The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 16, 1906, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of IS cents per line will be charged.
at cost at Hollenberg
' Carpets
& Cady's.
The secoad team. ; men of the
O. A. C. basket ball sq uad met a
WiterloD at the Arm ory Tuesday
night in a game withe the Independ
ence Athletic Club smen. The lat-
nine. The score at .he end of the
first half was nine to five in favor
of the visitors. The O. A. C. men
were Burns, Rooper. Bartlett, Col
well and Spires. The Independ
ence players were, . Burcb, Byers,
Craven, O. Byers and Shine. The
game was well played arid was very
interesting to the audience.-; -
Rumors are current" on the
street of horse races thatare to take
place at the Kiger track tomorrow.
In one, Gene Tortora is matching
P. A. Kline's horse against George
Brown's for a quarter mile dash.
In another race, the Tortora mare,
ridden by Mike Kline, is to go
against the Brown horse a. quarter
of a mile. In a third race, the
Tortora mare goes against the
Brown horse a quarter of a mile
and gives t'le latter a lead of a foot
for every pound it is outweighed by
the mare. This will give the horse
a lead of 172 1-2 feet. The Torto
ra mare, weighed 1,045 pounds
when put on the scales Wednesday.
Four ring-necked pheasants,
better known as the English pheas
ant, were recently received from
Chicago by Samuel Bane. They
are all male birds-and are to be add
ed to Mr. Bane's pheasant yards, in
which he has several ' varieties, in
cluding Mongolian, Amherst and
Golden. A dozen female ring
necks are expected : to arrive next
week from Cape Cod, Massachu
setts. A letter from there received
a day or two ago, related that the
birds were at large in a fifty acre
lot and that they were getting so
much feed on the outside that they
would not follow the bait into the
nets where they could be snared for
Contractor Mitchell is wrest
ling with the problem of a scarcity
of men on the pipe line. Only 14
men were at work on the ditch a
day or two ago, when fifty would
have more nearly represented the
number wanted by the contractor.
A gang of 25 men was brought
from Portland 'Some time ago, but
after a short time thev left tn trn in
to railroad work in Southern Ore
gon. Later, a gang was brought
from Dayton, Oregon, but some of
these have gone elsewhere. The
- wages paid is 22 1-2 cents per hour,
with an allowance of an hour per
day on l full pay for going to and
from work. The railroad activity
in various parts of the Northwest
probably has much to do with the
scarcity of laboring men. It will
probably continue so all summer.
Prof. I. N. Glenn of Eugene is
visiting in Corvillis for a few days.
Miss Harriet Sheasgreen, who
has been a sufferer from Poison
Oak for the past week, is reported
as improving. -? " . i -
Robt. Myers was among the
Corvallis visitors from Alsea yes
terday. He brought his mohair to
market. '- -
Services at the Episcopal
church Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30
p. m. Week night services on
Wednesday and Friday evenings at
7-30- . ;
United Evangelical church
Sunday school at '10 a. m. This
congregation joins in ihe Union
Meeting in the. Opera house both
morning and evening.
-r-A purchaser or cavalry horses
is to be in. Corvallis the 25th. and
will make his headquarters at
the City Stables. Desirable horses
should be 15' to i5fi. nands and
weigh from 950 to 1100 pounds.
E B. Follet has sold the Phil.
otnath livery stable to Charley
Thompson formally jaBenton coun
ty citizen, but recently of AlisksuJ
Mr. Follet and family w,ul move, let
their farm in Alesa.
Among other preparations in
the enlargement of its business, the
Corvallis Ice and Ice Cfeam Co. is
having a platform spring truck
built by Horning Bros. It is a
substantial one-horse vehicle.
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day,
regardless of weather conditions
and of other conditions. But, to
many Corvallis people, it will not
be hailed with such enthusiasm as
was manifested before the days of
local option. ''
Yesterday Ed Taylor and fam
ily, who have resided in Corvallis
the past winter, started for Lobster
with a four-horse load ot household
effects and supplies. Mr. Taylor
recently traded his farm in Alsea,
for the Wilkinson place on "Lobster,
where he goes to make his home.
Frank Wright, a member, of
the pioneer family of Benton has
been visiting friends and relatives
here during the past few days
Frank is now a resident of Harney
county whither he went twelve
years ago, and nis present visit is
the first he has made to bis old
home during that time.
Carmichael brothers, who re
cently purchased the John Rowland
ranch on Big Elk, started acro3S
the mountains yesterdav to take
possession of their new home. J
D. Mower, who bought the Hatha
way place on ' Big Eik, also went
over yesterday to take possession of
his purchase. Mr. Hathaway is, to
come to Corvallis to reside; ;r:
J. A male quartette : has been or
ganized at the, college, and the
members are practicing retjularly.
