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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1906)
LOCAL LORE. HEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. Tbe Comiag9 and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items Public Interest. of Miss Myrtle Trask arrived from Woodburn Monday for a visit -adth her brother, S. E. Tra-k. Mrs. Rialto Weatherford and children of Harrisburg are the jjue3ts of relatives in this city. Marlon Stokes, - a former stu dent of O. A. C, was a guest at -the S. N. Wilkins home from until Monday. II. H. Ling, agent at Summit, has been transferred to Toledo, J. E. Franklin, former agent at the 'atrpr riiarf hamiinr resiirtiprl. ,1.. . Saturday's Yaquina bound train broke a valve stem on the en gine half way- between TCorvallis and Philomath causing a two hours Mrs. Trimble of Albany is vis iting in Corvallis with her daughter Mrs. John .Brown. Miss Louise Cooper left yester: day evening for a two weeks' visit with Harrisburer and Grants Pass friends. "The Wooing of Bernice" by Wilson Barrett, will be rendered by Inez St. Germain Proebstel at the Reading Room benefit given at the Opera House on the loth. .Henry Hammersley and fami ly departed Monday morning for Alsea, where they have purchased the old Taylor place, which they -are to occupy. r- Frank Groves, who for several years has been employed at trie Bremerton navy yards, arrived in Corvallis Saturday and may remain here. Wilbur Starr of Monroe was in Corvallis yesterday and was accom panied home by Claude Starr and son, who go for a visit with rela tives. - Services t the 'Presbyterian church are to continue throughout the week, conducted by Rev. J. R X. Bell. There is great interest in the meetings, which are unusuaMy successful. Divorce suits were filed Mon day at the county clerk's office as follow:-: Plutarch Lesvis vs Aimed a Xewis; Myrtle Benson vs John T1. Benson. The grounds in each case is desertion. A delightful meeting of the Barnacle club occurred at -Fisher's Hal! Saturday evening. TLe ball was prettily decorated with Oregon gtape and ferns and the music inspiring. About twenty couples were present. Mrs. Floyd Williams is to sail from Seattle on the 16th inst for 3Ianila. Her husband, who is en route there from San Francisco via the Coptic, should reach the Philip p:ne capital today or tomorrow. The Chemawa girls are to play "basket ball at the Armory Friday night. They were defeated here last 3'ear, and are coming back to wipe out the score, if they can. The OAC girls are at hard practice daily, in the hope of reeling off an other defeat tor their opponents. The outcome will be watched with considerate uueresr. The steamboat Walker, which has been hauling wheat from upper river points to the Corvallis Flour ing mills, has completed her work and gone to Portland. The last load of grain came down from above Saturday. The branch warehouse at Peoria- was emptied as was the Finley warehouse. The wheat at Boonville is to be hauled to Corval lis by team. The funeral of little five year old Laurence Hulburt, son of Mr. and if rs. Jacob Hulburt, occurrrd at the Catholic church at 12 o'clock Sunday. The sen ices were con ducted by Father Burri, of Mc Mkmville, and interment ""was in the Catholic cemetery. The funer al is said to have been the largest held for a child, in Corvallis in years, many friends coming from Monroe, Wells and other places. -Miss Agnes Wilson, who was ihe first Corvallis candidate to enter the contest for the Oregonian's free trip to Yellowstone Park, leads in this, the eleventh district, with 5,777 votes. A picture of Miss Wilson appeared in Sunday's Ore gonian. Those back of her candi dacy feel confident of sending the young lady on the trip, although there will beN much opposition from the other, towns that with Corvallis, comprise the nth district. - E. W. S Pratt went to Port land Sunday. - "' '.-' " Mrs. Ella Ilnrnbrrt will preach at the Cbrittian churoh nest Sun day, morning and eveclog. The youngest daughter of Thomas McGinnis who has beta quite eii k with typhoid fever, is improving. Dr. and MrP. IJ. S Ptrntt left jfeterdey to attend the gracd op-ra, which opened at the Mar quam in Portland last t vening. Frank Lane and Joseph Pat terson left Si turd ay to take advan tage of the grand opera season in Portland, this week. Salem Journal: There will be a t tal eclipse of the moon in the early morning of Friday mxt, Feb ruary 9th, There will be etvral other eclipses In April when the primaries are hfld. The school board ' at . Eugen", on account of the typhoid fever ep i lemic in that town, is supplying boiled water to the pupils of the public school. -tJ. J. Cdy leavs tomorrow on a business trip to Newport. His firm does a considerable furniture trade in tht town. D. D. Btrmau has pnrchated an in'erest in tr e real estate firm of Robinson .