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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
iill ? lit " Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVAjtiLIS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2(. 1900. B. F. IBTIMI Editor and Proprietor s I 3 a I 3 ! 3 I a 3 I a 3 I a I I a 1 3 ! 1 s I I .3 1 3 1 -nfrt Already Here Arrived Tiiil Week Big Line Men's Tan Shoes Heavy Soles, Wing Tip BIG LINE LADIES SHOES Greatest Values for Price of any Shoe in the city- All over oun store, in every department rgainscan be found. The Dress Goods department are are offering specially strong inducements. Big lot of remnants that will repay an inspection. Gi ve us J. $i Corvallis, I- a i -H II- Are You Curious? Would pou like to see inside a hnmaneye? Call at Pratt the Jeweler & Option store at any time and he will be pleased to show you the nerves, veins and arteries as seen through the latest and most scientific combined Opthalmascope and Retmascope. If you have trouble with vnr eyes calf on I Pratt The Jeweler & Optician. M. M Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store We aim to keep ahead of the game have any thing from a trop to a goose loadi Something new on every freight. No old stock, everything fresh. Guns aan Bicycles for Rent A full line of sewing machine supplies, foot balls, basket balls, boxing gloves, punching bags, gymnas-- ium suns, nunung coats and vests, belts, gun cases, duck decoys, duck and goose calls, pocket electric flash' lights, knives ; razors, etc. We can fix , anything that is fixable in our repair shop, 2 doors south post office. ence Phone 2 11 3 ! Call a Oregon f . N -U II- MAY BE WAR FRANCE TO MAKE A M0V AGAINST VENEZUELA Blockading Will Be Done With Full Consent of the United States France May Land Troops Other News. Washington, Jan. 3. France has determined to make a decisive move against Venezuela to revenge the insults heaped upon her by Presi dent Castro and will blockade the Venezuelan coast. It is now learn ed that these orders are now being prepared at the naval office in Par is for transmission to the French squadron now in the Caribbean wa ters. The information comes from an unquestionable diplomatic authori ty and is verified by cables receiv ed from France by the state depart ment. The blockade will be estab lished within ten days, as soon as the proper numbsr of vessels can be assembled on the coast of Vene-. zuela. France has three warships now within a few days sail of the coast and two more are about to be sent from Europe. In making this move, franco has only consulted the United States. Although Germany and Great Brit ain have been informed of the deci sion, their permission to blockade the ports of the turbulent South American country basnot been asked nor will it be, although both these countries have levies upon the cus toms receipts of Venezuela. : France considers that her politic al rights transcend the fiscal rights of other nations and this view is supported by the United States, with whom a thorough understand ing exists, France having agreed to protect the integrity of the Monroe doctrine. The blockading will be dooe .with the full consent of tbe United States and France may laDd troops as a "supplemental remedy." Tbe I a ft news had from Venezu ela was to the effect that President Castro was rushing troops and am munition to the seaports, toprepaie for an tttack, and that a warlike spirit possessed thecountry.Whelb er Castro's little gunboats will at tempt an attack upon tbe powerful ships of France is not known, but it is extremely questionable;' Tbe history or tbe present diffi culty be tween Venezuela and France dates back to the expulsion of M. Brnn, the representative of ;.the French Cable company at Caracas and charge d'affaires Taigny's pro test against the-actioD, Castro held I that hia position was .correct, ac cused tbe of having aided the Matos rebellion, and de clared their franchise forfeited. He refused to. treat , further with the French' government with, M. Taig ny. Ao open rupture was averted through the efforts of Minister Rus sell of America. - i - , -France's anger to the repeated insults heaped, upon Frenchmen and her representatives, was. shown by the sending 6f a warship, squad ron to Martinique! ' The move had no effect upon Castro, who took oc casion td still further, widen, the breech by still refuging .to. permit M, Taigny to land after he had boarded a vessel in the harbor to obtain his instructions. ' Although technically this was Toot a forcible expulsion, it amounted to an act of hostility and France retaliated by expelling M. Maubourguret, the charge d'affaires of Venezuela, from French territory. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 23. An infnriated bull gave battle to a rap idly moving Southern Pacific loco motive one mile eouth of Brighton last evening. The onslaught prov ed disastrous to both the bovine and the iron monster,, the animal losing its life and the engine being disabled. Another locomotive was sent from this city to take the paB Benger train to Stockton. When the fearful crash occurred the bull was mortally wounded, but as it writhed in agony it bellow ed defiantly and struck out wildly with its legs. . One well directed blow punctured tbe oil tank and the fuel Eoon escaped, leaving the locomotive helpless. Washington, Jan. 24. "We would whip Japan if the navies of the two countries were matched ship for ship, man for man," said President Roosevelt today in a talk with Dr. James Soherrer, president of Newberry college, of Newberry college, of Newberry, South Caroli na, so the edocator says. Dr. Scherrer lived for five yeirs in Japan, where he was a tutor. When Dr. Scherrer visited the White House today the president asked him a great many questions about Japan and the Japanese na vy fighting qualities, Japanese ships and men. Dr. Scherrer said that be believed tbe Japanese navy, man