The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 20, 1906, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
" -J. R. Sellers of Eugene has
just sold a lot belonging to him in
Corvallis, to Mrs. Jimma Herman.
The consideration was $450.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kline ar
rived home yesterday from a few
weeks' visit in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garrow
f Salem have been visiting Corval
- lis relatives since Friday.
Frank Thrasher returned to
Portland today, after a few days'
visit with his parents in Corvallis.
Miss Eva Starr has been con--fined
to her home since Sunday
-with illness. .
Three families arrived Suuday
from Texas looking for work and
seeking locations. They are Mr.
Falkner and family, Mr. Stewart
and faaiily Xbe name of the third
J'amily'a 'not learned,
The law office of J. F. Yates
3s in the Zierolf building, as usual,
-notwithstanding statements publish
d to ihe contrary.
An option on their lands in
IBenton has been eiven bv the Coast
-Xand & Stock Company to East
erners. The duration of the option
lias not been made public, neither
lias the price per sere. Twelve
.. 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 j '
- inuusanu acres 01 ine lanas are in
- Beaton county, and a somewhat
The interest is increasing in
a ( " , t 1 j. n t . -i - rr i
tuc lciiuwsiuue jraiK. uijj uiicreu
by the Oregonian. Miss Agnes
"'iWilson still leads in the nth dis
trict, which is composed of La
Grande, Hood R.iver and Corvallis.
Tier vote is now 38,061. and Hearty
very mail brings votes from
a. broad.
-'A letter recieved in this city
"Monday, from Lieutenant Floyd
' William?, dated February 13th,
states tuat he is to remain in Ma
nila uutil Ju'y. He reports enjoy
ing everything except the heat and
the mosquitoes which he describes
as ' fierce."
The pursuit of a lady by an
mik.iown scoundrel and her flight
for safety, was an incident of last
uifirht. The lady was passing
-along the block on Washington be
tween Sixth and Seventh. It was
-about nine o'clock. She observed
- a man approaching along the walk
" m tront 1 her. one tnougnt noin
ivs of it until when quite near
she iieatd him muttering to himself
..He passed her, but when about
eight or ten feet beyond he stopped
suddeclv and said, 'G d d n
you, where are you going?" In
rstan'.ly she started with all speed to
run. After a moment he began
pursuit. ' At the second" corner she
left the walk and fled along the
; fence. He followed to the corner,
3tit there, having lost sight of her,
stopptd pursuit. The man was
very large, and was apparently,
either crazy, or intoxicated.
Miss GaiLHare, of AlbaDy, at
tended the Coffee Club party, Sit-
arday evening.
L. A. Nash of Poitland, pass
d through thi3 city. Saturday . en
route to Nasbviil for a visit with
.her son? Dirwin and Roderick.
-r , . , 1 .11.1
jvirs josepa ojiiu; ubu iuub
daughter left Saturday for a vieit
with her parents in Brownsville.
-Miss Bertha Davis has relum
ed from a eix weeks' visit with
Portland and MoM.innville friends.
Dow Yvalker came up from
Portland Saturday for an over
Sunday visit.
Tie re.vtv&i ratings at the M.
B. ehurcb, end the union meetings
at the opt ri house, are both well at
tended and are bearing good results.
-At the former, Rev. Jones of Ami-
ty, is the speaker, and at the union..
gatherings Evangelist Miller leads
Sunday afternoon a special meeting
for women was held at the Presby
terian church, and a meeting for
men only occurred at the Opera
houee, Rev. Miller being the speak
er. At the latter meeting there
were six conversions, and at the
M. E. church Sunday bight there
were several more. The two meet
ings are attracting much attention
and the interest la daily increasing.
And Transacted Party Busi
ness Suggested-Candidates
for Office.
The democrats met Fri-'a; even
ing at the court house. They did
much talking, but there was no note
of discord. Fraternity flowed as it
never flowed before in a democratic
meeting in BentoD. There were no
office tetkers at the gathering. Men
were invited to become candidates,
but fe w, if acy of them accepted.
All seemed to be offish- A resolu
tion was tasked declaring that oth
ers than tboee invited are not de
barred from becoming candidates
Resolutions as to the party's atti
tude on public questions were adopt
ed, and will appear in a later issue
of the Times. The routine report of
the meeting is as folio we:
State Central Cetnmitteeman Bob.
Johnson called the meeting to order
and on motion was elected chairman
of the meeting.
Quite, a number of Benton county
democrats being present, and repre
sentatives representing 7 precincts
of the county.
Chairman Johnson after calling
the meeting to ordei,' stated that
the meeting was called in the inter
est of local democracy, and threw
the meeting open. Among those,
speaking were Senator Avery, W.
S. McFadden, E; E.: Wilson, Judge
Watters,-M L, Frantz.
In the matter of precinct commit
teemen, it was suggested that the
following persons would be suit
able men to be elected precinct com
mitteemen, to-wit:
Corvallis precinct No. 1, J A Gil-
CorvalHs No. 2, O J Blackledge.
Corvallis No. 3 J H Wortham.
