The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 19, 1906, Image 4

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    r m
1 r
J Social Gos$p?pefedM
of Peopli
rj Men-
.to. 1 Jl
Ivm -V "TK" V.
'I u
i norcp L,'vte or Aioanv. wa'v i ' I uir . n JCcr valliaj $tia,i&
If7, -:; viluqn. .l:om BcroattF
i George Planter, formerly with
G; M. Vidito, in the barbt-r buei
rjfesa, bat opened a new shop three
doors south f-M-jH. HarirlVTjr( J bfwrr.ia-orkBhirt Ebglari
Qtl Tlrf naa Kilt 1
iiiisv vBHtfirdav afternoon decora
log the Ftago for 'the Rose EytirVrfi
dyamatio rertd'ttgltonight. ob
I The martUga of MiB8 CUrJa
Fischer and Br-Best P. Rands is Jto
occur Wednesday evening at the
Fischer homeid this city. ('I'
! The uni fea1 ag of a coofl
married at AUmny was 33, prtfty,
yfcung, but ThVDilles has gone one
. better or worse,' with 82 farthetf?
The tcpic'-for the morning seV
men at. the .Frgf, IvJetJiflt flburahi;
Sandar is. ' 'Th'ChriF.tian Burden
Bearer," and for the evWlttj,BkJM
Ancient Spiritualist e Visiou.
A feature of Rose Etmge's re;
cital at the Opera '66ireelitio'n,iei
will be vocal s'dce -by Prof." Jotm
K , J . . day 6 sessionswill re Jield in the
Fulton whose... maenor gaurS.
voice has no equal ftf; this of m 'f fyj
thi world. I STOMD LlfStiuiLDING
I he voiineJadi6Kstx;eUe
made a grerit'U'irfevefal loca
tertainmenta last, stason, are to ap
year tonight a'. Rose EytiDge'e re
cital at the Opera house.
-License to-- ed-vfaiWfeuf d
for ite j)4St It y?ars in this city,
lefi for Coli(on:ia last rWfcdoesdy
veninff He irinds to ttoveo
that sthte if he can find a suitable
Tags for docs whose
pay !.) ii .fcVve beea'. t-eoit
Chief Lane. A former lot that
rived wa.nvU'f-tbe rigb,tq,(r3tQp-govSl
and ha 10 be rtturned. Of the ha'ter Fn
new onea, op to yeeteraay, nurater
one bad bteo taken out acd IjO
r-lrie lolloping satesvpa-yefajep
made by Ambler & Watters: Mar
tui Scheierm to A. W. Pugsley,
house and 2 lots in Philomath;
price $2,000; A.,, W. .PugslajtotdJi
Seheieoa 155 acre?.; v mllesrjsoiiihs
west of Philoruatb, price $4,300.
An eleven-year-old "cnH6f'T3
the family of Ed Kay. r livitgstwo
mnes soutDvves; 01 Monroe, ib re
ported by Dr.' Bennett; phyeichiti
in charge, as ill with smallrjoirThe
ase,'aa is usual with the diseaa"e
nowcday?, i3"very ild'Theoule'
is under qoarar-tine, andaBpread
of tl.3 disease 13 not anticipated;
One of iBe" "best DumberH on
r. and Airs. H.
IS 'fits Wt'ti'lCH'BWSyWT
al. ..'1 y
uunj iiuui a viHuoi
Association 0
m a m rr
w . iauniB.cnjM1v!T I
N rHe rhcme I xFH f! U ' El
Iv ral months II -f
II iff , .
11 n rcniMfliKrw
II JAVlUnHH 11x11
thfl RHahJI K ITS - - - -
in Chicago
TileI gonsr Equal. Suffrage
UMy on uiwuief''fK
foj-EjJuffrage. ,,,XbtOttaj.--Ticinsare
ag folfowsi No esflay ehalj
icnatai rf-Ietf ' tn afc1 i trVTvfe' ' nil b'Sf e'd
Ojr d s jpg fj m qije Ifan 1 500 VvwirB ,
All essays mu,t be completje and in,
tlre,"baDyi 1 1 the : 'coWmlttee by
ApHl HheiififtepnthiH Dieitfrja"'4o
be rendered by May tbe fifst,
Mr. Henry Holroyd. whoee
death is mentioned eldewherp,,. WdS
ct. lo
When hwae but "reiars of
age bis parents migrated, JI9 Amer
ica ana located in Wisconsin. When
the boy wag abp,i!it ten yeM'. df ag-j
the parents took tbim wlthfhem to
2lwein, lowaA'He was tbee until
November 190'when he fb'uid his
way to Oregon n,d eettledn Cor
vallis where be resided to., the day
of his death. t
Rt-v. W. O. MeVritt, intQfnation
al Geld Sunday hjbool worfeer, trill
be in Corvallie .Thursday Aiad Fri
day, January 23b and 26th. He
Benton County Sunday Sfchool Con-'tit-i'ls a speaker
of great power and rare ability.
All should hear him. The convei,
tiorfptoBMaF'tiyTbiiay at
'or ieicphones Storm Did Has Sec-
Belletountain, Jaa, 19. Owiag
to the utorm of the last few davs,
waraa was called tiv
Tuesday to C.JA.. HearujgjtnAsfii
tirac9 Kleliard, - hotb esunajUae
young people . of . Benioui,ftc,uat4x4stSil
The brute ib a daughter of Mr. end
Mre. Jasper Rlckard.
Claud Starr bs fold bKMj
est in the Albany ttoriinetilii-
baa bte.i in business, and with hit
family ie to retura to .,Corv4ll4s in
1 ha .uc r t lit 11 .. ri v rdin ' "
'"l-AJU -Vt't v. v.-
phone to Junctio.qCity to Jte at thr
rwomt jbsi eeinng arouna
after asevjrejattiick of appendicit K
second attack.
fountain Grange occurs Saturday.
d,onivyvmteajter;.w vy.LiamTjtt,-w,iMJ
cer; &f w.L
dgoffi jer
Mr. and Mrp. W. T. Nichols are
again residents of this place, and
owners are now ppmfortably located in the
Ebyp s.ApyyJhboqqo a
Frank P rti-r furml
property" "a
rt k .win he Itnon an
hello central. '
ITT U . . M M !iti i '
rmbairii titJTivat
. T ItL. B 'J
aome.v impraenifc4J
S81H3iHflin B3UOH
MAlF; wPiir wompn rvnnn
Forty years ano. Dr. Piercn unnrrhArl
wnicn to supDiant toe letwrant and vl-
-.croulg; nei
iwiai (4 tratirr&l, with alco
lilirttarth'fen'ib fbcue, and still
mil o ailUJtTTlM.
NatureA bounds with most efficient rem--
found medtctnaljroDfirties which. wJiorU l
uxoracieo ana preservea dv me use or
chemically pure glycerine, "have proven!
strong and sick -women well. It contains
.oj Sy 1 1 Dg,-s programme theJ nor a Aet ont.afo n..f
ifnsM slTerlft atw norv Qio ache.
badly ana aizzlness, so that at
Oaeva lious'3 tdraiht ii her, fa&din
from Macbbth. ' S6me of tbe' noestt
desfcaa of ShaTcPsreare' itamortal
worfc are io lite t'aiyf 'lj6to
ana it is it,o rjcncayai 01 some on
thetsi oarts thgt-RusnJ
won! .wide rsrovn "la her stage, ca- and ahi:
reer-i .8311304)
-there . is MKi.a haske,bMfAfif
times I had to He down for hours before I
could d-aiaeur hea." wrlted-wlrs. Mary M.
ruooi(sjof MP wiaWiTnvrTiat.aos Ancreies.
i&kiiJirfTt BI tttle of Fa-
vmlM Prt(l,"nt)we'fef . o?as so pleased
with the results that I kept on takintr it until
I was restored :ta heWbai,.8t)-6irth. I
take a lew doses when 1 do not
ofthe princiDal uses of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescwption; ts .tba prftparajuon
mng. it will be between the Al ( iniraiil, iMWn mm
Axf IIMyjW&U . a Ak L
1 . I
it I A I'i C i , ;i
ii WW ft
rioiurlT oilorOc'J arlJ n aootMjri -.Rinorl
IH.n sril Js xfibdurj Ixau
.9trroDt'j7 9tR HA
.JriabnJa a .UarrqBriD rtattnorlc?
