The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 23, 1906, Image 4

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Tne Codings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Oilier Items of
Public Interest.
Mr. and Mr?. Will Horning will
err. : t lor J-m Henkle Friday
r.iht with cud party.
-S. N. V'ilkirs returned Monday
'ughtroin die Wilkios re-union in
Ibcte is io
? j';t at 11
tne'.le Gratie.
Whitby, ma-ter.
bfi a meeting next
o'clock of Willa
By order of Mrs.'il of th
in town y
reference to
ri-i-n Witev
3.8 company pays
:.roal company,
sbcat a moi'th.
.another XiaaJqvi.
Iavilalio .is
C. & E.
1 r sr to b i
1 to the Corvalli"
notion oi the eid-
i. ken eoon.
. . torical conle t
; evening in Col
: : e are beven cao-.-
ir of represent
:? state contest to
j y in March.
. . : Mrs. Miry W.
i- .mi Bentoo coul
,: her daughter,, who has ty-
cow t Irrigon
Luan for the rail
He is to be there
aDd then tikes
.seed-ay night.
i fara" c-ll to. Jr.;
Sunday for So
- ,
;c out for a dance
Leer's hall Wed-
:e affair is to be
:nkle, who leaws
iwctady, N. Y.
ill be present.
Mrs. barah Moore returned
Monday night from Portland, where
3h.s Attended a re-uoion ot the WU
Hc fcmily.Mrs. M O Wilkins and
por- v-coraT.'.)ie;i M rt. Moore home
and will visit ii Cirvallia a fort
Oa last S-.itiday eveaing at tbn
Toi'sr'jgatioflL'l church, a large au
diesee was present to hear the Rev.
."Mr ijreco in his sermon, "Fiona
the ftrch to the Thron-,"' or "The
Life o." KiDg Paul." Much favi ra
fale comment has been beard con
cerr.'ine v- Tb tuusjc by the choir
vwie ei.eciaily fine.
La-t Stiiunlfiy evening th
"7....T!g Indies of A'pha enteriained
the.c- irienJ'. The company nuoi
her:!i.g about nisty-Sve were enter
tained by 9tues and la&t'y refresh
ments. Simplicity and genuine
hospitality marked the evening
whhih drew to a cks9 leaving only
.happy remecubcrauces for all the
A married folks' dancing club
was organized Sunday night with tuitial party io Fisher's hall. It
ils to meet every alternate Saturday
aigbt. Among the charter mem
bers are, Mr. and Mrs. Bryson, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Kigcr, Mr. and
Mrs. Katipiscb, Mr. and Mrs. B.
W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Pernot,
Mr. 3Ld Mrs. A-.f-x Rennie, Mr.
1 iv. and Mrs. K.
njd MrB. Callhan,
;1. Wilson, Mr.
f ster and others.
"id of elsewhere
:.ied by C. R.
: - 'Peak, was ex-.L-ong'a
gun store
yesterday after-
;. much interest.
:d the place as
was exhibited,
...e beauty and
of the cat-like
, there are more
ne vicinity of
killed, and that
; i others. The
u it 01:'- a:
Leonard Moses was a Philo? '.
math visitor Sunday.
Sam Eddy paid a visit to
friends in Salem Sunday.
Lester Meicer left yesterday
for his home in Portland after a
visit with Corvallis friends.
II. II. Cronise was a business
visitor in Toledo from Friday until
Mrs. S. A. Hemphill leaves for
a week's visit with Albany friends
on Friday.
Mrs. J. L. Jones left Sunday
for Suver for a visit at the home of
her fSiher, Mr. Thurston.
Miss Florence Adams returned
Saturday from a week's stay in
Portland. She reports her father
improving as rapidly as could be
Mr. Shelby, Western Travel
ing Secretary of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew, arrived Saturday and
was the guest for a few days of
Rev. and Mrs. E T. Simpson.
Benj. Jones arrived from In
dependence Saturday and spent a
few hours with his brother, Thos.
Jones, before returning to his home
in Toledo. Mr. Jones is preparing
to move to Independence.
