The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 20, 1906, Image 3

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For .advertisements in this column rbe rate
: of 15 cents per line will be charged.
ODenine at Miss Tohnsoris on WUA 1 lam 1AI-
Thursday and Friday, Mar; 22, 23.
Leo Burnett journeyed to rn A Wf.0 Tb,T Are 0. A. C Grad-
Mrs.' Bay Rickard and children
of Philomath spent Saturday and
Sunday with Corvallis relatives.
Miss Alice Jones, who is teach
ine at Wren, scent Saturday in
Miss Margaret Herron of Irish
Bend has been the guest of Corval
lis friends for a few days.
Miss Helen Steiwer arrived
Saturdav from Jefferson and is the
guest of Corvallis friends.
Miss Taliet Cooper returned
home Saturday after a month's vis
it with Salem and Portland friends.
Frank Tortora of Portland is
in the -city, for a few days' visit
with his family.
Mrs. B. W. Johnson returned
Sunday evening from Portland,
where she went.: to attend the
Keady-Johnson wedding.
Thos. Bilyeu, '02, has resigned
his position as instructor in wood
work at the college to form a part
nership with Dave Hirstel, '04, and
open. an engineering office in Port
land about April 1. "
Born, in Pendleton, March 15th
to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Winslow, a
daughter. The parents are both
well known in Corvallis where they
were former residents and O. A. C.
Miss Mary McFarland, who
has been visiting in Corvallis and
Benton for several weeks, left Mon
day for Seattle for a visit with rela
tives, etiroute to her home at Mos
cow, Idaho. -
Albany Daily Democrat: The
Woodburn Independent is trying to
make capital for W. I. Tooze by
calling one of " his opponents Rev,
W. C. Hawley. No danger of any
one putting a "Rev. ' before Mr.
Tooze's name.
"What makes my hair fly so?'
asked, the little girl as; her mo
ther was brushing her hair.
'It's the electricity in it," replied
her mother. "Isn't -it wonderful
how we are made," observed the
little one, "I have electricity in my
- hair, and Grandma has gas on her
The members of the W. R. C
had a most enjoyable time at the
home of Mrs. W . G. Lane Friday
attemoon. The occasion was a tea
and the object of the pffair was to
aid in purchasing silverware for use
of the Corps in their socials and
other meetings 1 where suppers are
The Feronian Literary society
was enteitained in a very pleasant
manner, Saturday evening by the
Armenians.' "Brer. Cnauncey s
colored musicians were especially
enjoyed. Ihe programme also in
eluded instrumental numbers by
Mr. Autzin and a recitation bv Mr
Ivanhoe. - Delicious refreshments
were served.
Oregon State 7 Journal: The
school population of Corvallis io
creased nearly 25 per cent the past
year, double the -number of houses
f were built, the postal receipts in
creased 13 per cent," the railroad
in and out increased 33 1-3 per
cent, and the volume of trade at
the local business houses was great
er, py 10 to .100 per centt apd yet
Corvallis is a "dry" town.
The C. & E.s.' fine train ser
vice between Corvallis : and Albany
is beginning to be appreciated by
' ; the public. Though the month
was short as . to number of days,
300 more people traveled over the
route during February . than in the
. month preceding, ; and the account
is that the current month will show
even a larger increase.
- The Eckhardt Theatrical com
pany concluded a three night's en
gagement at the Opera house Sat-
- urday evening with the rendition
of "Virginia;" a well known and
extremely interesting Southern
play. The performance' as on the
other two evenings ' of the engage-
rhent was extremely satisfactory to
the audience.; The company is the
best popular price aggregation that
, has been in Corvallis in a long
time.- . '
The. Times is requested by the
' secretary of the board of examiners
; to give - notice that ; armentai. and
physical examination V- will be held
' "' at Salem Thursday' ' and Friday for
v the purpose " of selecting" an ap
. j pointee as midshipman at the Unit
- ed States naval academv. 'The ex-
) animation will ' take i place at the
. State house m Salem. The sub
'"' jects on which the applicant will be
- 'examined are; writing and spelling,
' arithmetic; algebra; plane- geomet
ry ;: English grammar; composition
and English literature; geography;
American history and civil government.
southern Benton today to serve pa
pers for his father, the sheriff.
1 M. Mitchell and family arrived
in Corvallis Sunday from Iowa,
looking for a location.
S. W. Pearce and wife 'of San
Francisco, were Corvallis visitors
over Sunday.
- John Creson is confined to his
home with illness. ' There is some
fear that the ailment is typhoid.
L. L Taylor, a student at the
college, left for-, Portland today to
be gone the remainder of the week.-
Miss Dolly Howard returned to
her home at Monroe Saturday after j
a visit with Corvallis relatives.
Miss Helen " Crawford's physic ,
cal culture classes will grve-acpubjic
exhibition in the college Armory
Wednesday afternoon.