air.-i sf I in imitil & Jill ll(
bDioaqxa sd bltjca sb Yibkitvt fta sot
-I'i?, :rtyt.;rf" IfitioilcpoigrtoD
aiiqov ; m c it .qirfsio'w bna nm
-du8 -Of. ,norin-3?. grtimva baa
ot riofipJT b rrrovr .ptrirovs .lost
(ii smtif. Jfj-iO s ;onn-ti!l sell
".eaiJinui-toqqO'. 9llq3
nl H IV H eh
til Ti .fion
,.o!oD ,3vrtia lo Yulauo
aril lo -.-tiU'J :Ilt3V
1771 ,'IJlj-3JJylUvji!
-aiv noliayliM la allrrtt lotbEi'-I 3f
.jt33w eirfl silfsvioO lit fot
"V9 iasl rrato1 '(inM eeiM
-tiol nt lil7 e'iw ioi gnin
drtei' bna nosniei'IiV notnV
ni Kbtioiit bsilftv .jiII-jW b 9ljbo
XBfw'.'JfifwV aiilrsrio
Ifafv laitd r moil xfibaiudT fntn.
eavitbi ritertioiKtl tin
i.'int'rwr at w a k i
IV yabi5nu"j
n .it
-a-.M?. sril moil njilottL'ivjjjjt efitl
-nsH lo jitooriir. nxtJ lo slftl. Id yiaJ
-wol stlf si clotrl .p.sxei oiSiU s'nol
10 3to3W
-jfRM BditomO
lo isusil'jii'U "triall
arill jaotn aril no-J.f
BkWWil f "J Jullu- 19.,
5?13 9tIT
j ol nj ninc-tg hrtn hi td b ujiVFf
wo 3iUi3:)il i; rol ili-:!:) yiftwoi Sill
5 I ol yls'Jit .born tolninij li ,")ui y3iU
jnttl tto!?ao"?qmi otlt Jo bn ruof.eoq
ytrroTlo inol sarfio orrroa io vitabl to j .hhxoT .rxiftif iaM io
Jn'q Sift yodl JsJj norlhirput s.ttT j -rmol env 'isitfunr ad't
awil lo JrotlVfllVVl .Mi-
1 )b ef.oivTjJm
,'.r,bri3 Jya.i lfotini tialJahi
'.gninavo briK tilinoift As
tUttiig i)I biiR JoiO m.l:177
qQ-ilqrtlo lo rl:m;-..t n't yfji
artt Jb e-soivo ad Hi triT
srlJ Ju yfibanS Jxit thirfr "itoit.
noitfilifi! (Btfcito-) A .Tinrofi sa
.ftn ol bohnojx-
hue .iM ot ,ti Y'iRiiiiKl. .rrrcH-
Jviornh! ff rl;fi-ndl i .alflftvioD lo Ptio' ; vlltnlf vxllf.
TaetiretrSatial S0lrrta1-
lfTrWjPSH JHeral
coneervatlve rapRlpg business.
IB . Y' 4 llf.rrn ..ItlM lo SDolo br. Ou iit '" U. n uJ 'V.?"
231 ,
la cttlesoJf the i4JbitdTStteeV- Eu
,itape ckqd oiagrvboaiAtiePi n'li'f
-Jov anhaJaias;! io ?-oqiq dt ioi
lo 'iuiiuhq 'inimoj jrf) 'ioi .t
io JffiJMw- -
, ysh.'.-MibV vhkJIA iu ntnisfu c
.-th tf!?lj")(. Hrfd') iftrfyl -ilM ci
pito! jr )1 b-)l)i')i ?.rA 'ih'vi'A -xl'l
: "wo" 'to trj'Crcrfi; ;'iui!
