The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 19, 1906, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times I the Indian waif.
Official Paper of Benton County.
FRmfr EVENING JAN- 19, 1906.
And the Soldiers Swore
Kill it but Didn't Cob
Blair's Story.
Richards seems to have been
guilty, but the jury was not willing reference to
to say so. Richards called, his house
a "hotel", but as described in the
Colbert Powell Blair, the centen
arian, formerly . of Corvallis, but
now of Pendleton, was a soldier of
the Rogue River Indian war, and
also in' the Black Hawk war. A
favorite story of the aged man has
the latter campaign.
Mr. Blair and a number of his fel
low soldiers one day, like Hanni
bal of old. swore eternal enmitv to
court testimony, it sesms in reality aU Indians, and agreed always to
a resort for the high-toned vimmor- kill them or any of them on sight
al" of Portland. When a cab After that Mr. Blair and his com
drove up. invariably the lights in I?y were pursuing a band of red.
, j no ui; laLivi uv.v.aiu& suit'
iromonac mm3C wcmuui lv pressed thev beean to throw
the occupants had alighted and away baggage, provisions or other
passed inside the building. Then impediments to flight. At length
the lights blazed up again. When an Indian boy of about one summer
oersons were about to enter a car- was dropped in the brush, and it
riage, the same darkening of the
front transpired. When the raid
was made all manner of folk from
the first families were apparently
there, if newspaper reports are to
be believed. Fstimated by the
slens. there is probably more of
leal deviltry at Richard's than in
half a dozen of the less pretentious
establishments of the same kind in
Portland, the latter of which, of
course, being possibly more amen
able, because not a "hotel."
It justice slipped because, as
they say, the jury was packed, the
fact is to be deplored. It was bad
enough for Richaids and his "ho
tel' to nounsn in jortlana: it is
far worse for a conspiracy to vindi
cate him, when if humbler folk
bad been his clientel and his carav
ansary humbler, conviction would
have been certain. As it is, Rich
ards has done so well that it is easy
at this distance to believe that he
the whole show in order to better or Burial Death andruner-
his "hotel' business by the free
advertising he has secured.
fell to the luck of Mr. Blair to be
his discoverer. Under the terms
of the vow, it was his duty to slay
the dusky youngster. His com
panions reminded him of his agree
ment and told him it was his duty
to strike, As the legend goes, th
kindhearted soldier, eyed the smil
ing little Indian for a moment as
it lay in the bush,' and then with
a remark that sounded something
like "dura the promise," he took
the babe in his arms and carried it
to camp. Before night the fugi
tive band was overhauled and tak
en prisoner, and the waif of the
bush was restored to its mother.
Shortly afterward, peace was con
cluded, and were the story a ro
mance instead of a fact, the assur
ance would be that it was because
of the kindness to the abandoned
Indian child that the Redskins laid
down their arms.
Wrapped Them with
Wire An 'Albany Bridge
The work of a miscreant made
lots of trouble'for the Independent
teiepnone people the - other ; day.
All the Independent lines leading
into Albany from Benton suddenly
refused to be talkable. The con
dition is. whatr'phorie people call
"dead." When the condition was
discovered,' repairers were sent out.
They spent a day in search and
found nothing. A second day was
devoted to the enterprise and bv
and by, on the Albany bridge, it
was discovered that all the lines
had been bound or connected to
gether by a very fine wire which
efiectually killed them all for talk
mg purposes. The wire used was
as fine as 6o or 70 thread, being
utilized in the coil of a phone in
strument. It was so fine that
when first discovered it was taken
for a spider web. The attempt of
a lineman to brush it away exposed
its true character, and at the same
time betrayed the design of the per
son who put it there. Its removal
restored the "dead" line to immed
iate and vigorous life.
al of Henry Holroyd.
If the jury in clearing Richards,
held his place to be a "hotel," and
Mr. Richards to be a "hotel keep
er" what of the other hotels and
landlords of Portland?
Does the refusal by vote of 34 to
1 of the republicans in the New
York state senate to ask Senator
Deoew to resign, mean that the
senator's $12,000 insurance salary companied East by Mrs,
for "senatorial influence" and his
Certain Hens that Made Honey for
Their Owner in the Good old
Winter Time.