A literary and musical enter:
tainment will he ! given in.College
chapel, Wednesday evening March
28, for the benefit ot tne.-.Viaage im
provement Society .:- -'
-Thlrty'RepubHcan candidates
for legislative i honors . in .Marion
county with'only five places, to fill,
shows humming conditions there
and that political preferment should
be classed as a dignified profession.
-An Alsea subscriber writes:
"Kindly state in the Times the
lowest temperature recorded for the
Willamette Valley in the last ten
years, thereby evening up a differ
ence of opinion "here.". The college
records give the date as January
24th, 1902 and the temperature, n
above. : '-. . :,
Three representatives are at
work getting: a ..right of way be
tween Albany and Corvallis for the
wire that is to convey power for the"
Corvallis eltctnc light and other
plants., f I The route tis along the
railroad'Hlne and most of it has
been secured in -the : three days the
men have been" Operating. V
. From the first day of last Sep
tember up to the first of the current
month, 29. 18 inches of rain fell
The amount is about the average
for the period. - ' The total rainfall
for February was 6,76. The high
est temperature was 59 on the 1st
and 19th, and the lowest was 28 on
the 5th, 6th , 9th , . 1 1 th , and 1 2th.
The number of days on which rain
fell was"' 15; clear- days, 12; part
cloudy,. 2.; cloidy, 14.
The horse races - Saturday af
ternoon ' attracted a large crowd.
The schedule o the periormances
was published in Friday's Times,
and everything went off according
to programme. In-the running,
Peter Kline's roan- beat George
Brown's horse, and Gene Tortora s
mare, ridden by Mike? Kline, also
beat the Brown animal, the dis
tance in both being a quarter. In
the handicap, the Brown horse with
a start of 172 1-2 feet, .beat the
Tortora mare. There was consid
erable betting on the outcome of all
tne races.
gates at ScbenecUdy, Electrical
' At the greatest electrical works
on ;the face of the earth, a piace
where 12,000 men are employed,
and at a plant that covers acres
of ground, there are a number of O.
A. C. graduates. Among them are
Bert Bower,' Joe Henkle; Albert S.
Hall and - other ' well-known boys
who are a part of the new history
of the college. Recently the Times
asked Mr. Bower for an article re
specting the Electrical' works at
which he and his fellow graduates
are employed, and the very excel-1 that the O A C contingent is taking
lent and very interesting letter that j every advantage of the opportunity
tion work of the commercial depart
ment.; After taking one of two of
the simpler tests such as small mo
tors and generators then into some
special work and are gone to some
good paying job before you know it.
But a good man. after finishing the
test, can stay with the company if
he likts. There are openings as
heads or assistants in the ' different
department?, and from that to en
gineers. ... " . . -
Never will the electrician find a
better place than right here to gain
a wide and varied experience in his
chosen work. In college he studi
ed the how and why it was done.
Here he does it for himself and self
confidence erows as does the sopho
more'e egotism.'And you may be sure
The local prohibition contest
occured in college chapel Friday
evening. "" The judges on composi
tion were: Pres. -Caldwell, -Prof.
Robestson and Prof. Schmitt; those
on delivery were, J: LV V. Butler of
Monmouth, Rev Qt TrHtfrd and
Rev. J."B. Ellison. "" The; program
was as follows: piano solo, Clio
Johnson; oration, I" America's great
Problem," John Schroeder;. recitat
tion, "The Rivals," Mary Danne
man; oration. "A Call to Action,"
Ethel Higdon; violin solo, Winne- ;
fred Gates, oration, "The Respon
sibility of a Great Nation," Elmer
Rawson; music, f v John. Schroeder
was awarded first place and a band
some $10 gold medal ; Elmer "Raw
son, second place and a $6.50 med
al. Mr. Schfoedefi will represent,
O. A. C". in the - state contest to be
held in Corvallis, - April 20th. J i
Even Lent did not prevent in
dulgence in social gaiety last week.
The Coffee club entertained about
80 guests Saturday , night,- with a
dancing party.' With fir decora
tions, cosy corners, t-Japanese lan
terns and pretty girls, Fireman
Hall was a, scene of beauty, Fech
ter's orchestra furnished delightful
music. r Under a Japanese umbrella
with: Japanese lanterns, suspended
from it, Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch and
Miss Mary Nolan served 'sherbet
and wafers.' f - The dance programs
were imitations ? of - shamrock TC in
honor of St. Patrick's Day. Satur
day night s function was perhaps
the prettiest party given by&ihe
Coffee club . this season. - Among
the out of town guests were: Miss
Winnifred Ewart, Portland: "Miss
Helen Steiwer, Jefferson, Miss Gail
Hare, Albany, Mr. Rath, Albany
and Victor Simpson, V-Albkny?