Corvallis No. 4 S B Bane.
Fairmount No. 5 Henry Hector.
Soap Creek No. 6 John Harris.
Kings Valley No. 7 W S Alcorn.
Summit No. 8 C A Savage.
Blodgett No. 9 J A Wood.
Wren No. 10 A J Gump.
Philomath No. n G J Frink.
Willamette No. 12 J G Smith.
Alsea No. 13 Geo T Vernon.
Bellfountain No. 14 RR Iiwin.
Monroe No. 15 Matt Wilhelm.
County Clerk Moses offered his
thanks to the democracy of Benton
county, and his friends of other
parties for their support and co-operation,
and it was then moved and
carried that the meeting proceed to
recommend persons for the county
offices, and the following were in
vited to file petitions for nomina
For State senator, J G Springer of
Wren and Adam Wilhelm Monroe.
For Representative, Jos. C Smith
of Soap Creek.
For County Judge, E E Wilson,
For Sheiiff , M P Burnett.
For county clerk, Victor P Moses.
For recorder of Conveyances, Thos
Callahan, C E Banton of Bellfoun-
taine and H h Hall.
For treasurer W A Buchanan, Cor
vallis. '
Lor commissioner, John Price
Kings Valley, E A J Thurston of
Soap Creek.
For Surveyor, Thomas Jones.
For Coroner, Jesse Spencer.
Constable Corvallis precinct, J D
Justice peace, Corvallis . precinct,
E Holgate. - . .
County Judge Watters then offer
ed a few remarks thanking the de
mocracy fprjtheir snpport in the
past, and also touching the condi
tion of Benton county roads, bridg
es, finances, etc, under democratic
Thanks were .offered Chairman
Johnson , whereupon the meeti ng was
Don't Starve or Diet, bat Use Mi-o na.
and Core Yoor Stomach Troubles. "
The average treaimenf of stomach trou
bles consists of a ripid Hipt lint hl.i.
often starves the patient. Of coarse it
would be toolieu for any one who knows
that some foods are positively harmful
and hoisnnoiiR to nnntinno cotin.. tv.M
even while following the Mi -o-na treat
ment, pui in ordinary cases of stomach
rrouhleci it. is not tiarMBara -
-- J. j w Dimvc ur
diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet
before each meal.
This scientific remedy, for the cure of
stomach troubles, acts upon the whole
digestive svstem. and strpnuthonofv,. n
gansso that they are able to digest any
food that is eaten without fear of distress.
If VOU suffer from lona of Annofifn Haiti,-
. rrv -
ingof gases, soar taste in the mouth,
furred tongue, severe pains in the region
of the stomach, depression of spirits, bad
dreams, lack of enerav s BtnmiiAti
offensive breath, headaches, back aches,
loss of strength and weight, yon can be
assured that these troubles are all due to
imperfect digestion. ...
Strengthen the stomach by taking a
Mi-o-na tablet before each meal, and
RQrtTl vnn will train in ninl,f o.4-i
- J & -" ""tfiUil BUUIgUl
will return, and your food will give nour
khment so that the rich red blood will
carry good health to every part of the
Graham & Walla hava
dence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure
stomach troubles and resulting ills, that
they give a guarantee with every 50 cent
box to refund the money unless It cures
Practical Shoer & General Blacksmith
Prices fnr o-.nM I cKrw P.ft 4t4AMijM ;-rr
. -s vmii mui aiLttiiiiiii givwil a
.ing. - Setting 25c. a shoe, J knee hitting, interfering
New shoes $1.50 ahorse. lameness. Treatment I
No 6 and over $2. J without extra charge. J
ub hib OM -nn 1111 mm uihi Hin hw
; Wanted. '
Competent lady to assist in gen
eral housework.
Apply to Mrs. M. Coffee,
. Monroe, Oregon."
continued from page I
you call 'imperfect and ill-advised
legislation?' "
Mr. Aldnch eald the senate hadn t
waited, and he cited the Elkits law
to show that it had done something.
But he had to admit that neither
the Elkins law nor the Hepburn
bill would eolve the problem.
The fSBt is ttistttwy -eaot -act
here until the rnisines8 ibrertsfB
they ripireliSft wiHiiibttBem to:
act. ' The 9ehSte which lefiators
call the bead of the government,
isn't the head of the government.
The senate, like a political bosp, or.-
y represents the head of the gov
ernment, which is Big, Business.
Mr. Aldnch objects to .tnat view.
He met it by citing his own case.
He referred to the charge that be
represented Standard Oil, and he
didn't deny it; he said that be nev
er went to see these people or re
ceived insttuctions from them.
No," I answered, "and if I were
they, I'd ne-yer send for you or offer
to send you instructions. That
wouldn't seem necessary. If I bad
a man like you here representing
me I'd trust yon to do instinctively
what was right for me."
When he grasped the point that
I did not mean to charge bribery or
any thing that hcjwouid (all cor
ruption againet him or the senate,
be admitted all that n-ed be alleged.
Of course a man is influenced
h!e," he said, "by the business he
has been in, by the alliances he has
foimed nd by his environment.