& Stevensor. The firm name cow is Robinson, S ev enson & Bermar. '-p Mrs.' Floyd Williams ip coach log: the girls' 'basket-ball team of tbe Baker City high school. A match i? on between the Baker City and La Grande high school teamp, with much interest in the outcome. The fields are said, under the comparatively dry weather condi- t od3 of the past month, to be in good shape for ploughing, and ma ny teams ate at work daily, getting the land ready for the seed. With the large acreage sown last fall, ti e pr jspect now is for a large volume of grain produet the coming season If crop conditions cpntinue favora ble. -- L tters from R. M. Gilbert, rent by the Water Board to inspect Corvallis water pipe at the Tacpnoa works, relate that shipment of pipe, lately in terrupted by act of the Board, has beeo resumed. A carload left Seattle Sunday, and is to be follow ed by .'n..ther iB a few days. In about a week the plant will turn out a carload a day. Mr. Gilbert inspects every piece of mtterbl used before and during the process of manufacture. Work i9 to begin on the "Y. M. C. A. buiidiog at the college juet as soon as material can be put on the grouod. Local talent, contrary to first anangr ment, is to'do the build ing. Alter going over tne bids, trie building committee determined to throw out all bide, which was done. Then Charles Heckert was employ ed tj do the building, and the com mittee will furnish the material. Salem Journal: The further fact" leaks out that the com bination of republioana and demo crats who recently took charge of the Salem city " government was formed secretly at the office of the anti-saloon league at' orney, an i all work was directed from there. Thus it would appear that there is but one man in the city council of any party who is not on record for the policy of making Salem a cloEed town. This is not stated as an ar gument for or against any one, but to show the progress we are mak ing toward prohibition. There are these who look for the time when, mere win not De a saloon lett lu ' Salem. Albany Herald: Mr. Baker, residing near Heceta Head light bouse, about ten days ago, made quite a find on the beach. At a point on the coast near his resi- deoce a current sets in to the shore and rxany strange finds ere made on tne- oeacn. a tew weess ago Mr, Baker, while on the shore, saw a barrel in the surf rolling in with every wave to again to be car ried out. Watching it for some time, he took advantage of a big wave that brought the barrel near the shore and he rushed into the sea, catching the barrel. For a half hour he struggled with his find, finally landing it high and dry. With the help of some friends the barrel was taken to the house, and an examination showed was branded "Clover Leaf Whis key," bearing the copper plate of the bonding warehouse and the le gend "52 gallons." The barrel was pretty well covered with barnacles, indicating that it had been in the water for a long time. For Rent. ' Nice office rooms to rent in my concrete building. Aiso cheap back room. B.R.Thompson. . WAIT FOR AN APPETITE: You Should Never Eat Simply Foi the Sake of Eating;. ' A prolific cause of chronic indigestion la outing from habit and simply be cnuae tt la mealtime and others are eating. To eat when not hungry is to cnt without relish, and food taken without relish is worse than wasted. Without rolteh the salivary glands do not act, the gastric fluids are not freely secreted, and the best of foods will not be digested. Many perfectly harmless dishes are severely condemned for no other reason than they were eaten, per functorily and without relish and due iusalivation. -SSiai33Sf Hunger makes the plainest foods en joyable. It causes vigorous secretion and outpouring of all the digestive flu ids, the sources of ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, etc., without a plentiful supply of which no foods can be perfectly di gested. , Wait for an appetite, if it takes a week. Fasting is one of the saving graces. " It has a spiritual significance only through its great physical, and physiologic importance. . If breakfast is a bore or lunch a matter of indiffer ence, cut one or both of them out. Walt for distance and unmistakable hunger and' then' eat slowly. v If you do this you need ask few questions aa to, the propriety and digestibility ;of what you eat, and it need not be pre digested. Exchange. . '.'.".'. THE PENGUIN. It la Awkward on Land and a. Gym- ' naat In tne Water. A kind of penguin, the adelie, is a laugh provoking . bird.. Adelies - are most inquisitive, and at times areyin such a hurry to follow up a clew that they will scramble along the . ice . on the belly, pushing with their legs-and using their flippers alternately like the paddle of a canoe. They get over the ground at an astonishing rate, and it is hard work to overtake a penguin when it takes to this means of locomotion, especially when tt doubles. In the water the penguin is perfectly at home. diving and steeplechasing in grand style." "It "can jump clean out of the water and pop down on the ice exact ly like some one coming up through a trapdoor on the stage and dropping on his feet. The penguins collect in enormous numbers and are sometimes seen- marching about like a regiment of 'soldiers in Indian file, all acting in unison. A much larger penguin, the emperor, weighs sixty or seventy pounds and stands well over three feet high. It possesses the most extraordinary mus cular powers in its flippers. When pre sented with the end of the skee stick the emperor gives it such a smack that one's bands tingle. At the same time it utters an angry guttural exclama tion. Foolins His Stomach. Landlady You did not wear glasses when you first came here. Why do you wear them now? Boarder I want to make the food look as large as pos sible! "Rush the season!" cried the man to the waiter, desiring the salt and paper In a hurry. Philadelphia Bulletin. Veterinary Surgeon. Dr. E. Jackson, veterinary sur geon, has located in Corvallis for tbe practice of his profession. Office sit Winegar & Snow's livery stable, Afflicted With Rheumatism. "I was and am yet afflicted with rnenma . .1," says Mr. J. O. Bayne, editor of the L'tii-ald, Addington, Indian Territory, "but '.'! . iksto Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able : ;':ce more to attend to business. It is the best of liniments." If troubled with rheu ii;: 'ism give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords.- One appli cation relieves the pain. For sale by Gra ham & AVortham. - Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed the administrator ot the estate of Pamelln Winkle, deceased, by the county court, of the state ot Oregon, tor Benton county, and has qualified as such administra tor. All personshavlng claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned at bis residence In Willamette precinct, said county, within Blx months from the date hereof. Dated Dec. 12, rjOo. JOHN WHITAKEE. Administrator of the estate of Famella Winkle, 1 deeeafred. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Honrsi IO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. The College Sextette will appear at the Opera House on the ioth. Portland Market Report. Wheat valley 73c Flour $3.60 to $4. Potatoes .60 per hun Eggs Oregon, 24 Butter 1 6c per Creamery27 to 32 Corvallis. Wheat 63c ' Oats 36c Flour $1 Potatoes 90 per sack , Butter 50 per roll Creamery 75 per roll Eggs 20 per doz Chickens 13c per lb I,ard 13c per pound Victoria, B. C, Feb. 4. Three more bodies" were recovered today at the tcene of the wreck Valencia, the total now reaching 33. " Today the United States eiesmer Perry and tugs Lome and Wyadda cruis ed near the scene of the wreck, the former tug pickirg up two bodies, the Utter one a woman. Ail are badly decern t.oed, tha features of bring unrecognizable. The United States rt-amer Graut spent the day cruising among the islands of Bark lay Sound and returned without I seeing either-bodies or wreckage. r 1 . l 1 . -a - , r - i voosiaoie v.nway, vino ! i Darling C eek, rr poit-d from there toward evening that some' bodies and casks of liquor were eean in the serf, and he expected that further bodies will be found, tomorrow. The bodies brought in by the tugs were taken from the " shore near D-irling Creek, where landings Were trade today. The tug Lome left at midnight with I2 bodies nine, of them men, three women. Descriptions are being sent by the Lome. The searchers are only sure ot tne identification ot gus Erickson and Inglehorte, and a- notherbody is lbougbt to be that of Peters. rOo& woman found '.Has three rings. a diamond, a ruby and a moonstone. She also has a chain bracelet 'with ':. padlock. ', ' Another body, a boy of abbot 17 "years ''of age, has two wire rings on the tit tle finger, both Connected. DeecrTp tions of all by teeih are bt ing sent to the superintendent of provincial police here. - " , Denver,. Colo., Feb. 4. A News special from Cripple Creek says tlat bad air in the Bluebird mine caused the death of two men and the ir jury of : three otherB today. Allrn Webster and T. Oleson we're overcome 'and were being hoisted to the top, when Oleson tumbled out of the cage and was dashed to. death. Webtter expired from as phyxiation before the cage reached the surface. . Fred. Benjamin was waiting to be bauled to the openirjg a the lop of the si aft, when in some unaccount able way he became wedged between the shaft wall and tbe cage and was badly crushed about the body. 'He may not recover.' Fred Harvey and W.' P. Gu8eman were unconscious for a time f om brfathing" IhV pois onous carbonic acid gas which per-mea-ed the air in tbe mine,' but re covered 8nd are out ot danger. All the men were jast going on duty and had been warned by the fore nan t ) be careful on acccuot of the air, which had been discovered to be bad. Both the deceased were eibgle. ! CilmmSerlain's Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled Buccess in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it. For sale by Graham & Wprthani Loyal, Wis. Feb. 3. Harry Rid dell and James Cook, prominect citizens of Jackson county. Wiscon fio, had a narrow escape from be ing e'evourd by wolves January 29. Tbey had been out all day hunting with a number cf bUr men, and, becoming separated at dark from the maia party, lost their way. They built a fire to prottct them selves1. No eoorer had they done so thin the dismal sound cf wolves was heard in tbe distance. . Placing their backs to a large rock, the men prepared to fight for their live. In ten minutes the forest seemed alive with wolves, and the two men -be gan a fierce battle. After they had exhausted their ammunition they