No Reserve No Reserve l rS ,'v. : RBOLT K C LO T , High Grade Clothing s ever conducted in 'the Willamette Valley Profits and a I big part of the cost annihilated, The time limit is set. We -will clear out this stock quick DOUBLE QUICK. Better be an early buyer than a late one if you want the cream. No Reserve Corvallis Times Official Paper of Benton County. CORVALLIS, OREGON, -TUESDAY EVENING MAR. 20, THE SENATE EXPOSE: I The exposure by Lincoln" Steff ens of the motives and influences that control the American senate make interesting reading jti t now, when there is a movement itf Ore gon to prevent the selection of; sen ator by direct vote, as is now" pos sible under the Primary law... .In language so plain that it cannot be misunderstood, Mr. Steff ens charg es that the senate is in reality, he agent and champion of rich express companies, . railroad companies, of syndicates and combines and that it legislates in the interest of these rather than for the benefit of the people. In fact, some of the sena tors have admitted to Mr.Steffens the very things he charges against them as will be seen in an article on the first page . of this paper. , The exposure makes 'it important that the primary law with reference to direct vote for senator be adhered to in Oregon by requiring legisla tive candidates to sign statement number i. With Oregon thus lead ing the way the other states will soon adopt similar plans, , and in. but a little while all the senators will have to run the gauntlet of the people which will mean that the senate will soon be purged of trust agents and corporation law yers like , the Depews, the Plattsj the Aldriches, " the Forakers, the" , Elklns and all the others of their ilk. COUNTY CLERK MOSES. If his friends are urging Victor Moses to again allow the use of his name for county clerk, it is no more than might have been expect ed. " No man who - has served as county.clerk has been more capable, more painstaking, or more oblig ing. Both as a private citizen and as a public official, he has been all his constituents could have desired, A Startler at ana Boys to their teet in a hurry! After mature consideration we have concluded to close out with out reserve our entire stock of Men's Young Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing. We want the room for other lines of ( Merchandise. The Decks must be cleared before July 1st ds Will Be the Sale Commences Saturday, Mar 24. and the consequence is that they do not wish him now, as he proposes, to retire from: his position, but to stand for re-electjLqn. There .is no better way, to promote the interests of, the county,; as .well as , to encour age faithful, service, than ' by elect ing and reflecting to office as faith ful an official as Victor Moses has been. . ' . ;, . ; Grand Display. , Fine display ' of millinery next Thursday" and Friday- at Mrs. J. Mason's. . j For Sale. - Section 23, Kings Val ley at $2 . 50 per acre. X. B. Lyons, a-; Craftonville, Calif. ' The S. P. is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Portland for $3, good going Saturdays or Sundays and re turning Sunday or Monday following, either on West or East side, bnt good on ly on afternoon' train from ' Albany to Portland on Saturdays if East side is tak en. '. Passengers to pay local fare be tween Corvallis and Albany. For' Sale. r Vetch and Cheat and Clover hay; White seed oats. : " Also one fine M." B.' torn. ' . T. A. Logsden. Ind. phone 55, Mf.: View line. Notice to Bidders. . ; - Sealed bids will be received' by ' .the sewer committee until, six o'clock pi m, February 16; 1906, for the " construction of a sewer through blocks 14? 15 and 16 N. B. & P.Avery's Addition to the; city of Corvallis. according to the plans and specifications oii file! In the office of the Police Judge. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. ' , - Geo. E. Lilly. . R.. H. Colbert. P. Avery. , . ' Sewer Committee. One Dollar Saved Represent .' Tea - "'Dbllape' Kariied. . j 1 The average man Joes not save to exceed ten per cent of his earnings. .'He must spend nine . dollars , in . Hying expenses for every dollar saved, ,, That being the case he can not be too careful, about unnecessary ex penses. ' "Very often a few cents properly in vested' like buying edsfbr bit garden, will save several .dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cost but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Graham & Wortham. JM Greatest, Grandest and most Stupendous Sale of HAS BEEN INVITED. But Has Not Accepted Coun ty Clerk Moses and His , ' Constituents, v So far, the democrats are without a candidate for county .clerk. In short, no man among them is a seeker after office. The function of the late gathering of , their clans was to awaken inthem a willingness to allow their names to be used. From the very .first it has' been the understanding ...that County Clerk Moses did not wish a re-nomination His friend?, both democrats and re publicans, in all parts of the county have urged him to stand for. re election. . In all cases. : he ha.s re turned the invariable answer that he is not and does not wish to be in the fight. ,; At the democratic meet ing Friday evening, he was further urged to allow his name to be used for clers. He has made an exem plary official, and his . friends real ize that his record is , such as to make him almost invincible, if he enters the field. The vote, . asking him to go on the ticket was unani mous and enthusiastic. Speeches in his. favor, and referring to his splendid work as an official were greeted with enthusiastic, applause. The meeting adjourned, however, without an acceptance from , him, There has been no acceptance since. At the meeting, he made a brief ad dress, .thanking' his i friends of all parties for their support In the past He . ; said: ; This evening, while we . are gathered here in an informal way . to plan for the general welfare of , the local democ racy, I trust that a few words from one of your servants will no( be out of place." "There are7times, when men who are public servants should render to those who reposed confi dence jnf hem, an acconnt of their stewardshipr-this is an occasion of that kind. The honors you have conferred Upon me, I have endeav ored t wear with becoming modes ty, and with a consciousness of my faults and short " comings; the re; sponsibilities you have entrusted to me, I have met and discharged, to the best of my. ability, and yet not my ability alone, but I have had', and been upheld by your support and; constant rco-bpefation; I have tried at all times to meet these re sponsibilities and measure: up to these requirements, in the letter as well as in the spirit; the confidence Son's that will bring Men you reposed in me I have been care ful not to betray, either in the small or more important interests commit ted to me. . . That the work of my office might have been done better I will not de; ny; but in all I have sought to do my best, In my official acts, I have known, no man, not party, but all men and all parties. The office you gave me by your suffrage, and the assistance;of my friends of the other political parties in the county, , and the honor conferred upon me in such act, I have . sought to merit, ind I expect to retire fromjthe office of clerk at end of this - term, fally trusting that not one who gave, me his vote, has ever had j occasion to regret such act. ; The honor of hav ing been your servant, I will always cherish, , - t 1 1 feel that whatever may be pref erence of my friends, or the politic al views of those who have voted for me, I have this consciousness, that I have not doneoan act to gain a friend; but have so acted as to merit the good will, confidence and friendship of every man. .;. Dry Slab Wood. At the Corvallis sawmill,' delivered anywhere in' town per load, cash on delivery. feb27-lm. . - ' ' For Sale. - Defiance Seed Wheat extra good.' Seven.ty five, , cnts per bushel. , : , Address F. M.Sharp, . r - j , , Corvallis, R. F. D. 1. Seed is at the farm, known as the chpll place, , at Granger., ,; j ; a A. Spring ' Opening. ; ..?Come and see my fine display of pattern hats and .up-to-date milli nery. Thursday, and Friday, Mar.: 22 and 23. z v ; v 4 Mrs. C. A. Gould. Always Keeps Cnamberlain'e Congh Remedy .In Hie .House." ! 5 ;"We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. : It is kept On hand contin -Ually in bur home," says Wi!W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family , should do. .When kepi at' hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at' the Outset and cured in much less time' than after it has become jettled in the system, This remedy , is also without a peer, for croup in children, and will prevent' the' attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Graham & Wortham, ' , - ALL SALES SPOT CASH. SEVEN DIVORCES WANTED. Circuit Court Meets Next Week List of Cases on the Docket. Mary E. Coon, T. M. Coon et al plaintiff, versus A. L. Coon, Defen dant suit for sale of real property. ' Thos. Whitehorn, J. W. Ingle et al, plaintiff versus W. G. Emery, P. Avery et al, defendant suit injun ction. Laura Burr plaintiff versus Agnes C. McElroy and J. C. McElroy, defendants. For confirmation of sale. ' ' " , : ' V ' Catherine Boehringer, plaintiff versus Oregon & California railroad Company, The Farmers Loan & Trust Co., corporations, defend ants. Suit. The State of Oregon, plaintiff, versus, Chas. M. Kline, Merwin McMaines, Jack Milne and John Doe whose true name is unknown, defendants. . Appeal from J. P Court.. ; - The State-of Oregon, plaintiff, versus Chas. M. Kline, and Jack Milne, defendants. Appeal from J. P. Court. The . State of Oregon, plaintiff, versus Chas. M. Kline, Merwin McMaines, Jack Milne, dependents. Appeal from J. P. Court, , The State of .Oregon plaintiff, versus Chas.' M. Kline Menvin McMaines arid C. C. Geer, defend ants. ' Appeal from J. P. Court. James Lv Lewis,, plaintiff,' versus Spencer Bicknell, defendant." Act ion for damages. Plutarch Lewis, plaintiff, versus Almeda Lewis, defendant. Suit divorce.' J V ... Myrtle Befison7 plaintiff, versus John T. Benson ; -' defendant! Suit divorce rThe State of Oregon, plaintiff, versus " Carl ; Pressley , defendant. Recog'.:- --.r.' "h!.: t Cecil. I. Turner, plaintiff, versus Bert .burner, defendant. Suit di vorce. ---" 1 Albert Kemp, plaintiff, versus Martha A. Kemp, defendant. Suit divorce. 'ff-rn , . . . R. V. Moore,, plaintiff, versus M. May Moore, defendant. : Suit di vorce. . ' ; ';' " ' ' R. E. Fawver, plaintiff,' versus John W. Fawver, defendant. Suit divorce, , Nettie Carden, plalntuf, versus Everett Carden, defendant. Suit I No Reserve divorce. . Amy A. Humiston, plaintiff, ver sus Curtis Stimson and Lettie Stim son, defendants. Suit. Geo. W. Parker, plaintiff, versus W. H. James, defendant. Action for damages. Mehala Stewart, Jehial Stewart, Lafayette Stewart and Melissa Mc Mahan, plaintiffs, versus Henrietta Randall, defendant. Suit to set aside deed. 1 - Rape seed for sale cents per pound. at Kline's; 7 Hay for Sale. Good cheat. Inquire of M. M. Corvallis. Long, For County Recorder. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nom ination for the office of county re corder, subject to the decision of the voters, at the primaries April 20th. Hari,ey L. Haia. Wanted. Competent girl to assist in gener al housework. " Apply to Mrs. A. Wilhelm, Monroe, Or. 51 Ceota Per Setting For egge. Beet brown Leghorns. J. B. Irvine, Corvallis. Spraying. City or country work, country a specialty;" reasonable rates. Inde pendent phene. 852, or 362. En quire of J. R. Smith. . , Read, Fullerton .& Hubler, Corvallis. Oak wood, stove lengths, at Saw Mill Co. : I ' Call Order Seeds Now. T Red "Clover : AUike, Alfalfa, Rap Speltz and Artichokes. I can furnish inoculated seeds and land plaster, that will double the yield. See sample of seed at Wellsher & Gray's store. Wanted 80 ton Vetch seed lor May shipment. ' : . " - L. L, Brooksv