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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1906)
3j LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. When you want a Sewing Ma chine see J. H. Harris. Big line White and New Home. Carpets & Cady's. at cost at Hollenberg George Kelsay of New York is a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses. Mrs. M. S. Woodcock visited her brother George in Albany for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kline left yesterday for San Francisco, to be absent a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. George Belt went to Dallas Saturday to attend the funeral of Mr. Belt's uncle, Charles F. Belt that occurred in that city. Mrs. Ira Bodine and child left Wednesday for a two months' visit with relatives in Iowa. Mr. Bod ine accompanied them as far as Portland. The residence of County Clerk Moses was completed by Norton Adams, the contractor, " Thursday, and will at once be occupied by Mr. Moses and bride. It is a very neat house, and an addition to that part of town. In the estate of the late Har riet Hill, an inventory has been fil ed with the county clerk. The ap praisement shows personal property of $500 in money, and real estate to the value of $1000. The apprais ers were W. A. Jolly, J. G. Becker and J. R. Fehler. Albany Democrat The Ore gon boys continue to lead in the Eastern colleges. A. C. Gilbert, . a former Forst Grove student and champion polevaulter, has won the athletic championship of Yale, cap turing seven prize cups out of a possible eight. He is one of the four men who has won two Y's. Albany Democrat The well known Bay View House at New port has been sold by Mr. Jacobson who has been running it for some time to Hallet & Hogan, of Port land, one of the men having been proprietor of the St. Charles of Portland at one time. They intend to make a popular summer resort hotel. In other days of late there have Deen occasions wnere tnere was a dearth of teachers for the country schools, but nothing of this kind is promised this spring. From the applications already on file with . Superintendent Denman it looks as if the field would be actually over supplied. Forty-two Corvallisites attend ed the Charles B. Hanford product ion of the "Merchant of Venice" in Albany Tuesday evening. Among them were, T. B. Horner, Miss Helen Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris, Mrs. B. W. Johnson, Mrs. B. F. Irvine, Misses Edna Irvine, Mabel Withycombe, Louise Cooper, Mary Sutherland, Juanita Rosendorf, Pauline Davis, Gertrude McBee, Frankie Payne and Eliza beth Snipes. Messrs Dolan. Finn, Walker. Cooper, Berchtold, Wood cock, Brownell, Taylor, Shenofield, Dudley and Canfield. At the meeting next week of the county court the question of di viding school district number 16, which joins the Corvallis district on the south is to be considered. The court in conjunction with the coun ty superintendent constitutes the Boundary Board for adjudication of such matters. The division is asked for by the residents of Ki ger's island, who desire to be con stituted a separate district on ac count of the stream which divides them from the mainland and makes it difficult for children on the island to reach the present school house. It is also urged by the Islanders that they have twicers many chil dren of school age as are in the re mainder of the present district. W. C. Hawley of Willamette University, who is one of the three candidates for the republican nom ination for congress in this district, . left today after a day's visit in Ben ton. His business was strictly po litical, and the report is that he found things very satisfactory here about. He was born in Benton county; and resided here until he went to Salem to attend Willamette University. After graduation there he studied law and received the degree of "L. L,. D." from his "al ma mater. Before he entered upon the practice of his profession he was called to a professorship and then to the presidency of the Uni versity, with which he is still iden tified. It has been said of him that he is not politician enough to be sent to congress, but this year hap pens to find voters hunting for something other than politicians for congressional timber. V Mrs. C. H. Trask of Wood- burn is m' roe '"city;" the guest -of Mrs. Sidney Trask. Mrs. Thomas Hill of Tacoma is the guest for a few days of Mrs. Borst. :$ 33 c G. A. Westgate of the Albany Herald was a business visitor in Corvallis yesterday. Mike Bauer and family now occupy the residence property re cently purchas e of A. P. Johnson." The removal occurred yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong, parents of Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch, came over from Albany yesterday and will make their future residence in Corvallis. s . , Circuit court meets again on the 26th of this month. About the only work in sight for the session is the disposition of several divorce suits. The following sale of real es tate has been made by Ambler & Watters: Charles S. Butler to A. S. Casteel, house and four lots near the carriage factory, price $1250. County Treasurer Buchanan is out with the first call for warrants for the year. The official notice appears in this issue. He has on hand funds sufficient to cancel all warrants up to September 15th. Mrs. W. S. Adams left Wed nesday for her home at Hcquiam, Washington, after a week's visit with her son Gaylord, who is a student at O. A. C. United Evangelical church. Regular services Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning subject, The Supremacy of the Word." Evening subject, "Selling Testis Christ." C. T. Hiird, pastor. '" Presbyterian church, M. S. Bush, pastor. Worship at 11 a. m., subject, "The Divine Method of Rescue. Evening service at 7.30, subject, "The Pearl of Great Price." Opening song service with orchestra. A new directory for the Inde pendent Telephone people is being printed at the Times office, and will be ready for the public esrly next week. It contains 525 names of Corvallis subscribers alone. The entire list numbers over 1,200 names. A gang of telephone men is busy connecting up the telephones with the new line between Corvallis and Monroe. The new line makes the second through connection with the two places. It carries fifteen new subscribers, among whom are the following well known citizens: George Rickard, Leo Newman, T. D. Hen ton, Charles Cartwright, R. S. Irwin, Major James Bruce, John Rickard, j. R. Taylor, Jesse Fos ter, A. A. Meek, Robert Richard son, James Pfouts, Ike Porter and E. Dinges. :. 1 - Mrs. McFeron was born February 7th, 1823, at Montgomery county, Kentucky. At the age of 19 year3, she was married to Andrew Mc Feron and moved to Adams county. Illinois, where she resided until the fall of 1854. They lived in Adair county. Missouri, until 1874, when they removed to Brownsville, Ore gon, where Mr. . McFeron died' in 1892. Since October 1904, Mrs. McFeron has lived with her daugh ter, Mrs. L. E. Cathey in Corval lis. She was the mother of ten children,- six of whom survive her. They are J. P. McFeron, Alameda county, Calif.; J. A. McFeron, Portland, Oregon; J. S. McFeron, Hay Creek, Ore. ; Emily Hartford, Los Angeles, Mary E. Robnett; Halsey. Ore.; and L, E. Cathey, r ' ' sVfii. .... vurvaius. "The Club's" sign has been hauled down. The ' ceremony was performed by Constable Wells. In the silence and serenity of Wednes day morning he did the job. No vulgar assembly or curious rabble looked on. If any tears were shed, they were by the constable himself, for the birds twittered and sang in the surrounding trees, and they were the only witnesses to the sad and sorrowful proceeding. The sign was an affair of considerable dimensions. Besides the legend,. "Corvallis Social and Athletic Club," it bore the significant words "Members admitted only" and then went on to give a proper warning to trespassers. Neatly and care fully folded, it now rests snugly on a shelf at the sheriff's office, a relic of a plan to do by subterfuge and shamble, something that the law prohibited, that juries condemned, that courts censured and that the people voted should not be. Spraying. City or country work, : country a specialty; reasonable rates. Inde pendent phene. 852, or 362. En quire of J. R. Smith. Read, Fullerton & Hubler, v Corvallis. FIGHTING THE SCALE. Immense Demand for Spray Bulletins Spraying Outfits Behind With Orders. - The movement for saving Benton orchards is not abated. A com mercial spraying outfit has been organ'zed in Kings Valley. . It is under the management of J. E. Watson, who consulted Prof. Cord ley as to methods and appliances a few days ago. The two or three commercial outfits operating in town have not yet finished up Cor vallis, and have many orders ahead keeping them busy whenever the weather is propitious. Farmers io the county continue to consult Prof. Cordley by pbone and otherwise relative to the best plan of proced ure. No less than 500 bulletins on spraying have been sent out within the past week in response to re quests. A big extra edition of them printed because of the spray ing movement in Willamette will soon lie exhausted by the demand. The incident shows the widespread interest in the plan for redeeming the trees and fruits from diseases and pests. The expense of spraying is not nearly as heavy as some suppose. The cost to the farmer who does his own spraying is only about two cents per tree for a single applica tion, that is, of course, where there is a considerable number of trees. The cost, even if applied by hired labor and hired appliances ought not to cost more than six cents per tree, according to the statement of Prof. Cordley. However, most farmers are willing to pay more than this In order to save the botheration, es pecially when commercial outfits are available. An idea of value to every tree owner is that just now it is easy and convenient to get spraying done. The San Jose scale will ultimately kill every tree it attacks, if no rem edy be applied. That means that spraying must be done or the tree will die, or the inspector will order it destroyed. All infected trees can be easier saved now than later on when the disease is more violent, all of which means, that now is the time to spray. BUWD TODAY. Death of Mrs. McFeron at the Cathey Home The Funeral. After a lingering illness with cancer of the stomach, Mrs. Han nah McFeron died at eight o'clock yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. A. Cathey, in this city. Brief services were held at the Cathey home at 10 o'clock today; after which the re mains were taken to Halsey where the funeral occurred, Rev. Skid- more conducting the service. . In terment was in the Brownsville cemetery, beside the late husband of th deceased, Judge Andrew Mc Feron. Mrs. McFeron for over 30 years res'ded in Linn county, making her home at Halsey, Albany and Brownsville. She was the mother of ex-Sheriff McFeron of Linn, now of Portland, and was widely known and respected as a lady of high character. For County Recorder. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nom ination for the office of county re corder, subject to the decision of the voters, at the primaries April 20th. Hartley L. Hau,. Chamberlain's Salve. a This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for disease's'oi the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 23 cents per box. Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham. Rape seed for sale at Kline's; 7 cents per pound. 50 Centa Per Setting ' For eggs. Best brown leghorns. J. B. Irvine, Corvallie. The S. P. is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Portland for 3, good going Saturdays or Sundays and re turning Sunday or Monday following, either on West or East side, bnt good on ly on afternoon train from Albany to Portland on Saturdays If Bast side is tak en. Passengers to pay local fare be tween Corvallis and Albany. Suffered for Five Tears With Kidney and Liver Trouble. "-. ':r "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I coma not move my bowels without a cathar tic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur 8. Strick land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by wanam cvwortnam. MONEY ROLLING IN. Five Hundred 'Have' Paid Taxes- Fifteen Thousand Dollars , . .... . Collected. Sheriff Burnett is doing a swift business in the collection of taxes, Five hundred people have already taken out their receipts. It is es timated tbat an additional 1,100 will pay within the next ten days About 1,600 is the number that us ually pay in time to get the rebate. The last day for rebate will be March 15th. This means that there will be a mighty rush of busi ness at the sheriffs counter until the 15th inst. Sheriff Burnett's plan of sending lists of taxpayers and the amount of their taxes to persons in. the var ious precincts is proving to be a matter of extreme convenience. That it is thoroughly appreciated by the taxpayers is showu by the way in which they make use of the lists. Every mail brings a shower of letters to the sheriff, containing checks or postoffice orders to cover the amount of the writer's taxes. This saves the taxpayer a trip to the sheriff's office at a time when traveling is not the easiest in : the world and makes a light matter out of what would otherwise be a con siderable task. It is painstaking, thoughtful methods like these that have made Sheriff Burnett noted all over Oregon as about the best sheriff in the state. The total amount of taxes paid up to this forenoon was $14,344.51. It is nearly as much as was paid on the same day last year, though last year the roll was received on the 26th of January, while this did not become available for tax collecting until February 12th. As everybody knows, three per j cent rebate, is allowed on all taxes paid on or before March 15th. Af-! ter that date, no rebate is allowed. Taxes become delinquent on the first Monday in April. If.half his tax is not paid by that time, a pen alty of 10 per cent and 12 per cent interest until date of payment, is charged. If half is paid by that time, the taxpayer has until the first Monday in October to pay the bal ance. For Sale Spray Pump, manufac tured by Field Force Pump compa ny all brass cylinder piston and valves, mounted barrel on strong one-horse cart, complete and ready for work. This is a powerful and convenient rig. Apply to George Armstrong, Corvallis. Oak wood, stove lengths, at Saw Mill Co. Call Corvallis & Eastern RAILROAD TIME CARD 31 No 2 for Yaquina Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. Leaves Corvallis 1:45 P- m Arrives Yaquina. 6 :oo p. m No 1 Returning weaves yaquina 0.45 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 1 2: 1 5 p. m No 3 for Albany-Detroit Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 a. m Arrive Detroit. I2:vn. m No 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6:00 p. m No 5 for Albany Leaves Corvallis 6:30 a. m Arrive Albany 7:ioa. m No 8 for Corvallis Leaves Albany. 7:55 a. m Arrives Corvallis 8 :3d a. m No 7 for & lbany . , Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m No 6 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 7:35 p. m Arrives Corvallis. 8:15 p. m No 9 for Albany Leaves Ccrvallis .12:40 p. m Arrives Albany 1:25 p. m No 10 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 2:30 p. m Arrive Corvallis 3:10 p. m No 11 for Albany, Sunday only Leave Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrive Albany 12:15 a. m No 12 for Corvallis, Sunday only Leaves Albany 12:45 p. tn Arrives Corvallis 1 -.32 p. m Train 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with S. P. south bound train. Train 2 connects with S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany, giving direct ' ser vice to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a. m. arriving m ample time to rea the Breitenbush hot springs the same day Train 4 between Albany and Detroit connects with Eugene local at Albany aiao wun local lor (jorvams.- Train 5 leaves Corvallis at?6;3o a. m. arrives at Albany 7:10 in time to catch Eugene local for Portland and train to Detroit. - Train 8 leaves Albany for Corvallis ' at 8:00 a, m. after arrival of northbound Eugene local. , Train 7 leaves Corvallis at 5:00 p. m. arrives in Albany in time to connect with local for Eugene and way points. Train 6 leaves Albany for Corvallis at 7:35 P m. after arril of S. P. local from Portland. For farther information apply to J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt T. Cockrell, agt Albany, H. H. Cronise, agt Corvallis. GORDON HATS Gordon Hats are within the reach "of 'every man in this town. Within the reach of his pockbook ; within walk in g distance of his office. No reed to say very mnch about Gor don Hats. You know vour- 1 self that no better hat can be mande at any price. The Gor- don.Hat, soft or stiff, cost you $0, pay more for a hat, and you haverpaid something for nothing. r New Spring Styles have Arrived all Shapes and Colors. s The People's Store. Established 1864. Corvallis, Ore gorr What Joy Prices of our Ranges $35, $38, $40, $48 and $52. Call and examine them. o0 Old Stoves taken in exchange. Hollenberg I : : 1 j. j The Gem Cigar Stork j j" All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room. f I Wool and Wash )0.;,v ' Our first shipment Wool, Mohair, and Wash Dress Goods has arrivad. All colors , weights and weaves, at prices that -will tempt all. New Mercerized Taffeta Checks at 25c per yard. Wool and Mohair Dress Goods, in Gray, Brown Green, Navy, Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Stripes. New Dress Linens in White, Gray, Light Blue, Green and Navy. , New White Mercerized Shirt WaisJ, Goods New assortment embroidered waist patterns New veluets, collars and belts. Remember we give 5 percent discount on " ' ali Cash Purchases. I'.u: Highest Price for F. L. . They Bring: What wonderful joy and comfort is realized by users of a Range that gives abso lute and entire satisfaction. Such a one is The Toledo More than 20 nowkin use in thic city. All steel con s' ruction. " Smooth Niekle plating easily kept clean. Bakes quick and even sa ves fuel. Guaranteed for 10 years. I Cad?. Jack Milxe, prop. i i. Dress Country Produce Fabrics MILLb