The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 02, 1906, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items o j
Public Interest.
M-se Tbia Johnson is visiting
frinnds at Phl'omath. She rtjknrna
-William Ki lr lge arrived ypster
day riilv-r Lake for a visit
wi'h b'tj larcily, now spending the
wi( t r iii C i vH:8.
Stated communication of Cor
vallirLm'ge No. A. F. & A. M.
Wrdues.. ay, January 3 Election
and ias alia'ion of secretary. ,.
A marriage license was istued
ibiH rooming to Robert H. Holgate
and Mies Emma At-hby, of C rval
B.'th ate from well-known
families, ncently located hrre from
Fiye tie, Iowa.
College opens f jr the winter
torm tomorrow, when registration
take- place. Recitht on begins
Tnursday. Toe advance guard, of
th returning students arrived yes
terday, b'.U the main body is com
ing !n today acid tomorrow.
Tho coniract has been let for
supplying wo'id to the college next
year. The atnjuot is 9oo cords
and P. A. K ioe is to supply it.
The price ia $2.49 per cord,
and :.- 2i reota cheaper iban tbe
tv.;rl '' ibt for rerptn-
lore. Tbrjre er- --boat I5 bidders,
a id tbe S-jr.-a ian a higQ as $3
per curd, i e ver.
About fifiy pf-opl? w-l-brattd
Nw Ye r's ai tfc home of Eli and
William SpeDC-r ii this city y-e-terrlay.
Atooog them wexe ihe
hosts and thcir fatniiieB, John Hyde
and family, Frank Spencer nod
firoily. The fame party observed
Cbrs!.iiias with roast turkeys', chick
ens, ri.ast pig and the other condi
meini.s incidaut to a family dinner
on a bi se-i'e.
Eugene is in the midst of a 'big
fight, fur a municipal ownership oi
public utilities, including electric
light. The eofpor Uno that is ask
ing a 3o 'f urs i'gbt franchise in
C'irvi llis has acquired the electric
lihr, (.dtui in iiugene, Albany and
Sal m, and ;n Ecgtsrie- a large body
of cuizetis arc hghtir g the new cor
poration for municipal ownership.
Lical option his just been put
in uTat in iiiot-t of the precincts i f
Mslheur couct . They went dry
in the election more than a year ago,
butlasti ce been in tbe courts,
will the ie?uit tbat tbe optionists
won i uT in evt-ry fibt. One of the
comiiv coaiiiii--ion'-rs refused to
sigt tie ) der putting the law into
Whiiam Leve eit, who cams to
Corvallis iapt September o attend
colirge, leaves tooiht for hfs home
in He is a brother of
Mies Levtrett, teacher io ths ait
department at O. A. C. He w.s
s'i.-d with rheumatism a mOi.ih
af'er arrival, and is compelled, on
account of consiant recurrence of
tbe malady, to return borne.
Ssveral persons have already
applied at tbe county clerk's office
for new hunters' license. .All for
mer licenses are low void and in
order to bunt, a new license must
be paid. Bo far tb.9 blank HcepEes
have uot been received from the
Becretary of state, bat the e'erk re
ceives the money and issues a re
ceipt which is accounted a proper
credential for hunting until blank
licenses are obtained.
Spiking of be marriaje of
Floyd Williams, tbe Independence
enterprise says: "He quits school
only because of appointment by the
government in the constabulary
service in tbe Philippine Islands.
The name of Floyd Willjams is fa
miliar wherever football is known
in tbe West. He has been one of
the strong members that has made
the Q. A. C. team to iank among
the best on tbe coast. It was Mr.
Williams who introduced the sen
sational Kangaroo leap in tbe O. A.
C. team. Aside from his standing
as an atblete, tbe groom has a large
circle of friends among the best eit
Iznns of Polk and Ben' on counties
and the beet wishes of all go with
Floyd WilliamB and his bride
John B. McLennon, who has
long suffered with cancer, died at
the tamily home in this city about
6 p. m. Sunday. Deceased was
aged 70 years and nine months,
and was of Scotch descent. The
iuaeral, under the auspices of the
I. O. 0. F., occurred from the resi
dence at 11:30 today, the services
being conducted by Mrs. . Jessie
Flint. The remains are to be tak
en to Portland, where at 11 a. m.
tomorrow they will be cremated.
Mr. McLennon has resided for near
ly two years in Corvallis, making
his home with an unmarried broth
er and sister in the Farra house on
Third street. Deceased was also unmarried.
Our Great Mid-Winter Sale is
orthy the Careful Consideration
of the Economical Buyers.
Every article in the store Reduc
ed this month.
If you don't trade with me
we both loose money
Corvallis ExCIusive Men's Furnishing Store.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.-
Learn shorthand if you study the right system, and it
will not take you long either. How long? Orly three
to four months, if you
Which will commence Jan 2, 1906, and be able to write
from 100 to 150 words a minute by April 30th. Some
will be able to take lectures ' and sermons. Ejectric
Shorthand is very easy to learn, none eaiser to read and
none so rapid. Yes, 2 to 3 recitations a' day beginning
JANUARY 2, 1906
And when you are competent we will assist you to a
good position.
