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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1906)
fir Vol . XTIII.-N0; 51. CQRY4.LLJS, OREGON, FRIDAY j EVENING, FEBRUARY 16. 1906. B.F. ISTIini Editor , and Proprteto: a I .a I I 11 n- For J Ho; Harris the Early S Biuiyers Flamy GOV. CHAMBERLAIN GIVES GOOD REASONS WHY HE . SHOULD BE . RE-.ELECTED. He Talks About the Legislature and Land Affairs Will not' Make a Strong, Campaign '"but 'Hi- -i J'1 " L. ' Will Truet to . Hte , past Administration for . Success. Of the very latest spring wash fabrics are to be seen at our , store.- -This spring brings .the prettiest and most attractive cotton fabrics and the loveliest wool and silk dress goods of any previous years. Oar store is filling up on these things. Come and get acquainted with what the spring and summer has to offer. Prices are the lowest o o . , o i per8Btebtly worked to about.. bring tbi m Philadelphia, Feb. I3. An order for. 3,1-OoJooo, ball cartridges has been received from " the ordinance department at the Frankfort arsen al here. They are to be of 36-cali-brfe and df the Krag-j orgensen type. Although no information could be obtained at the ' arsenal as to the reason ' for the order, they are intended for the troops in the Philippines. ' It intimated :that the increased order is in anticipation of possible trouble in China.' I Corvallis, I on it iBn m BUfnu ihu&: Are-You Curious? Would pou lik to see inside a human eye? Call at Pratt.tHe Jeweler ' 1 & Option store at any time and he will be pleased to show you the-nerves, 1 veins and arteries as seen through the latest and most scientific combined j Opthalmascope and Retm ncope. If you have trouble with your eyes call on ' i Pratt The Jeweler 6t Optician, j All Things are Now. Reafly Having secured the services of J. K. Berry, who has eight years experience in bicycle and general repair work, I am now' prepared to all kinds of repair work on short notice. All Work Guaranteed Come and see the Olds work. M.M.LONG'S If you are looking for -some real good bargainsin Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come, and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information ybii wish, also showing you over the country. " . ' AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance ' - Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon-. - . . - Portland, Feb. 14. Tbe Tele I- gram says Governor George E. It (hnniWu-Uin will nrnbablv not make much of a pereonal campaign for' re-election;. Ha: may, aodprob- wajftof,1, placing himself ? before ; the people, btrt in, the main; so the gojy- etnor SafyaJ hie candidacy w.Ul.reet nnhir jammal record "as Ureaon 8 - chief xecuive. ' j ;ih'ink.I. can win," said, thie- eo verrior. when, asked ; about the outlook of Oregon politics .'from .hie standpoint. "I have received ma ny letters from prominent repupu- cans from all over the state,, 'some of whom supported me; durinehe Ub camsaienr and ; some who did bot,' expressing satisfaction .with my administration and ; promising me' their support against any, other man. - : This support is. promised .on the erOund fthst it : isn't a question jof politics, but the faithful adminis tration of the affairs of state, in the Interest of I taxpayers." ' "What is. the record on ; which you are going to ask for re-election?" was asked and Oregon e. democrat ic governor eat up and took notice, State taxes wul be. lighter this year than they have been for. years, as the people wilt know when they come to pAy.:their. taxes. Another thing I think it is proper for me to eav that when I was inaugurated ihtre wa9 a $5U,000 school tund unloaned. Now. there is about $60,- 000, making an increase in inter est earning for the benefit 01 the children of the state of about $40, 000 a year. "I have kept a close watch on appropriations and have made an pft'.irt ti bean all lflul-ilftt.ion that vitally interests the p ople of the state in conditions so mat mey could recall the referendum upon it. if thev so desired. I have not hesitated to veto bills when there was a question as to the necessity of the Appropriation. Then the governor talked about the legislature. "Many of my recommendations in m(s-aees to the legislature have been adopted, with' the result , that a good share of the burdens of taxa tiooon . Teal estate and personal property have been removed and have constantly made the effort to divorce: the methods of raising rev enue for