The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 09, 1906, Image 4

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Tu2 Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Mies Maud Hurt went t Port
land Saturday for a brief stay.
Mrs. Ellsworth Erwin returned
Sund'y from a holiday visit with
relatives at N rth Yamhill.
M:Si Ella Johnson returned U
day from a brief visit in Philo
math. A soirited revival ia in pro
gress at Bulab. It is being con
ducted by. Evangelist Phelp. -v
J.jbn Carmicbael, who recent
ly arrived from Cro-efield?, Alberta,
Canada, aod purchased land near
O ik villa, is to occupy f place im
mediately with hie family.
Mr. S lepard a brother of the
three well-known Shepard boys that
have graduated lrom 0, A. C, has
entered college aad intends to take
a diploma from the ioeiitution He
has been attending Willamette Uni
versity, Mr. Burnap, who for soi-etime
li-as been connected with the Am
bler & Watter real estate firm, left
je-tfrday for Phil imath to take
charge of the office f the firm at
that place. He will be perrranent
ly lo-jatod t that plnce herealter.
In Odd Felloes hall Thursday
night there is to ba a jo nt in t illa
tion or toe uewly elected cffljers ol
the Woodman of th World aod the
Women ol Wood cr at. Tbere will
be a literary and icoeical prog'arrt.
Recent real eptate traisftrs
md by Ambl-r & Walters, are as
follows: Al Kemp and wife to
. John Carmichael, t;f Crossfield, Al
terla, Canada, 64 acres of land near
OakviUe, Linn county, for $3,2C0;
Charles Osburn to Maggie and An
na Peterion, bouse and lot, Cor
vallis, pr!c-750; F. H. Ntff and
wife to M. Buruap,house and lot,
Philomath, price $7oo.
Maud H ffaoan.who has been
for et-veral m Dtfcs playing with
Willanl, in England, is shortly to
" return with tbit distinguished actor
to the United S a'es. They are to
-open in New York in "The Fooli
.Revenge," with Miss Huflman as
leading lady. Tde play in an old
one, and the first lime it was pro
duced, R"ee Eylicg", now bcjirj ru
ing in C rval i-, wa- - leading lidy
and Edwin Bioib, the leading man.
That was in 1SS4. '? .
A f mail boy who lives in ar;
important ri'.l-i'ad ei'er bid beer,'
ascustomed ' to- veiling the B'ation
and making Iriends ,wiih; the offi
cers of the company.. : IJe persuad
ed his aunt to play train win him
the other day. He arranged the
chairs in a line and then said
"You be engineer and I'lLj be Coob-
ductor. L8nd me yovir ' watch-atd
get up into the . cab." Heathen hu'ri
ried aowo the p'atforrr, timepiece
m hand. MPa lout, you red-head,
pie-faced jay," he shouted at the
-astomsbed young woman, .."Why,
Willie!" she exclaimed in amaze
ment. "That's right, chew the rag,'
he retorted. ''Pull out , We are
five minutes late already.",
Ia College chapel yeaterda?
morniog S. L. - Kline announced
that he would pay a cash prize of
$zo to any . a. student who
would win one of the prizes deecrib
'ed below: Berkeley, Jan. 3. John
.'BatTettj United States minister to
Colombia, ha? offered prizes of $loo,
;$75 and $00 .for which students ia
any Americar ' college, - university
or technical school " may compete
during the academic year of I905
. The papers, typewritten, are
not to exceed lo.coo words in length
and imut be sent by September 1,
19o6, to the president of Columbia
College, New York. There are five
political and economic subjects . to
choose from ani-five historical. The
political fiuhjeots deal with the Mon
roe doctrine, the Panama canal,
possibilities of trade i with nfovt$h'
America, the present progrwa fyf
South America and the practicabil
ity of the Pan-American,: tail way.
"The historical subjects include re
views of the influences .and -'oondl:
tions that worked for the independ
ence and establishmentof theSonth
American republics, also thoBe 'of
Central American and Mexlcan,;of
trie character and achievements tot
Bolivar and SanMaitin, also of the'
conditions - influencing the over
throw of the empire and the estab
lishment of the republic of Brazil;
The First National Bank of Corval
life, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
'Loans money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
; money traneferredto the principal
. cities of the United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
Mrs. Maurice Senders of A1- ;
bany was a Corvallis visitor Friday.
The Afternoon Reading Club
is to be entertained tomorrow by
Mrs. D. A. Oiburn. . j
The ladies of the Coffee Club
Saturday night Jan. 13.
Dr. Lowe the well known op
tician is now at Hotel Corvallis to
remain till Friday night. This is
his thirty-fourth trip to Corvallis.
Your eyes are worthy of the
best. When you patronize Dr.
