The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 06, 1906, Image 4

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T ie C jtntngs and Goings of People
Social Gossip. Personal Men-
isou aiu! Other LetDs
Public Iiuerest.
' p. Y. t,nev was a Sunday
iter with friend i in Albany.
Mi-s Melveii i gin was
o-nr-t Sunday of friends
in Silem.
Thomas Poole of Junction City
spent Sunday ai the Newton home.
Saui Eddy was an over-Sunday
guest of friends iu Albany.
Clarence Whiteside . spent Sun
day witb friends in Salem, return
ing Monday morning.-.-
Miss McDevitt of Dallas visited
her brother Tiavis iu this city from
Friday until Sunday.
Mrs. John Spangler left Sunday
for a month's vi;i- with her daugh
ter at Oregon City.
The Firemen gave a smoker
last night in their hall. Smoke,
music, cards and luncrfwere fea
tures of entertainment.
Mrs. Charles Nichols of Al
bany was the guest over Sunday of
Misses Ella and lhia Johnson.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage on March ioth of Miss Bessie
Ray and Delbert J. Strong
-. Prof. McKellips . resumed
charge of his classes Monday, after
an absence of nearly three weeks
After an absence ,Of three
months Mrs. A. L. Knisely is ex
nected to return from the .bast m
about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thayer of
Astoria arrived in this city Sunday
leaving the next evening for the
Gellatly farm near Philomath.
Mrs. Clay Starr of. Ballston,
and her sister. Mrs. Smith of Port
land are guests of Mr. and Mrs
Will Schmidt, at the big prune or
Joe McFadden, formerly with
the Pioneer bakery in this city, is
in town for a tew days. Mr. Mc
Fadden has not yet located in bust
Prof. Raymond's regular Fri
day night party will occur Thurs
1 day evening of this week. The
date has been changed . on account
of the state oratorical contest.
Eugene Guard: A press dis
patch from Butte, Montana, recent
ly stated that FredR D. Herbold. a
Eugene boy, who has been in the
drug business there for several
years, but recently sold out, would
coach the- O A. C. football team
this year. In denial of this the
fv-w:;ig message was received
Butte, Mont., March 3, 1906.
Eugene. Or.
In regard to coaching Corvallis,
statement wrong. Please correct.
About 22 members of the local
lodge of United Artisans drove to
Wells Saturday night and partici
pated in the meeting held there
that evening. The principal object
of the affair was the voting to se
sure a delegate to attend the grand
lodge of the order that is shortly to
" meet in Portland. The Wells peo
ple very kindly cast their votes
- with the Corvallis contingent, and
Harry Cronise was selected as the
delegate. The trip to Wells was
one of great pleasure for, a;l, "and
he local ' people are ' loud in their
praises of the treatment accorded
them, especial!' iu the supper
Sunday's Westside passenger
had an accident that brought it to
Coiiailis two hours behind time.
Wheii some distance north of Inde
pendence the shaft of the drive
wheels on one side of the locomo
tive broke. The shaft had to be
taken off and the drivers on the
.. other side of the engine were left to
do all the work in brineine the
tratn the rest of the way to Corval-'
lis. A freight locomotive Dulled
the train but of Corvallis until it
met a special engine sent out of
Portland to lake the place of the
disabled locomotive. Joe Kehoe,!
who used to be a well known en
gineer on the Eastside away back
in the Seventies, was engineer of
the engine that had the accident.
He and William Sally, another old
timer on the Eastside division make
the Portland-Corvallis run on alter
nate days.
For Sale.
Farm and city property.
S. L- Henderson,
v -Corvallis, Or.
If you expect to buy an incubat
or :all at Blackledge's.
Paul Schmidt,, of Albany, was
in t)wn Monday.
Mrp. J. M Cameron and daugh
ter left Monday for a few days visit
in Portland.
The i.ew Independent T le
phone dite-Morie? will btdeiivered to
the central c-ffioe Thursday evening.
meeting ct the citizens
League ojcurs this evening at 7:30.
There wi 1 be an ebcion "of cm :ers
and a review of the past year. All
members are urged to be preeeut.
Wade Mline has eold out in
PoitUnd and is returning to Al-ea
ti reside. Ha and Mrs. Milone
imssed through town ttdayen route
ti) t ke charge of the etore in the
The statement is that M. Pat
terson, who foroueily figured in a
al f ir the property, has finally
become part owner of toe Cirvalhs
saw mill. It ia unders'ood that a
part al payment baa been made,
and mat the papers are in prepara
tion for signature.
Hon. J. HobVard Bryant, of
Albany, bas been iu town eioceyea-
tday. An organization bas been
formed for conducting a campaiga
in behalf of local option in Lion
county, and Mr. Bryant baa been
elected president. H was in Cor
vallis, studying the enect of. the lo
cal option law. While in town be
interviewed both optiomsts and an-ti-optioniiiti?.'
A vigorous campaign
is to be waged in Linn county by
the organization - to preV'ebt the
adoptio nof the Jayne bill which
the liquor dealers astoaiatlon bas
proposed under the "Initiative, and
also to put local option into effect
in Linn county. - The law was only
d f rated In that county two years
ago by 4? votes. The general im
uree-ioti is that thecoonty will go
for dbtioh "bvri eocKP''niSTafi1y this
-I be O. A. C. basket ball men
admit. is-ered a secmd defeat to the
Dtllas college men " fit basket ball
D riday "night.- ibe game was play
eS inhe vdollege" armWy , In the
presence of ' 800 pfbple?, p-obably
the lareest crowd ever' gathered at
a basket-bill game in Oregon. A
special train brought large: delegja
ionsi f students arid others1 from
Dillas and Monmouth.-' Interest
wks at high tensiorr before-the game
began, and it never - nagged until
f.'m was called on the last half.
With the finish of the struggle, a
huge 'banner bearing the legend,
"C 1 am pious'" q uick tv u n folded hi g b
above the heads of everybody in the
building and a it stretched away
on a wire that suspended it,; the en
thusiasm of : the 0. A. C.' students
was of a s'renooua brand. The
Dalian merr held the score -down to
9 for O A. C. and 7 for Dallas in
ths firrt half. Fquently the score
was tied until the arid die of the last
hull when 0. A. C pulled into
good lead, closing the game with t
score of 17 to 11. Up 10 the pres
f-nt the O: A. C. men have not been
defeated this season. The wonder
is though, what will they get against
the Chtcagoans Thursday night
Said to Have a Strong Lead in South
ern Oregon Counties,
Woodburn, Or., Feb. 27. Sun
day Oregonian, March 4, '06: Wal
ter L. Tooze, candidate for congress
in this district, has returned home
from a visit in Southern Oregon
where he rec ived many assurances
of support. . He is etroDgly in the
lead in Southern Oregon, while the
Coast counties are4yerwBel ml ily for
him. .,Xi.,H. Bingham, of Lane Co
whi was the most prominent
cougressioual candidate in the south
has wi hdrawn from' the race, and
is a candidate for state senator.
The Hawley forces in this county
show plain evidences of dieintegra
tion. "Mark Skiff, Marshal torn
Cornelius and several others of Sa
lem who were included in the Haw
ley list, are supporting Tooze; while
Thomas Kay and others, quoted as
"united oh Hawley," declare, such
a statement as unauthorized. The
straw vote taken y at Albany and
favoring Huston was doubtless tak-
en among his friends by an avow-
ed Huston man. Friends of Tooze
assert that be is leading both Hus
ton and Hawley in Linn county by
long odds. '
The report that Tooze's own pre
cinct would not support him is like
tbe other reports. He carried Wood
burn at tbe last election by a vote
of 200 to 99, and this year the peo
ple of Woodburn will stand by their
candidate by a larger majority,
while Marion county will doubtless
roll up a good plurality for him on
April 20. ' ' " ' '
: Voters all over the district are
turning to the support of Tooze be
cause he is fought by the Salem
school land ring and those who
have profited by questionable meth
ods iu the procurement of our pub
lic lands. A Etrong" point being
generally advocated by the electors
of the district in favor ot Tooze's
.nomination for congress is his ie-
cord and services for 2O years in
tbe enunciation of th principles of
sound republicanism, in marsed
contrast to the well-known and ad
mitted fact that neither Huston nor
Hawley bas ever beeu actively iden
tified wi h the republican parly un
til they became candida'es for congress.
Continued from page 1.
the Standard group bossed thing,
iu the Mutual. And, to all intents
and purposes, they owned $125 00 03
000 in stocks which did not cast
them one red cent. For they could
vole it at elections and keep them
selves in control, which was really
all they wanted it anyway.
How badly tbey need this stock
s a carefully guarded secret, but
there is no doubt but that some of
the issues mean the practical con
trol. But theee distinguished fi
nanciers most now go oui into tbe
markets and put up $125,ooo,ooo,
which is why they are bowlicg dis
mally and declaring that tbe coon-
try is going to ruin.
There is little or no excitement
over the fact that the $3oo,ooo,ooo
in securities mutt be dumped on
the market. The tact that the com
panies have five years to dispose of
their holdings is expected to pre
vent any slump in the market. Av
eraging the stocks' abd bonds at' 7$,
there are. in rqund figures,. 4,000,
poo that the compapit-s'V'must get
rid of. A good day 's business on the
Stock Exchange is shares,
so this only means a buBine'ssof fbur
full days, scattered over five years.
Financiers who have become rich
through life informce", wealth de
clare the outlook is 'dismaT, and that
policy; holders will soon .".complain
when they, fiodlbdr mVaey is earn
ing' only, a. Vrifle,w waeb ooofioeJ,
practically, to steady, conservative
real eetate and aiortgase ' iovest-
mentsr '." '. '
Chicago, March 4.--Two thous
and socialists, some of them of the
mo?t radical stsmp, held two meet
ings today abd pr- ctically pledged
armed revoluiion and their lives to
the workingmen's causf, if Hay
wood, Moyer and Pettrbone, the of
cers of the Western Federation of
"M ners, should be railroaded to tbe
gallows by the greedy- capitalists,
who charged them with the murder
of Steunenberg." ' (
There were speakers whu urged a
revolution by means of the ballot
and. others who advised tbe taking
up of arms to avenge the: dettb of
tbe accused men if they should be
conyic'.ed and bung. Those who
admonished the ways of pt ace to ac
complish their ends were beard in
Those who preached for violence
and the resort to arms were wildly,
cbee-ei again and again. The tem
per of both meetings' plainly was in
favor of radical action:
One of the speakers improvised a
P'vtical platfom and when it was
r-cited . there was great appUuee
a-'i-i shouts of "Gool."- H-reris the
w-y the lines read : .
"Will. Moyec and Haywood die?
I bey die '
H re's our crj:
IU -re are twenty million working-
misn who'll know the reason why."
Hay mour Stead man, a well-known
lawyer and a leader of the socialists
of Chicago, warned the audience at
one meeting that there is a gigantic
plot among the capitilists of the
country to bring about ihs disfran
chisement of the workingmen. He
at tha same time said if Moyer and
Haywood should be hung and the
plot for disfranchisement should
show signs of development, this
country would witness tbe bloodi
est and worsUrevolution'the world
bas ever seen.
Mrs. Lilliin M. Forberg, an or
ganizer of the Industrial Workers
of tbe World, denounced the police
men, mayor uanne, aown 10 me
bluecoated men who patrol the
streets of Chicago, she said, were
the instruments of and co-workers
with the capitalistic class of the nation.-
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given to all concerned that
the undersigned has been duly appointed the
executor of the last will and the estate of Har
riett Hill, deceased, by the oountv . nourt of tha
state of Oregon for Benton county, and has duly
q allfied for the duties ot said trust. All per
sons having claims against the deceased, or her
estate, are required to present the same duly
venueu w uie unaersignea at m9 residence Id
Philomath, Benton county, Oregon, within siz
uiuutuH irom wis aaie. i,. w. HILL.