for man, the best in the world, but the president contended that the American navy, man for man, was the best, and expressed his be lief that this country, it it should have a war with Japan would de feat the Japanese if the navies were matched ship for ship. President Roosevelt expressed the highest admiration lor tbe ex cellent hghung qualities of the Jap anese and spoke in the ' most ex travagant manner of their magni ficent fighticg machines. Persuade an obstinate case rather than lash it into action ifyou want to see good progress made. This is as true when it is a faulty human system as when it is a baulky mule. Alcoholic stimulants and alcoholic med icines whip -the digestive functions into quick action, but do not prevent the weak ening reaction which follows so closely. ': In cases of impaired appetite and diges tion mal-nutrition and wasting away, a safe and reliable tonic is. needed and is the only thing that can be relied upon. "; Dr. Pierce discovered, forty years ago, that Nature had provided freely for these needs of her children and thai In her la boratory were the remedies.-, . Glyceric extracts of Golden Seal root, Queen's root. Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake root, as prepared, com bined and preserved without alcohol, in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, constitute the most effective and certain tonic, alterative and tissue rebuilding remedy ever offered to the public. A prominent merchant. Mr. J. Alfred Arcand. of 689 Saint Lawrence Street. Mon treal, Canada, writes: "I have used Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery off and on for nine years. When I have It in the house I need no doctor or other medicine. Nine years ago I was troubled with rheu matism. Your 'Golden Medical Discovery' eliminated the uric acid from the- system. Since that time I have never been without it in the house. There is no other medicine I think so much of. nor none I think its equal. Every one to whom I recommended it Is pleased with the results, and all thank me for advising Its use. It Is a splendid remedy for stomach trouble: cures colds In a few days, and is the only sure cure I know of for 'La Grippe."' i Dr. 7 Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. - Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . Chicago, Jan. 24. Martin Mon ahaD, aged 60 years, and strong and willing but unable to obtain employment because of his f gray hairs, today ended his life by swal lowing carbolic acid. i. He was once a wealthy cattle buyer for a big stockyards firm. Two or three years ago he lost all his money and secured employment in the city water service, the : position . being that of a common laborer. Bat this did not impair his dignity, as be constantly aimed to secure . bet ter employment, but everywhere he went employers looked at his gray hairs and told him they bad ; noth ins for him. In a letter -left the suicide said. . . ; , "I am now 60 years of age and can find nothing to do, although I am strong, able and willing. I know other : men in my,, position who will pursue the pame course. May God forgive all men who re fuse to employ a man because be is getting old. Brighton, Colo., Jan. 24 Coun ty Judge A. H. Guthriel was ar reBted this morning after a fight with Sheriff James P. Higgins and a deputy and thrown into jail on a charge of assessing excessive fees in recent contempt case against two town trustees. GHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Liive from On Hour to Another, but Cured t iiamoeriam's joiic, cholera ai Diarrhoea Kemedy, Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewy of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ilp-?w cholera infantum last summer. "We ga Iter up and did not expect her to live from ene hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamlerlain's Colic, Cholera am Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of from the store. . In five hours I saw a change for .the. better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one smal bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Graham & Worthani , A SAD WRECK- WOULD BE RESCUERS FORC ED TO WITNESS TRAG FDY INACTIVE. Only I5 Survive of the 154 Passen gers and Crew of the Steamer Valencia Help Could Not Reach Them Fear to Come Too Close. Victoria, B. . C, . Jan. 24. The Pacific Coast steamship Valencia, which left San Francisco January 2O for Puget Sound points with 101 passengers and a crew of 60, in a dense fog in the early hours of yes terday morning piled upon the racks of Vancouver Island near Cloo Ose, five or six miles from Carmanah point,, 65 miles from Victoria. Ma ny perished in the first crash and the survivors are in great peril from the heavy seas. The first news of the disaster came late yesterday afternoon, when a lifeboat containing six men reach ed Cape Beale. ( The vessel had been carried , out of her course by the storm, which had raged for the last two days. The wind is now blowing 4o miles an hour and. tremendous seas are sweeping the wreckage. It is fear ed there has been great loss of life. Soundings taken a few minutes be fore the vessel struck showed , 3o fathoms of water and the officers of the steamer thought they were near Umatilla reef lightship. . When the vessel Btruck her en gines were reversed and the steam er succeeded in backing off into deep water. She began to fill, driv ing the engineers from their posts after they had put the. engines at full speed ahead. The survivors left the Valencia lying head on to the sea, 3o yards from , the high bluff 00 shore, with the water over ber main deck. Those passengers Mho had escap d drowing were hud dled on the saloon deck. Boats filled with women and children who ; attempted to escape were smashed against the side of tbe steamer or capsized in the high eeas and all of them lost. Seven boats and three liferafts were low ered and only, two of them have been heard from.. : . -. ;i :;; The Valencia, sailed, from. ' San FranciscD on her second trip : to Victoria, replacing the disabled steamer City of Pueblo at II, a. m. Saturday. This was the only clear day, officers having to steer by. , Victoria, B.