New music "has been sent for and
within a short time the organization
hopes to become proficient in its
renditions. The personel of the
At the Opera House Eckhardt's Ideals
5 M , ; . A Good . Company.
Eckhardt's Ideals began a three
flights' engagement at the Opera
house last night, with "A Fight for
Honor" as the bill. ' The play was
full of " pretty comedy and all parts
were well sustained. Mr. Blanch
ard as Dr. Chumley was a good
piece of character acting, while, as
two tramps who always bobbednip
at the right time to protect a blind
mother and her daughter, Mr. Eck
hardt and Mr. "Richardson were ex
cellent. The company gives at
popular Jprices a performance as
good or "better than many of the
high-priced , attractions. The bill
tonight is 7 ' ' Because He Loved
Her,. . described as a " sparkling
comedy, with every p;rsoa in h s
or .her; best part. J First class, clean
comeyi'Is; a specialty arid the com
pany lias. " people who can deliver
the goods. ; TFirst ;rate specialties
are. given, ... between each act. Tlje
bill tornbrrow night Is Virginia.'' '
The company "deserves a far better
house than was present last nighTr '
It is the surmise of Prof. CordJ quartette is, George Cathey, first
ley that the cold spell will be dead' its effects on myriads of San
Jose scale, and that out of such
damage as may have been wrought
by the chill there ' will come some
benefit. At the beginning of win
ter usually there is a generation of
San Jose scale but half grown.
They usually survive the winter
and constitute a very large stock on
hand for the" ensuing season. Up
to the arrival of the cold wave; they
had survived the current winter,
but it is considered very possible
- by ProfV Cordley that; the resultant
low temperatures have chilled them
. to death by the myriads. If so,
the fact will be manifest later on.
when by lifting the lid to the scale
the bright yellow spot below, which
is in reality the insect, .will be seen
to have turned to a brown, indicat
ing that the hated little scoundrel
is no more. .--,
Isadore Jacobs was tbe-victim
of a serious accident late'Tuesday
evening. He was in the act of as
cending the stone steps at the court
house entrance. When almost at
the top, he stumbled and fell. In
some unaccountable way, he seem
ed to sink down and roll backward,
in which position, with his head
downward he slid on his back the
entire flight. When he finally stop
ped, his head was resting on the
bottom step with his body and low
er limbs slanting up the steps. He
; did not move after his fall, and peo
pie hurried to the spot expecting to
, find him unconscious. He w?s
quickly carried home and surgeons
summoned, who found that his
. 'principal injury was the tearing
. away of some ; of the ligaments of
the knee. Strange to say, his head
and back were not injured though
they appeared to those who watch
ed to have btrmped their way suc
cessively down each step of the
' long stone flight. Accompanied by
his sister, Miss Eda Jacobs, the vic
tim of the accident was taken to
Portland Wednesday, - to enter a
Mrs. John Day U Stricken With Ty
phoid at Forest Grove.
A few, days ago Mrs. John Day,
in whose family there were recently
three deaths from typhoid fever,
went to Forest Grove accompanied
by her only, remaining child, Ben
nie, to be with friends in rthat local
ity for a time. Mr. Day himself-.
remained in Corvallis but on Wed
nesday he was called to the bedside
of. bis wife. - When he was sum
moned, her illness was not thought
to be serious, but a letter received
here yesterday . conveys the sad
news that Mrs. Day is prostrated
from typhoid' fever.
Much concern is felt concerning
Mrs. Day's illness. ' It is known
that her vitality was much reduced
in consequence of the wearying
care of the afflicted family and the
nervous strain as a result of her
late bereavements, and she is poor
ly fortified to withstand the attack
of typhoid. It would seem that
the family had already experienced
their share of trouble.
A Cattle Food Alleged to be a Good
Substitute for' Oil Heal.
The O. A. C. experiment station
has discovered the bogus character
of feed that is on the market, for
which there is a claim that it is a
good substitute for oik meal. Its
price is slightly cheaper, but chem
ical analysis shows that in food val
ue it is not even as good as clover
hay, though its promoters allege it
to be as good or better than oil
cake. The name of the preparation
is "CafrocaOil Cake Meal." It is
1 not the only 'fraud " on the market,
the high price of mill feeds having
encouraged the manufacture of, sub
stitutes. The principal nutriment
with which dairymen are concerned
is protein, and oil cake is prized for
this substance" ' Cafroca contains
only 9.20 per cent ot protein, while
the common oil meal' c6n tains 33.2.