Hens pay. Good hens, at
least do. Thirtythree of that sort
at the J. B. Irvine yard have pro
duced 882 eggs in the last 80 days,
an average of nearly 1 1 eggs per
day. :Such a record in the dead of
winter and in that peculiar period
when hens ordinarily are not over
fruitful, is fairly good, at least from
the owner's standpoint. The egg
product of the 80 days . was 73$
dozen. At the average price of 32
cents at which they were sold, the
revenue was $23.52. The amount
paid for feed daring the period was
So, leaving a net proceed ot S17.52.
The hens were thoroughbred Brown
And still Oregon imports poultry
products by the trainload from
Iowa. Iowa meantime, is not by
climatic conditions nearly so well
adapted; to the , poultry business as
is the Willamette valley,. The Cor
vallis poultry fanciers are blazing
the way in an industry that will ul
timately be one of the chief sources
of wealth In Willamette valley
We Take Double Dose New
. Primary Election law and
A graveyard in the East is the
destination of the body of Henry
.Holroyd, which leit UorvalUs via
the Westside today. Mr. Holroyd
died early Wednesday morning at
the family home in the North
western part of town. His ailment
was neuralgia of the heart, and his
illness was of but a week's duration
The funeral occurred from the
family residence, ' Rev. Bush of the
Presbyterian church conducting
the service. The interment will be
at Olwein, Iowa. The body is ac-
and two children, and by J. Fred
Yates, who goes as an attorney for
"high finance" in connection with the settlement of business matters
the Equitable Life are permissible in I in Iowa,
United States senators? Thus back
ed up, Depew need not hesitate to
do most anything on the calendar
of crookedness.
Some splendid
bargains at the
lhe S. P. is selling round triD tickets
tetween Corvallis and Portland for 3,
good going Saturdays or Sundays and re
turning Sunday or Monday following,
either on West or East side, bnt good on
iy on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Saturdays if East side is tak
en. Passengers to pay local fare be
tween Corvallis and Albany.
Mr. Holroyd was a member of
the Iowa colony in this city. He
came to Corvallis on a visit two or
three years ago, and returned a
year ago last autumn to reside. He
bought lots and built a home in the
block west of the Francisco prop
erty. The latter is one of five
houses built in the same block last
year. The deceased was about 70
years of age, and was an estimable
citizen. The surviving members
of the family are the widow, and
two sons and a daughter in Corval
lis, and two daughters in the East
Real Estate Transfers.
J. M. Nolan & Son's Great Mid
witer Sale will close Tuesday, Jan
uary 30th at 6 o'clock p. m.
Portland Market Report.
Wheat valley 63c
Flour $3.60 to $4.
Potatoes .65 to .83
Eggs Oregon, 34
Stutter 1 6c per
Creamery27 to 30
Wheat 63c
Oats 33c
Flour $1
Potatoes 90 per sack
Butter 50 per roll
Creamery 75 per roll
Eggs 35 per doz
Chickens 15c per lb
Lard 13c per pound
Child Not Expected to I Ave from One
Hour to Another, bnt Cured
(jnamDerlain's Colic, Cholera ai
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of E. N
of .Agnewville, Va, was seriously ill
cholera infantum last summer. "We ea'
. her up and did not expect her to live from
ene hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aH8
Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of 9
from the store. In five hours I saw a chanafe
for the better. We kept on giving it ai&j
before she had taken the half of one smal
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham Ss Wortliam.
William Bryans and wf. to A.
Hendrickson, 454 a. near Wren,
McMinnville College to T, A
Cresswell, 5 a. near Albany, $500.
C. M. Dexter and -wf. to H. A,
Rust, 80 acres south of Philomath
$1. '
John Smith and wf. to Lulu Wil
son, 184 a. on Kiger Island. $1.
G. W. McClureto S. A. McClure
1-2 int. in 43 a. near Monroe, $215,
Celia Barnes to T. R. Barnes et
al, 84 acres near Granger, $1,000
wf. to Richard
Hoskins, $550.
D. S. Lipscomb and wf. to Dave
Osburn, 1 lot Dixon's add, $1.
Dave Osburn and wf. to Maggie
Peterson et al 1 lot Dixon's add,
J. N. Millington and wf. to Mar
garet King and husband, 34 a. near
Albany, $2,200.