Corvallis Business College
I. E. Richardson, President
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is berehv iven that the ondersiirned
has been duly appointed tbe administrator of
the estate of Pamella Winkle, deceased, by the
county court, ol the state of Oregon, tor Benton
county, and bus qualified as such administra
tor, ah peisonsnaving Claims against amu es
tate are hereby required to present the same
duly verified to the undersigned at bis residence
in Willamette precinct, said couuty, within six
months from the date hereof.
bated Dec. 12, rjOj.
administrator of the estate of Pamella. Winkle,
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of Oreeron for
Bentoo County.
In the Matter of the Estate .
I. E. Glf.ason, deceased.
Notice Is hereby triven that the flual account
of the undersigned administrator of the estate ol
I. E Gleason, deceased, has been rendered to
said court for settlement, and that Wednesday
the 3d day of January, 1906, at the hour of elev
en o'clock A. M. has been duly appointed by said
and the settlement thereof, at which time any
person interested In said estate by haying
objections to said account may appear and file
his objections or exceptions in writing to Said
account and contest the same.
Administrator of tbe estate of 1. 1. Gleason, de
ceased. . - :
iOses Brothers-
The Wide-a Wake and Up-to-Date Cash Store
Open now for inspection our complete line of Hol
iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods. Notions. Boots and
Shoe for Men, Women and children.
Men 'tiid Bys Suits and Underwear.
ujidiui Skins and Underwear;
In fact anything you want.
G- ceeies flour and feed. .
Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city..
Fruit, Vegetables, Etc.
Genuine Rodger Silverw. e given away for a short
We mike a spscialty of q ick ' delivery, look 'out
for wagon, listen for the bells.
Independent Phone 106.
Bell Phone 551.
I See our new store.
LWe try to please.
Wednesday January 3rd.
A Musical Comedy Hit that has met popular favor from the
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Don't miss the Parade and Con
cert at 4 P. M.
Prices '75, 50, 35, and 25 centr. ;
Bicycle I Sporting Go
oils Store
We aim to keep ahead of the game have any
thing from a trop to a goose load. Something new on
every freight. No old stock, everything fresh.
Guns and Bicycles for Rent
; A full line of sewing machinfi supplies, foot balls,
basket balls, boxing gloves, punching bags, gymnas
ium suits, hunting coats and vests, belts, gun cases,
duck decoys, duck and goose calls, pocket electric flash
lights, knives, razors, etc. We can fix anything that
is fixable in our repair bhop. 2 doors south post office.
ence Phone 324.
Now is Your Chance
During the month of December will offer all of ourTalk
aphone and Columbia Graphophones at 25 per cent discount
REMEMBER for one month only. We have also ad
ded to our slock The Victor and Edison Tailing Machines.
We also carry a good assortment of records as follows:
Victor Records Zonophone Records
Columbia Records " American Records "
Edison Records.
The same old firm in the same old place.
No Prizes go with our
Sanborn Higb Grade
"Mi i r,? emzAresr Mivsmj; ' !
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase &
Sanborn High Grade
. B Borning,
The Grocer
' We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
.and customers speak for themselves.
B fiorning
Matter of Guardianship Estate ) -
of -
Heman Mason, an Insane Person.
' Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
guardian of the estate of Hemen Mason, has fil
ed In tbe county court cf Benton county, state
ol Oregon, bis final account as such guardian of
said estate, and that Friday the 5th day of Jan
urry, 1'J06. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. has
been fixed by said court as the time for hearing
objections to said account and the settlement
thereof. k. B. MASON,
Guardian of the estate of Heman Mason.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon,
or Benton Couuty.
In the Matter of the Estate K. Gleason.. deeeH1.
Notice is hereby given tbat the tiiinl account
of the nudersiiied administrator of tbe estate
of Melissa E. le&son, deceased, has been rend
ered to said court lor settlement and that Wed
nesday the 3d day of January, lOtw, at the hour
of eleven o'clock A. M., has beeu duly appointed
by said court as the time for hearing objections
thereto and the settlement thereof, at which
time any pei&ou interested In said estate "bv
having objection,, to said account may appear
and file his objections or exceptions iu writing
to said account and contest the same.
Administrator of the estate of Melissa E. Gleason
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate )
WIlliam J Kelly, deceased)
Notice Is herebv given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of said William 3. Kelly, deceased, by the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county. All persons having claims against said
estate of William J. Kelly, deceased, are herebv
required to present the Name, with tbe proper
vouchers, duly verified as by law re
quired, within six months fiom the data hereof,
to the undersigned at his residence In Monrt e,
oregouor at the law otflce of E. E. Wilson, in
Corvallis. Benton county, Oregon.
Dated NovemDer 3, lyo,".
Administrator wiih the will anuexed of the es
tate of Win. J. Kelly, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of tbe Estate
C. M. Smith, deceased
Notice !s hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undei signed basbeenduly appointed
executrix of the last will and testament of C. M.
Smith, deceased, by the county courtof the state
of Oregan for Benton county. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate of C. M. Smith,
deceased, ate hereby required to present the
same, with the proper vouchers,, duly verified
as oy law required, within six months fiom the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
three miles northwest of Corvallis, Oregon or
at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon.
Dated, November 3, 1905.
Executrix of the last will land testament of C
M. Smith, deceased.
R. D. Burgess
Office oxer Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, office 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffiee. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v ham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. .Bourn
IO, t IS and 3 to . . s :
Phone, office 83. ' Residence 351. .
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Qniy Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. R. Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick :
lAfnom ah. thA enrii sr of .VTfltAoh'
Seventh at. Phone t i 1 1 1 , 1 1: tfi
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
': .' Philomath, i Oregon, n