Cafroca is not even" as1 rich in pro
tein as good clover hay. Besides,
it contains a very large per cent of
crude fibre , being 41.59 per cent,
while oil meal only" Contains 9.5 per
cent. Dairymen should be careful
in purchasing this of" any other sub
stitute for oil meaP or other mill
feed. The commercial- price ot
nearly all 'these substitutes, as
shown by analysis at the experi
ment station, is altogether dispro
portionate to their food value.
Lyceum "Lecture Course. , .
Harry T. Butterworth Co. Ly
ceum Lecture. course on . the 22,
next Thursday evening. Reserved
seats $.75. General admission $.50.
Season ticket holders can secure
reserved seats on any of the three
days before the entertainment. For
the single entertainment reserved
seats mpy be secured on the two
days before the entertainment. ,
Holders of season tickets can se
cure reserved seats for the Harry
T. Butterworth Co. on Tuesday the
20th. Box open at Graham &
Wortham Drug store at 8 o'clock
Rape seed for sale
cents per pound. -
at Kline's; 7
tenor, Ed Hughes, second tenor,
Collie Cathey,- first bass,;' Arthur
Bouquet, second bass.
The marriage of Walter Keady
and Miss Mildred Johuson is to be
solemnized in Portland tomorrow
evening at 8:30 -o'clock, Both the
young people are- former residents
of Corvallis, the groom being the '
son of Mr. and Mrs.; G. B. Keady I
and he bride a 'sister of Pestmaster
Johnson. Mr. and MrsI Keady
and Miss Mabel u Keady g(f to? Port
land tomorrow to be present at the
nuptials. They expect to return
Monday. j ; ...
A monstrous live eagle is on
exhibition at Hodes' grocery jstore.
The bird was slightly crippled by a
gunshot wound and captured . by
Richard McBee a short distance
south of town. It is sMd.that quite
a number of eagles arM the vicin
ity of where this one Vfas taken, and
that they are desriyingynany you
ng lanbs. The one on exhibition
is believed to be the largest eagle
ever captured" in this locality
Portland Market Report
Wheat valley 70c "
Flour $3.40 to $3.90 ;
Potatoes .60 per hun -Eggs
Oregon, 16c doz
Butter 1 6c per lb
Creamery27 to 30
. Corvallis. ; . '
Wheat 60c
Oats 36c " " -
Flour $.95 to $1 40 -'
Potatoes 80' per sack "" '
Butter 56 per roll
Creamery 70 per" roll
Eggs 13 1-2 .per doz ' : ;
Chickens i 2 to 1 5c per lb
Lard 12 1-2 c per ;
. , Hay for Sale. ,
Good cheats '
Inquire of M. M. Long,
, ; Corvallis.,
. For Sale.
Defiance Seed Wheat extra good
Seventy five cents per bushel.
Address F. M. Sharp, : " J
Corvallis,,.R. F. D. 1..
Seed is at the farm,' .known as the
Scholl place, at Granges.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in Hiff Souse.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
nally in our home," says W. Wt Kearney,
editor of the Independent. Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what every family should dor
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may he checked at the outset and cured
in much less time than after it has become
settled in the system. - This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
wui prevent tne attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. - For
sale by ttraaam & Wortham.
EckhardV Idaals
Eckhard's Ideals appeared three
nights at Davis opera house this week
to audiences not so large as the merits of
tne company deserved . The hrst meat.
school, was presented.- Specialties were
in ween .acts. Tuesday even
ing ".Because ue Loved tier," was the
bill.' This play was moreSquiet in action
tnaa the nrst nicnt's ottering, but was
interesting from the vein of comedy and
Heart interest wbicb ran through it.
Wedneedry night, "A Fight for Honor,
was the bill, and .was melo-dramatic
enough toP suit anyone, and was well
rendered. The company, take all in all.
is a good one and above the average of
traveling aggregations. The people ail
present a good appearance and the, plays
are well staged and acted. Medtora Mail,
For tfounty, Recdf del.
I hereby announce myselt ; as a
candidate for the democratic nom
ination for the office of county re
corder, subject to the decision of
the voters, at the primaries April
Hartley L. Ham..
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on band . at the county
treasurer's office to pay all orders
endorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
March 12th 1906. Interest will be
stopped on same from this date.
Corvallis, Or. March 24th, 1906.
W. A. Buchanan. -
r Treasurer Benton Co. Or,
Dry Slab Wood.