Rev. Hurd and family returned
from Portland Saturday night, hav
ing been there to consult a
physician about the illness of Clin
ton, the little son. It was thought
he had typhoid f fevr, but the ail
ment proved less serious though the
lad is not much improved.
Wr. J. Kaerth, for the past
year with the First National bank,
has tendered his resignation to take
effect the middle of February.
Mr. Kaerth has accepted the po
sition of bookkeeper with the Cor
vallis iraw Mill company.
There will be a meeting of
Threshiug Machine men at the
Court house Saturday, Jan. 27th
at one o'clock. All machine own
ers of Benton county are earnestly
requested to be present.
Mrs. Hogg, widow of the late
Col. T. Egerton Hogg, arrived in
Corvallis Sunday, on a business
visit. Her late husband's estate
comprises property in this section,
and the errand of Mrs. Hogg is to
investigate the status of things.
She left yesterday for an absence of
a day or two but is to return for a
sojourn of a fortnight in Corvallis.
Sam Hartsock figured in an ac
cident Monday morning. In fact,
he was the sole figure in the acci
dent, and it was of a nature that
did not add either to Sam's good tern
per or good looks. While out for
his usual horseback ride, the ani
mal became unmanageable, and
seeing that he would be thrown at
the corner, Mr. Hartsock jumped
He landed in a mud-hole and was
dragged for some distance through
the mire, with no special damage
save to his appearance.
Smlthson and Greenhaw of O.
A. C. are prominently mentioned
in an article in Sunday's Oregonian
as possibilities for the International
athletic games to fee held at Athens,
Greece, in the latter part of April
Neither will enter for the American
tryouts. It is highly probable that
either could, were the tryouts late
enough in the season, be able to
make the team. In his own event,
neither has a superior on the Pa
cific Coast, and it is doubtful if
either has an equal.
Misses Juliet and Louise Coop
er entertained about twenty guests
in a most delightful manner last
Saturday evening. l he soacious
rooms of the handsome Farra home,
filled with young people, was a
1 scene of beauty. The amusement
of the evening was cards, five hun-
dred, pedro and razzle-dazzle. Af
ter most palatable goodies were
passed, Collie Cathey and Miss
Juliet Cooper furnished vocal and
instrumental music. The Misses
Cooper's guests were: Misses Mabel
Withycombe, Mabel Davis, Mary
and Bess Danneman, Pauline Da
vis, Harriet Sheasgreen, Edna Ir
vine, and Messrs Sam Damon, Tom
Nolan, Klrner Wills, Ray Walker
r,d.t.firson.and Kenneth L-ooper, layman isunoy,
1 taken by him Collie Cathey, Cyril Brownell, Bush
ou! g, Pensylva- Juayis ana iiert niKingron.
At King's Valley.
- The jast week has been very win
try out here. We bad about oue
inch of enow on the ground oue
forenoon and a good deal of enow
has fallen that melted as soon as it
reached ihe ground. There is some
snow on the hills around the valley
' Spalding's men took down soma
eaw logs las-t week,
they have taken down
million feet and have
teen million yet to
drive last week did
damage to the dam at
Valley Flouring Mills.
about eipht
twelve or fif
drive. The
the kiDg'e
E. O. Frantz
is suffering with
William Gellatly bought another
drove of beef in and around the val
ley last week for the Salem market.
Doc Frantz lo?t a valuable work
horse in an unusnal way last week.
He was turned out in the pasture
and while running and playing he
stepped on a short stick. The stick
flew up arid snagged him in the
groin. He only lived a short time.
Cleveland Kibby ofCondon, has
been visiting with relatives the past
week. Uno.
Paris, Jan. 2O. Tfce American
colony is amusing itself by betting
which of its members will win in
the legal battle between Countess
Spottiswojod Mackin and the Duch
ea de La Rouchefoucauld and' her
hurbaod. the countess, who was
ennobled by Pope Leo XIII, is the
widow of the late State Senator
Mackin, of New York, and was
born Sallie Britton, of S. Louis,
Mo. The Duchess was MIbs Mattie
Mitchell, daughter of tha late Unit
ed States Senator Mitchell, or Ore
gon. The quarrel comes . again be
fore the courts this week and the
decision hangs, bo the betting is
The duke and duchess rented the
Countess' mansion here through a
friend of the latter, according to
statements in court. The ducal
tenants paid the monthly rent.