etate purposes from the methods adopted for raising reven nue for county purposes. "It isn't beyond the range of probability," continued the gover nor, "that in the near future reven ues for state purposes will be rais ed by inheritance taxation, taxa tion of franchisee, corporations and other sources sufficient to adminis ter the affairs of state independent of taxes raised by direct taxation for support of the several counties Add the governor, talked about land affairs, a subject that comes close home here in Oregon. - "I have endeavored to slraighten out the tangle in which the public lands of the state had become in volved." he said, "and efforts along this line have been measurably suc cessful. Further than that, base lands for indemnity selection, which were Belling for $2.50: an acre, are how' eelling for $6, and contrary to the practice heretofore followed, no certificates for indemnity selection or deeds therefore are issued until selections' have been finally approv ed by the general land; department atWaebington. 'This course absolutely overrides complications which have ' brought such discredit on the state' in times past. 'Tbese things' have been discusB ed in The Telegram, before the leg islature and by the people, and are pretty generally understood. I do not claim entire credit for having worked but alone all these reforms, but I do claim credit for, hav ing suggested .them arid for having Wa.ehington,T Feb. 14.. In the senate committee' on interstate com merce" the line between ; the factioa which.' ad Vacates the passage. of -the HQUsW.'biii; and the iaCtibn contend ing 'for the dburtreview'festrifes has been drawn so taut' that alFthaheht 0? cbm'prbmiee iap beeri. ' ' All- 'van ferences today' were teiween sena tors thoroughly harmotiized foirbne posi tion j 6r tbe'Sther, and have been for the purpose of lining 'up far ' a passage at' arms. " Nearly aj;htrh- dred amendments to the-House bill are pending .before, the committee and, nearly a score of. these, bear on the judicial re view, of others mqde by tbeg interstate,': commerce., com . mission. Many . of,: these : amend ments are contended for with stub bornness and tbe bill may. be de layed for several days, despite, the agreement in committee that a vote shall be taken Friday. It. is not improbable that .both factions may be willing to: transfer the. contest to the floor of ; tbe senate and that no roll caUjwill be had in the commit tee. " " If outward appearances may be believed in tbe face of the maoipu lations to corner svotes, the Hepburn. bill cannot be taken through the committee by a majority. IN FERiyiENT CHINA PREPARING FOR HUGE MASSACRE OF AL FOREICNERS. Portland, Feb. .Portland Or egoniaiii, As wa expected, tbe fen ate has passed the sblp-subeidy HU The effect will be to take money from the treasury, paid in by all the peo.pleBnd : turn it over to -a group of subsidy seekers, already rich, for their -further enrichment; od to build, up , in the country another gieat and oppressive trust, auxilleiy to the steel trust, or part of it. Snould tbe subsidv lead to the 6hip construct ;on in, American shipyards, it would be under pres ent circumstances, virtually a fur ther bonus paid to the steel trust. UNSEEN DANGER IS ON OUR TRACK From the time o our birth- till we lie uown ior xne last time. Tlie, best defense from the clangers of disease is vigor, of body and activity of the natural func tions. The kind of as sistance is import ant. It must not be stimulation for that gives but tem porary effect, and the reaction is more than., depressing, Take a tunic one that will re-estab lish normal diges tion a.nri askitti Na tion and prove a reconstructive rather than a promoter of waste. This will give nature a fair chance to put in motion normal work of repair and tissue building. Such a tonic was grown in Nature's Laboratory, hidden in the ground and brought thence forty years ago by Dr. R. V. Pierce, who has made the treat ment of lingering diseases his life-long study and .care. He uses glyceric extracts instead of .alcoholic ones, exactly proportioned and combined by processes of his own inven tion, hrst used in his private practice and now given out freely to the world in his "Golden Medical Discovery," which -is composed of Ciolden Seal root, Queen's root. Stone root, Black Cherry bark, Blood root and Mandrake root. Mrs. A. T. Jones, of 926 Hayes Street. San Francisco, Cal.. writes: "As & child I was delicate, and great care was taken of me because some of hi.v relatives had died of consumption, although my father and mother were healthy. I grew up with only the or dinary diseases of all children, but about two years-ago 1 contracted a severe cold, which would not yield to such home-treat ment as was handy. Doctors were tried, but alter tnree monttis ot tnls treatment l wag only worse. Then I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and am glad to say that three bottles not onl v cured roe of the cold and cough, but made me feel better than I ever had before. I win always nave a oonie 01 tnis medicine in tne House." : Jl - ' ThesR tinv. nuflrftr-rnRted, AnM- SJtl"i bilious granules reernlate and :- X.eVV invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Do not beget the "pill habit," but cure constipation. One or two each day for a laxative and regulator, three or four for ah active cathartic. Once tried always in favor. Put up in vials ; always fresh and reliable. ' Suffered for Five Tears With Kidney and Liver iTrouble. " ; "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my'bowels without a cathar tic. I was wed by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strick land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by Graham AAVortham.' Thirty-Eight Thousand men to Be Held in Readiness at Manila Other News. " Victoria, B. C, . Feb. I3. Ao- cording to advices by , the steamer Pleiades, which arrived today,' phi-, nese newspapers are daily devoting more space to foreigners, andeVrpBg aati-foreign feeling , was'. F T being shown. Japanese , correspondence in' Peking in noting this.'stated, that the, anti; Japanese feiing.. .is ,abp growing 4p ;China, and consider!-.' bje feeling is, .displayed by. promi nent officials bacaujepf, theeoutJtn ed influx of Japanese intoc.Mar)Cnn-i rra. Mongolia, Shinkiang, and Klacgsi -within the laet'few months. Can tone?? later au recently spread a manifesto that the real menace. of .China's integrity came from Japan and tbis, augmented' by the reports 01 tne recalcitrant r stuaenv. woo xave returned to shanghai ' from Tokio, as will the. sentiments of politicians who detect, in,. Japan s action in Corea the germs of an ex tensive aggressive poucy has. tan ned the anti-Japanese sentiment. Everywhere the feeling of ae- gressivenesB against rthe, foreigner is being fostered, the,, boycott being but an incident and- Russian activ itv was borne passively-before feel-. ing of Japanese national spirit came into being. China is now demand ing indemnities from . Russia for riots which involve Chinese losses consequent on the war and, its ef- lects. Meanwhile Japanese. corres pondents at Pekin accuse Russians of having secretly . furnished arms to Mohammedans at. Sinkiang and in Mongolian, with a view to incit ing a rebellion. ' A telegram to the Hochi says al so that China is demanding from Russia a payment of one million taels in cannection with tbe trans fer of the Chinese Eastern, railway south ofChang Chun to J ran and formal negotiations have be" com menced in this regard with M. Po kotiloff at Peking. It 1- Vxpected all post-bellum arrangements be tween Chin and Russia will then be considered. Projects for reconstruction of the Chinese navy are being mooted at Pekin, and tbe Empress Dowager is selecting I5 youths of noble lin eage who will be dispatched to Eu rope to be instructed in naval mat ters. Ibe army, too, is being re constructed with enthueiasm. A chujen, master of arts, and seven of his relatives recently enlisted : as privates. Meanwhile young China, foster- ins; tne , anti-ioreign movement, seeks to accomplish all atooce, and th6 result may be a great anti- American outbreak. conciliation with the , indignant countess, who ' declines to "receive him or give him ' any opportunity to plead Bis case. The only mem, ber of the - Castellans family that the countess has seen, since her hus band left the marble palace is' Jean, Boni's .elder brother, whom the countess" esteems highly. Jean pleaded Boni's case -several times, but in vain. Boni, despite his wife's rebuffs, does not despair of success Count informed that the countess bad de termined to insist on a permanent separation said: ' l JNevertbelesa. the count, believes he will win her back." The' count writes bis wife daily. She 'has not yet -answered- a . letter. The Castellane family is san guine that, before February 20, when the couple must appear before