The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 13, 1906, Image 4

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Toe Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Miss lassie-Bush spent Satur
day and buuday in Monmouth.
John H. Simpson visited his county farm Sunday.
Harry Beard spent Sunday
with his parents at Tangent.'
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch
arrived todav from a visit with
Portland and Albany relatives.
Mrs. John Rickard has return
d from a visit with friends at Eu
Mr. aiid Mrs. Harley Hall re
turned Saturday from . week's vis
it with Polk county relatives. '
Born, Saturday, to Mr. and
Mrs. George Horning, near Peoria,
.-a son.
Mrs. J. H. Penn of Yaquina
has been tne guest for several days
of Mrs. B. A. Cathey.
Miss Mary Nolan, Tom Nolan,
'3a ni Damon and Sam Dolan at
ieudcd the DeiU Phi dancing party
m husr.y i'n.'.ay evening.
V. v. :--Y..y .sy and F. II.
-: y :: I ''; ;: pfied through
V: '. ; ih' v. ;y to
- .-a ' V : ..! of Corval-
'" ' -' : - " UrcgGinan con-v--,
J--- Unci', .with 13,-
Ninez Francisco began today
the erection of a $50 cottage on
lots b.ongin to him on north
Third street.
for a vis-It with her daughter at Al
bany. '' ' t' f - -' "
John Ingle returned Monday
evening from a visit at Pendleton
ard Wa'la Wella.
The Valentine parly to be given
by th Coffie Clab lidiea occurs' to
morrow, Wednesday evening.
Mies Mary Nolan returned yes
terday frcm a visit of several days
in Albany.
The letter "a" ii r laie of "e"
in an editorial in ths Salem States
man made the republication of the
article necessary.
"Why is it, Willie, that you did
not t8ke any prizes at this term of
school?" ''Well, you told me net
to be ee'fisb, 8Dd some of the other
pupils seemed to waet them."
The 0. A. C. basket ball girl,
iuff-red a def?at at the bandeof the
Cbimiwa m:s es in College a'riro"
ry Kiidsy n'gbi. Early In the first
fcalf the ' vUitore tonk"" the Mead,
which they continued to increase
UL til the end of the game, the score
etaniiug 11 t&lgj in their favor when
the f a te closea. A large crowd
was in htteDdance. .
--The lad that engsges in hazing
at O. A. C hereaft r and gets
caught at it will have to go. A
resolution adopted by the faculty
yeterday nacming is as follows:
ukreas, In haziug, teverl units' one,' thus rindnriog he
TQly, aod particular
'of cadets.- then fore.
lv uti'.vortby
gi i fv of b'
z' pa
13 CCi
i d:
0... ....
Changed From Eugene on Ac
count Fever Epidemic There
' C. E. Convention.
Owing to the epidemic of typhoid
fever in Eugene the State C. E.
convention which was to be held
there February 22nd to 25th had
to be postponed. The programmes
had been piinted and everything
arranged for a great convention.
A number of the best speakers on
the Coast had been engaged long
in advatne. Hence the great de
sire of the State ' C. E. committee
to hold the convention at this time.
Corvallis had tried for this conven
tion a year ago, and the state com
mittee yesterday asked Corvallis
and the Corvallis churches in par
ticular, if the convention could not
be transferred from Eugene to Cor
At a meeting in the Evan3elical
church last nignt representatives of
all the C. E societies in the ci y
met and unanimously decided to
welcome the convention to this city.
The first meeting will be held
Thursd ay evening, February 22nd,
when Rev. E. L,. House, D. D of
Portland, will preach the conven
tion sermon. In the next issues of
this paper the complete programme
and all arrangements will be given.
' It hardly needs to be said that
the coming of this convention
means ruuch to Corvallis. There
will be delegates from all over
Oregon. They are interested in'
cur town and college a--ul v;-U!
Practical Shder & General Blacksmith i
Prices for general shoe
ing. Setting 25c a shoe,
New shoes $1.50 a horse.
No 6 and over $2.
I ; all
ua uu.
Careful attention given
knee hitting, interfering,
lameness. Tre a t m e n t
without extra charge.
Rememtier BlaGkledge is Here
ncoraWe tc.
; tcitrtainaif :
. ' ',':'. I-a t F:':d-vy v
0 ra hcus-e, far tbe berpfi
under the augpice;s of the W
Miss Mabel Davis, whose ill
ness was reported in Friday's
Times, is suffering with typhoid
-"About 50 Independent tele
phone instruments arrived Monday
for use on the Hue that has recently
been put up in the Jesse Foster
Charles Heckert , who returned
"vesterdav from a business trip to
, Eugene was told while there that
' the number of typhoid cases at that
time in Eugene was above go, His
i -f . mant was a physician of the
1-Keith Brown is now sole own
er of the Pioneer bakery. Last Fri-
1av hp rmrchased the iuterest of
Joe McEadden, and the latter de
parted at once for Portland. Mr.
Brown expects a baker to arrive
from Portland in a few days to take
charge of that part of the work.
Clay Shepard, secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. at the college was tak
en to his home in Polk county Sat
urday. He is suffering with an
ailment that it was feared might
Jevelop into typhoid fever. He
was however, able to be out of
"door the day after his, arrival
home, according to the statement of
liis brother, who returned to col-
Jgt yesferday.
Harry Cronisedisplayed on the
street yesterday a spray of lemons,
sent him from Merced, California
There were three on the branch,
each in size larger than any of those
ever seen in the markets. As a
setting to the dark green leaves
'they made an appearance so sightly
that Mr. Cronise had them photo
graphed. They came with a box
of oranges to Mr
California friend.'
C. T.
U , rtrlcUd great credit upon a'l
tie (.arties iDteieited,. the inaugu
rates and tbe artists alike. The
programme which was of unusual
ength, consisted of musical and el
ocu',icn:ry numbers, and pleased
and entertained a large and appre
ciative audience to tbe end.
-A force ot a dozen men and three
teams is doing the grade work- for
the new eide track extension on
Water etreet for the convenience of
the Cbrvallie sawmill. In addition,
a bridge gang is at work, buildiDg a
hridtfp at the intersection of Tyler
and, Water stree'e where there is a
roadway by whicb teams reach the
Willamette. Mo?t ol the grading
from the milL to Tyler street 13 al
r,9r.dy completed. Between the
tui.ige aod elee'ric light plant there
will be cmider able-cut acd also a
heavy fill. Tbe uew eidiDg will end
at the chute at the rrnll.
B de are called fjr by the gov
ernment for delivery of : mails be
tween. tbe C'jrvJiliis" iiostoflice . aud
the C & E. et:tton J iha Lenger
has been renderirg the service, but
tbe tripe have so increaeed that he
has struck for higher wages. The
result, is a call tor bid', wbicb are
prepared and to be handed in
to Postmaster Juhoeon within ten
days to be forwarded to the depart
ment at "Washington. Blanks for
use of bidders are to be tad at the
local DQStoffice. - The service in
volvea trips between the local office
and the-C. & IS. etation at six a. m
8:3TB. m., 11 a. rx., l:3o p. m
3:2o p. m., 5:3o p. rr. and 8:13 p
m , on week days, and 0:00 a. m.
11:30 a. m. acd l:3o p. m. on Sun
days, making in -all. 45 Uips per
1 There is much inquiry by far
mers with reference to cleaping up
orchards and- it is apparent that
many of them will make an effort
and on
other t
r iiouies te
We have just received 45 Mai
lable Iron Beds, all prices, from
$2 90 up. One thousand yards
Matting, just in. New wall
Paper just received. Lower
than any house in Benton county
The new folding Go-Carts ; are
here. "
We don't have time to change our ads every week,
we sell goods to beat the band.
Dent buy vx&l you see our large stock oi House
in-z. Goods. 4 rooms foil.
Acme Washer.
Saturday evening the Rebek
- ahs held a special meeting at their
"hall to receive Mrs. Frazier, Presi-
dent of the Assembly. As the
president wished to witness the
manner of putting on the floor work
and there was no regular candidate
Miss Marvin, a visiting member.
was duly taken through the mys
teries of the degree. Both the can
didate and the? president praised
the staff for their splendid work.
Afterwards thei;e was a cordial in
vitation to the banquet room, which
no one declined".
They have fire drill on occas
ions now, out at the public schools
There is a given signal which the
pupils have come to understand. J
Sometimes it is given without warn
ing, but in a twinkling the young-
; sters catch its signification and hur
ry into their positions for leaving
the building with proper haste.
Every pupil knows hisor her place,
and by reason of this knowledge it
is possible to empty either building
without confusion and in "only a
minute or two. '
Cronise from ai t0 Fave their fruit trees. There
always a warm spot in the family
heart. for favorite old apple trees or
pear trees or cherry trees, even
though disease aod pests may have
overwhelmed them to the extent of
interfering greatly with their fruit
age. Ttiere are associative, oft
times around many of tbeee trees
that make them especially interest
ing to everybody on the place, and
in manv instances it would be an
unpleasant incident to Bee such
trees cut down at tbe behest of the
law. A great, wave of agitation,
however, for strict enforcement of
the law is sweeping over . Western
Oregon, and it is apparent that the
epray pump must be used, or the
axeman will come, i
an in
n where ibe conventinri
las met.- 1 ciousn the time is s.jort:
hard work this convautiju can
ue rovaiiy entertained.
Different committees have been
appointed but the committee on en
tertainmeut and welcome is the
most importantand will begin work
at once by calling on all tbe people
of the town to provide entertain
ment for the delegates. This com
mittee is as follows: Rev. Green,
Misses Mary Sutherland. Emma
Crawford, Cameron, Graves, Em
ma Thompson and Leona Jackson,
and Messrs Hill and Wyatt.
ttmsswz - . 1 zz.
ibe Lincoln Said
the ume,-
you can't
Teacher's Exarnination.
Notice is hereby given that the couht-y
eupHrinteudent of Benton, county 'will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at Cor
vallis, Oregon as follows : .
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday Feb. 14 at 9
o'clock a. m. , and continuing until Sat
urday Fet). 17, at 4 o'clock p. m.
W dneeday Penmanship, history, spell-
lug, algebra, reading, school law. .
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of
teaching, grammar, bookkeeping phy
sics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men-
tal arithmetic, composition ana phy
sical geography.
S.; urday Botany, pjane geometry,
ST ;neral history, English l literature,
' For County Papers. .
C Vnmencing Wednesday, February 14,
' ' 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing uutil
Friday February 16 at 4 o.c'ock p. m.
Yon can fool some of the people all
and all of the people some of the time; but
fool all of the people all the time."
We have adopted a batter plan than that
Never Fool Anybody
The merchandise we sell is exactly as represented
If not we req jest you. to allow us to exchange it for
other goods or real money. .
( Corvallis, Oregon
it, Second and "Third
Grade Certi-
Eor Rent.
Nice of&ce rooms to rent in my
concrete building. Aiso cheap
".back room. " " ---B.
R. Thompson.
: 51 Cents Per Setting
For eggs. Beet browu "ghorns.
T. B. Irvine, Corvallis. !
; Notice of Final Settlement.
In tbe Matter of the Estate )
ot I
Mary Elizabeth Haugas, deceased)
Notlt e is hereby given that the undersigned aa
administratrix ot Bald estate of Mary Elizabeth
Mangas, deceased, has filed her final account as
such administratrix with the clerk of the coun
ty court ot the state of Oregon, for Benton coun
ty, and the said court has fixed Saturday, the
loth day of March, 1906, at the hour of two o'
clock in the afternoon ot said day as the time,
and the county court room ln the court house
In Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing
any and all objections to the said account and
tor settlement thereof.
. Dated this February 3, 1906;
. . MABy BtEB,
Administratrix of the estate of Mary Elizabeth
Mangas, deceased.
Wt-dnesdav Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday- -Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, physiology. .
Friday .Geography, mental arithmetic
school law, civil government. .
For Primary Certificates
Wednesday Pen manshi p, orthography,
arithmetic, reading
Thursday Art of questioning, theory of
. teaching, physiology..
Notice is further given that teachers. will
be confined in their answers in theory
and practice' to White's Art of Teach
ing. . .
Notice is further given that applicants
who are strangera to the county board
of examiners wi' l be expected to . fur
nish testimonials as to their 1 moial
character before certificates will be is
Dated this 31st day of December 1906, at
Uorvallis, Or, !
Geo W Den man, '
County School Supt Benton Co., Or,
Veterinary Surgeon.
ur. iv. jacKson, veterinary sur
geon, has located :. in ; Corvallis for
the practice of his profession. Office
at Winegar & Show's livery stable.
' Wood . Wanted. '
Notice Is hereby given that the County Court
of Benton County,:Oregon, will receive sealed
bids for furnishing wood to Benton County, for
the year 1906, as follows : . 25 cSrds of oak grub
wood, tour feet long, and not less than 3 Inches
in diameter; also 35 cords split maple wood, tour
feet long, also 15 cords of second growth fir
wood, four feet long. Said wood to be delivered
at tbe county court house in Corvallis, Oregon
between June 1st and August 1st, 1906, and
when so delivered and accepted to be paid for
In county warrants. All bids must be filed' In
the office of the county clerk ot Benton county,
Oregun, on or before Wednesday, March 7. 1906,
at the hour of i o'clock pl Mr The come reserves
the right to reject any andul bids. - ; '
" Dated this 10th,day of February, 19C6.' ' ,: - -
. - - - County Clerk,
Sure Pop
You .will always find us up and coming
. ' and our prices reasonable.
Boots and shoes for men, women '""and children, hats,
caps, underwear,' everyday and Sunday shjrts
ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
things to numerous to mention, .
A fin? line of groceries, crockery and everything
, is needed in a grocery department
Fjr Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen for the
bell and y ou will find there is something doing
; Borniiija,
The Grocer
The First National Binkof Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
coneervative tanking business.
Loans money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money transfer re dto he principal
cities of the United Statep, Eu
rope and foreign couDtrief. :
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoiSce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson Btraets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. in. Orders may be"
eft at Graham &. v "'hatd's drug store.,
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
Physician & Surgeon
0?3ce, roons 14, BbeB ElSg. Konrn
10 f-o ta scd 2t4.
Phone, cRlec S3. Resid.3i-.M-55!.
Corvams. . Ciob.
o. k. fauba;
Physician .& Surgeon,
Office a ) icain i 1 d
idence 01. tin casr
Seventh at. Pan: 1 1
Of Villi)!
. 1 1 a
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
ffevi Jime fard for C, to E.
Taking effect January 1, 19O6, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows:
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8:00 a. ill.
12:45 p. in. and 7.35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany 6:30 a. ru
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday Trains: ' 1 " '
, . Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
The afternoon train leaving Albany at
2:40 p m. will be discontinued.
Banking Company.
Corvallis, Obegox.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals In Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
The Bank o
Principal Correspondents.
iaooma : ) '
NEW YORK Messrs. J. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. N M Eothachilds A Sons
CANAD 4 . Dolce Kanlt of Clsinaaa
,V Wfi arfi not inolined to snend much time
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
6 B Bornltig
-J ....... - ;
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon
Benton Couuty. .
Myrtle Benson, .Plaintiff.)
. . versus
John'T. Benson, Deft.
. To John D. Benson, trie above named defend
ant: . 'i
Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaiut of the plaintiff In the
above entitled-fcuit In the above entitled court,
now on nle in the office of the clerk of said court
on or before the last day of the time prescribed
in the order for publication of this summons
made bv the county judge of Benton couuty,
state of "Oregon which order is hereinafter ' re
ferred to) to wit, Wsrch 2J!d. 1900, and you are
hereby notified that ifou fail so to appear aud
answer the said-complaint as herein required,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply io the
above entitled court for the relief demanded In
her said complaint, namely, for a decree of
divorce from the said defendant forever c"1bsoiv
lng the marriage contracfexlsting between the
plain tilt and said defendant, and for such other
mriucr emv .
the court may seem proper.
This summons Is published tn the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive nd oon-.nKivML-fl
hAplnnirti? with the issue of
February 9, 19C6.. and ending with the Issue of
March 23, 1!X)6, under and in pursuance of the
directions contained lu an order made by the
Hon. Virgil E. Walters, county jjudge of Benton
county, Oreg n. being the couuty where the
above entiuu sail is pending in' the above en
titled circuit coart, dated February 8, I9pt.
Date oi first publication hereof Is February -.
1900 ' ! v -E. E. 'WILSON, a
Plaintiff a Attorney. J
Dollar Saved Represents Ten
Dollars Earned. 2. r
The average man iloes not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings, lie mnstsiend
nine dollars in living expenses for. every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars outlay later on. It 'is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Cbliev
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs
but a"few' cents, and a bottle of it in the hone
often saves a doctor's hill of several doljars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham.