johri, "M;. (JlbVpn
baye alB6"agree4', the foun-' .
ty'theirrjatunyr - W'".'
; pate tonigbt George B, Cox, tbe.j
e-republicajri "leader pf this Icit yt
wassubpbeheadY. to ' appear , before'.
grana jury nere tomorrow,, t if. r, (
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough '
I S Reiiedy In His Hodse. ;
: -"We would not be without Chamberlain's.;
Cough Remedy. '-It is kept on hand contin--iially
in our home," says W. W. Kearney-'
editor of the Independent Lowry City, Mo,,
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
settled in the system.. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and,
will prevent the attack when, given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be.
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Graham & Wortham:
At Oakville.
Philadelphia, March 20. P Iitic-
al reform In Philadelphia achieved
its most notable victory today. The
famous midnight traction franchise
steal of 19OI virtually waE undone.
The Philadelphia Rap:d Transit
company, the backbone of the Wied-
ener-Elkms'tractiOo clique, whose
ihterests extend to many states,
agreed to disgorge the stolen fran
chises and to pay the city $4oo,ooo.
Telephone poles have been put up
along the public roads, all over
Lion county and now most of the
farmers are in speaking distance (
tbe cities. However there seemF tp.
b9 a misunderstanding among tne
farmers on tha Pacific States, lir s
with regard to getting into Albany
without paying a toll";, while those
no the Independent-lines can get to
Corvallis, Albany and allovsrthre
counties without'tcll and almost in
stantaneous switch service from tt e
CorvalJis switch board.'. Hum h
for the. Independent Telephone C ,
Burglars are still prdwlitig around.
The last EtiaT. 'reported '' was, some
tools from, the shop of James Cook'.
Among V' other;,' things' v. ah 5 anvil
which was st6o heavy, for the thieves
to get away with in a hurry 1' Tbey
covered it with- . some .boards and
basttnsd aay with theiiither tool?
Our fruit men were spraying tb-ir
trees last week till the cold weatbtr
The anti-saloon men of L nn oiun
ty are working; for local , option.
They are afraid, of Corvallis out
growing Albany. , ;
Early gardens-are looking white
and the friiitrs who have not
planted, potatoes yet are feelii.g
- "
BiJeitMg;. Powder
One Dollar Savnd ': Represents Ten
'" ' - "Dollars Earned.
The average man Aoes not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings, lie must spend
nine dollars in living expenses for every
aoiiar saved, lhat being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars, outlay later on. It is
the. same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera; and Diarrjioea Remedy.' It costs
biit' a, few" cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves1 S-adetor's-bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham. '
' With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with' the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
, Full instructions in the ." Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"
'-book for making -all kinds of bread,' biscuit and cake
with " Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.
:'?'. -