Well, that s all there le of it.
Tnere are senatois under suspicion
(ad conviction) of taking "fees"
0 "retainers"; the senate has its re-
t ill trade. And, as good an author
i y as the Hon. Charles H. Grosve
rnr, member of congress from Ohio
efore reform 1 told me the with
lifiwal by the ras1road9 of passes
h id bad no little to do with the re
! -al in the House oi the policy of
erfircing certain railroad law
But I want to disregard all this
"caeap, "exceftional," "sporad
io" corruption and get down to the
bottom truth. And when Mr. Al
drich admitted that a tenator is
"influenced by the busiLess he has
been in, by the alliances he has
formed and by his environment,"
we were scraping bottom ' ' .
Senator Aldrich was n street rial
way "magnate. Ignoring for the
moment the corruption of the peo
ple of Rhode Island, which enabled
him' to coatrol hia state legislature
it is enough to say that he, having
that power, used it to "grant his
company privileges which his peo
pie opposed, and which netted him
and his associates a fortune each
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room, f
Jack. IVIilne, prop.
Spraying and Whitewashing
Done in first class manner.
Montgomery & Tedrow
-Phone 374. 2-20-1 m
For Sale.
Farm and city property.
S. I,. Henderson,
Corvallis, Or.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goeawith our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for -
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
Rememtier Blackledge is Here
We have just received 45 Mai
lable Iron Beds, all prices, from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just in. New wall
Paper just received. Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new folding, Go-Cartsjare
For Floors, Woodwork, etc.
' Wedon't have time to change our ads every week, but
we sell goods to beat the band.
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish
- ing Goods 4 rooms full. 'Acme Washer.
Remember Blackledge is Here
Off all Sad Words Ever Spoke
in the Morn
The Saddest are these. That
Shoe Hurts my Corn.
If you had been wearing a Packard foot-form shoe,
that corn would not have been there to hurt
Packard Shoes, no corns.
Corvallis, Oregon.
- Corvallis' only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store
The Grocer 1
We are not inclined to spend "' inuch : time . in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for. themselves.
B; Bornfng
-:r ; j ; Sure - Pop .
You will always find us up and coming v
T-and pur prices reasonable. -
V-7;:"V';;.:-n FOR
Boots and shoes for men, women and children, hats,
cap3, underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts
. ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
- things to numerous to mention,
A fine line of groceries crockery and everything that
is- needed in a grocery department i
look: out
For Moses Bros quick deli very, wagon. Listen for the
bell and you will find there is something doing .
The First National Bank of Corval--:li8f;.Orgpn,
Irapeacts a general
coneetvative lacking busiDesa.
Loans- money oa, approved eeca
- rlty...Draufl.b.ought.aDd sold and
money transferred to the principal
citiee of the TjDited Statep, Ed
lope and foreign countries.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
O&ce Phone Ind 328
" " Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
Office OTer nOOtnfflyi- ftoaManna rA
Fifth Ann TflffaraAn. bAmo - TTammi iau
12 a. mM 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & -team's drag store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Oly Set Abstract Books In Beaton County
Physician & Stjr&bon
Office, room 14, Bank Bld& , Hoarat
lO to ia mod a to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregom.
E. R. Bry son,
Physician & Surgeon,
OflSce ni iHinii R.icV
idence oa ta cotaer jf Vlihsji
Seventh at. Pii)ic i mal . A
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath Oregon.
pfeuz Time fr - & E.
Taking effect January I, 19O6, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows:
' Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8:00 a. m.
12:45 p. m. and 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany: 6:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
The afternoon tram leaving Albany at
2:40 p m. will be discontinued.
Banking Company
Coitallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals In Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City nd School
Principal Correspondents.
SEATTLE . f California
TAOOMA ' ) ' " '
NEW YORK Messrs. J. p. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of Tbe Repub
lic. '
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds & Sons
CANAD A. UnioeKanW of Canada '
Summons. '
In the Olrcuit Court of the State ol Oregon for
Benton County.
Myrtle Benson, Plaintiff,;
John T. Benson, Deft. )
To John D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the r omplaiut of the plaintiff In the
above entitled suit in the above entitled court,
now on file i n the office of the clerk of said court
on or before inc last day of the time prescribed
in the order lor publication of this summons
made by the county judge of Benton county,
state of Oregon which order Is hereinafter re
ferred to to wit, March 23d, 1906, and you are
hereby notified that if you fall Bo to appear and
answer the said complaint as bereln required,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief demanded In
her said complaint, namely, for a decree of
divorce from tbe said defendant forever dissolv
ing the marriage contract existing between tbe
plalntlft and Said defendant, and for such other
further and different rule, order or relief, as to
the court may seem proper.
This summons Is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive und con
secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of
February 9, 1906., and ending with the Issue of
March 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of tbe
directions contained in an order made by tbe
Hon. Virgil E. Watters, count- Judge of Benton
county, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending in the above en
titled circuit court, dated February 8, 1006.
Date of first publication hereof is February
1806. . E. K. WILSON,
Plaintiffs Attorney.