Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12. 1900. B.V. IBVOT Editor! wad Proprietor tb iin- An Extra I THIRTEEN KILLED BY HOUSES FALLING OVER.. Einron; i j was made during December to I I make our sales exceed any pre-1 yious sales for; this! correspond ingmonth and: theff prt tws a success. To make our January sales eclipse any January sales in the past it .will , be ;.no fault in i j tr; goodsor I in our immense store will r be of--I f ered at such a sacrifice as to in? J vite i buying, eyn if y ou ohlne4 I half needifi Our spring purchas: es . require room , and ? the goods , we now, have, must make a move.! I Come and get your share. C Ji Hi I Hiveratriwi N.:,Y., Jan. 9. To night seventeen 'persons are missing and are believed to have gone to their death when 13 houses on Rock land street in Haveretraw - topled over last night into a pit 60 feet deep, which had been cut -by clay diggers in ' connection " with the brickmakrs industries here". Twelve of the persons missing were occu pants of the talien nousi e, nve were amobg thft resauers who went Jthe neighbors after the hrst house leu and were carried down when the twelve other tjouses went rcra hicg over the piecipice. " The- wreckage quickly caught fire, and those w no were in tne mass were euner crusn-.. ed or burned to death. 1 Toniebt there is grave fear of another cave-in along the eame street, arid ahe occnnaots of seven or eieht hooses have moved away, Others are keeping an an ntgnc vigil, ready to- a'arm their neigh- . - m; . . j bora in oaee oi, lmpenaiDg aanger. The laodslide which carried away the 13 houses was caused by the fallin-in of a bank under which ex cavators of brickmanufactores had been workine for i nttmber of years, The" ground began." cracking and showing seemis af noon yesterday; and some of tne occupants oi nous e along the brink - tooki! warning and left. Others believed mat notn- ing serious would happen "and re mained? Wbeij the -breaking o& burred in" the I long " line 5fofla"nd which formed the ragKed' ed((e 6: Rockland street the . nearest bouse toplcd over into the pit with all WOO were Twiiuiu no nttno. iuouk cuoanl8 of the other houses prepar ed to leave in toe lace of a ciinding enow stcrrnVe A nurriber of people whblived' riear by rufhed' to their a'-d ahd wefe assisting then in get ting out when twtlve more houses went'down,' carryiog with tbem not oolr the families : which ' occupied tberrii but alsb several' of Chose wtb had cone to their assistance. Over turned etoveeet tire to the build ines." The landslide btoke the wa ter main, then cutting off the entire 'supply, and the fire department was helple B ' -.'-- List of Warrants Ordered Paid s- - - - ... .. at January lermoi 'f ' V "! : Court. The following bills were allowed by the county court at the regular anuary 1906 term thereof, Benton county, Oregon to wit: " HARRIS G. Headrick : road work $ (jeo. Hockeroa , : . " H. N. Robinson " N. Hogue : ! E.'Banton B. Graves " . A. R. Locke ? " W, II. Malone . ' " T. Phillips ; ' . Vidito Bros; team hire C. Tracer r " gravel ' M.-V Barnett : -Chas. Cart wright " . Ruble Bros. lumber W. P2 Taylor lumber W P. McGee road convention A. Cadwalader ? ." BILLS ALLOWED. 14 51 12 50 9 50 3 75 6 50 6 00 . 4 00 13 42 6 00 300I 4 26 475 18 87 172 12 10 70 4 00 4 00 Gladys Moore rd. con. piano 5 00 0."L; Davis road convention.: 4 00 A.M. Gray : "' : .400 M. F. Fruit Corvailis ferry .52 00 Geo. Cooth ex. I. & C .fair : 3 50 W H; Malone id. wk. dist 1 12 80 j , The Name Niagara. "Everybody pronounces ' Niagara wrong," said a philologist. The accent of this beautiful- Indian word should not be put on the syllable 'ag, but on the syllable 'ar" the penult the one before the last Niagara means hark to the thunder. ' Its accent should fall on the penult because the Indians them selves accent it there, because In prac tically all our Indian names of places the penult Is the accented syllable. Think of the Indian names you know. Don't you accent nearly all of them on the syllable before the last? There are, for Instance, Toronto, Mississippi, Alle ghany,' Appalachlcola, Narragansett, Tuscaloosa, Saratoga, Tlconderoga, Os wego, Conshohocken, Wissahickon and Hochelaga, In all these names the ac cent is on the penult Niagara Is a Huron word, and If you can find a Huron you will find that he accents it as he does Saratoga or Tuscaloosa. I don't know, how we have fallen into the habit of accenting it wrong."-Chl-cago Chronicle. ! . ' 15 Claims of Road Saperftsors.. . Policing are . t-'be. claims filed with the couy clerk, by road B Pervisors 'of Bsnton county, for ser-r vices during 4th quarter, I9O5. A R Locke, sup road dist No 1, $25. ' gravel road work C- C Johnson E. B. Bo wen' N. Pickett W. H. Ish - -J. E. Ziegler Horning Bros. Henry Hector Miller & Alcorn road sup, John linger ' wit cir ct 2 00 C W: Nironcare of poor 5 25 D, Graham draw jury list 3 00 'W. LV Price asst jury list f 2 00 M; I;. Frantzv " ' - 2 00 COrvkllls E: Xt. & Pi Co.ilights "fundi 50 " : " 800 " "! 17 ob - -' 6 50 ; 2.5b 3 50 -12 50 4 45 - i A Good. Recommemdation, . c -. An Irishman was charged with a pet ty offense,:- v- ,,. "Haw you any one In court wh .will vouch for your good character?!' queried toe Judge , ' , " J-':-' "Tes, sorr; there is the chief con stable yonder," answered Pat. ; '" ' ' The ' chief constable t? waa amaaed, !?Why;' your honor, I Tdon't even know, the man," protested he : "Now, ojT,?'f broke In Pat, ,"l have tired in the borough for nearly twenty yean, and if the chief constable doesn't know me yetj isn't that a character for . . - .... A-oerman penoaicai states, that a ivery strange but none tne leas true fact is that the predecessor of the, late Queen victoria of England was at one and the same time William It .m. and IV. He was William L ef Hano ver, William IL ttf Irelaha, WilliaJn nL'of Scotland and WDDam IV. of tStaiuidr'-'- .''(ii-f.i4i-4 55 60 13 40 11 40 10 00 . 6 00 "36 50 1 50 r 50 ; I 50 1 50 n ' Bring Your Watch Your spectacles, your' clock or any jewelry"1 you may have that is in need of repairs and we will do it quicks ly and satisfactory. The $30 Diamond Ring trill be irawn Jan th. Tickets givn with all 5 purchases until that date. " A complete line of watches and jewelry. Eyes tested free and glasses fitted by the latest and most scientific optical instrasaents. ,, Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. , Nagasaki, Jan. 9.News , that that has Tailed- to leak through ' St Petersburg becauee of the cuttirg of communication came here to day en tec arrival of the transport Mongolia from Vladivostok carry nig Roscian refugees. The Kus- riaoe told a story of horror along the B b'riao Railway,' as it bad come to them from ' stories told f station - blocked by mutineere, who lcoted and burned "everything in eight. '; j.; . ; Many of those who started for Saseia have torced baok. Traihs have been seized and turned on a baokward course and Sreat gaps es ists in tbe line - to the European Russian frontier.. According to tbe refugees there has been a general uprising in Siberian Russia, which will stop operation of - the railway for the winter at least; considering the difficulties maintaining the line in winter weather. The stories of .privation of horror told by the refugees confirm in the worst degree the small bits of news that have leaked out from St. Pe tersburg 6f the railway and the re bellionjg he Manchurian army. .: New Firm New location, new fixtures, everything new and up to date. Havingi-movedQtfr "reat market) to Berman's old stand we are better prepared?" than ever to furnish you ALL kinds of FRESH and CURED MEATS, LARDj SAUSAGE etc. V. i ' i-: Yj . . Ait U fA- Call and See Us CADY & . C0, Proprietofs City Meat Market, We run our own delivery wagon yrcotrrt house ' - W. A. Jolly' co comm l - Pi Rickard - - cr-1 Mrs. W?B.' White assistance co poor ' Ti A; Bell'Wit cir ct " - o : ? E. R. Bryson' ekpense state '-cases t'-- ''--' L'-r-t-t. ? ; Paul Miller ' wit pros atty : R. Handy" r--?.; V-'--: ElBlakeslee -'' Hairy ;Httbler- 7 .:- W. A. Buchanan sal.' county I treasflter and stamp's -r x 92 V. P; Moses repairing type writer ' .: 5 00 Mahr&'Beabh. hunters license - j ' 1 ''1966 r ' a h r -V4'oo H; E. Hodes powder for rds -1 57 T. HJ Wellsher land for r6ad 30 00 S.' Bicknell ' rOad damages 165 00 Clara King - ' " ' ' V. E. & P. Brlen" : - M. Thompson ' " 1 ; ; ' Wm. Crees ' ' " ' - 'T f E. G. Young & Cb, and A. Bxovm road damages -Attest: ' V'V'- .;'V ... :.- - VICTOR P. MOSES, ; ! 1 County Clerk. : 00 61,' ' Real Estate Transfers. - N B Ave'ry to J K Brown, lot I2, Avery & Wells addition, $600. -Adella M Neff and husband to M Burnap, two lots in Philomath, State' of Oregon to Felix La Arand55, acres in King's Valley, $5,6oo. m E E Wilson, to Clara 8 Bohan non, block 26, Avery & Wells add!-; tion, $1. h; F M Rugg and wife to Adam Keast, 32 acres, south of Philoi math, $3,500. - g, ' T H Wellsher and wife to Ben ton county, one;haltacre near Moo 81- 00 55 00 2 8 00 100 00 F.' i 30 00 Common Colds are tbe Cause of Many .! . Serious Diseases.!,! .. Physicians who have gained a - national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list f of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. . Everyone knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and: rendered more ' serious by each .fresh attack. Do not risk .your life or take chances when vou have a cold. Chamber lain's Cough , Itemedy will cure ' it before these diseases develop. 'This remedy con tains no opium, morphine or other harmful Jrug, and lias thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every condi tion, r or sale by uranam wortnam. H H Fleming, W A Schmidt O K Davis, P F Ahermatt," (for"one year) E M Djdele - " John Price, W M Clark " A Cadwalader " W P McGee; " J R Fehler, ; V " A E Buchanan " J E BBnton " u E N Starr . " D B Farley ' James M Heron" , Doke Gray " " 3 ' a 00 ,-4 -200O 6 - s 00 ; 7 lo oa - . 8 :i8oo 9 15 O0 ' 10 42 5o 11 . 27 75 31 5o 75 00 500 I2 13 14 15. 16 17 17 18 19 20' 37 5 looo - 5 00 125 9 00 25 00 35 00 2000 75a S R Strow Henry Hector ' B W Harris ..... " 1st Quarter . . B W Harris" ' 2d quarter " B W Harris " . .. -34 & 4th Qtt,, J C Wilson ,,. ' AMliray , " -M VLeepeV 1 ' for year -' "- '' ' 1 1B5 1 If no objections are filed to,al bwanoe pf above claims!,, the , same will be Allowed by' county court 'at Febroarelfm,1- i9b8.: -'PablisWBKl ty'ordeif of county court.0- '"-'i -"Dated this 11 th'day bf Jan. 19bS. VICTOR P. MOSES, .v, County. Chyk 2o 2o i. 21 2a 2562 23 ; SOMETHING NEW- , '.f I ':!? f!' li ' -hi , h - s 11- Veaetaaeat . . - V ; V we A i . A UJ?E SEA PRODUCT , VEGETABLE GELATNE is pure andnutr?. tious, T Ordinary animal gelatines being made from bones, tissues, skins and hoofs of animals, containing ; little, or '( no nutrition. . Vegetable. . gelatine is a clean wholesome sea product and is recommended by prominent physicians' for i'ts high hutritipus value. Glucose, Confectioners Sugar, AND Corn - -.- ! always on hand Hodes' Grocery. Phone S03 ': , i' The Gem Gigar Store All Leading Brands' of Key West and Domestic 'Cigars. Whist and Pool rooau t ''-' Jack MjiLxi prop v;'" '-.. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheuma tism of the muscles and may be cured bj applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quidk relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by Graham & Wortham. j1 b WeT win coritinueirour 10 dav offer for 30 tKe daysTS'EyERYTHING'iih, FURNITURE LINE be sold at a reduction of frdm 5 per cent to 15 per cent CASH. ' ' .r' "'"'V- til -r.'Ta J.1 u u .. id. a. - 1 Ii ome-witngooa sooas. lrus is:a n -, Vila t V--- r-uT?j: . ( '-i trj. . ' .h4 ; roposition'.'""1."-;.': - -V a;-:'rs money saving i V; ii .propositiprf HQLiLENBERQ The House Furnishers. J 4 i 1 . r. ) T HMIU M itH liiS ufj A ,v" J".: