The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 13, 1906, Image 3

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For advertisements In this column the rate
: of J5 cents per line will be charged.
Basket ball tonight.
. Carpets at cost at Hollenberg
& Cady's.
Peter Zierolf is in Portland for
medical treatmeLt.
Marion Frantz of Kings Valley
was in Corvallis yesterday, looking
after telephone interests.
There is to be a basket ball
.game in the Armory tonight. It
will be the O. A. C. second team
and tbe Independence athletic club.
Assessor Davis has been inter
viewing taxpayers in Summit and
Blodgett precincts the past week.
He left yesterday for Philomath,
and is to devote the current week
to that town.
A St. Patrick s party is to be
given at City Hall by the Ladies
Coffee Club next Saturday evening.
All the details will be carried out
in harmony with the occasion . Dan
cing will be the amusement, for
which the music will be extra good.
The contract to supply the
court house with wood was awarded
at last weeks session of the court
I. H. Jackson is to furnish 25 cords
of oak at $3.45; - August Webber,
35 cords split maple at $2 .83; W. R.
Dixon, 10 cords old growth body
fir. $3.40.
, At 3:30 this afternoon, the
condition of Prof. Pernot was
slightly better." His temperature
was only 99, and his pulse was
only 108. His malady is not
- the usual form of pneumonia, due
to asthmatic complications. The
crisis which usually comes in seven
days, is said not to have been
reached in his case, though the 1 3th
day has passed.
Thirty five representatives of
the various rural lines centering in
Corvallis held a meeting at the
court house Saturday for a more
perfect organization. Thomas
Cooper was chairman and Mr.
Brush, secretary. There was con
siderable discussion, and a general
expression for a more compact
union. A committee was appoint
ed to prepare constitution and by-
laws, with instructions to report at
- 1 u .1.. . . t .
a. lucciiiit; lu uc Liciu uu ine 24111
Benton Coanty Doesn't owe a Dollar-
Treajwer's new Call.
Benton county is out of debt. It
is probably the only county in Ore
gon in that happy condition.
Three years ago was the first time
the county became debtless since
the memory of man .. runneth not to
the contrary. It paid cash till mid
summer,, and then began - to issue
warrants.""Jrhe next spring, and
last year the last warrant was again
redeemed and cash payments, re
sumed for several month?.' ' Yester
day, Treasurer Buchanan called In
every warrant outstanding, and is
ready with the cash "as fast as they
cm be presented. The condition
looks good to the citizen. It is a
wotthy boast when a stranger vis
its us to be able to say, "the county
is but of debt." -It is'an especially
agreeable thing,' because they can
not say it elsewhere: v If has all
been done too in th&faeyof more
road building than ha jfeen done
in 10 years before CirrBenton
county. ..- ., ."' -::'y:''rt7r'l' ' ;
" It lakes $8, 700 " to call In all the
warrants, of ; which " there are 426
outstanding.' . It ' cancels all war
rants endorsed since Noyember 24th
last year. '.
A well to do farmer from a re
mote corner of the county journey
ed all the way to the sheriff's office
through the cold wave the other
day to pey his taxes. There, he
learned that Sheriff Burnett's lists
were in the hands of four or five
people in his precinct, and that he
might have paid Is taxes there and
have saved the long trip to town.
Complete notice about the lists were
published in both Corvallis papers,
DUt He is iiUL a, SuLsci iOc-r r.f c arer.
The trip cost him more tliau bcuh
papers for a year wouid have cost
Thursday is the last day for
getting rebates for payment of taxes.
Those who want the three per cent
will have to part with their money
In short order or it will be too late.
Up to yesterday $34,000 had been
collected and turned over to the
treasurer. From Friday noon to
Monday noon 215 people paid,
giving Sheriff Burnett, who doesn't
have deputies, a touch of the stren
uous life. Up to this forenoon,
1,210 receipts had been issued.
' A big tax was paid yesterday
when the receipts were issued for
the Southern Pacific track, rolling
stock and land. The company re
mitted $3,271.30 for the purpose.
The sum was about $30 more than
the amount of the tax, and it was
returned by the sheriff under a
dazed state ot mind as to how a
railroad company could have made
such a break. The company is as
sessed on 11 1-4 miles of road bed;
at $4,000 a mile and 50,000 acres of
land, besides other property.
Get Karnes Mixed With Curious Con
They encounter an occasional
curiosity in the way of checks in
the prpeessrpf tax collecting over at
the sheriff s.pffice. A draft came
from a Portlander yesterday made
payable to, "M. P. Benton." Of
course the" sender meant to write it
M, P. .Burnett," but apparently
got his drinks mixed and wrote
it "Benton" instead of "Burnett."
The draft.was returned to him with
a request that he send one that the
sheriff could cash without cbmmit-
tingiotgjrrH UOOf)i;
In many an instance in making
out checks the sheriff's name is
badly tnatrgled, running anywhere
from "Bornit" to "Burnit." The
sheriff always indorses with the
name spelled exactly as on the face
of the check, but once when he had
to write hi own noma , 'B o-Di
n-e-t," he nearly swooned away af'
ter executing, the job. His con'
dition was still worse oh another
day when he had to write it, "Bast
ed." ,
Yesterday a check was received
by the sbferiff with everything 611ed
out except the amount. This was
left blank on purpose by the sender
for the sheriff to fill in the amount
of the taxes which he himself did
not know. In fact, several of the
same kind, have been received since
tne taxpaying oegan, one pi wmcn,
that came the other day, had noth'
ing on it but the sender's name.
He left eTVthing - else -to be filled
: in by Sheriff Burnett. The inci
dent illustrates what confidence
j people have in their sheriff.
They Assemble for . Conference Next
Friday Night-Many are Coming.
The gathering of the unterrified
clans occurs at the court house next
Friday evening. The invitation to
attend includes every democrat In
the county. State Committeeman
Johnson particularly urges that ev
ery precinct shall send a delegation.
Not only will matters of aloc; l
character be considered, but things
involved in the state campaign will
be discussed. It will be an all
round pow-wow with every brave
present on an equal footing and
with just as much of authority as
any other warrior in the gathering.
Several of the brethren from the
outside colnmun?ties have already
sent in notice of their purpose to be
present. Willard Price has phoned
in from Kings Valley that he will.
be in with a band of braves.. Matt i
Wllhelm and others at Monroe have
signified an intention to come if
possible, and T. W. B. Smith has
served a similar notice. ..Whether
any of the Alsea warriors will be
00 hand has not been learned, but
argent requests for them to send
oat a delegation have been sent in
to the valley. It goes without say
ing that there will be a good dele
gation from Soap Creek, and a sim
ilar one from Philomath.
The question has been raised
concerning why the meeting is call
ed for the evening, to which State
Committeman Johnson replies that
those who are to come from the
outside precincts will have to re
main over night, and that . there
will be many others who cannot
gparo the time daring the day to at
tend the gathering. The matter
was considered at length and it was
anally concluded that more would
be accommodated by a night ses
sion than at a day meeting. Ask
ed about the proposed conference,
State Committeeman Johnson said:
"Yes, I called the democrats of
Benton county together at the solic
itation of a number of the promi
nent members of the party, snd be
cause I believe it is a good thing to
assemble and discuss matters that
might be bronght before them at
this time.
"Do you suppose they will nom
inate or suggest candidates for off
ice to be voted for next June? .
. .... ... . , ' .'
Instead of Fifteen as now Big In-
State Oratorical Contest-Many
? O. A. C. Students There
Special Excursion.
"The oratorical contest between
the colleges of the state for the cur
refit year is history, and an Albany
man is winner. The event trans
pired in the Presbyterian church at
Albany Friday night, and in the
audience were upwards of 200 stu
dents and others - from Corvallis.
Most' of the 6. A. C. people went
down on the six o'clock train, and
returned on a special . after the con
test. They had by far the largest
delegation and made a very credit
able showing. Prof. Horner, Phys
ical Director Trine and Harry
Beard were the only representatives
of the O. A. C. faculty. .
.The final findings, . in which
Francis Galloway of the State Uni
versity and John Withycombe of O.
A. C. were assigned places near the
foot of the column wasa travesty on
the name of oratory." By this is
not meant that the Albany College
man was not entitled to first place,
for his effort was very good. The
criticized feature is the manner in
which - Galloway and
were thrown down. . : One of the
judges on delivery remarked after
ward that they did not talk enough
prohibition to suit him, which
means doubtless that he was mark
ing not on gesture, rhetorical effect
enunciation and other points of de
livery, but on the subject matter of
the speeches, and on the question of
how it suited his whims. Xnclden
tally it may be said,,, he marked
Withycombe 68 on delivery, while
Prof. Baldwin marked Withycombe
97, giving him -first place.
A more strikingly absurd propo
sition however, is, that the other
judge on ' delivery marked Withy
combe 49. With one judge mart
ing at 49 the ; same effort that, an
other one graded at 97, the decision
simply ..takes, on . the. character of
the absurd, wholly and completely
Of course,-in the very nature of
things judges will differ to a rea
son able degree, because of the taste
of each with reference to style of
delivery -and . composition. ' But,
when a grade of 49 was given to
Withycombe the extreme limit of
the nonsensical was reached b! a
Gordon Hats are within the
reach of everv man in this
town. Within the reach of his
pockbook; within walking
distance of his office. No need
to say very much about Gor
don Hats. You know vour-
self that no; better hat. can be
mande at any price: The Goe
donHat, soft or stiff, cost you
$3, pay more for a hat, and
you have paid something for
nothing. J '
NeWrSpring Styles have Arrived
all Shapes and Colors.
The People's Store.
Established 1864. Corvalfe, Oreron
- r The Gem Gigak. Stork
All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room.
Jack JVIilne, prop.
It is difficult to suppose- iust iudsre who demonstrated himself to
what a lot of democrats will do t he about as caoable of iudffincr a
when they get together. But one
thing is certain, whatever they do.
will meet with the general approval
of the democrats of the county, for
there Is no rivalry for office in the
ranks and no special differences of
opinion. Every democrat in the
county is invited to be present, and
as there are no political slates to be
broken or bidden mysteries to be
revealed, we have no fear but that
the meeting will be harmonious and
result in the general welfare of the
contest in oratory as a pig is cap
able of judging a Sunday school
lesson. The executive committee
of the Oratorical Association should
provide better , judges or quit the
business. . . ,
Dry Slab Wood.
At the Corvallis sawmill, delivered
anywhere in town at $125 per load, cash
on delivery. feb27-ltn.
Call for City Warrants.
There is money in the Treasury
to pay warrant number 3489 drawn
on the General fund and endorsed
Oct. 14, 1902. There is also mon
ey in the Treasury to pay all war
rants drawn on the Street fund and
endorsed prior to Dec. 22, 1905.
Interest will stop on the same from
this date. -
Dated at Corvallis Oregon March
10 1906.
Wm. MeXagan, "...
City Treasurer.
crease- in Allowance for 0. A. C.
v: -- , Station.
Yesterday, the United States sen
ate passed a bill materially affect
ing the O. A. C. experiment sfa
tion. . The same bill passed the
lower house of congress a, month
ago. It makes this year an in
creasejbf $5,000 in the experiment
fund, raising the amount to'$2o, 000
and still further increases the sum
each year until the annual allow
ance for the station will be $30,000,
instead of $15,000 as now. A tele
gram dated at Washington yester
day, and printed in today s Oregon
Ian, is as follows:
The Senate this evening passed
the bill which passed the House
February 15, providing for an in
creased annual appropriation for
agricultural experiment stations of
$.5,000 for the present year, and by
an additional sum of $2,000 per
vear for :ve vears. - the annual
amour& tpbe paid thereafter to each
state and territory maintaining such
agricultural station -to be $30,000,
which 19 double the : present appro
Fckhard'a Idials
Eckhard's Ideals appeared . three
nights at Davis opera house this week,
to audiences not. so large as the merits of
the company desetved. The first night.
'Virginia," a melo-drama of the- old
school, was presented. Specialties were
Introduced between acts. Tuesday even
ing "Because He Loved Her," was the
bill. This play was moregquiet in action
than the first night's offeripg, but was
interesting from the vein of comedy and
heart interest which ran through it.
Wedneedry night, 'A Fight for -Honor."
was the bill, and was melo-dramatic
enough to suit . anyone, and was well
rendered. The company, take all in all,
is a good one and above the average of
traveling aggregations. The people all
present a good appearance and the plays
are well staged and acted. Medford Mail.
Corvallis & Eastern
A Favorite Remedy For Babies.
.Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have
maae namDeriain's uougn tiemear a favor
ite with the mothers of small children. It
quickly cures their coughs and colds and pre
vents any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences. It not only cures
p, out wlien given as soon as the croupy
h appears will prevent the attack. For
by (jrrahjuu & Wortham,''
Rape seed for sale -at Kline's; .7
cents per pound. ' $
: Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given tha,t there
is money on hand . at the county
treasurer's office to pay all orders
endorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
March 12th 1906. Interest will be
stopped on same from this date
' Corvallis, Or. March 24th, 1906,
. W. A. Buchanan.
' Treasurer Beaton Gov Oi.
.50 Cents Per Seating .'
Foregge. Beet brown Leghorns
I ' J. B, Irvine, Corvallis,
For County Recorder. -I
hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the democratic nom
ination ior tne omce ot county re
corder, subject to the decision of
the voters, at the primaries April
20th. v
Hartley I;. Haio,
Sawmill for Sale, -ly
I will sell my mill property-located
4 1-2 miles southwest ot fmlonjaxh, Or
egon, consisting of 160 acres iall good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
acies which are 'under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbuildiugs all new.
Mill was put in two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 in. saws, edger. plainer, saw-dust
ana slab conveyers, large water tank
and tower, all complete and in perfect
running order, capacity 10,000 feet per
day, worth $3,000, will take $1,500 if
taken soon. Call on or address
tf. 309, Second St., Portland, Or.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in His Honse.
"We would not be without Chamberlain's
lOugh.Kemedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home." savs W. W. Keimev.
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo.
That is just what everv familv should do.
When kept at hand -ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the outset and cured
Lin much less time than after it has become
.ttiea in tne system;- This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand, For
sale by Uraham & Worthanu - '
r 1 2:45 p. m.
. 1:45 P- m
. . 6:00 p. m
6 .45 a.
.11:30 a.
. m
. m
. m
No 2 for Yaqutna .
Leaves Albany . . . . .
Leaves Corvallis. ....
Arrives Yaquina. - . . .
No 1 Returning
Leaves Yaquina
Leaves Corvallis. . . .
Arrives Alb&nv. I2:i5 d
No 3 for Albany-Detroit
Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 s,
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p.
No 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit ............. 1 :oo p,
Arrive Albany 6:00 p. m
JN o 5 lor Albany
Leaves t.orvalIis. . . .... . . ...6:30 a. m
Arrive Albany :. . . :-. .7 :10 a. m
No 8 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany , 7:55 a. tn
Arrives Corvallis 8 :-?5 a. m
No 7 lor a 1 oany
Leaves Uorvalhs 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany r ..... . 6:40 p. m
Nob tor Uorvallis
Leaves Albany 7 :3s p. m
Arrives Coival'.is 8:15 P. m
no 9 tor A'-.iiiy
Leaves ucrvauis. ...12:40 p. m
Arrives Albany. 1:25 p. m
wo 10 tor Uorvallis
Leaves. A 'bany 2:30 p. m
Arrive Corvallis.-'...;...... 3:10 p. m
ao 11 tor Albany, Sunday only
Leave Corvallis .11:30 a. m
Arrive Albany .' 12:15 a. m
No 12 lor Uorvallis, Sunday only
Leaves Albany .12:45 p. to
Arrives Corvallis .1:32 p. tn
Train 1 arrives .in Albany in time to
connect with S. P. southbound tiain.
Train 2 connects with S. P. trains at
Corvallis and Albany, eivine direct eer
vice to Newport and adjacent beaches,
Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at
7no a. tn. arrivine in ample. time to rea
the Breitenbush hot springs the same day
Train 4 between ; Albany and Detroit
connects with Eugene locahat Albany
also with local for Corvallis.
Train s leaves Corvallis at .6:.w a. m
arrives at Albany 7;io in time to catch
Eugene local for Portland and train to
Detroit. , - v
Train Sleaves Albanv for Corvallis at
8:00 a, m. after arrival of northbound"
Eugene local.
Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. m.
arrives in Albany in time to connect with
local for Eugene and way points.
Train 6 leaves Albsay for Corvallis at
7:35 p. m. after arrb-al of S. P. local from
For further information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt
T. Cockrell. agt Albany, " -.-H,
H, Cronise, agt Corvailis
Wool and Wash Dress Fabrics
Our first shipment of Wool, Mohair, and Wash
-. . Dross Goods has arrivad. All colors, weights
and weaves nafc j rices that will .tempt all.
-v-- ' . - t' - .
w MeixeHjd .Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard.
, Wiool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown,
Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes.
New Dress Linens in
White, Gray,
and Navy.
New White Mercerized Shirt Wfu&t Goods
New assortment embroidered waist, raiipins,
JMew veluets, collars and belts.
Remember we give 5 percent discount on
ali Cash Purchases.
Highest Price for Country Produce.
fori II i F.O
Moses Brothers
Sure Pop
You will always 'find us up and coming
and our prices reasonable.
Boots and shoes for men, women and children, hats,
caps, underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts
; ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
things to numerous to mention,
" . " also; "
A fine line of groceries, crockery' and everything that
is needed in !a grocery department - :
For Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. JListen for the
bell and you will find there is something doing