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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
lite M - . ll 7 iv ill ill Hv 11 w- fr) a uZSTZD SEMI-WEI Vol. XIX,-No. 2 CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH C. 1900. B.F. IRVINE Editor. . and Proprietor s I .im nn mi unnp un iifrt Jo Ho Harris For the Early Sprieg" I Buiyers flamy Receipts . ; STORES LOOTED AT BOISE AND HIGHEST EXPLO SIVES TAKEN. ; Of the very latest spring wash fabrics are to be seen at our store. This spring brings the f prettiest and most attractive cotton Iabrjc3 and the loveliest wool and silk dress goods of any previous years. Our store is filling up on these things. Come and get acquainted with what the spring and summer has to offer. Prices are the lowest o o o Governor and Prosecutors Ihreat- ened With Death All the Mag azines Looted Fixed JJp ; Broken ;Wall-Other . . News. ', ;.- .. Corvallis, KARRIS Oregon -mi nfru mi an nil- I Are You Curious? Wonld you like to see inside a human eye? Call at Pratt the Jeweler & Op'i :al store at any time and he will ba pleased to show you the nerves, veins and arteries as seen through the latest and most scientific combined Opthalmascope and Retmiscope. If you have trouble with voar eyes call on Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. in.:iisi7iifflii Having secured the services of J. K. Berry, who has eight? years experience in- bicycle and general repair work, I am now prepared to all kinds of repair work on short notice. All Work Guaranteed Q J s : Come and see the Olds work. M. M. LONG'S DYNAMITL will be the next one to telt what be knows can only be conjectured. If it will be anybody it will be Vin cent .St. John. He is the weakest character who has not talked. St, John is a etout, well-made man, and from his actions while at Caldwell, while the grand jary was being organized, it was clear that he was extremely nervous. Every time he got a chance he would pace back and forth over the courtroom floor like a caged animal. HOME-SEEKERS 3 r 1 l If you are looking for some real good" bargainsin Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write" for our special list, or come and see us. . We take pleasure in giving you all the " reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. ;. . AMBLER 6c WAITERS . Real Estate, Loan and Insurance f-' Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. Boise, Idaho, March 3. Great is the consternation in and around Boise tonieht. s On the heels of Steve Adams confession cornea the startling news that between 600 and 00 Dounds "of dynamite and dyna mite cans'' have been stolen irom the various powder houses located iri the tiills northeast of the city. -; --Last: night employes of the Kasf- bc ah'-Teller Hardware '"Company found, upon' gofaog'-to their powder louse, just bey'ond the Boise bar-- racks, that about 6W pounasroi dyriamlte'ahd daps had been stolen from' tHe'powaet Tiouse,. i ne news that the toowder house naa .Deen rrobbea prea nice wiia-nre ovei Che city, and the officials and men about town," who were '-discussing the confession of Steve Adams, turned their minds from 'this sub-- ject.1 ; " " ;-&".'. With " the dame ' prom pt 7 action which characterized his movements in the assassination of ex-Governor Steuhenberg,' Governor Gooding im mediately had one hundjcedor more guards sent but over the city, and especially around the penitentiary J These guards were scattered over the' town, and because almost all of the men whose flames - have been mentioned in connection' with the prosecution of the officers, of the Western Federation of Miners, had received 'threatening letters eigced "Koeebone," a name adopted by the Inner Circle to Etrike ' terror to those whom they wish to frighten, armed men were placed around the bonus of Governor Goodin; Special! Prosecutor Jame3' H.' Hawley, W. E. Borah and a number of others. The receipt of threatening letters and even the theft of the dynamite last night has Dot frightened Gov ernor Goodm and the men who are aiding Gim in the prosecution. Guards have been placed around the homes of these men, not through fear," but out of precaution. ' -, ' This morning the- -excitement about the stealing of the? dynamite was about to pasa away, when ' it became known' that all of the pow der magazines back In the hills had been bioken into. In all there are about half a dozen pawder maga. zihea situated in the hills beyond Boise, and, while the' authorities will not admit it, they have all been eutered and powder stolen. It is known that the powder- house ol the Carlson-Luek Hard' ware company and the Idaho Hard ware & Plumbing ''Company were entered. - " " ' : i - The job on the Eaetman-Teller maeazine waa ceatly done. The masonry work was torn out, and when the dynamite and giant pow der caps were removed, the break in the wall was patched up. The discovery- would not have been made. ' The theft of blasting powder is not uncommon at this time of the year. Mmers, so tne story is toil, who are without means make it a business to steal what powder they canUsually however, when dynamite has been stolen in the past, only the No, 2 kind: was: taken. - This time it iB the No. 1 that was taken. A citizen here who knows all about dynamite feels confident that had miners stolen the explosives tbey would have taken the No. 2 because all miners know that this is the less dangerous of the two Warden Whitney denies that the reason he had taken out the electric lights in the cells of. Moyer, Hay wood; PetUbone and St. John was because he feared that the prison' ers would attempt suicide. " Beyond admitting that Steve Ad ams' confession was what the offi cials stated it was, even more sweep ing than "that made by Orchard, nothing- more could be learned Adams told of crimes he bad com mitted for the Inner Circle of which Orchard knew nothing. Hehas been longer in the employ.-1. " f Now that Adams has confessed it is fully believed that still another confession will be forthcoming in a lew days, 11 not more. Just , who Clarksburg, W. Va., March 2. An agreement was suddenly , reach ed during the trial today in' the United Slates "court 'of the" Red Rock Fuel Company's suit against the Baltimore & Ohio railroadcorri pany and the suit was withdrawn. The suit Was brought tdenfor'ce a recent order of the interstate bom meree "". co'mmisBion " directing ' "the railroad company to cease' Its" die- crimination against the Red' Rock Friol rvtmnariir ' Rtr IhB" o-Wia! ,Jrf tne agreemeni xne ranroaq . compa ny"wlu"prbvide the Fuel 'company with, 'railroad connectibhs' at' the plant near Buchanan,'' this etate. 'at unoe, auu will graui iue urm iu tun boal dist'rictli jSir "rate and' fnVnish, distribti'lonbf care." " 'i 'T ' '. r.Tbe'Red5 Rbck'Fuel Cbrnpn'y'ie-. laipe au oi 11s legal rignis wiin ine understanding that it , may Furnish the'' interstate commerce '66rxStb;is- eibn and Senator Tillman : with all ne lDioripaiiou . iwj , puasesBiuu and all it obtains about alleged die- crimination by railroads in '.West Boise, Ida., March 1. Harry Or chard, the alleged assassin' of for rner .Governor Frank Steuhenberg, whose confession implicated - Preei dent ' Mover." Becretarv'1 HavWobd. Executive fcorhmirteemahTettibone and other prominent' members of the . Western Federation of ' Miners, was taken from the penitentiary to day to appear before the grand ju ry at Caldwell: .' -';' ,- WHO WILL GET IT? A Splendid Prize will go to some Corvallis Home. I have for sale here in Corvallis a beau tiful Schumann piano. As is well known it is a most superior iestrument in every respect, being one - of the old reliable makes, it has . been familiar to the mu sical world for over fifty years. - There is the fine, delicate artistic timbre to the benumann tone that places it in the class of the very finest makes. It is well con structed in every particular, and all the materials entering into its makeup, are the very beet. . Thia Schumann piano, which I. am going to sell, is one remain ing of a car load by a representative of Eiler'e Piano House, at a town near here. I have been authorized to close It out at at a price, way below, what it ordinarily sells for. It is the best value I have ever been able to sell in Corvallis. Is Is hand comely cased in mahogany. It secured by paying thirty-five dollars and small monthly payments. The-Biler's Piano House fall guarantee goes with-it. G. TAILLANDIER,- f 17-19 Ind. phone i&s, . feb7 3t. WRECKS A TOWN ; V -xi OVER ONE HUNDRED PER- . SONS DEAD, BY A, TQRN4 ; DO AT MERIDIAN,. MISS, Boise, Idaho, March 2. Harry Orchard, the confessed aseassln of ex-Governor Steunenberg, resumed his testimony before ; . the errand iurv at Caldwell this morn ing. : His testimony occupied the entire morning session. According to the testimony of Detectives -; McParland before the grand jury Messrs. Moyer, Hay wood and Pettibone experimented with ' bombs on - the 5 prairie four miles north of Denver and had a regular dynamiting school . there. Orchard knew about this. ; McParland-also -gave testimony corroborating Orchard s cocfession in regard to the murders of Super intendent Martin lileason at tne Cripple Creek mine, pf Superintend ett Arthur 2ollinB of, the Telluride mine and Superintendent Barney of Telluride, who has bBeen rnissmg since I9O2. , ; : , McParland classed Haywood as the engineer of the murders, Moy er as the dupe, and Pettibone as "in it for the money." It leaked out tnls mormog that Orchard had two trunks here, one of which was checked at the depot. Storage was paid on It, Orchard visiting It daily. After his arrest the trunk was turned over to a de tective, who found . mysterious pa pers, from which was worked out the cypher key to what is claimed to be startling disclosures. , " . ' New York, March 2. The Armstrong committee's insurance bills, which seem 'pretty certain of being enaeted into laws, are creat ine the gravest concern in Wall street. ' Not only will insurance business be revolutionized, but a number of big financiers will ' find themselves deprived of support upon which they have depended for years. It is estimated in the financial district that the "Big Three" alone have holdings of $300,000,000 in stocks and bonds which come under the bah. - About $l25,ooo,oco' are in stocks and the remainder in bonds. The "B:g Three" are the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the New York Life and the Mutual Life."---'' : The stocks alluded to above, while the property of the compan ies, were practically controlled by big financiers, who had the proxies. Up to the time of the shake-up, E. HrHarriman and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the dictators of the Equit able stock; J. P. Morgan, "through his partner, George W. PerkiuB, controlled the New York Life, while Continued on page 4. Large Stores Demolished and Bury Employes Negro Quarter Ru ,, ( . ineel and Tn Burned. " '''".. ".Othex.'News... ,', Mobile, Ala , March 3. Inform ation has reached Mobile by, tele ptiobe that a destructive tornado visited Meridian, Miss., at 6:3o last evening, killing 21 white persons and over lpo altogether, and dam aging' piQperty to the extent of $1, SOOjOCOi -.There were also scores se riously injured. by being caught ' in wreckage of houses,; , ."' The tornado caught the city on the southwest and traveled to the' northeast, '' spending itself in two suburbs, where many cegroes' were killed" or i dj u red ,'a whole tenement dietrict ' being wiped but;' Two large wholesale stores; one smaller one, the principle hotel, the electric lighting plant and all the smaller pibperty betweea.the Mobile &..0 hio road depot and the busioees part of the city are badly damaged. Twenty-one men were caught in a restaurant and several . were kill ed. ;.; The negro tenement district in the north of the city was demolish ed and the debriscaught fire, threat ening a new danger, but the local department, assisted by hundreds of citizens, overcame this after a hard fight. They were assisted by the- torrential rain following the tornado, The city is in darkness and the full extern of the disaster will not be .known untll daylight. . The known path of the storm was about 600 feet wide and one mile in length About 6:3o P. M. the clouds be gan to gather. Tbey came hurried ly and hovered close arid black ov er .thecity,. It baa estimated, toibe of four minutes' duration. Daring this time a reign; of terror: was over every one. The air was filled wttk mifl iilea. - . : l . ; -. : The residence portion of the 'city was safe from harm. Meridian, a place of J.4.00Q, has always coneid ed'itstlf tornadoproof. Moubt Bar ton and the Sand Mountain hrlla were accepted 'as a sentinel Sgafnst such 4 disaster.--The Sowasbe gal ley was crossed" by the' ;Btorm..'nd this was unexpected.. : ; . " : -In a northerly direction the Wind wound its . way,: 'tearing a path through a negro settlement. Little is known of the loss of life there".' The electric power fetation was visited and, while the chimnev ' es caped the fury of the wind, yet oth er parts of the plant are- eo demol ished that it may be ten days before it is possible to re-establish its light ing facilities. North of the power house the storm overturned "a few box cara and crossed the tracks of the Ala bama & Vicksburg railroad. There is' a closler of depots in ' thia vicini ty j and two operators in them were injured. -The buildings were dam aged but no lives lost. - : 1" The Tom Lyle Grocery company was crushed to a heap of splintered lumber, and 'fire' followed its fall. ine rioeoucK ljumner company, one of the largest in Eastern Mis sissippi, had its yard swept away. r' William Ethridge, a young man, was carried loo yards through 'the air and set down Well balanced on his feet unhurt. ' ' N' "-"' 1 ; Nearly every house on Front street is reported to have been de molished. The Armour Packing company plant is the only building left standing, and the roof of that is gone. Spraying arid Whitewashing Done in first class manner. Montgomery & Tedrow Phone 374. 2-20-1 m Rape seed for sale cents per pound. at Kline's; 7 Absolutely Made from ure Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder--, of highest reputation ; found by the United States Government . tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able and is most. economical in practical use. A. - Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are 'cheap.',' Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold to. consumers. at' the highest price.' Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances- the powder- whose goodness and honesty are never questioned?.- . , , ' ' . ; ' - Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or ; other adultered powder to save a few pennies ? ; -f ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK