LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. A "preferred" creditor is one who doesn't present his bill! Mrs. Waller Smith of Peoria is the guest this week of Corvallis relatives. Mrs. May Batchelor Scott of Portland arrived today for a week's visit with the Misses Cooper. ' "You do not make the kind of bread my mother made," said he; "And you'll never make the kind of dough my father made," said she. Mrs. N. Gillespie is expected this week from Amity for a visit with Corvallis friends. Mr. Gil lespie bought a store at Amity last fall, and the family now resides there. Mrs. Maria Howard is lying at the point of death at her home in Coburg, according to news received in Corvallis by relatives yesterday. Mrs. Howard is well known in Cor vallis, where she formerly resided. Tomorrow work is to be re sumed on the basement of the M. E. church, and the task will be rushed to completion. This will, when finished, make the Corvallis church one of the most commodi ous and convenient in the valley, outside of Portland. The steamer Walker, which is bringing wheat from the upper riv er to the Corvallis Flouring mill will require two weeks more in com pleting her work. Several trips have been made to Finley's and the Peoria and Boonville warehouses are yet to be emptied. The boat is under charter to the flouring mills. The ditch for the Mountain water system is being dug through the town of Philomath. Ed Allen has a sub-contract and yesterday was entering the main town along the College campus. The east end of the main trench yesterday was in C. A. Woods' field. With the main force, operations have been suspended several days on account of the storm. After the major prophets had received more than ample attention the congregation gave another sigh of relief. ' 'Now, that I have fin ished with the minor prophets and the major prophets, what about Jeremiah? Where is Jeremiah's place?" At this point a tall man arose in the back of the church. . "Jeremiah can have my place," he said; "I'm going home." The Polmatier Sisters are to appear in College chapel tomorrow night. The admission is fifty cents without extra charge for reserved seats. Here is a sample notice of them: The K. of P's are receiving congratulations on every hand for their enterprise in securing for our city this high gradeattraction, The Polmatier Sisters Orchestra Com pany. Anadarko Daily Democrat. Over 80 young people attended the Epworth League social at the Belknap home, Saturday evening, and all report a merry time. There were music, games and refresh ments, several original features be ing introduced. In the game of ' Geography" the first prize was awarded to Ralph Shepard and the booby to Mamie Hall; in "Auto graphs" first prizes were taken by L. L. Taylor and Miss Bertie Fletcher,. while the consolation fell to Miss Daisy Brown. Another new case of typhoid fever is reported, making 10 or a dozen instances of the disease with in the past few weeks, or far more than was ever known before in the same length of time. The patient is Miss McGinnis, elder daughter of ex-Sheriff McGinnis of one of the Eastern Oregon counties, who re sides in the Ben Woldt house. The case is more severe than many of those that have recently been prev alent. For the present, at least, the use of boiled water in Corvallis homes ought not to be overlooked.' The O. A. C. basket ball girls sustained a defeat at the hand of the State Normal team at Mon mouth Saturday night. The score was 10 to eight in favor of the Nor mal girls. For the O. A. C. team one basket and three fouls were " thrown by Miss Logan and a bas ket and a foul by Miss Gellatly. In the first half the game was 6 to 4 in favor of Monmouth and for a long time in the second half it stood tied at eight to eight. In the last minute or two of play, howev er, the Monmouth girls got another field goal and won the game. The O. A. C, players were, Miss Moore, center, Miss Linville and Miss Gel latly, guards, Miss Harrington and Miss Logan, forwards. At the op . ening of the second half Miss Gel latly relieved Miss Harrington at forward and Miss Holgate to guard A return game is to be played in Corvallis early in February. Miss Emma Crawford left Monday for Brownsville, where she will visit friends for a week. J Stephen Smeede of Eugene, is wearing a pair of boots which he has worn more or lessjfor twenty two years. They have been half soled once. At a meeting of the athletic council of the University of Ore gon, Guy Mount '07, was elected football manager to succeed Fred Steiwer. Remember the very helpful ad dress, "Our Inspiration in Work ing with the Young " by Rev. W. C Merrit, International Field Sun day School Worker, Thursday ev ening at 7:30, at the Presbyterian church. They had a cougar on exhi bition at Philomath yesterday fore noon. It was killed by Charles Franklin Sunday. It was started on the Allen place, and after it had been followed two miles by Frank lin with a couple of dogs, the ani mal took to a tree, where a single shot from the pursuer's rifle brought it to the ground. With the sawmill launch, James Berry was toning a raft of hardwood logs down the Willamette from Peoria, Saturday. As he ap proached the boom, the propeller fouled in some way and a blade was broken with the effect that the raft became unmanageable. In spite ot every effort the logs were carried by the swift current past the boom and down the river, whence they are not likely to be re covered. The loss is $50. Typhoid fever is epidemic in Eu gene. Concerning the matter the Eugene Guard says: The Guard is informed that at present there are 15 cases of typhoid fever iu the city and in the majority of cases city water is used. The physicians are uncertain as to the cause of the epidemic but are doing all in their power to check it." Garms of the disease are very likely to find their way into the Willamette through the Eugene sewage system. These germs will be just as lively and just as much of a menace when they have floated down to Salem or Port land as when they leave the body of the patient at Eugene. The mat ter is mentioned here as a sugges tion for impressing upon all the importance of using boiled water for the present. THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS. And a Ducking An Alsea man and his Canvas Boat He Bought it East. An Alsea man sent to a Chicago department store for a canvas row boat that was advertised in the firm's catalogue as a daisy. The cost was $35, and of course he had to send the cash in advance. In due time the boat arrived, and start ing from the store, the owner un dertook to navigate the Alsea river. It was all very great fun for the bystanders, though anything but funny for the captain of the new boat. The story is that it floated less than a minute, though the statement is perhaps exaggerated. It is certain however, that even be fore the inmate had time to think of getting ashore, his new boat fill ed with water and went to the bottom, where it still remains. The captain of the craft managed to reach dry land, where he has since had time to reflect on the inadvisa- bility of buying goods on mail or ders from big Eastern department stores. It cost him $35 cash and a ducking in Alsea river to learn that it is better to deal with the old re liable home merchant, who never oners to sell a customer a cat in a bag. SPENDING FIVE THOUSAND. In Improvements New Planers, new Boilers and new Siding. A new planer arrived Saturday trom the East for the Strong saw mill, and workmen are now engag ed in putting it in place. It is housed in a newly completed addi tion to the mill 32 x 40 feet, locat ed on the north side of the building. As soon as the planer is installed the work of putting in the new boilers whi:h arrived two weeks ago, will begin. These and other improvements to the mill plant will cost $5,000, and will, incidentally increase the capacity about 50 per cent, Logs from the vicinity of Blod gett, are arriving in shipments of two cars every alternate day, and are dumped into the Willamette, and floated down into the mill boom As soon as the new boilers are in stalled, there is to be an exteasion of the siding on Water street, to the mill, for better convenience in shipping logs and lumber. IN FIGHT WITH COUGAR Parents Meeting at Blodgett, A successful meeting of the par ents, teachers and . school officers was held in Blodgett Valley school house last Saturday. In spite of the threatening weather, a large audience was present, Between 20 and 30 people came down from Summit on the morning train. The brss band of this place helped out the program. A literary program was prepared by the Blodgett school and was well carried out. Two quartette selections were sung with excellent effect by a quartette con sisting of . Ruth Strouts, Haltie Lange, Horace and Manley Under bill. The basket dinner was pro nounced by all as the best prepared by the good cooks of our neighbor ing valley. The regular program consisted of sn excellent paper on ' 'The Teach er's Duty to her School" by Miss Anna Hall, present teacher at Blodgett, an interesting talk by A. Cadwalader, on "The Directors Duty in Employing a Teacher," a scholarly and carefully 'prepared paper by Mrs. Emma Gellatly on "The Mother's Duty in Helping the Teacher," a very profitable ad dress by Recorder T. T. Vincedt on 'The Difference Between an Ed ucated and an Uneducated Man," and a talk by Superintendent Den man on "Some Things About the Boy and the Girl," 7 Days More of Bargains ? Just 7 days rernnining in which to take advantage-of the phenomenal low prices offered you by our 36th Annual Clearance Sale. You win find every department just as attractive during the remaining days -our big sale as they were. New goods have been ad Jed in every department. of Below are grouped some of our special prices for this week only. $1 25 Sorosis underskirts $ 98 1 00 Dress goods 84 60 Dress goods 49 Oregon City mens suits 7 95 Ladies shirtwaists half prica Dress trimmings extra value at Clearance sale prices Ladies patent leather shoes 1 89 3 50 Mens shoes 2 50 GEOCERIES 16 pounds Best Rice 30 pounds Beans 50 pound Sack Dairy Salt 10 cerjt Corn Starch $1 OO 1 0 30 05 , These prices are just a few of the many that we have made in every department The values are the best for the goods offered, are from our regular stock, and not goods "slighilp'outof date." John Goldson Killed Has Brother and Other Rela tives in Corvallis. j In a fight with a cougar, John Goldson, a cousin of Henry Worth- am, of this city, was accidentally killed Sunday. The accident took place in the woods near the well known Goldson saw mill, seventeen miles southwest of Monroe, and on the road leading to Lake Creek William Goldson, a brother of the unfortunate victim, who has been at worK at tne carpenter trade in Corvallis for several months past, left Sunday night for the scene, and was followed yesterday by his wife. On account of illness, Henry Wortham was unable to go. A bullet from his own gun killed Goldson. The story of the accid ent was secured by the Times cor respondent at Monroe, and from one who was a member of the hunting party, and one of the first to Goldson's side after the shooting. The account runs thus: With four others. Goldson was out after coug ars. They had already killed two, when the dogs started another. Goldson followed it, being a con siderable distance ahead of the oth er members of the party. He sud denly came upon the cougar, which had taken refuge in a tree from the dogs. Goldson stood on a huge log, and from that vantage point fired twice at the animal far up in the branches of the tree. Both shots took effect, as was af terward discovered, the second bringing the cougar to the ground. Goldson, apparently started to run along the log, but as guessed by j footmarks on the slippery tree trunk, seemed to have slipped and slid for some distance, falling at length from the log. His grasp on the gun must have been relinquish ed as he fell. As it fall, the weapon was apparently discharged. The ball entered Goldson's shoulder two inches from the point, and ranging " downward perforated both lungs. His comrades heard the two shots first, and then the third shot. After the latter, they heard Gold- son shout. , They hurried to the scene and found first the cougar in the tree, which they shot. Then they discovered Goldson lying near the log in the agonies of death He' lived but a minute after they reached his side. Blood from the wounds in his lungs, poured from his mouth when they moved him His gun was six feet away. It was a Winchester, and the . lever was thrown forward as far as it weuld go, a cartridge being ready to en ter the barrel. , Bark from limbs of hazel brush on the sights of the gun and marks on the brush bv the side of the log are further evidence tnat Goldson slid along the log be fore he finally fell and probably be- tore he received his death wound. Goldson was 38 years of age, and had a wife and one child. He is a nephew of James L. Lewis of this city. KLIN ESTABLISHED 1864 Corvallis, Oregon. Special $ ale for lan Notice. ine 50 cents dues tor the year 1906 m the 2500 must be paid dur ing January, Charles Knecht, Sec. Treas. Seeds. All kinds of clovers and grass seeds Grub oak wood, all sawed. Vetch hay Li. h. isroofca. We will continue our 10 day offer for 30 days EVERYTHING in the FURNITURE LINE will be sold at a reduction of from 5 per cent to 15 per cent CASH. Don't miss the opportunity to supply your home with good goods. This is a money saving proposition. HOLLENBERG & CADY. The House Furnishers. RAIDED IT. And Confiscated "Club's" wet Goods Drouth There now but Lights Still Shine. For the past 24 hours, there has been a drouth at "the club." A raid by the authorities at noon yes terday stripped the place of all its wetness What makes the case more interesting is the unusual fact that the county jail, that whilom place of preeminent sobriety has become a storage room for barrels and kegs of booze. The stimulants were confiscated by the authorities under the law of search warrants which provides that when goods are used as a means of committing or concealing, violations of law, or words to that effect, they may be taken in charge by the officers. The confiscated effects include two kegs of beer, a keg of whiskey and nine empty beer kegs. After confiscation, they were put on truck and carted over to the coun ty jail, and stored there, behind doors that "the club" keys wont open. The raid was made by Sheriff Burnett, District Attorney Bryson, Chief Lane and James Horning, A number oi people were about the place, when the officers arrived Mike Kline among . them. No re sistance was offered, and the booze was gathered up without trouble A cupboard contained glasses and a faucet for delivery of beer. The keg from which the beer came was down in the cellar, being connected Dy pipes with the faucet. It is un derstood that investigation of "the club" is on as a result of the raid, with a prospect of further develop ments. J. M. Nolan & Son's Great Mid- witer Sale will close Tuesday, Jan nary 30th at 6 o'clock p. m. f The Gem Cigar Store All Leading Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room. Jack Iii.xk, prop. I I I I 4 Our Bi Stock Reducing Gash Sale is still on Every article in the store sold at a reduction excepting groceries. A new supply of premium dished has arrived with which to redeem all outstanding tickets, but no tickets will be given during this cash sale. We give you a cash discpunt instead. Remember the Great January Sale of Women's & Children's Muslin Underwear 12 1-2.C 19c, 29c, 59c, 79c and $1 10 Special Bargains 58' inch homespun, navy, green, black, garnet 49c 48 inch $1 grade fancy suiting ....GoC: 54 inch $1 25 grade serge, Venetians, cravenettes....98c- 27 inch 75c grade French flannel 50a 48 inch $1 25 grade fancy zibolene 75e 46 inch $1 fancy couert 65c Few pieces 50c mixed goods 25e F L MILLER I