fought the animals with firebrands. The remainder of the party had gone in search cf the mining men, and appeared on the scene just in time to save them. Fifteen of the wolves were killed by the larger party before they dispersed. Business College. New classes in the Corvallis Bus iness College will be formed Mon day, Feb. 5th. This will be a good time to commence the Bookkeeping or Shorthand course. This cold chilly weather you need something to protect your chest and lungs. Nothing will protect you like one of those 'Frost King" or "Frost Queen" Cbamois Vests, at Graham & Wells. Suffered for Five Years With Kidney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a, blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathar tic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strick land, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by Graham &-Wortham. - ' I G. B. horning, a The Grocer " " We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE." WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION E. B Doming Teacher's Examination. . Notice is hereby given tbat the county superintendent of Benton ' county will hold the regular examination Of appli cants for state and county papers at Cor vallis, Oregon a follows : . '"' ' " ' For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday Feb. 14 at 9 o'clock a. m. , and continuing until Sat urday Feo. 17, at 4 o'clock p. m. . ; Wednesday Penmanship, history, spell ' ing, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of ' teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, phi -sics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition and phy sical geography. Saturday Botany, plane . geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday. February 14, at 9 o'clock a.' m. and continuing until Friday February 16 at 4 o.clock p. m. First, Second and Third Grade Certi ficates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or- . thography, reading. Thursday--Written arithmetic, theory "' of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental, arithmetic school law, civil government. For Primary Certificates Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, arithmetic, reading Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, physiology. i Notice is further given that teachers will I be confined in their answers in theory and practice to White s Art of Teach ing. - Notice is further given that applicants - who are strangers to the county board . of examiners wiil be expected to fur nish testimonials as to their moial character before certificates will be is sued. Dated this 31st day of December 1906, at Corvallis, Or. Geo W Denman, County School Supt Benton Co , Or, Try the new sea food Vegeta gelatine. Absolutely pure. Made from Irish Moss. It is not a refin ed glue like the animal. A. Hodes our enterprising grocer has put in a stock. Try it and you will always buy it. When You Want Printing At the Most Prices, Call at This Office.. O.) BANKING. The First National Bank of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts ' a general conservative tanking - business. Loan- money on approved secu rity. Drafts bought and sold and money traneferredto the principal cities of he United ' States, Eu rope and foreign countries. ' " E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over poBtoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may, be eft at Graham & v--ham'a drug store. J. FRED STATES A TTORKt, I -A T-LA W. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County s E. R, Bryson, A ttorrieii-At-Law, G. R. FARRA, Physician & SurgeoD, .Office itriii i iris-.t Sric'c idence 01 fi iirier )f Iilni Seventh it. fit it . 1 : . 1 1 a C. H. Newth, .. Physician and Surgeon .... Philomath, Oregon. fleui Jime ard for ;.OE. Taking effect January 1, 19O6, the hew time card of the C. & E. will be issued, changing the times of trains between Albany and Coivaius as touows: Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8:00 a. m. 12:45 p. m. and 7:35 P- m. Leave Corvallis tor Albany: b:$o a. m. ri:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Sunday Trains: Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p. m. Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:36a. m. The afternoon tram leaving Albany at 2:40 p m. will be discontinued. WILLAMETTE VALEY . Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. Responsibility $100,000 Veals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bitys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO ) . PORTLAND f The Baafc SEATTLE r California TAG O MA 1 NJW YORK Messrs. J. V. Morgan ft Co. CHICAGO- National Bank ot Tbe Repub- lie. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds Sons ; CANAD A . TJnior nanlr of Canada Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could bs avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Everyone knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will cure it before these diseases develop. This remedy con tains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug, and has thirty years of reputation back af it, gained by its cures under every condi tion. For sale by Graham & -Wortham.