I .aillf.'riol' rtt
Nollce is hereby given that the undersigned
''THeeR3lufj?P,'irWt.'tkei pAsifolstrdllor-ot
he eswte of Pamolla Winkle deceaaed,Tbyx thev
trvttWHftAfie UtSbfldilfr7!Beoftft
MfCTbiqlrrjtt;! perfaptovahalBatnW.
nuly viBed to the undernigued athiB rcsideuop.
in IWiliaiM!tiiWafic6,'ti3 cdtftVwlthrft' bi)
i7lst.K a.iroifilytCrHNrM'iaiUK-EBirtBq
administrator of tBe estite of f amQila Vyjakle,
J deeeated. .baaiTiq VUT".i IloTjrIT
Lajiiia vttBdtA-ifffl'ioO
Mrtiul mJnoul ,v.8v;a tiai a-jfeioTI onJ
! ;bi(T ol xif,i k3aio.T 3rTT -Lfiot
Offiew. nm lajcBatoaiuBlfflq tfrfttfi
I 'jaia? ot jffaW1' wI-HbvioO ot no
i p1h,"fto1'fe,?f5m Welt tsilii
Corvallis, Orton.
o; shig tffld Jsjtgfid OAO ad'
ijil) velq " OJ wonomol 'dinonmo-W
' i Thit'saWe'li'lrltfendea 'itar-Wt
n i j5 j1 ktj i Intro&l I frost S bjdeij hipped! BafidB-,--
i I Hi 1 1 I 1 lik FVI llr
7 Inv34?f J y
, If I I ' , . .. Silo vabaniilT
i J if AT;rw .Z; U . ex. -u
111 n a. f:l :: ! S n' -T E( rffl w J H J l
TYVlaV i VBb ii-ntivrboo
i (C-ini yd i
: ,: i f
, I 4- Wai
i . ... . . T . - - -
-Ttwp3-i at .rtrooiclt Btta sdi :d srij . jJo trm j .51 .M silt In ao-A-n-jH-Iworf
- nlfirqxg Jtito d:,C3 bus .ba hriB t t 1R anjin0(M yEf-tiuP. .rf'.j
,9ntupat Tsnio oiih sail i ".iBvmJJ. boboaH ari l " .tiori
-3d b3ileB ri39d tfsvsn svBtl xntaw .ioJh( .noaUIil .
birfi Y.-'ib''--i'-' bs7
tliV sd.
k? a k: -Jaa ak-fiiji ikjM
nn au i 1 Irl l If I I M l l lf 1
I .sttimvo i "So
5 O ITU b
,!;ifiloii,(. rM-
urJ Oiii 'io
btt(itl (0't tiiO i
tit :u'j fifoai '
;j-)t(sJvfiiH; i
snaW4(3teHtclnaa) icsiiW)"trwt4i3iRjtt(tA
w5tU.jipiiiiaJlbBncoe irt iheitrfea'ffnmttt
.of these diseases. Price 28 cents rier box.
TriSi if iFar t btier hJf)trHhtS tfeWrtivam.
H i -niii tb yd b'jfiHtoq btifi 3tt;J6i3ttI
i riiiv . i )woq Jeo rs "io iobDi oit
1 ! bfirHjofSbtiEBKNOTvl "io eJitl
1 ;i:Tco 33f!tj7.'t 3HOX aril Tit llttt
Office over DOfltofllca....'RHulAnfA dan. l.
fth'and'JeHerBdn 8(fs.Hoia 10 to ,1
1 12 a. m., 1 to 4 P- TnVa J bmky be J
ett at, graham ,Vf0"f ham drii. et4re.
fiiij, li.'jifldof)
rl-t itU h-.tniii ovir: ! -IO If.Mit'X.i Jl
wil to mom liatf iVtw Y.miqino: ad
bfno',1 tioliwrf liiST
1) Jj: b:w -J1 ot ai
UA .HlnlfIJ01f
itit rrctib ?; to oiont
. I rt! ... .! I J ..-.! I IfttM -mlfit'llK
....... a t,.i;a ,tt -ntic filHO inmo atu oau o-jisnai
i.Atuiun t .- t .
a a w ..; 1 a-jouam nooses ' anr imtir.j virr p ' "
i. f
JL xM J.l l I rim fflfif 5BiT
esmei? .ill ,?.0Jfi3"i3o guiwouot am m: , aft,i i1s j .-r tt .;tJ:a
.V .-fsIdmA X tnoH .odnjooytlltw .rf-iao(U OWj tdi w-ioa ; I.niuso
.if ,T3HiM .J .vi .nabbft-I'jM .BfsMft J!; K Uat. .uvtl bbfq C
laohT biifi j!')O0boo W .rf Ml .oatvil .juode
&U. .U .V to HiniTt am nu
arl, moil '43.
finjtlira ,'-;;i t ,v Bitifiii
.rtyrort5l wv! avtu? ettiv.'t M f) ihhM
tao7r buS'I'jj'ov 00j,"l' illl ff lutak ui iii'l
9dt ffitw fitHtV llltwH 'to iH-ti!i -i'ii :i
toil) Jld'lBtiiflfl:i tc) BOS;-tor, ft :VjiX.ia
Bna ,B9lflt8 jsrttu'J atU Jo -cJiim ;t!
?0 brttm oilt ni Jitmt on en- ot'tiiJ Ja."il itwi'i Kidt JnrFt fifiii. I'tiir..-)
TlJM0tiHor ratw hoilnlifirnonoa wl ; o(i)d adl motmd nttB 01? (it Jiifiq
000,0 nM tltlvr ,-rot7.T l,rwa?rf .shim iooiloq sd! id bint ld3oftrodt lo
Bassoon ttiiiWirtiP mil', ti tti hAalhf wnrvijy,9 tsaioinatn sdl ot rfeso
-&a -CI .V to mrilT-t fill fiL
Vfc uott?.9tjp sril J.icH arlJ moil
not'! bnAiot bttRtfto'I ot i'iitfi ; io.'j moi
-bnof)F til !.' ?
.rttii jii-ilfii tto-j "i
asiinOl 01 Jf?'
bolos.'fxij p." En
. -ji rt i i ! iDi!c'.
di vd 1:
Milt t
,lil? -Hi ::
rrt (ill'
t:f.( ,ttEnt.;ittiiJ ' .yaa ,tmj
-h!jI)'jT iitiaaatJ v1i:j of! olrtt o, 5
1 : I... ...H .-. T . . ......
ST line mJi if'r tijcit ; .. .
iB3ll03i.'l laTXJ'JiJ 7rt) P. -
10 bioUijijJfla oiu
n cow JiicI
aiClULir.Vili vd busa vlJamotn
tali nmo3
uat comes when
Danv;tjQiies5a anarui A. Ui. iuniarfiB attBUnMtiJ jxinwum tMDWa
A Rrtirited contf t U expected. The SMffl
play .will be preceded .-by aj. baad
v.? TJits kc ctti3-"M much' moYrl-
:.pti Tbursuay t
occHtJoijtu i-y a jiiiGa-suower tend--srsd
J.Iiss Clara Fieher, ,in bonor(ef.
h2? tpproacbif.g iniage. " Many"
an amusing io!deli- of wedding
says ana bridal trips were unfolded
v tuese tnincs neiore ne realty neens
. '- IX 1. LLI t u CVCIT TTU1UHI1 UUKIlb IU tlllUW.
, 1 Ji i-s ci'lebrated-iwiprH reached ajsale.-PO
1 mrmsmmi& eTirhe&fcdBo
. TrtKT.rct onTiavinir
1 1
ic rached asa1e
thus Deen covered,
iv being given awajf A copy will
to nwiy jmontaisflOT recutpii 01 41
t, stomp to1 ecrver cost of mailing
-..i. or. 111 cloth, btndinglor 31 stampsi
XrreOri R...Pierco, paffalo, N.Y.
; ovi:r-persuaded into accepting a subetttuto
f jl-the Original Little Llvar Pills, first nut
by metrons present. A delidousflM
I Mry-vt
une uollar
luncaPor:( was followed, by ,epark.
iiDg ifiaeis, edcu iueti receiving a
dainlv hand paintsd souvenir, the
work bf Mjts.1 Girtrude Strange, r;A
reading by Mre. Johnson and a vo-j
cal n'tcnbeV by Mrs. E. F. Peruot
added! raucb. ip the program... Those
preEerjt were: Mesdamea F. A.
