Corvallis Times Official Paper of Benton County. CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING FEB- Jfe, 1906. ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. ' Next wees' s Christian Endeavor convention will bring delegates from every part of Oregon. There are 400 Endeavor organizations in the state, and each names two dele gates. A hundred of them are coming in their own special car from Portland. The errand of those who come is worthy and they merit the kindliest consideration and hospitality. Incidentally, that attitude toward them will adver tise Corvallis more effectively than is possible in anjr other way. .A generous and hearty hospitality by our people will be bread cast upon the waters, to return after a few days. If. by further experimentation, Prof. Pernot can demonstrate that tarantular juice is as fatal as lemon ade to typhoid germs, there will be increased respect in certain quarters for the revelations of science. IN THE GRAVE. Another Pioneer Buried This Afternoon Passing of Elijah Skipton. The death of Elijah Skipton oc curred yesterday morning at the family home near Philomath, and while long anticipated, caused none the less sorrow when the fact h came known in Corvallis in the ear ly hours of the day. For a long time Mr. Skipton has heen a suffer er from cancer of the stomach, which was the cause of death, his condition varying from day to day as the dread malady did its work. Elijah Skipton was born Novem ber 17, 1831, in Monroe county, Ohio. At the age of 1 7 he began life for himself, and ever thereafter depended upon his own ' resources. He acquired a common school edu cation, and in 1851 removed to Iowa. In 1852 he crossed the plains with an ox team, being six months on the journey, among others in the train being "Cob" Blair and family and Ichabod Hen kle, both well known figures in Benton county history. After spending six months looking about Mr. Skipton left Oregon and went to California, where for the next three years he engaged in mining and prospectieg with varying suc cess. He then returned to Iowa, going via Cape Horn to New York City. In 1856 Mr. Skipton was united in marriage to Miss Jane Marshall, of Bellmount county, Ohio, and in 1865, with his wife and three children, he returned to Oregon, this time preferring horse and mule teams to the oxen. In this train were 100 wagons, and Mr. Skipton was captain of the train, as he had been in the first trip. The journey was made with out mishap, and the train arrived in Oregon Sept. r7, 1865. The first three months after arrival Mr. Skipton rented and occupied the John Clark place, and afterwards purchased the donation claim of James Chism, two miles south ot Philomath, where he has ever since resided. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Skipton, of whom four survive: They are, Mrs. J. B. Horner, Corvallis; Rufus Skipton, Philomath; Frank Skipton, Albany; and Otis Skipton. Portland. Ihe funeral occurred at two o'clock, this afternoon, from the Plymouth church, the service being conducted by Rev. E. J. Thomp son of Independence. Interment was in the Newton cemetery. A characterization of the deceased . from the pen of Judge McFadden, will appear in the next issue of the Times. For Sale. A fine Jersey heifer calf, two weeks old. Address Ross Adams, Corvallis. Ind. phone 283. Notice of Final Settlement. In the Matter of the Estate 1 of i Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased Notk e is hereby given that the undersigned as administratrix of said estate of Mary Elizabeth Mangas, deceased, has filed her final account as such administratrix with the clerk of the coun ty court of the state of Oregon, for Benton coun ty, and the said court has fixed Saturday, the 10th day of March, 1906, at the hour of two o' clock in the afternoon of said day as the time, and the county court room fin the court house In Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing any and all objections to the said account and for settlement thereof. Dated this February 9, 1906. MARY BIER, Administratrix of the estate of Mary Elizabeth .Mangas, deceased. CONTAMINATED WELLS. Though Deep, Germs Invade Their Water Some Interest ing Cases. With typhoid raging at Eugene, examination of water in the bacte riological department at the college is frequent now. Prof. Peruot is kept almost constantly busy with experiments bearing on water and germs. Water from Eugene has been examined with the result in nouuced below. After what he has found in water tested, Prof. Pernol is dreadfully in earnest in urging everybody for the present to use on ly boiled water and to scald milk and other utensils. Not only should city water, boiled, but so should well water, as is shown by the state ment below, made by request of the Times, by Prof. Pernot. He said: iioiiea water is in use in many households, and there are those who do not like it. Buttermilk may be substituted, for typhoid fe ver germs cannot exist in the pres ence of lactic acid. Nor can they live in butter or cheese, for both contain lactic acid. Lemonade is also available for drinking pur poses. Lemon or lime juice has been demonstrated to be fatal to ty phoid bacilli. A