The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 09, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol.XVIII.-No. 17.
B.F. IBTimi Editor
and Proprietor .
-11 H-
3 ?
I was made during December to j
: I make our sales exceed any pre
jvious sales for this correspond
ing month and the effort was a I
success. To make our January I
I sales eclinse anv January sales I
'-JBfZ . . 7 . I
in the past it will be no fault in I
the goods or prices, every article I
j in our immense store will be of -r I
feredat such a sacrifice as to in-1
vite buying, even if you onlybne-
half need it. v Our spring purchas
es require room and the goods
rl we now have must make a move. I
I Come and get your share.
a ..
Of Election Serve for Both
..Primary and Regular
" ' Elections.
Judges and clerks hare been
named by the ' county court for the
ensuing election. The names will
be posted . conspicuously in the
clerk's office until the first regular
meeting of the court in February,
on or Jelore which . complaints, 1 if
there be any, shall be filed against
aiiy of the parties named. At that
meeting all vacancies caused by ob
jections or otherwise . will be, filled,
and the boards as then constituted
will serye at both the primary and
regular elections. The list is'' a9
follows: ,
Corvallis No. i:
E. E. Wilson, chairman.
Peter Bilyeu.
O. Witliam.
Walter Locke.
J, A. Gilkey.
" C. G. Davis.
Corvallis No. 2:
Grant Elgin, chairman.
O, J. Blackledge.
J. W. Crawford.
D. A., Osburn.
, H. I,. Hall.
" Miles Sfarr.
Corvallis No 3:
Judges: .
, S. I,. Henderson, chairman.
' ' E. B. Horning.
Wm. Bogue.
Clerks:., r.;
. Chas. Pernot.
-' W. BVXacy.
Geo. E. Lilly.
Corvallis No, 4:
J: D. Howell, chairman.
r? E. H. Taylor.
T. H Cooper. ' .
Clerks:, : . .
' . N. A. Taylor.
F. R. Overlander.
? O. V. Hurt.
T ....... '
" mmn na nn un. nn mi u w mi
- . . .. .. , , . V
, J3ring Joiir Watch
Your spectacles; your -clock or ny jewelry1" you mayQ
have that is in need of repairs and we -will do it quick
ly and satisfactory. " '
- The f 50 Diamond Ring will be drawn Jan 6th.
purchases until that date. . .' "
A complete line of watches and jewelry. Byes tested free and glasses
fitted by the latest and most scientific optical instruments. .. s . .
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician 1
Tickets given with all
Ne w Fir m
New location, new fixtures, everything new and up to
date; .Having moved our meat market to Berman's old
stand weare'better propared thanever tffurnish you ALL
etc. "
Call and See Us
f, . . Proprietors City Meat Market
We run our own delivery wagon.
Fairmount No. 5:
. ,H. J. Reese, chairman.
" F. H. Hughson.
" J. G. Gibson.
E. A. Pernot. t
, F. M. Sharp.
B. C. Wyatt.
Soap Creek No. 6:
Judges: " .
E. A. Thurston, chairman.
E. C. Stellmacher.
E. MDodele.
. Clerks: ,r
David Vanderpool.
J. C. Smith.
J. A. Carter. ;
Kings Valley No. 7: "
- Judges: .
L. G. Price, chairman.
- By Frantz.
;c" Jas. WatsonT
. W,tA-; Winneford.
" Cecil Price.
; ' Frank Plunkett. w
Summit No. 8:
judges: "Ti-w
E. F, Strouts.
n. W. M. Clark.- r
') 0? B. Hamar.
Chas. Savage.
Austin Skaggs.
Robt. McFarlarid
Blodgett No. 9.
JUdgeSit... a-.u,. .....
H. Davidson, chairman.
John Skaggs. , .
yTWm. .Van Alstynei,
VSVK. Wpod., ,
A. L. Richardson.
A. Cadwalader.
Wren: Nd, ioj
I ,G., Springer, , chairman.
J. E. Johnson.
W. A. Gellatly.
Clerks: tT?vt-
Geo. Harris.
E Mulkey-''
T. I, Read.
Philomath" No. 11:
C. W. Davis, chairman.
.. v . A., M. Gray.
jt- j. JDoneDraKe.
; Clerks:
' C. G. Springer.
S. S. Ewing.
... G. W. Coope..
judges: ' ' J- '
":" J. F. Porter, chairman.:
John Whitaker.
Wm. Park. , ,
G. W. Smith.
W. H. Rlckard.
Fred Buchanan.
Alsea No. 13: ...
A. L. Clark, chairman.
S. R. Strow.
"S. N. "Warfield.
Clerks: "
E. M. Kimball.
. Geo. T. Vernon.
'- j; E.' Banton."
Bellfountain No. 14:
G. R, Hall, chairman.
Wm. Rees,
Robt Kyle.
Ed Banton.
Frank Reader.
J. P. Gragg.
Monroe No 15:
- John Coffee, chairman.
T. D. Hinton.
Charles Cart wright.
T. C. K. Bowen.
H. C. Herron.
D. B. Farley.
In the City, Notwithstanding
Attorney General Gives
If present plans do not miscarry
the city tax will be , collected in
Corvallis this year,, notwithstand
ing the facts set forth in, Friday's
Times. The attorney :, general of
the state, has been . called into the
game, and he has held in a hut?
ried examination, that the time of
the levy is not. vital to its legality;
If, he advises, the , levy is made in
1 time ior the 'extensions to be made
along with the other levies, special
and otherwise, . the proceeding
would appear to be regular and
legal, even though the law states
that the city levies must be report
ed to. the clerk, "on or before Jan
uary 1st." The opinion is embod-!
ied in a letter to , City Attorney
Bryson, who asked for an opinion.'
Pursuant to the attorney general's
view, the city council at the , reg:
ular meeting last night, made the
usual levy of five mills for the ger
eral and two mills for. the strett
fund, and today the same was ; re
ported to the county clerk. To-,
morrow there is an adjourned
term of the county court, held for
the purpose of incorporating the
city levy into the general to t be
made, and it looks now as if ev
erything would be lovely and the
goose hang bigh so far as city tax
es are concerned..
; - 1. Bellefountain Items.
r;: ; rf . 1 - -, -
. " January, 5, 19G6.
Farmers' have left off plowing and
are putting in every spare hour on
the new telephone line. '. There will
be six linea with a central at Bell'
fountain, with something like, six
ty phones all 'told. . ' " .. '
" - Martha Tharp : returned home
Tuesday : from a two weeks vieit,
at the home of Mrs. E. H. Belknap.
Mre. Stao'turf i still very sick.
There is very little hope of her "re-
covery-... . . 'i
A sister of George R. Hall, Jr.,
is vieiting him, She arrived from
Iowa recently and is very much
pleased with old Oregon.
The young people that came
home to spend the .holidays ' have
returned to their several places of
of business -V; u
1 The watch-night party at George
Humphrey's was well attended.
Staninng room was at a premium.
Music . and recitations were the
order. ''.-"
Mre. J. H. Edwards has been
quite sick for the past few days.
Aunt Martha Perin is badly af
flicted with something like paraly
sis, but was slightly improved at
last accounts.
A. B. Mi n ton of Washington, but
formerly of this vicinity was shak
ing hands with friends of this place
one day this week.
Prof, Mack- spent the . holidays
with his parents at Stayton.
Mrs. Charles Ingram of Hillsboro
is spending a few days in this place
visiting, relatives and friends.
There was an oyster supper and
good time in general New Year's
night at H. T. Bristow's. ' About
35 young people were present. A
very pleasant evening -was spent
together and all retired at a late
hour feeling that it was good to be
there.'..,-, ,j : ... .,. r.-,.
' At King's Valley.
Farmers are again busy plowing.
The Coyote is having a hard time
of It in this section lately: They
have the hounds after them . the
most of the time. . Hutch Bevena
killed one Sunday over on the Wi
er and Johnson place. . Ike Stroud
, killed one a . week ago, that was af
ter his eneep. '
James Chambers has returned to
Corvallis to resume his musical
. The valley school has been ! re
sumed with Misa Thompson' as
L. G. Price has sold his ; logging-
outfit to A. C. Miller. John Price
has been cleaning up the county
reads the past week. He has gath
ered up and burned a good many
loads of sweet briar. If you have
any stock that nobody else will
buy, just call on O. R. Bevins.
pfeu Jlme ;ard for c;. to E.
Taking effect January 1, 19O6, the new
time card of the C. & E. will be issued,
changing the times of trains between
Albany and Corvallis as follows: -;
Leavs Albany for Corvallis : 8;ooa. m.
1245 p. m. and 7:35 p. m.'
Leave Corvallis for Albany: 6:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. . t
Sunday Trains:
Leave Albany for Coavallis at 7:35 p. m.
"Leave Corvallis for Albany at 6:30 a. m.
- The afternoon tram leaving Albany at
240 p m. will be discontinued. , -
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national-
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim that if catching cold could be
avoided a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard ot. ' iiveryone knows
that pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung trouble areaggra
vated and rendered more serious . by each
fresh attack. Do not risk your lue or take
chances when you have a cold. Chamber
lain's. Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains nd opium, morphine or other harmful
arug, and has thirty yearsot reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion, for sale by Uraham et, Wortham.-
jin 1 nil mi im ua na hh ""
I Ife getagelatine I
VEGETABLE GELATINE is pure and nutri
tious, . Ordinary animal gelatines being made
from bones, tissues, skins ancl hoofs of animals,
t containing little or no nutrition. Vegetable
gelatine is a clean wholesome sea product and
is recommended by prominent physicians for
its high nutritious Value.
Glucose, Confectioners Sugar
.." ...... AMD ;.
Corn Husks -
always on hand
Hodes' Grocery.
The Gem Cigar Store
All Leading- Brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Whist and Pool room.
Willamette No'.
will be kcM atfsireciaction of imiS f per cent to 15
per cent CASH. j . vu, .- . .
: gori!trriiss trie opportunity to supply your
homewdtJi good goods-ThiSi4S amoney saying
proposition. ; t! . t vrj?
. .. 7. r.
ft -r
jti - I'i'.