Lowe you get the best and only the
best. He leaves Friday night.
Ed Smith is n w employed in
the hardware house of Marshall,
Wells & Co. of Portland. He be
gan work there te first of the
Rumor says that a wedding is
to occur in this city on the 26th in
which a prominent and popular
Corvallis girl is to be the, central
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper
gave a dinner party Sunday. Their
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Kiger, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. An
drews and Mr. and Mrs. John Al
len. ' - -
The Rebekahs held a public
installation and banquet at their
ball Monday evening. The officers
installed were as follows: N. G.,
Lillian Ranney; V. G.. Ivy Bar
clay; secretary, Gladys Moore; F.
S., Emily Henkle; Treasurer, Fat
nie Oren.
And Already Here For the Corvallis
Sawm'll - Big cut Expected.
The Corvallis saw mill is shortly
to undergo a complete overhauling
and incidentally to have some im
provements added. Two new boil
ers of large pattern and . adding
fifty per cerit to the power of the
plant, have been received from
the East, and are to - replace the
boilers so long in use at the plant,
The freight on these boilers was
about $506 ... , c
Other new machinery to arrive
shortly are, two, fine, planers, one of
very large pattern, and costing
$1,500. For the installation of the
appliances, a two cr three week's
ih it down will be v required, and
tbis will take place just as soon as'
the establishment can catch up with
orders. Though it is now mid
winter, the mill is actually selling
lumber about a fast as it can be
manufactured. The past year, mil
lions of feet have been cut, but a"
far larger amount ,, has been ...soldi
tbe supply 'havjng heen replenished-)
by purchase of . lumber from other'
mills. ".The cootract.recently made
by Mr. Strong for bringing logs by it
tad. frpin. the westward means a
greater activity , than ,e ver at tbe
mill the coming yeari -U The indus
try has come to be a leading mann- fe
ta:turmg establishment pt tnecpun
ty, and one of very important, pro
portions. s . "Uin-'-i -
Will Give-Reading.
In Corvallis Rose Eytinge
Date is Friday January
Nineteenth. .-
Ever since Rose Eytinge arrived
in Corvallis for a short stay, there
have been suggestions Afrom many
sources that she appear in a public
reading. - In response to these, the,
famous actress and authoress has
consented to give a recital, , and
Friday evening January ,19th at the
Opera house - has been set as the
time and place for the event.,, The
occasionwill be the .first in which
a person of so wide celebrity has
faced a Corvallis audience. At va
rious times leading woman - for. Ed
win Booth, - Davenport, . Wallack
and all other actors .of fame in her
day, Miss Eytinge - brings - to such
an occasion traditions and a fame
that will make - alL Corvallis inter:
ested in hearing and seeing; her
read the best that literature affords.
As a literary woman, versed in the
classics of all civilized; tongaev and
able herself t writelri style so
fascinating and.npMe,ttt-hex3en
is kept constantly at work- to fill
the demand for her stones, sketches
and reminiscences, che will add to
tne accompnsnments 01 an actress
thejnentality and polish of an au
thoress; r.The Announcement crt
her; purppse to gayiai ,,piUcMcf
ing nas oeen met wit-tt expressions
of satlsf action .t "evervwhere. 'iand
there is no doubt that the coming
recital will bring together the best
and biggest audience Corvallis can
Friday evening at the Armory! a
silver butterfly stick: pin. .Finder
will please return .same to Times
office and receive suitable reward.
HIGH PRICES 771 A I is", S
Knows in advance tnat such shoes
represented. They are made of: the
materials oy contented and well paid workmen,
who take pride in their work and are glad to
make the shoes Just as good as they know
how to make them.
In addition to the infinite care which attends
every detail of the making, there is a system
. of Inspection which makes It impossible for
imperfect shoes to get out of the factory. If
you really want the very best shoes obtain
ableselect W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes the
next time you buy.
If you don't
we both Jose -money
Corvallis Exclusive Men's Furnishing Store.
A. K.
Sure Pop ;.i
You will Always Jipd us up and coming :
and our prices reasonable.- 'a
'- , 'XVV-. FOR
Boots and shoes for niea, w&men and children, hats. I
; v ; caps, underwear, everyday, and Sunday shtrls.
"''-''-;vy;Jadiefl3kirts, mens and boys suits in fact 1-
:it61i?gs to numerous to mention,
z " also '
A fine line of groceries, ternekery and everything that I
isneeded in a grocery department..
For Moses Bros quick delivery wagon.. Listen for the f
. bell and . you will find
: . Mr I)a'yThas been known for the
past eight years as one of the three
great "platform entertainers and his
line acknowledged to be without"
an equal. .. Absolutely original and
unique, hV has gained, his well
earned reputation. 59 Jely by his real
artistic worth. ,He "combines with 1
his talant a genius X for work and
study. These, tojjether with train-.
ed observation of. human nature,
make his? charactizations ' gems of
realistic delineationT'MrDay uses
wigs, paints and f dtHer . a;ccessbries
or.the presentation ol"hT charact
ibrs,d has , raised -their use from
th-iirealm of novelty to the domain
pfrt He is without questionjlthe
greatest artist in their use that ever
appeared, before the American
public.- -..T. j r-.r ";i '
Gbamberlaln's Salve. .
This salve is intended especially for sore
nipples, bums, frost bites, chapped hands,
itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated;
eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheumring
worm, r-gcald -head, herpes, barber's .itch,
scabies,":or itch and. eczema.- '-I, has met
with unparalleled success in ' the treatment
of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
W. L. Douglas $3.50
'shoes have a world-wide
reputation. For over 29
years they have been sold
every country on tne
globe, and have continually
proven their excellent style.
easy fitting and superior wearing
qualities.- "
Millions of people
-have come to know
w. L.
by actual experience
that they represent
greater intrinsic
value' than any
other shoe on
1 1
A 1
I mttomm
te&kmrm mrorn
v -
the market. W. L.
Douglas, guarantees
. their value by Stamp--
ing his name and the
price on the bottom. i
The purchaser of W. L.
DAUs-lns 3-5n hni
are exactly as
best selected
Fast Color
not turn
trade with me
1 A- l
there is something doing
' Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed the administrator of
the estate of Pamella Winkle, deceased, by the
county court, of the state of Oregon; for Benton
county, and has qualified as such administra
tor. All persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby required to present the same
duly verified to the undersigned a this residence
la Willamette precinct, said county, within six
months from the date hereof. - - ,r -
Dated Dec. 12, TOOo. "-
Administrator of the estate of Pamella Winkle,
, deceased. . -
r ' ' Physician & SrjKGEoit'
Office, room 14, BanK Bld. Hoarsi
IO to 12 nd 2 to .
Phone, office 83. - Residence 531. "
Corvallis, Oregon.
One. Doiiar SaVwrl'' Repraenta "Tek
, Dollars Earned.
The average man does, not save to exceed
ten percent.' of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars' iri- living expenses for every
dollar saved,' .That leing the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. ... Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds fdjf his garden, will
save several dollars Outlay later5 ir.i- It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. .. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottleofitin the house
often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars,
For sale by Graham & Wortham. - -
mm fw
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and sea us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable .information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance -Gorvallis
and Philomath, Oregon.
YES YOU CAN : . , -;
y.; Learn shorthand if you ptudy the right system, and it
will not take you long either. How long? . Ody three
to four months, if you 1 u - - " '
, Which will Commence Jan 2, 1906, and be able to write
from 100 to 150' words a minute by April -30th. Some
will be able to take lectures and sermons. Electric
1 Shorthand is very easy to learn, none eaiser to read and
none so rapid. Yes, 2 to 3 recitations- a day beginning
JANUARY 2, 1906 1 : :
7; -tAjid when you,are competent we will assist you to a
- good position.
Corvallis Business College
- - . : : I. E. Richardson, President
Bicycle 8c Sporting GooflsStore
". r We aim to keep ahead ; of, the game have any
thing from a trop to a goose load. Something, new on
every freight. No old stock,"everythiDg fresh. . .
Giins and Bicycles for Rent
I f A full line -of sewing- machine supplies, foot balls
basket balls, boxing gloves, punching, bags, gymnas
ium suits, hunting coats and vests, belts, gun jcases
duck decoys, duck and goose calls, pocket electric flash
lights, knives , razors, etc. We can fix anything that:
is fixable in our repair shop. 2 doors south post office. .
: . : r- . . ence Phone 324. , '
. Now. is Your Chance . : .J
During the mdnth of December will offer all of our Talk
aphone and Columbia. Graphophones at 25 per cent discount
: REMEMBER for one month only. We have also ad
ded to our stock The Victor and Edison TalHng Machines.
We also carry a good assortment o records as follows:
Victor Records Zonophone Records
Columbia Records American Records
Edison Records. ; ".'-.. ' ,; -
The sante old firm in the same old place. .
: " No Prizes go with our c
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
KtS f: ; a;:. coffee;. -Wt
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, supar and
.... Sole agent for" y: - j ;
Chase & Sanborn
?n AofThe ;
We are not inclined
writing advertisements
.ahd cus.toniers. speak fcwr; themseives. ; ' . ., ,
6. B
IM Grade
Grocer -w:
to spend much time in.'fi
we prefer to let our goods t