Judge. Ditta. that.the. countess, will It is reported that on the occa sion of the meeting in court Thurs day the jc6unte8aexprejssed: a,' wil lingness. to give Bom, a life income of $40,000 a year.,, The .cp.uhVseepr ed at the offer," declaring the' Bum was not enough to keep him in pocket mqney, ,,Thertone of his re ply was resented' by the counteBs, whereupon . the count flew into a rage and used- insulting language. Washington, Feb. 9., Advices rceejyed. here say that f President Castir'o is enlisting troops th'rorigh but Veneiitieia lathering rmunJtitns and preparing for' war.: ; -Commis sioned generals of each state arid all able-bodied men have been called to arms. " The information indicates that the people do not support the pres ident. It! is believed that. Castro will be unable to raise more than 16,000 men who show aby spirit to fight. General Alcantra, a gradu ate of WestPoint, commands" Ia Guayra and has been ordered; to fire at sight upon any t rench war ship. ' "" A dispatch from Caracas stat-s that the greatest excitement pre vails there. It is generally beUt-v-ed that the French will make, an attack upon either La Guayra: or Puerto Cabello, and Jpreparatiooa are being made to receive the hos tile French vessels with energy A prominent government official holding a confidential position un der President Castro is quoted as saying that the government has de cided to maintain its present atti tude, no matter what the outcome might be. ' 1 ' "We have decided to maintain our rights no matter at what cojt. If it is war that France wans, war she will have. "Venezuela of today is not the Venezuela of some -years ago, weak, poor and divided by revolutionists. We have 'not got a strong army, but we have a patriotic and united people, ready to' fight for the coun try like one man. Chicago, Feb. 14. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington eays: Thirty-eight thousand men of the regular army are to be mobilized at Manila for service in China, in case of an uprising against foreigners in the ancient empire. The war de partment has determined to send four regiments of cavalry and sev en battalions of artillery to the Far Eastern islands to reinforce the troops already there. Tne navy is aleo active, and has directed , Rear-Admiral Sigsbee's squadron, consisting of one armored and three protected cruisers, to hold itself in readiness to proceed to the Far East and report to Rear-Admiral Traincomuiander-in-chief of the Asiatic fleet. The navy depart ment also has sent instructions to Rear-Admiral Train . to take such measures as may seem to him ad visable for the adequate protection of Americans and their interests. Gunboats of the Helena class which have undergoing repairs at Manila will be commissioned with out further delay andsent to China for use on. the iYangste-Kiang. Rear-Admiral Train has arrang ed with missionaries living in 1 the territory traversed by this stream to hurry to certain points in case of apprehension of trouble, and upon arrival they will be picked up by the mea-of-war. New York, Feb. 10. The Jour nal says: Members of the Gould family are confident a reconcilia tion between Count Boni and his wife will be effected within the next few days. A friend both personaMy and professionally acquainted witn tbe Goulds said: "Inconceivably as it may seem the countess is passionately devot ed to ber husband, and I know ha too has a strong feeling for her, a feeling such as was not brought about by even the greatest moneta ry attraction. Tbe countess is pas sionately j-nloiiH and tbe count by good tact baa avoided many previ ous separations. A special from London to the World says: The story is told here that Countess Castellane bad es tablished in tbe Castellane mansion an unobtrusive well-bred American ostensibly as a tutor for her sons, but really to closely watch the count. This tutor brought on the coud by gaining entrance to the magnificent bachelor establishment maintained by Count Boni and some of his friends. Here he found letters from several French women of the highest position. One of the most extraordinary features of the cooperative bachelor establishment was that some of the women were particularly wealthy and would defray the immense ex penses. A letter from one such wo man was found, it is eaid, covering a check for $80,000. Pans, Feb. 9. Count Boni de Castellane has not yet made any progress toward effectiug any re- Some splendid Bazaar. bargains at the 1