Helirj, R W Johnson, C M McKel
lipa, J F&tes, JoLn Allen, J A
Harper, Grant Elgin, Richard Ki
ger, J;F. Fulton, H S Pernot, E $
Pernot, Gertrude StriDgc,'BF fi
vine, Misses Bertha . Davis, Clara
Fished Eda and Sarah Jacobs. ....
')" been much imitated but' never J
ulovl. ,yjaa'tr td ;ai !. three W
nr -ftthRrt.t. . .
t-cDoilara EarhcrJ.. ' 1
)flffi 0veragemanaTi6t tva t$ kSfed
cnt--pWlis.arning h a".sttucnd;
3bet.doffrBifn livHngexnseBoP'tvry
dollar savetj,, XUat. being, Uie eae lie, eaiif
not be too" careful; abbot' 'unnecessary ex
pensefivery tett-fewifctriropertyrw'.
vesledjlike "buying seeds for Iiis garden; wili
save several dollars ontlav later on. It is
the Bime. in buying Chamberlttlft's Colic,
Cbplshi:and Diarrlioeii Remedy) It costs
boil a few ftertts. and bnttle of it iniiA rtrtiiDA
ftfeii saves a doctor's bill of sfeverat dollars,
T? . .. 1 . 1 1 d lit . ...
ui Bale uj urauam a vv ortuam.
raO ffitiulaaoi. -iu'r tinalrfilfi ea:t ban
Dlsft to Jtiovo etti at ana 8til lo
:Jjjlci9-iptrwCk2-to'",nT tooa!D
jya al37 LeiKtV nitiinn-'So sCJrid orll
ot .55 t jjavisii' c' bHii -tUw
Jjidt no vr Ton l)Qfl nv .iitwa 'Jtn
gflutt on uofmar aTiitt Ml-ovjt fw ,otttr.d
-tiaala too nioril .aa-fl- JI lo
itao 9dT aiorftt!ltoni 10 ."?to!3lv rJ:tloq
-ntlnoo etU 10I iasa-s."iott imVtrnnqmci
hair alnlV fluytU Js eatir-5r Vrrea
".elt77 wo fxtttv? b-;oJn s.v tndf
.aaiBi. ni -);.'f riaJoO
w) btta &7te;t tJ.hi hctit'sittta aar 10
famium Jptfj win
,n-iwiiiwy ft :i
s-jbuT soitol eb nooa Re natnfiairlJ
fit' aadfi!
nrslamoa on
isH .isd ianii.s bsld rtsod saivfid bioitoll
el sde has .loq.hBofilBrjiijl
lo JoaoQ yahfinTj to tolauir!!iiTt
sd-t Jfs raw iid." .sJtiS
si has. . .loodoe galalfiil i?vi;odQ
tsdJ titoi? yaws nm avr.rf o) bie
al aaiaJ gniad 13J?A .itoiJiiJiJaal
Jeih .sbioiiia boiqtaaJJi; sd?. .ihoiatn
baa ,3?frul osbo Hnb fi ?o oro y;d
.3'fb Sfiioe niwoItBwa d nattt
,13V3'-Afod ln:i J't-'blfJOW rjlirul otlT
;id! trjotl aib icon I'nbibsda bs
.iioY 'nVi .vbstofsri'jff'.f; JR h
,Ja-.K(ttuioqqB tin Lwiarm a
!?ot!fi avnol oJ
rTOtjfiboorftrno'j-rc rlgrrl t
AO atlJ ariom A .frgailta
I ttiiiii R 9r?5.,l
.svt( ItiJri l3f,daGI o?. ban ,a'b
.Trr r-;,,- -iv,-,t.
itlQii oJ el ,y.Bq I
SlWiV-M .esJa-vrt to
-fio-rafii-j fte to okbo oi iikb ,3-
ad Uiw oTibti'r aallofr ftiloi
.almtaI ioy.t.M 5111 JaA d bol
. .1
na-jd ard Jttamaa-ian iBttsj
-hiPj atlt ot aonatil&i ifllw I
otq .adt btic .biioi ttlujS
tiaiiano t ot at vawdnid vracl
-vs ad! alqa:vs itooavlntj--viV
to LiBot sdJ Vj Jtoqat
abi;m Jtd .oys afftitotn Iai-j
5 aUJrfiA Ji
f m5?k M "EE WH S
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'01 buoi pdT
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ri bieviftioi
waiV MfiJanoK adt lo Jan
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dJivy ahaanhoa
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Loi-Tii: j;y". a:DL or.
money traOTTerredtotneDrinciDal
the skw, such ,as letter, salt rliaiim,trinB,Jf
VJTrrv ir
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Only'SelAbstfacT BoblS 13 Bentdn' CpunV;i "
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Ct! jJai jlitf.iJIJ 1 ' 1 '' lit-
r.'s-iiii urr-ii .unfui lti iV.ria
Taking effect jjanuary W,i9fl6.tbflteW
harJKDta the "times of "trains between
Albany and CorvalUs as follows:' " ' "
.VteaveJCorJ&kllS fotJAl&rfflrjP11 fI
riRO a flpA&iBTfc m.-taaffto gaivollol
aay lojoayallAS,at,7:35 pim. r.r.,
1 1 . J -
aroytta. m.
awrasjfiitriv at
iSip.ji. y,fU-)b,feodiWontjoiEd..A uisritaiot
badj -ah -wftW. J-I abI'J ;taDToa
8 ;iatana
tig .taJio!
Ey3ftbWBrPWf0 .1A. .51
ifioa f)rjj lo evtjBJa?aiqai a ke fimoo
T uoiJatnlattoa-adj riotaw oJ bttn ba?.ur
q TfaealaimForelfjii anJ:Doaytfflc boow io
I laJfiv Eax9iBg. 3dJ 10I bauJaet
I inTr flrfP -!frteVTOD lOt and 3qiCT
WW W i"WtwKlriiiBrti: a.
ttdq ;
f'A'ttiriMA -
1 f r,n ti tj iiv-iTisr3. t. jr. aLorgrfci) A vf, ,
! CHICAGO--Natloual Rank "t The Kepob-
tt!T;ta"D-"aif a tit .:;-.
!vnBqinJVlrBroH Si 3qti aoi
!TPriacial CbrrsponcJcnt, aJT
MaT. aTWAHyiS-weri'a 1 "t
:5uj f jo'l bitvoffr s: .aosn-'
. ,T l The- Bank .0,. . ... . . , . ;
j CANADA i4vmtm Itaalt ' Icanaaa'! ?" a9ft; 'J i!'.:t
..; d:lo JtbnT Itre'I biie boo ' .A -!.
ConiHi'on Colds are tJi Catse trf.JSiatryighollT
Fli'ysiclaiis who. ,nave gaiaexl.;a.,natiolt
'fr'rJiitetioWariattstsbf the" caus'e'of Various
nieeBseBpBiasin-inauf'catcningcoia couia De .
Wu) lueyer be, heard, of.j;EyenkndvsJ"iocTSl
tliat'fineirmoiim and cpBSumptumi (Originate s4st
.trMicrkWcbronie tatkrrn2brop'chTti&' !-,
iahdjkl-ttMae-ahdltgiblerbgra 4:1 n
yaieu, atj;;jen(ierea f more i serjous" by eadti -'"i-freshatwck.VMMo
notrfisfc fmn Jadorad?
chances j?hen you.Jiayera cold.-,r.Chamber?c,.1M
CodgW lfemedy!wni ure W6reTff
tltsei; diseasrBs ae'telonppi'hisr reftedy fcM &a'
taipipb opiuin; (hbrpMne W)bthefc harmfaTSUCiid ;
'drug,' and luia thirty years of reputation back.'rj bet;
bf itgaibed by its cures under every condi- ,rV5
iibnl- For sale by Graham A Wortham. '