J. E. Hamilton and wf. to Lena
Hamilton 64 a. near Monroe, $600.
Amos Vance and
Dunn, 160 a. near
Will Corvallis hold its annual
city election under the primary el
ection law ? The town has now an
official population of more than
2,000 as shown by the census made
by Assessor Davis. The primary
law provides that its terms shall be
applied in the elections of all cities
of 2,000 and over. If the election
be not so held, will not the pro
ceedings be illegal, the acts of the
officers be illegal and the whole
fabric of city government without
the form and authority of law ?
So far, nobody has examined in
to the question. There is not yet
interest enough in the election and
who the officers shall be to induce
such an investigation. The one
thing that is known is that the ap
plication of the primary law to city
elections in towns like Corvallis
will somewhat complicate what is
now simple, and put at work
complexity and more or less ex
pense where there is now simplicity
and little or no cost. The law on
the subject is as follows:
Section 6. The nomination of
candidates for municipal offices by
the political parties subiect to the
provisions of this law, shall be gov
erned by this law in all incorporated
towns and cities of this state having
a population of 2,000 and Upward,
as showu by the last preceding na
tional or state census. A provis
ion in another section is that the
nominating election shall be. ; held
on the 30th day next preced
ing such municipal election. The
candidates must circulate or have
circulated petitions asking for their
nomination and these petitions are
filed with the police judge at least
15 days before the nominating el
ection, at which time the said po
lice j udge makes up the official list
of those to be voted for. Between
that and the day for the nominat
ing election a printed ballot is pre
pared for use in: said nominating
eiection. The nominees at this
nominating election are afterward
voted for in the same manner at
the electing election. -
Whereas, it has pleased Divine
Providence to remove from our
midst and from her home, our be
loved comrade, Mrs. Elizabeth
Buxton, whose qualities as a friend
and comrade, placed her in the
highsst esteem of all,
Whereas, it is right and proper
for us sympathizing comrades in
this dark hour of trouble, to pay
our highest tribute to the memory
of our departed friend and comrade
ana tnereiore De u
Resolved, that we the members
of the Order of Washington deeply
feel the loss of her who has proven
herself worthy of our respect and
regard and extend our heartfelt
sympathies to the bereaved- family
and relatives; and be it further
Resolved, that these resolutions
be placed on the records of our or
der and that a copy be sent to the
family of the deceased, and to each
of the Corvallis papers for publica
Dated this 13th day of January
J. W. Ingle,
Maud Mattlky.
Mrs. T. W. Dilly.
For Sale.
My farm of 280 acres, 21-2 miles
west of Eddyville. One of the best
goat ranches in Lincoln county.
Call or address John Hewitt,
; " Eddyville, Oregon.
Mortgagee's Sale.
Notice 13 hereby given that theTunderslened
as mortgagee named in the hereinafter describ
ed chattel mortgage, will on Wednesday, the
3Lst day of January. 1906. at the hour ot ten
clock in the forenoon of said day, at the idoor to
piumDing snop in rear 01 J. it. Simpson s hard'
ware store on north side of Adams street, be
tweeu 2d and ad streets In Corvallis. Bentou Co.,
Oregon, oner for aale and seU to the highest
Diaaer, lorcasn in nana, ine iouowingaescriD
ed personal property, to-wit: 1 encased small
burr and etaudard ; 1 encased small turner and
standard : 1 No. 4 beading machine and stand
artl: l nouow manarei ana clamp- 2 No. 5 sold
er coppers, 5 lbs; 2 No. 6 solder coppers; 1 doz
en med. solder copper handles, w doz, 2!
hickory mallets: 33 hickory mallets: No. 1 hand
gioover ; 1 each 'A- 3-4, 1. 1 1-4, 1 1-2, and 2 Inch
wrought hollow punches; 1 pair Mo. 7o Lyon
nana bnips: one pair no. a circular snius.
pair 4 cut Elbow punch shears; 11X Parker par
allel vise and boxes -.No. 2 beak iron stakes; No.
11 patent stovepipe former; No. 130 Stows
squaring shears; No. 54 Stow patent adj. bar
folder: also hand tools.
Said sale Is made under and by virtue of the
terms of sale and provisions of a certain chattel
mortgage dated Nov. ' 25, 1904, given by F. A.
Hencye to John Bier, recorded at page 161 in
Book 2, records of chattel mortgages of Benton
county, Oregon, for the purpose ot foreclosing
the same. -
Dated Jan. 16, 1906. . JOHN BIBR,
A fine line of fishing tackle and
the best shells in the market, cheap
at Hodes gun store.
Try the new sea food Vegeta
gelatine. Absolutely pure. Made
from Irish Moss. It is not a refin
ed glue like the animal. A. Hodes
our enterprising grocer has put in a
stock. Try it and you will always
Railroad Lands for Lease,
Lands of the Oregon & Califor
nia Railroad : Company, in Oregon,
will be leased for the year 1906
subject to cancellation of lease in
the event of sale of land during the
term ot tne lease. Owners of farms
and ranches adjoining railroad
lands should file their applications
not later than February 1, 1906, af
ter which date applications from
others will also be considered.
Address: Charles W. Eberlein,
Acting Land Agent,
1035 Merchants Exchange,
San Francisco, Cal.
For Rent.
Nice office rooms to rent in my
concrete building. Aiso cheap
back room. , "
B. R. Thompson.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Dr. E. Jackson, veterinary, sur
geon, has located in Corvallis for
the practice of his profession. Office
at Winegar & Snow's livery stable.
! - , B . -
I Vegetagelatine I
VEGETABLE GELATINE is pure and nutri
tious. Ordinary animal gelatines being, made
from bones, tissues, skins and hoofs of animals,
containing little or no nutrition. Vegetable
gelatine is a clean wholesome sea product and
.is recommended by prominent physicians for
its high nutritious value.
Glucose, Confectioners Sugar
Corn Husks
always on hand
Hodes'. Grocery,
Now is Your Chance
During the month of December will offer all of ourTalk-
aphone and Columbia Graphophones at 25 per cent discount
REMEMBER for one month only. "We have, also ad
ded to our stock The Victor and Edison Talking Machines.
We also carry a good assortment of records as -follows:
Victor Records Zonophone Records
Columbia Records American Records
Edison Records.
The same old rm in the same old place.
Sc "Walls
Learn shorthand if you study the right system, and it
will not take you long either. How long? Only three,
to four months, if you
Which will commence Jan 2, 1906, and be able to write
from 100 to 150 words a minute by April 30th. Some
will ho able to . take lectures and sermons. EJectric
Shorthand is very easy to learn, nona eaiser to read and
none so rapid. Yes, 2 to 3 recitations a day beginning
JANUARY 2, 1906
And when you are competent we will assist you to a
good position.
Corvallis Business College
I. E. Richardson, President
Notice of First. Heating of Creditors,
In. the District Court of the United states for the
District ot Jregon, In Bankruptcy.
In the matter of
--E. P.- GREFFbz, - J Iu Bankruptcy.
f. -.- .Bankrupt. '
To the creditors of E. P. Greftaz. of Corvallis,
In the county of Benton and district aforesaid,
a bankrupt.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 5th day of
January. A. D. 1906, the Said E. P Qraffos was
duly adjudicated a bankrupt; and that the first
meeting ot his creditors will be held at my of
fice In Corvallis on the 30th day of January, a .
D . 1906, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time the said, creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank
rupt, and transact such other business as may
properly come before said meeting.
January, 15, 1906.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
50 men every day, for the next 30 days
to buy Hats, Shoes, Ready-made Clo
thing and Mens Furnishings. Inquire of
Opposite Postoffice
AU kinds of clovers and grass seeds
Grub oak -wood, all sawed. Vetch hay
L. L. Brooks.
This cold chilly weather you
need something to protect your
chest and lungs. Nothing will
protect you like one of those
'Frost King" or "Frost Queen"
Chamois Vests, at Graham &
Lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by rheuma
tism of the muscles and may be cured by
applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or
three times a day and rubbing the parts
vigorously at each application. If this does
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by
Graham & Wortham.
Moses Brothers
Sure Pop
You will always find us up and coming
and our prices reasonable.
Boots and shoes for men, women and children, hats,
caps, underwear, everyday and Sunday shirts
ladies skirts, mens and boys suits in fact
things to numerous to mention,
A fine line of groceries, crockery and everything
is needed in a grocery department
For Moses Bros quick delivery wagon. Listen tor the
bell and you will find there is something doing