Among, the Banacles present were;
President B. W.J"Johnsori, Mr. and
Mrs. ;i?ick Kiger, Mr.H arid Mrs.
Grant Elgin, Miss Lulu Spangler,
E. E. Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Harp
er, J. McDougal, T. IJMcDevitt and
Mr. and MrsWalter Kaupisch.
follows, is his contribution:
Editor Times: '
Dear Sir If I undertook to de
scribe the General Electric . Co. or
just plain "G. E." as it is called in
Schenectady, I certainly would nave
a good btg job on my hands. A
walk. out Summit avenue, irom
which a good bird's eye view of the
works may be obtained is classed
by the young electrician as equal to
viewing one ot tne seven wonders,
and the "G. E." certainly is right
ly named "The Armature of the
World." Such a walk andsucn an
experience, I had tne pleasure, ot
enjoying upon tne arrival ot 1 ne
Terrible, Swede" in Schenectady
Escorting him to where a splendid
panotamic-view 01 tne a,
might be obtained, I said, "AH this
will I offer you, 11 you will but,
With set teeth, contracted biow,
and a fiercer expression of "do or
die"" than' ever darkened his fair
brow on the football field, he meek
ly ";SdaimjKl, V What a sight to feast
the eves noon.
- Seven members of the '05 class
O. A C. have come singly and in
pftifs to this same spot, and not one
but rejoiced that the' opportunity
had come to show the mettle they
are made of. " -: '- .-. ;
Sleeping peacefully in the little
historic'' valley of -the - Mohawk and-on-the
banks of the river of that
name, this little town was, a few
years ago One of the most crooked,
crowded up little old Dutch settle
ments that pod ever kept the In
dians from destroying. Through
the town runs the historic h,rie ca
nal, where Noah's arc and Balaam's
ass are still utilized to draw the far
mer's produce from Buffalo to the
Hudson. The G. E. company has
also large plants at Lynn, Mass.,
Pittsfield, Mass. , Madison, Wis. ;
Ft. Wayne, Ind.; New York City
and St. Louis. - Schenectady being
the head office, here their plant cov
ers nearly 280 acres of ground, has
1 6 buildings, 63 acres of floor
space, wntcn would maxe a duiio-
ing so feet wide and 1 o 1 - 2 miles
long. I has 14 miles of wide guage
railroad track and five miles of nar
row guage. In the shops are 6000
machine tools, consisting of lathes,
drills,"" and planers. The rated cost
of these tools being $4 500,000
On hand they have $9,000,000
worth of material. Raw, partly fin
ished and finished. At present they
have 12,000,000 men and women
employed with a pay roll of $175
000-per week, exclusive of those
paid by the month, such as office
helpr etc. The total payroll amounts
to $9,000,000 per year, the - requisi
tions or orders for material amounts
to 1400 weekly. And from 9 to 12
million dollars worth of raw materi
al is used- from all parts of the
world. ; : .; -
Every imaginable sort of electri
cal apparatus is manufactured here,
and. not only those electrically in
clined, but the mechanical student
may also enter the shops as an . ap
prentice, and begin a career where
the ' field for experience and im
provement is unlimited.
The testing department or, "btu-
-dents Course," as it is sometimes
called, is where the finished ma
chines are bro ugut and given a
"'run" similar to that for which
they were designed, and a rigid test
for defects. There are 12 different
departments where different sorts
of electrical -apparatus are tested,
and the student stays in each from
two to three months. Students
pass through each department id ro
tation. That is, they enter as new
men, and are expected to do help
itig and flunkying, or "Hunyack
ingJ' as it is called here,- until: some
newer man relieves him or the dis
tinction, and he is given a table and
apparatus to test, with "Hunyack-
ers" under him. ;
. The older men in the departments
get the most complicated tests, and
tot be old man on some of the tests
Is a' position that requiires a cool.
quick thinking brain - and a steady
hand.- borne of- these departments
afford a great variety of experience,
for instance; the steam turbine test.
in the G, E., and the vesting house
are almost the only . places in the
world where new men are allowed
to' handle them at . all, and expert
enced Turbine men are in demand
, . Many test men make some de
panmeni a specialty, taking up
offered them. Woiking side by side
with men from Cornell, Boston
Ttch and other great universities, it
takes others than our bosses to tell
which ia from Cornell ; and
which ' from O A C. thanks to
Professor Hay ward's instruction.
We are frequently reminded of some
point he drilled us in, as Abe says,
"That's just what Hay ward- said!"
In the testing department are
from four to five hundred students,
of every nationality and from every
nation s schools. lhey enter on a
salarj' of 15 cents per hour jwhich
increases 21-2 cents per every six
months wi h overtime work '" in
abundance at 1 1-2 regular time.
But salary is only a secondary mat
ter in consideration of the experi
ence to be gained here. . And later
on when these student friends have
become experts', as they surely- will
and are comfortably located it will be
a pleasure to know and feel in touch
with many of the leading shops and
factories wherein our trade is pro
moted... .j. ? i
Should you visit the "G E" this
week, you would find in the draft
ing room M F.- Bridges '03, in
the : transformer : tests, Hall and
Hinrichs '04, in Gov't,: motors Be
aty, Carlson . and Henkle . '05, in
small motors Abraham and Bannock
05,. in large generators Proebstel
05, and in instruction motors you
will and
Bower", '05.
.. . Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on hand at the county
treasurer's office to pay all Orders
endorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
March 12th 1906. Interest will be
stopped on same from this date.
Corvallis, Or. March- 24th, 1906,
W. A. Buchanan.. 1..
Treasurer Benton Co. Or
. Gordon Hats are with'n the
reach of every' man in this
town. Within the reach of his
pockbook; "withiu . walking
distance of his oftioe. No need
to eay very mnch about Gor
don Hats. You know your
self that no better hat can be
mande at any price. The Gor
donHat, soft or stiff, cost, you
$3, pay more for a' -hat, and
you have paid something for
New Spring Styles have Arrived
all Shapes and Colors.
The People's Store.
Established 1864. Corvallis, Oregon'
If you expect to buy
:all at Blackledge's.
an incubat-
. .6:30 a.
,.7:io a.
Corvallis: & Eastern
No 2 for Yaouina
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m-
Leaves Corvallis.. 1:45 p. m
Arrives Yaqoina,, '. . . 6:oop. m
No 1 Returning
. Leaves Yaquina. 6.45 a. m
Leaves Corvallis. . .......... .11:30 a.'m
Arrives Albany. 12:15 p. in
No 3 for A1 bans-Detroit
Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 a, m
Arrive Detroit. . . . . . ... . . 12:30 p. m
No 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit. . . 1:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:00 p. m
SiQ 5 tor AJbany
Leaves Corvallis
Arrive Albany-... ... .
No 8 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany"! 7:05 a. m
- Arrives Corvallis 8 :3d a. m
No 7 for Albany
" Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. 01
" Arrive Albany. ........ . . . . 6:40 p. m
No 6 for Corvallis
; Leaves Albany : . . .
Arrives Corvallis .....
No o for Albany
: Leaves Ccrvallis . . 12:40 p. m
Arrives Albany. 1:25 p. m
No 10 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany
Arrive Corvallis
No 11 for Albany, Sunday only
Leave Corvallis. . . ..V. .-. . , .11:30 a. m
- Arrive Albany. . : .-. ... .-. .-. . 12:15 a. m
No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis .... . ... 1 132 p. m
Train 1 arrives in Albany in time to
connect with S. P. aouthbound train.
. Train 3 connects with S. P. " trains at
Corvallis and Albany, giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at
7:30 a. m. arriving in ample time to rea
the Breitenbush hot springs the same day
" Train 4 between Albany and Detroit
connects with Eugene local at Albany
also with local for Corvallis. i ' .
Train 5 leaves Corvallis at '6:30 a. ni.
arrives at Albany 7; 10 in time , to catch
Eugene local for Portland and train tq
Detroit. .. IV .1
Train 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis at
8:00 a, m. -after arrival of northbound
Eogene local.
Train 7 leaves Corvallis at -5:00 p. m.
arrives in Albany in time to connect with
local for Eugene and way -points.
' Train 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at
7:35 P. m. after arrival of S. P. lecal from
7 -.35 P- m
8:15 p. m
2:30 p. to
3:10 p. m
Wool and V7asH Dress Fabrics
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
- Dress Goods has arrived. All colors, weights
and weaves, ah prices that -will tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wopl and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, BrowD
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linen9 in White, Gray,
" Green and - Navy.
For farther information apply to '
J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt
or railway work, constrnc- H'. H, Cronise, sgt Comllist
, New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods.
New assortment embroidered waist patterns
New veluets, collars and belt3
" Remember we give 5 percent discount on
ali Cash Purchases.
Highest Price for Country Produce
' : Has just received the services of one of thA finest
mechanics in the valley and from now on will be
prepared to do all kinds of repair work ft--m apad
lock to a threshing machine.
: Guns, Sewing Machines, Locks a Specialty '
; We have just received a complete 1 i
Base Ball goods, also a fine line of up '
ing tackle, fllash lights, batteries and m
chine extras always on hand.
iiT ma-
Sre:You Ready.
To. exchange that old stove for a new up '
Range. Remember we have the Ran;
- only SELLS but gives satisfac
- Abundance of references give
J ' You' 'will no doubt use some Carpet, V
Linoleum this spring. Ours is the only st
'to steel
a-complete line to select from. Our
arergomg fast, get in line and select a good
are selling absolutely AT COST.
Paper or
that has
ern, they
Hollenberg k Cady.