Executor ot the last will and estate ot Harriett
mil, deceased. ;
. Dated Feb, S, 1908. ' . . '
Child Not Expected to Ijive from One
Hour to Another, but Cured foy
: uoamueriain's tiolic, Cholera ana
Diarrhoea Remedy. '
. Euth, the little daughter of E, N. Dewev
of Agnewvilie, Va was seriously ill '-of
cnoiera lniantum last summer. - "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says.. "I happened
io uiniH 01 namDerjain sJolic, (Jliolera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one smaH
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham. . -
j Practical Shoer & General Blacksmith j
I Prices for general shoe- s -Careful attention given 5
j ing. Setting 25c a shoe, j knee hitting, interfering,
I New shoes $1.50 a horse, f lameness. Treatment f
1 No 6 and over $2. without extra charge.
Remember Hedge is Here
We have just received 45
lable Iron Beds, all prices,
- an t it... j
vu up. wiic uiuusana yarus
Matting, just in. New wall
Paper just received. Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new- folding Go-Cartsjare
here. '"" "-" '"' :
We dont have time to change our ads every week, but
r: ' we sell goods tq beat ... ,
Dont buy until you see our large stock of House Furnish
ing Goods Tooms fuU, , Acme Washer. .,
"it . :
QKall; Sa Wdrds -Ever Spoke
The! Saddest are these, That
r Shoe Hurts my Corn. 5
If youiad been -wfearig'a Packard ' foot -form shoe,
that corn would not have been there to hurt ,
Packard Shoes, no corns.
Corvallis, - " "! " : " Oregon.
Corvallis' only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store
Sure Pop
You will always- find us up and coming
r i and our prices reasonable. .- ..
Boots and shoes for meifwpmen and children, hats.
' capSj underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts ,
..j ladies skirts, mens and boys suits' in fact
' .things to" numerous to mention,
A fine line of groceries, crockery and everything that
is needed in a grocery department,
For Moses Bros auick deliverv wason. Listen for ihe
L bell and you will find
. B.
f: .C .,-
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
. . -, 1 .t . i t ...... "
- . " i , .
from P
j f
is Here
there is something doing
The First National Bink of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loans money on approved secu
rity . Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of the Unitad States, Eu
rope and foreign countries
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Winegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Intl 328
" Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetoffice. Reeidesce Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Order may be
eft at Graham & V ham'- drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books la Benton County
' Thysiciaj &jStogbon
Office, room 14, Bank Bldg. Hourii
lO to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office 83. .-, ; ResldSDca35U
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. R. Bryson,
Physician & , Surgeon,
OfBce a i -sr.iirii A i ;-.t 3 -ijfe
idence oa txt :' vlilmi
Seven tint. tiii4 i
C. H. Newth,
.... Physician and Surgeon ....
Philomath, Oregon.
fJeu7 J'me. ard for f. V EA
Taking effect January i, 19O6, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows:
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8:00 "ai m.
12:45 p. m. and 7.35 p. m. . ,'
Leave Corvallis for Albany: ,6:30 a; m.
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. .
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:3s p. m .
Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
The afternoon tram leaving Albany at
2:40 p m. will be discontinued.
Banking Company,
Cohvallls, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
. Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City end School
. ' ' : Warrants.
Principal Correspondents.
The Bank o
- -
NEW YORK Messrs. J. t. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Kepub
. llo.i
LONDON, ENG. N SI Rothschilds & Sons
CANADA. OnlceMfe ( Canada "
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
Benton County. V
Myrtle BensCn, Plaintiff.i
Johk T. BensoK, Deft. )
To John D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear' and
answer tbe complaint of the pUlntin In the
above entitled suit in the above entitled court,
now on file in the ollice of the clerk of said court
on or before the last day of the time prescribed
in theorder f- r publication of this summons
made by the cuuuty judge of Benton county,
state of Oregon which order is hereinafter re
ferred to to-wit, March 23d. 1906, and you are
hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof tbe plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief demanded in
her said complaint, namely, for a decree of
divorce from the said defendant forever "lssolv
lng the marriage contract existing between the
plaintiff and said -defendant, and for such other
further and different rule, order or relief, as to
the court may seem proper.
This summons is published in the Corvallis
Time's once a week for six successive nd con
secutive weeks,- Beginning with the Issue of
February 9, 1906., and ending with the Issue of
March S2S, 1966, nnder and iu pursuance of the
directions contained In an order made by the
Hon. Vlrgll E. Watters, county judge of Benton
county, Oregon,"! being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending in the above entitled-
circuit court; dated February 8, 1906.
Date ot first pubUoation hereof is 1-ebruary
1906 E.E.WILSON,
.' . Plaintiffs Attorney.