$200, only a short time. Then
they complained that the furnace
was out of order and dangerous and
installed themselves at the Hotel
Ritz. They demandtd $9oo from
C.'Untes8 Mackin in the way of
damages for the hotel bills they
had to pay and the inconveniences
thev suffered.
Instead of paying damsges, the
countess had the duchess' furs, jew
els, lace and silver seized and put
in a crdnter claim for $2,000 dam
age, which she declares the Roche
foocaulde did to her house.
Now they are alleging that Coun
ters Mackin domicile is in America
and that she will be obliged to de
posit with the court a monetary
guarantee of costs of suit before the
trial of the main issue. She re
torts that her house here consti
tutes a domicile and affords suffi
cient guarantee.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and seft us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also'
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
't-y-Jtr.uc ot ir
t.':" 'f' r': 'v.:-.-.
Tha roouii L, one kept
20 and . tba '!
-osrt of the 1
:en:A.' Adq-,
3v;! -rJ.c Trill V
of tie improve
ter, one oi the
arltstd io Port:
Most of the mi
prrvemsnte has olready
uts are schedul
creamery. An
. nj; a f even-ton
i. - : added to the
It v;:!l be capable of
f space and of
:m n addition to the
s in 24 haurs.
coid storate pur
t, 0 degrees, one at
:: .t zero will be
i storate conven
s .v;mt for the man-
. .0 for shipment
a leading "feature
i ll. For the lat-
'ijdrekt ice cream
aas been secured
uiiery tor the 1m-
been pur-
Some splendid . bargains
at the
The S. P. is selling round trip tickets
between Corvallis and Portland for 3,
good going Saturdays or Sundays and re
turning Sunday or Monday following,
eitncr on West or East side, bnt gooa on
ly on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Saturdays if East side is tak
en. I'asseneera to cav local lare Be
tween Corvallis and Albany.
Sampter, Or., Jan. 2O. The
h 'ivy storm which has prevailed
ii his section showed no signs cf
at atementjantil today. Snow has
p'.l-d up to such a depth in many
01 the mining camps that it is al
most impossible to do any surface
woik, except in the immediate vi
c nity of the mine buildings and
sbnfts and tunnels.
Hauling ot wood is next to im
possible, as horees, wagon and all
would simply disappear in the drifts
encountered. At the Buckeye, enow
is over eight feet deep on a level,
and at the Mountain View, located
at the greatest altitude of any work
ing mine in the Cracker district,
ten feet is recorded, and in places
drifts have piled up 2t) feet or more.
In the Rock ' Creek . section snow
slides are already reported doicg
considerable damage to some mm
ing properties.
The regular Sumpter Valley pas
senger that went over to Austin,
lhursday, was stalled on the down
grade to that point, and it was ne
cessary to send the snow plow over
the road to allow the passenger to
return. The train did not reach
here until midnight, almost eight
hours behind schedule time.
The road between here and
Bourne, the most frequently trav
eled thoroughfare in this district,
is in bad shape.
At Sumpter the snow is four feet
deep on the level, and the prospects
are tor a continuance of the fall.
For Sale.
My farm of 280 acres, 2 1-2 miles
west of Eddyville. One of the best
goat ranches in Lincoln county.
Call or address John Hewitt,
Eddyville, Oregon.
A fine line of fishing tackle and
the best shells in the market, cheap
at Modes gun store.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on hand at the county
treasurer's office to pay all orders
indorsed and marked not paid for
want of funds up to and including
those of August 4th, 1905. Inter
eat will be stopped on same from
this date.
Corvallis, Or., Jan. 17, 1906.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer Benton county, Or.