-C, Jan. 24. Of the 1 54 people on " board the steamer Valencia when she struck' near Klanaway rock, ' five miles from Cape Beale,, Monday night,, but 15 were saved. Seven were passengers, eight were of the crew. The dead dead number 139, the greatest loss of life in the Northern Pacific since the Pacific was, lost in 1873. " The steamer in whose rigging obout .30 .persons . were clinging, frantically waving for assistance which could not be given when the steamer Queen left the scene at 11:3P a. m.. broke up about 5 p. m. sweeping to death those few who had survived those terrible hours of privation, chilled and numbed to the limit of human endurance by clouds of spray, which swept over them. ' , The sight of the people thronged in the rigging, waving signals . to the steamer, was heartrending. Nothing could be done. The Queen could not approach closer than half a mile, and to lower boats in the heavy sea would have been mad ness. The tug Czar ran toward the wreck, then in a haze, and re turning, reported not having seen any one on board. The Queen re ported the existence of the survivors in the rigging, but the message probably was not under stood, for soon after the tug left and with -tbe eteamor Salvor, pro ceeded around Cape Beale toward Bamheld. The sea rolled high. There was a Btrong wind blowing from the east, seaa at times washing over the tug Czar, wbicn rolled heavily The Queen stood off until half an hour after tbe others had left, when the steamer City of Topeka arrived from beanie with Captain Patter son, port .captain,, and General Agent Pharo, of the Pacific Coast Steamship company, on board, and ordered Captain Cousins back to Victoria Immediately, to continue his voyage to San Francisco, asking him to report to the City of Topeka on the way outward tonight. The Valencia, as the Queen l9ft her, lay side-on to a rocky cliff, wbich runs perpendicularly almost to the water's edge and offers small chauce of a landing. With the aid of glasses the people were seen plainly in the rigging waving Sig nals of distress and firing guns, were fired from the wreck about 10 a. m. and it is believed by those on tbe Queen that an effort was then being made to fire lines ashore. Mayor Moorely, of Victoria, has chartered the tug Lome, which will leave as soon as possible for tbe Valencia, although it is feared here it may arrive too late, as a message from Cape Beale at 5 p. m. reports the vessel breaking up. Tbe mayor has made arrangements with the commanding officer of the naval station at Esquimale to send a lifeboat's crew from H. M. S. Egeria on the Lome, to see if any thing can be done to succor those who were in the rigging when the Queen left the wreck. With the remaining survivors who had not been battered, to death or swept from tbe steamer by heavy seas as the vessel lay almost sub merged, lying broadside to the shore, about I5O feet from the high bluff at Klanaway Point, clinging to the rigging that still stook. A telegram to the - Mercharts Exchange at San . Francisco from Victoria eay s that .- the. , steamer Queeen reports that the 25 or 30 clinging to tbe rigging on the Va lencia appeared to be women most- iy. - ' The steamer City of Topeka is near the wreck, but, owing - to the heavy sea, is unable to send boats to the persons still aboard. It is thought that tbe sea will moderate enough by tomorrow to permit suc cor to reach -them. . At Victoria arrangements have been made to convert tbe drill hull here into a morgue where all bod ies will be placed when, the steam ers arrive from the wreck. All drills have been cancelled on this account. Grant's Pass, Or., Jan. 24. Since 9 o'clock this morning the I2 men who heard tbe evidence in tbe trial of Dora Jennings, on trial for the murder of her father, Norman Jennings, have been struggling to reach a verdict. When court convened this morn ing, Judge Hanna delivered his in structions, which were considered by tbe state and the defendant's at torneys aB being extremely fair and impartial. Then the jury began its deliberations and save - for - the short time consumed at the noon day for a hasty meal, these men have been trying to reach a verdict, and np to a late hour have, failed to agree. That Borne of tbe jurors failed to be convinced by the brilliant argu ments made- by District . Attorney Reams was quickly, apparent. f r no sooner had the jury retired to their room than a heated discussion of the evidence could be heard emitting trom tbe room in which they, had retired. The debate among the jurors was at times furious and so loud did some of them talk that they could be plainly heard on tbe street. There were times when it seemed as if every member of the jury took part in the discussion and when the stormy lalk was heard by those who bad followed the trial from the binning, it was evident that a disagreement would follow. Lite this afternoon and while the jurors were trying to reach a con clusion, Attorney Norton presented his argument for an appeal and ar rest of judgment in behalf of Jasper Jennings. Attorney Norton was answered by Mr. Reames, and Judge Hanna, after hearing what tbe attorneys bad to say, took tbe case under advisement. His honor will render a decision' tomorrow end everything indicates that he will not sustain the appeal. If this should be the case Jasper will be sentenced tomorrow. At a late hour , this evening the jury is still at loggerheads. Eight are for acquittal and four are for conviction and unless these four can be won over, it will result in a hung jury. This will mean that Dora Jennings' case will not come up again until the fall term of court. . CABTORXA. Bean - ThB Kind You Have Always Bong!;' Signature of