The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 02, 1906, Image 4

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Tae' Comings aud Goings of People
Social Gossip. .Personal, Men
tion and Other Items of,
Public Interest.
at Ply-
There wiil he service
mouth at 3: 0 c
and dainty
of the after-
Mhs Djisv Brown returned
olay frrm a few weeks' visit with
relatives at Salem.
Ralph Iy-me returns tomorrow
.from an extended visit with rela
tives in the country.
Miss Ida Cooper has gone to
Albany to accept a position in the
T-v"''n-ery establishment of Mrs.
Horace Locke.
- -.. P. Johnson and family
taoved Wednesday into the Darby
.'ioase just vacated by Ira Bodine.
Superintendent Denman : is
jjlanning 10 hell a parents' meeting
at Wells March 17th. Proper
Twvmcements will be made in
"Times later. j
Mrs. T. Fred Yates entertained
thf Missionary Society of the Pres-
nrch Wednesday . after
-isioon. A programme
Ilttnch were features
Independence Enterprise:
Clarence Ireland contemplates quit
Ming the hop business and will
probably go into the real estate bus
iness in Portland
Dr. A. Olmstead of Portland is
to be in Corvallis Wednesday, and
-wU' lecture in the W. O. W. hall
tbat evening in the interest of the
United Artisan lodge. There is co
-be special music and the pub'ic is
welcome to attend. The lecture
begins at 8.30.
Congregational church. Wor
ship and sermon 11 a. m., subject,
"The Quest that is Worth While."
Evening sermon at 7.30. "Another
of Life's Great Contrasts" being
the second in the series. There
will be fine music as part of these
Two Linn county men were at
the college Wednesday, investigat
-ing methods of alfalfa production
They were Thomas troman ana
Hon. J. K. Weatherford. Both
are planning to engage in alfalfa
production, and in company with
Dr. Withvcombe looked over the
alfalfa fields ou the College lam.
The vocal department of OAC
will give a public recital next Wed
rtesdav evening. March 7th, at 8
o'clock, in the college chapel. Th
entire prot amine will be given by
Miss Edna Allen, Mi-s Gertrud
hee, M'wi . ric Pellaud and
Messrs Ed R. Husrhes and Walter
A. Tyler, assisted by Leo J
Rosenstein, violinist. All are cor
dia'ly invited to attend.
A number of the teachers of
the Corvallis public schools are go
ing to Albany tomorrow to attend
a local institute 10 be given at the
Central school building in that city
ujiaer the direction of County Sup
enntendent Jackson of Linn coun
ty. Among those who are to assist
an the institute work are Superin
tendent Ackerman, Miss Sloan of
Portland, said to be the best pri
mary teacher in Oregon, and Miss
Howard, secretary of the State Li
brary commission. The fine train
service between the towns makes it
asy for local teachers to attend the
The Knights of Maccabees had
a jubilee at their hall Wednesday
Baeket ball tonight.
E. P. Clark, a leading Philo
math merchant, was doing business
in town Wedi esday.
William Grant arrived today
from Walla Walla, for a visit with
his daughter, Mrs. Mack Hemphill.
Mrf.. J. A. Hammerfdey In ft
yesterday for Met a, to join her fam
ily and to reside.
Among other farmers who will
row alfalfa this spring is Samuel
Wniu-eidep. livioe two mil-a wett
of town. He expects 10 sow 5 acres.
-The wood eaws are abroad
again Une outnt sawea more man
CO cords In Febmary and more
tban 200 in January.
-The subject at the M. E.
church Sunday morniug is: "The
Sccn-t of Scriptural Growth." In
it.e evening the subject is the third
of the five senses: "The Mystery of
Taste aod Speech."
The bafk"t ball game in the
Armory tonight is for the college
cbau3pionhip of Oregon. Play be
gins at 8:dU. lhe tiaoae will be
preceded by a basd concert,
A new telephone line to con
nect with the Indepr nient Hystem
to be built via Charles Pernot's
nto tbe Beaver Creek country. It
will carry a dozen subscribers.
-A pile driving appliance and
a gang of woi kmen are dri ving piles
n tbe edge of tbe Willamette at the
Corvallis creamery. A portion of
tbe new building that the establish
ment is to have will extend oyer
the bank and rest on tbe piling.
The driving of the pil e is also 'esr
aential as a means of protection 'for
tbe bank. .
Tonight, In the chapel, of Wil
lamette University at Salem, foc-
rs the inter-collegiate debate be
tween U. A. C and W!'iamett3
University teams. The O. A. C.
team is, Mark Weatherford, leader,
Mies Minnie Pburps and Warren
boreythe, The question is, Ke-
rived, "That Our Federal Immi
gration Laws Should B? so Con
structed as to Give All Aliens; the
S'a nje Chance for Admission, to the
United .States." The local team
Parents Join in Affair At Fairmount.
The parents' meetir g at Fairmount
last Saturday was welt attended not
withstanding the constant down
poor all day. Every number on
tbe regular program was carried
out according to arrangement. The
flag drill by ;ln Fai-aouut twen
ty boys and girls was well done and
t&e cnorus from the Richland school
tntttled "Peerless Oregon" was
sung very nicely. Those recitirg
were Coy iSailev, Jonnny Hale.
Curry, Lna Hilbert, Gordan Ry
als, and a song by Myriie'Crabiree.
The regular program contiUd of
entertaining talks on the following
subject by tbe followiog persons:
'The Relation of Good Literature
to Good Citizenship," Rev. S. W.
Launar; ' Compulsory Lw of Ed
ucation, Parents' Duty," S. P.Lau-
renson ; "Uirectorn' Uuty," M. V.
Leeper; "Teacher's Duty to Papil
in the School," T. J. Rlsley; -Io
the Home,' J. B. Lathermen:
The Oldest Institution in tbe
World," T. T. Vincent: "Consoli
dation vs. New . District," J G.
Gibson. The last subject aroused
mocb interest and diecoBsion. The
Fairmouut district has, become so
large and the school so crowded
tbat some advocate dividing tbe
district, otherst changing t'he loca
tion of the bouse and addiog anoth
er room, and others consolidating
with Albany and transporting tha
pupils in wagons. A meeting is Ifo
be held in the near future to further
discuss the matter. I
The basket dinner enabled all to
spena ine noon nour in a most en
joyable manner. City Superintend
ent. T. A. Hayes, of Albany, and
County SuDerintendent Jackroa of
Linn, helped in. the 'day's work.
Tbe next parents' meeting kill be
held at Welle on Saturday, Marco
17, in Artisan ball.
I O 7 ot.. 0 r ini 1 m.i I
f rruuucai onoer cc uenerai aiacKsmitn t
Prices for general shoe
ing. Setting 25c a shoe,
New shoes $1.50 a horse.
No 6 and over $2.
m iin nn a In iiu
s Careful attention given
J knee hitting, interfering,
f lameness. Treatment
without extra charge.
left for S lem at 11 o'clock. O. A.
C. has the affirmative of the ones
R. M. Gilbert, inspector for the
Water Board at the iacoma pipe
factory, arrived yestf-day, end is
to remain. All the pipe (or the line
frorr the Intake to tbe Corvallis
c ty limits has been completed, and
the last of it was shipped from la
cuma Tuesday nigbt. Within
vi ry short time, as soon as the wea
ther becomes favorable, the last of
it will .have been delivered alocg
tbe line. With suitable weather
conditions, Contractor Mitchell
coul.1 complete laying the break be
tween tbe city !iau-.r aud the ru-',
of the pipe on the other side efBaP
dy in two weeks time. Mr. Gilbert
says tbe pipe msde eince he went
to Tacoma is as fine as can be man
ufactured from wood and iron, he
finest of materials having been used,
and the mechanical work being
perfect.. He says, pipe from tbe
factory from which the Corvallis
pips is coming is the most substan
tially made of any of the three fac
tories on the Sound.
Remeuiuer Blackledge is Here
We have just received 45 Mai
lable Iron Beds, all prices, from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just in. New wall
Paper just received. . Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new folding Go-Carts Tare
For Floors, Woodwork, etc.
We don't have time, to charige our ads every week, but
we seUdoids to beat the Band. ,
Dont buy until you see our large stock, of House Furnish
ing Goods 4,tobms full. Acme Washer.
Remember BkcldeSge is Here
Tbe First National Bank ofXIorval
lis, Oregon, traosacts a general
conservative lacking business.
Loan. money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money traneferredto tbe principal
cities of the United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Wiaegar & Snows Barn
Office Phone Ind 328
" " Bell 441
Resident " Ind 389
Sawnrll for Sale.
I will sell my mill property located
4 1-2 miles southwest of Philomath, . Qr
egon, consisting of i6ti acres all good
second and old growth fir, excepting 12
acies which are under cultivation. House
barn, mill, and outbuildiugs all new.
Mill, was put in" two years ago, 35 horse,
water and steam power combined, 44
and 50 in.: saws, edger. plainer, saw-dust
ana slab conveyers, vge water, .tank
and tower, all complete and ' in perfect
evenicg when State Commander! running order, capacity 10,000" feet' "per
Sherwood of Portland paid them a
fraternal visit. Several members
of the order were present from the
.Albany lodge, and in all about 80
people attended. There was a pro
gram that embraced graphophone
sdi c''ons, a duet by M. 1,. Adams
and Mr. Bullis, a selection and two
encores by the young men's quar
tette composed of George and Collie
Cathey, E. R. Hughes and Arthur
Bouquet, two recitations by Miner
va Kiger, and a piano solo . by
Prank White. A banquet was the
concluding feature of a very happy
A large number of ladies at
tended the ' meeting of the W. H.
M. S. of the M. E. church at the
Wellsher home Wednesday after
noon. The program consisted of
Tead''ngs by Mrs. Swann and Mrs.
V. E. Watters, a number by the
girls' quartette, composed of Elsie
Rice, Marie Cethey, Evalyn Smith
-and Bessie Ray, a vocal duet by
Mrs.! Swann and Mrs. S. B. Bane,
and two guitar solos by Mrs. Grace
'. E. Hall. Very dainty refresh
ments were served, and at the close
of the affair a resolution was adopt
ed that the next meeting of the so
ciety ibe held in the church base
ment; and that the gentlemen mem
:bers of the church be invited to at
tend... .. ... - ...... ;
day, worth $3,000, will take $1,500
taken soon. Uall on or address -OTIS
f. 309, Second St., Portland, Or.
For Sale.
Farm and city property.
S. L. Henderson,
Corvallis, Or.
Biliousness, dysnensia. loss of amjetite.
disturbed sleep, nervousness, headache,
giddiness and drowsiness, wind and pain
or fullness of the stomach after meals,
cold chills and flushings of heat, short
ness of breath these are the blank
cheques of physical bankruptcy.
The man who suffers from these dis
orders and neglects them will soon be in
the relentless grasp of some fatal disease.
If he is naturally harrow chested and
shallow lunged, it will probably be con
sumption; if his father or mother died of
paralysis or some nervous trouble, it will
.probably be nervous exhaustion or pros
tration, or: even insanity; if there is a
taint in the family blood, it will be blood
or skin disease; if he lives in a new or a
low, swampy country, it will be malaria;
ii' he lives a life of exposure, it.mav bo
rheumatism. There is one safe course for
a man to follow who finds himself "out of
sorts " and suffering from the symptoms
described. It is to resort to Dr. Pierce's
Colden Medical Discovery. This medi
cine makes the appetite keen, corrects all
r!i rders of the digestion,' renders assimi
1 .:.:on perfect, invigorates the liver, puri-ii'-.-i
and enriches the blood and builds
l':r-n, healthy flesh and nerve tissue. It
en res almost all diseases that result from
!. -iifficient or improper nourishment of
t '.m brain and nerves. Bronchial, throat, even lung affections, when not toe
far advanced, readily yield to it.
A man or woman whp neglects
constipation suffers from slow poi
sonins. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure constipation. One little
" Pellet " Is a gentle laxative, and
two a mild cathartic. Don't let a
selfish seller over-persuade you to
accept a substitute for these Origi
nal Little Liver Pills, first put UP
bvolri Dr. "R. V. Piprpfi ovpr 40 vtt&ra
riuch imitated but never equaled.
A fine line of Spring hats on dis
play at Mrs. J. Mason's.
If you expect to buy, an incubat
or rail at Blackledge's y;
Child Not Expected to Live from One
Hour to Another, but Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill'-ot
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ana
Diarrhoea Bemedy and got a bottle of ft
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. ' We Mept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." . This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham.
If you knew the value of Chamberlain's
Salve you would never wish to be without
it.. Here are some of the diseases for which
it is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped
"hands, burns, frost bites,, chilblains, chronic
sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum
and eczema.' Price 25 cents per box; For
sale by Graham & Wortham.
Vegetagelatipe is the product of
an,- eminent physician's - research-
covering a period of five .years
The need of it was called to his at? the time one of his pa
tients was slowly but surely dying
from acute gastritus, she could not
keep any food on her stomach un
til he prescribed a blanc mange
made : according to the directions
given in each package. He was
very, much gratified and pleased to
note the rapid and sure recovery of
one whom he thought sure would
die in spite of medical science
The above goes to show the high
food value of this new. seafood
handled by A. Hodes. .
Notice to Bidders. . .
bealed bids will be received by the
sewer committee until six o'clock o. m.
T7" 1 . r- r m . . C . '
reoruary 10, 1900, ior tne construction
of a sewer through blocks 14, 15 and 16
N. is. & P. Avery's Addition to the city
of Corvallis. according to the plans and
specifications on file in the offise of the
Police Judge. The right is reserved to
reject any and all bids.
Geo. E. Lillv.
R.H. Colbert.
P. Avery. '
' Sewer Committee. '
Off MlSad brds Ever Spoke
in the Mbrn
The iSaddest are these, That
Shoe jffu&s my Corn.
If you had been wearing a Packard foot-form shoe,
that corn would not have been there to hurt
Packard Shoes, no corns. ,
Corvallis, , Oregon.
Corvallis7 only .exclusive Mens Furnishing Store
Sure Pop
You will always .find us up and coming
and our prices reasonable.
Boots and shoes for men, women and children.
caps, underwear, kyefiyQyan4 Sunday shirts
ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
things to numerous to mention,
, ALSO :
A fine line of groceries, crockery. and everything, that
is needed in a grocery department ,
,. LOOK OUT, '
For Lloses Bros quick delivery wagoaT"" ; listen for the
bell and you will find there is something doing
1 e B-
1 The
We are not inclined to spend , much time
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves. -
Good for Stomach Trouble and
' Constipation.
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab.
lets have done me a great deal of good,"
says C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario,
Canada. "Being .a mild physic the' after
effects are not unpleasant, and I .can recom
mend them to all who suffer from sfbmack
disorder." For sale by Graham & Wortham
6. B fiomiiig
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetofflce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4p.n1. Orders may be
eft at Graham & w - -ham'8 drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanR klA&. Hoarsi
10 to ia d a to 4.
. Phone, office S3. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. R. Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office xp tairi.i iirif.t Brick;
Idence oa itn ij:isc it" 'Itttsji
Seventh jt. fin; i i
C. H. Newth,
Physician - and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
fieu Tim ard forC.O E.
T..K- ; effect Jonnary 1, 19O0 the new
lime card of tii - C & E. will be issued,
changing tbe times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows:
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8;oo a. m .
12:45 P- m- and 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany: 6:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:3s p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
Tbe afternoon train leaving Albany at
2:40 p m. will be discontinued.
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County , City and School
Principal Correspondents.
The Baak o
NEW TQBE Messrs. J. i. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. I.ONPON, ENG. N M RothschUds & Sons
CANADA. CnlGD Rant of Canada
In the ircuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
Benton County.
Myrtle Benson, Plaintiff,)
John T. Benson, Deft.
To John D. Benson, the above named defend
ant: - - .
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the romplaiut of lhe plaintiff In the
above entitled suit In the above entitled conn,
now Ou Hie in the office of the clerk ot said court
on or before the last day of . the time prescribed
in the order f.-r publication of this summons
made by the county judge of Benton county,
state of Oregon which order Is hereinafter re
ferred to to-wit, March 2:id. 1906, and you are
hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and
answer the said complaint as herein required,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entltledcourt lor the relief demanded in
her said complaint, namely, for a decree of
divorce from the said defendant forever c'lssolv
ing the marriage contract existing between the
plaintiff, and said defendants and for suon other
further and different rule, order or relief, as to
the court may seem proper. -
This summons la published In the Corvallis N
Times once a week for Bix successive nd con
secutive weeks, beginning -with the issue of
Febraarv 9, 1906.. and ending with the Issue- of
March 2:VM06; under and In pursuance f the
directions contained lu norder made by the
Hon. Virgil E. Walters, county judge of Benton
countv, Oregon, being the county where the
above'entltled suit Is pending in the above en
titled circuit court:, dated February 8, 1006.-,
Date ol first publication hereof Is Febraary
1906 ' E. E. WILSON,
- ' i Plaintiff's Attorney.