solution of one part lemon juice to fifty parts water is an entirely safe as well as a whole some beverage. In the foods, all those cooked can be eaten without fear. A boil ing temperature, 212 degrees, is fa tal to bacili. The danger is in raw foods like, apples, lettuce, celery and kindred species. Lettuce serv ed with vinegar is immune becausa of the acetic acid in the salid dress ing. Cooking utensils, more espe cially milk utensils, should be thor oughly scalded with boiling water or steam, and should not be allowed to come in contact subsequently with unboiled water. This is espe cially important, as milk is one of the best possible mediums for growth ot the typhoid geims. it is better as a matter of fact to heat all uk nearly to the boiling point be fore use. Some think that wells cannot be contaminated. The water from one where a typhoid fever case de veloped was analyzed at the college and 3.000 germs to the cubic cen timeter were found. Three thous and germs to the cubic centimeter would mean 18,000 germs in every teaspoonful of water. It was a 40 foot well, and driven, which might have been supposed would be be yond the reach of germs. Water from a similar well several hun dred yards distant and of the same depth was examined and found to present the same conditions. The fever case undoubtedly came from the well water referred to. Recent ly water from a well in the vicinity of Lebanon was examined and found to coutain 29 000 germs to the cubic centimeter. It is needless to say that the members of the fam ily had been suffering for a long time with sickness, and that the wa ter from the well was the source of all the trouble.". The recent examination of Eu gene water by Prof. Pernot showed a bacterial content of 3,640 germs per cubic centimeter. Use Boiled Water. At a meeting of the county couet Wed' nesdav, February 15th, the following or der which is self-explanatory wss adopt ed. "The county court aa the county board of health, realizing the danger of an ep idemic of typhoid fever through contin ued use of city water, after having con sidered said matter has ordered that Dr. H. S. Pernot, secreHry said County Board of Health, cause a notice to be printed warning all persons to boil water before using, and directing directors of District Number 9 to take all steps ne cessary in order to prevent an epidemic and to safeguard the health of the people therein." I suggest that not only should those who uee city water conform to the re quirements above, but also those who use water from wells should take the same j precaution of boiling it before use- H. O. fJUKNUl, m. u, Secretary County Health Board. Notice to Creditors. . Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed the executor of the last will ana the estate of Har riett Hill, dacea: bv the countv court ot the staM of Oregon for Benton county, and has duly q aimed ior ine amies 01 saia trust. &u per sons havlne claims acrainst the deceased, or her estate, are required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned at his residence In Philomath, Benton county, Oregon, within six months from thiB dats. . L. W. HILL, Executor of the last will and estate of Harriett Hill, deceased. Dated Feb. 3, 1908. If you expect to buy an incubat or call at Blackledge's. Rape seed for sale cents per pound. at Kline's; 7 Spraying. -ir.y or country wort, country a specialty; reasonable rates. - Inde pendent phone, -852, or 362. En quire of J. R. Smith. Read, Fullerton & Hubler, Corvallis. USE BOILED WATER. In Corvallis Health Board Says Typhoid Still Spread ing at Eugene. Corvallis is practically free from typhoid fever. That the town was threatened for a time recently by an epidemic of the disease is the be lief of many. Publicity given to the facts by the local papers and the repeated urging upon consum ers to use boiled water and other precautions may have sayed Cor- vallisites serious conditions. A It cal physician said yesterday that it is not at all impossible that the notes of warning sounded may have for- fended a scourge. However this may be, there was something like eight cases at one time recently, more than there ever was simul taneously in the history of the town. ' The Benton County Health Board, as a precaution, requests the Times to still further urge upon local peo ple the importance of using none but boiled water, regardless of whether it be taken from the Wil lamette or from wells. Where the disease has been prevalent, it is very easy for wells to receive sur face water and thereby undergo contamination. It is of the utmost importance, the board says, to use water that has been cooled after boiled at least 20 minutes. Eugene Water Killed Guinea' Pigs. At Eugene the epidemic is far from being under control. Indeed, at last accounts, new cases were developing at the rate of 18 per day as will be seen in the following from the Guard: "Drs. Bartle and Prof. Sweetser have just concluded an experiment that proves beyond a doubt that the city water is responsible for our typhoid epidemic. A few days ago the doctors obtained some water from a city hydrant and segregated the germs, inoculating two small guinea pigs with them. One of the pigs was an old one and had a hard spell of typhoid but recovered. The other pig died. An autopsy was held on the latter pig and con clusive evidence was found to show that he died from the result of the Inoculation. "Drs. Bartle have again inocula the three guinea pigs, this time with the city water direct as it comes to the consumer, and these pigs have well-developed cases of the fever and one will die from the sickness. "The doctors say that hope for the abatement of the disease is in boiled water alone, and that none should be so foolhardy or ignorant as to ignore this matter. "Yesterday 18 new cases were re ported and it is thought as many more exist today. Up to the time of going to press today six new cases have been reported. Nearly all the late cases reported can be traced to the city water." Comment on Fever Situation. The Portland Journal, speaking editorially of the fever situation at Eugene, says: In the neighborhood of 100 peo ple have been stricken in Eugene and a considerable number in Springfield and other towns, all of them users of contaminated water, while none who use well water have been attacked. The lesson to not only Eugene but to other cities is clear and plain; to escape such a scourge they must provide them selves with absolutely pure water, and this cannot be obtained from a stream flawing through a settled country and receiving sewage from various sources. The cost of ob taming an ample supply ot pure water is considerable, and entails a burden on taxpayers, but it is a duty encumbent upon every town of considerable size, in justice to itself. 'Eugene being the seat of the State University- Corvallis of the State College, and Salem of the state capitol and other state institu tions, these towns are particularly obliged to provide pure water, and it is evident that Eugene has neg lected this duty too long. "Fortunately, the disease in Eu gene Jhas mostly been of rather i light form, and but few cases have resulted fatally, yet several have died, and many have been put to much expense and suffering. This will not do for such a city, and ' it may be taken for granted that the good enterprising people of the university city will take prompt measures to prevent a .recurrence of an epidemic. "As Drl Matson says, the disease germs are bred by filth It must be brought underground from some distant mountain stream or spring, the vicinity of which must be free from contamination. It is better and in the end cheaper to pay for pure water than to suffer from such an epidemic and the con' sequent reputation that it necess arily gives a city." EVERYBODY SPRAYING. The old Orchards Likely to be Saved Something About the Movement, As to cleaning up the old or chards. It looks as though Benton would lead the procession. Mem bers of a spraying firm in the Times office yesterday, declared that every f aimer they have met expects to join in the war or cut j down his trees. Prof. Cordley is ' surprised at the way the movement has taken hold in the remoter sec tions of the county. That person has in fact, fallen between the wheels of the clean-up car, and is about to be ground into little pieces. Everybody, even the 'father' ' wants information. : They want to know the best spray pump to use. i They want to know the ingredients ot sail , lime and sulphur spray and what to put m it. Also the pro portions of each, and how to apply it. The question of when is the best time for application and a thousand other inquiries keep the Cordley telephone in a jingle all day long and sometimes far into the night. Though it is a strenuous task to answer all these inquiries, Prof. Cordley is much encouraged by them, and takes interest in afford ing information. He is full of , en thusiasm for the movement because he realizes that it the spraying is applied with fidelity that great things can be accomplished. The orchards which have been turning off a valueless fruit can, by con trolling the pests and diseases, be made a source of . revenue. The old conditions of early days when worms in the apples were unknown can be in a great measure restored. For the assistance, of those who lack information as to spraying, there is printed below an except from Prof. Cordley's well known bulletin on spraying, which gives the lime, sulphur and salt solution. A new edition of the bulletin has just been printed at the college for free distribution among those who make application for it. , The pamphlet comprises 20 pages, and deals with all phases of the subject of spraying. Following is an ex cel ut: The lime, sulphur and salt wash is one of the most satisfactory sprays for San Jose scale and is also of value as a fungicide, It is in fact the very best winter spray for clean ing up old neglected moss grown ana diseased orchards. It is prim arily a winter spray but when much reduced in strength has been used to advantage as a summer sprav for San Jose scale. Several methods of preparing it are recom mended but the following, known as the Oregon formula is the most satisfactory in this climate: Quick lime, 50 pounds; sulphur, 50 pounds; salt, 25 to 50 pounds; wat er, 1 50 gallons. Slake the lime thoroughly, add the sulphur, cover with water and boil briskly for at least an hour. Then add the salt and boil 15 or 20 minutes longer or until the mix ture is of a deep blood red color with but little free sulphur on the surface. Add water to make 150 gallons. Apply with considerable force through a coarse nozzle while still warm. ' The results of a num ber of experiments indicate that the salt adds nothing to the efficiency of this spray, but my results have been conflicting. Notice to the tax-payers of Benton County; I have prepared lists of the amounts due from each tax-payer, show ing the name of the parties assessed, and the amount of taxes due from each, if you pay all your taxas on or before the 15th. day of March, you will deduct 3 per cent from the amount as shown on the list, it you wish to only pay half your tax you must do so on or before the 2nd day of April, otherwise you will have the penalty and interest to pay. While the law does not require me to accept checks or money orders on taxes, yet I would much prefer to have the tax-payers pay their taxes by mailing to me a check or money order, this is a protection to your self as well as a help to me as I can make op your receipts at a night return themjby mail and not be rushed so much during the day. Said tax lists will through the courtesy of the following named gentlemen be found at their places: Summit, at Titus Ranney's store. Blodgett, at J. A- Wood's store. Wren, at Richard Wilde's store. Kings Valley, at Marion Frantz store, at Miller & Alcorn store, and Jacob Chambers store. Soapcreek at the store of J. A. Carter. Fairmount, at D, P. Mishlers residen ce, at Henry Hector's residence, at T. B. Williamsons residence, M. V. Leepers and one at the residence of F. H. Hugh son. Monroe, at A. Wilhelm & sons store, and at Norwood &Co. store. Alsea at W. H. Malone's store. Willamette at Norwood A Co. store, and at J. W. Tones store, at Inavale. Bellfountain. store of Woodcock & Tavlor, and at store of N. Clem. Philomath, store of Hill & Son, J. E. Henkle, F. P. Clark, Scott & Pugsley, and Moses Brothers. M. P. Burnett, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon Special Sale on 3000 Yds Fine ect from Switzerland. Values up to 35c per yard. Special Price 12 l-2c 3 Day onlv at these Prices Monday, Tuesday Feb. 19, 20 and 21st. See Window Display (Jpggrr ilfl Air wart.. Ta iW iil'rsa None Sold Until Mon. Feb. 19th Egg O See Egg Heinz Pure and QU AKER PUFFED RICE QUAKER PUFFED RICE Q, UAKER PUFFED RICE Hodes' Grocery, GUN HODES Has just received the services of one of the finest mechanics in the valley and from now on "will be prepared to do all kinds of repair work from a pad lock to a threshing machine. Guns, Sewing Machines, Locks a Specialty We have just received a complete line of' 1906 Base Ball goods, also a fine line of up to date fish ing tackle, fllash lights, batteries and sewing ma chine extras always on hand. The S. P. is selling round trip tickets between Corvallis and Portland for $3, good going Saturdays or Sundays and re turning Sunday or Monday following, either on West or East side, bnt good on ly on afternoon train from Albany to Portland on Saturdays if East side is tak en. Passengers to pay local fare be tween Corvallis and Albany. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hoar to Another, bnt Cured rjjjr Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera d Diarrhoea Kamedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. of Agnewville, Va was seriously if cholera infantum last summer. "We fra her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," He says. -1 nappem to think of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera a Diarrhoea Remedy and sot a bottle of from the store. In five hours I saw a chai for the better. We kept on giving it before she had taken the half of one si bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Graham & Wortham. Order Seeds Now. Bed Clover Alsike, Alfalfa, Rape Soeltz and Artichokes. I can furnish inoculated seeds and land plaster, that will double the yield. See sample of seed at Wellsher & Gray's store. Wanted 80 ton. Vetch seed lor May shipment. ' 1j. li. Brooks. Embroideries Embroideries dir and Wednesday O See Egg O See Malt Vinegar Olive Oil Phone S03 Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cough . Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin ually in our home, says W. W. Hearney, editor of the Independent. Lowrv City. Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant ub, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become .settled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand. For sale by Graham & Wortham, iMOiice 10 uiuuers. Sealed bids will be received by the sewer committee until six o'clock p. m, .. February 16, 1906, for the construction of a sewer through blocks 14, 15 and 16 N. B . & P. Avery's Addition to the city of Corvallis. according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Police Judge. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Geo. E. Lilly. R.H. Colbert. P. Avery. Sewer Committee. - . ; Wanted. A man and woman to work on a ranch. For further particulars write or inquire of A. J. Warnock, Nortons, Oregon.