At the Corvallis sawmill, delivered
anywhere in town at (1.25 per load, cash
on delivery. . ieb27-im,
Gordon Hats are with n the
reach of every man in. this
town. Within the rfucb of bis
pockbook ; within walkiug
distance of his ofii p. No need
to say very much about Goi -don
Hats. You know your
self that no better hat can be
mande at any price. Tne Gor-
donJEat, soft or stiff, crt
$3, pay more for a ht,
you have paid something
ti I ; 1
New Spring Styles have Arrived
all Shapes and Colors.
f;i Tfie Peoples Store.
Established 1864; -rr r ' Xorvailis. Oreeon
7:30 a, m
. 12:30 p. m
1:00 p. m
6:00 p. m
.;30 s.jtn,
. .7 :to a. m
' i ; K'Si
. 7:55 a. in
. 8:35. m
6:00 p.
6:46 p.
Sawmill for Sale, .
I will sell niy mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath , Or
egon, consisting of 160 acres all good
second and old growth fir,, excepting 12
aci es which are under cultivation. Sonse
barn, mill, and outbuildings all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 In. saws, edger. plainer, saw-dust
and slab conveyers, large water - tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 .feet per
day, worth $3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf. 3Q9i Second, St., "Portland, Or.
Corvallis & Eastern
No 2 for Yaquina
Leaves Albany .12:45 p. m.
Leaves Uorvallis ....... 1:45 p. m
Arrives Ysqnina.. ..... 6:oop.m
"No 1 Returning ..
Leaves Yaquina 6 .45 a.
Leaves , Corvallis .11:30 a.
Arrives Albany r:'rV. 12:15 p.
No 3 for Albany-Detroit
Leaves Albany lor Detroit,.
Arrive Detroit. , . . ; . .
No 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit .... . . ....
Arrive" Albany . . .
No 5 for Albany .. .
Leaves Corvallis... .....
Arrive Albany.... ...."..
No 8 for Corvallis " '. .
Leaves' Alhany, . . . . . . .AV,
. Arrives Cor.vallias.i . . . ..:
No 7 for Albany; i ;
Leaves Corvallis .
" Arrive Albany . . .
No 6 for Corvallis'
Leaves Albany 7:35 p. m
Arrives Corvallis 8:15 p, m
No 9 for Albany -
' Leaves Ct rvallis .. 12:40 p. m
Arrives Albany. ... ... . . .- i :25 p. m
No io for Corvallis
Leaves Albany. 2:30 p. m
Arrive Corvallis". 3:10 p. m
No 1 1 '-for Albany, Sunday onlj
Leave Corvallis . : . : . . ; . 11:30 a. m
Arrive Albany.... ,..12:15 a. m
No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only
. Leaves Albany. . ...... ...12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis . r:S 1 132 p. m
m Vstta,, -W-i -j , -
Train 1 arrives in. Aipany in time to
connect with S. P. scrathbound train.
Train a connects with S .'. P. trains at
orvauis ana Albany, giving direct ser
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches
Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit- at
7:30 a. m. arriving in ample time to rea
the Breitenbush hot springs the same day
Train 4 between Albany and Detroit
connects with Eugene local at Albany
also with local 101: Corvallis.
. Train 5 leaves Corvallis at .6:30 a. m.
arrives at Albany 7; 10 in time to catch
Eugene local for Portland and train to
Train 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis at
8:00 a, m. after arrival of nortbbonnd
Eugene local.
' . Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. m
arrives in Albany in time to connect with
local tor .Eugene aud way points.
Train 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at
7:35 P. tn. after arrival of S. P. local from
' For further information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen PassAgt
1. uocfcreu, agt Albany,
H. HI Cronise, agt Corvallis,
The Gem Cigar Store '
' All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and. Pool room.
Jack Iilxe, "prop.
Wool and Wash Dress Fabrics
Our first shipment of Wool ," Mohair, -and Wash
Dress Goods has arrived. All colors, weights
. v and weaves, afc j rices that will tempt all.
New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
Wool an,d IVIohair Dress Goods, in Gray, BrowD,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Press Linens, in White, Gray, Light Blue,
I . Green and Navy.
New White Mercerized Shirt Waist Goods
New assortment embroidered waist patterns ;
New veluets, collars and belts.
Remember we give 5 percent discount on
ali Cash Purchases. - -
: Highest Price for Country 'Produce.
-Moses Brothers
C. Sure Pop
You will always find us up and coming
if and our prices reasonable.
: Clii
'f -
Boots and shoes for men, women and- children, hats,
caps, underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts
"ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
. things to numerous to mention,
: A fine line of groceries, crockery and everything that
: - is needed in a grocery department
For Moses Bros quick, delivery wagon. Listen for the
.bell and you will find there is something doing