No Prizes go with our
Chase I Sanborn High Gn
In fact nothing goes with, our coffee but cream, su?ar and
Sole agent for
lanhorn High Gride
The First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loan money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of the United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice If hereby given that the undersigned
lm.., brou duly Hppoiuted the administrator of
the estate ol Pamella Winkle, deceased, by the
im:nty court, of the state ol Orevon, lor Benton
county, and has qualified as such administra
tor. All personshavlug claims against said es
tate are hereby required to present the same
duly vended to the undelfrned at his residence
Li Willamette precinct, said county, within six
mouth from the date hereof.
Iiuled Dec. 1, I'.KIi.
Administrator o( the estate of Pamella Winkle,
Physician & Surgeon
OCice, room 14, BanK Bldg. Honrst
IO to 12 sod 2 to A.
Phone, oflice 83. Residence 351.
Ccrviillis, Oregon.
P. M
Chase! S
Chamberlain's Salve.
is salve is ir.!eiKVt esiieciallv for
. B Borning,
The Grocer &
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
i i ; !:iims, ires! lutes, chapped lianas,
il'-i:!!- '.'jit's, olmmic sore eyes, granulated
eve old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
iv. t n. pcTiid' head, herpes, barber's itch,
s:-it i-, or itch and eczema, It has met
with . unparalleled success in the treatment
of these tiiseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Trv it. For sale bv Graham & Wortham.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoEce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v ham's drug store.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. It. Bryson,
5 days more
for our great
Mid-Winter Sale.
Claims of Supervisors
Following are the claims filed
with the county clerk byroad super
visors af Benton county, for serv
ices during 4th quarter, 1905:
A. R. Locke Sup. Dis. 1 $25 00
H: M. Flemming-' 2 56 50
W. A. Schmidt " " 3
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up ,uirs i 4 1:
idence on tin one; j
Seventh st. Pain t
is:, ti.-ick
.It t ma
1 1 a
One Dollar Saved Represents Tea
Dollars Earned.
The average man does not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars in living expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will
save several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham.
" 6
, 11
O. L. Davis ' "
P. F.' Altermatt' "
E..M. Dodele "
John Price "
W. M. Clark '
"A. Cadwalader "
W. P. McGee '
J. R. Fehlei '
A. E. Buchanan "
J. E.Banton ' ' " "
E- N. Starr
D. B. Farley " . "
3rd & 4th
James Herron sup. Dis
Doke Gray
S. R. Strow "
Henry Hector '
B. W. Harris
1st quarter
B. W, Harris sup. dist. 20
2nd quarter
B. W. Harris sup. dist 20 3rd
& 4th quarter 20 00
J. O. Wilson sup. dis. 21 7 50
A. M. Gray " " 22 26 62
M, V, Leeper " " 23 for
year , 16 50
If no objections are filed to al
lowance of above claims, the same
will be allowed by the county cdurt
at February term 1906. Published
by order of county court.
Dated this 11 th day of January ;
Victor P. Moses,
-" . County Clerk.
20 00
40 50
5 00
10 00
18 00
15 00
4-7 50
27 75
75 00'
5 00
37 50
10 00
5 00
1 25
9 00
25 00
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
ffeu; Time ;ard for (;. 9 E.
Taking effect January 1, 19O6, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows:
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8;oo a. m.
12:45 p. m. and 7:35 p. m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany: 6:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p.m.
Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
The afternoon train leaving Albany at
?:40 p in. will be discontinued.
; Banking j Company
- - CorvaClls, Oregon-.
Rtspoi.$finify, $100,000
Deals iri Foreign and Domestic
buys County, City and School
Priitcipa! Correspondents
PORTLAND f x,10 BalJt
SEATTLE r California
NEW YOK a Messrs. J. I. Morgan & &;
t; U.ICAGO National limk of The Repub
LONDON, ENG. N SI Rothschilds it Sons
CANADA. TJnioc Hunk of Canada
Common Colds are tbeCause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim that if catching cold could be
avoided a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard of. Everyone knows
that pneumonia and consumption originate a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
anil all throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more serious y eich
fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when you have a cold. .Chamber
lain's Cough- Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. . This remedy con
tains no opium, morphine or other harmful
Jrug, and has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham.