The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 29, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Judge McFidden returned to
day from a y&t to his Junction
City farm
pendeuce was a
Mnrphy of Inde
business visitor in
Corvallls this week.
Miss Kate Gerhard went to
Albany Wednesday for a few days
W. S. Linville returned Wed
nesday from a Christmas visit with
Dr. and Mrs. Morrison at Carlton.
Dr. R. D: Burgess is to leave
shortly with his family for Toledo
to locate.
E. R. Bryson returned Wed
nesday from a business trip to Dallas.
Miss Mary Nolan left last eve
for a few day's visit with Al
bany and Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garrow
returned to their home at Salem
Thursday after a Christmas visit in
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hall re-
tnrnprl tn their Polk county home
Thursday alter a week's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. H. L- Hall.
A carload of salt for S I,.
Kline's was among the arriving
shipments over the Southern Pa
cific Monday,
The midwinter meeting of the
C A. C. board of "regents occurs
next Wednesday in the president's
office at the college.
Bert Pilkington returned Tues
day evening from a week's visit
with his parents at Oakland, leav'
ing again Thursday noon for Port
The W. H. M. society of the
M. E. cnurch was very pleasantly
entertained Wednesday afternoon
by Mrs. Ruth Buchanan at her
home on Fourth street.
V. Services at the M. E. church,
South, Sunday will be at n a. m.
and at 7.30 p. m. Motning sub
ject, "'A Forward Look in the Race
of Life'; evening sermon, "Walk
ing with God."
Miles ,Por:erfieId returned to
his home at Independence Wednes
day after a few days vitit with his
son Wright, who is at the Mundy
home, wtiere his broken limb is
slowly nieodmg. . 1
big audience greeted "The
Missouri Girl" at the opera house
Wednesday evening. There was
much that amused and the frequent
rounds of applause told the story
that the performance was success
ful. ;
The Corvallis Grange will
meet on Saturday the 39th inst at
two o'clock. An election of offi
cers will be the special work of
the day. All members are earn
estly requested to be present.
George Coote, Master.
-Miss Ell n J. Chamberin of
Seattle, formerly of O. A. C, and
jacr sisiei mis. o'-luu. ui x ui ucuu,
left yesterday after a couple of days
spent in Corvallis. Miss Chamber
lin is teaching German and other
branches at the Y. W. C. A. insti
tution in Seattle, and came to Cor
vallis after her library.
At the Congregational church
Sunday the subject for morning
sermon will be "What Does This
Church Stand For ?' ' The offering
will be devoted to the Cause of
Home Missions. The evening ser
mon, beiug the last service in the
year, will be devoted to "Reviews
and Forecasts." What of the
past; what of the Future?
Presbyterian church, M. S.
Bush, pastor. At the Bible school
hour, 10 a. m., there will be a ser
mon for young people, subject, "A
Lesson in Photography." There
will be special music by the young
people. Worship at 11 a. m., sub
ject, "Numbering Our Days."
Evening service at 7.30, subject,
"The Conquest of Ask Minor."
The bicycle and repair estab
lishment of Dilley & Arnold has
changed hands. It has been pur
chased by J. F. Tyler who recently
sold his place on Beaver Creek.
Under the terms of the sale, the
aello-rd orA nf tn Anoroera anraln n ttiA
same business in Corvallis. The price
paid was $900. The new proprie
tor is to take charge the first of
January. The deal was negotiated
by Ambler & Watters.
For Sale.
A first class milk cow, fresh.
J. H. Edwards.
The county clerk's office is in
charge of Robert Johnpon, pending
the return of Coutiiy Clerk Moses
from hie wedding trip.
Don't forget the street patade
and cot C3rt by the "Jerry from
Kerry" band next Weiue?day at 4
p. m.
Jerry from Kerry is the title of
a musical farce-comedy to be pro
duced at the Opera house next
Wednesday night by a Boston com
pany. There are 2o people in the
aggregation, and every account is
highly creditable to the performance
they give,
"Carnality, the foe to Good
Resolutions." is the topic for the
moroing sermon, nod "Tbe Certait -tics
and Uncertainties of Life," tbe
theme for the eveuiog sermon a the
Methodist church Sonday. There
is to be a watch night service from
I0.30 to midnight Sunday evening,
to which the public Is invited. .
Sum Ewiog, ODe of the propri
etors of the Benton County sawmill
was married in Portland Wednes
day to Miss Hodges, who formerly
resided at the sawmill. Tbe cer
emony was witnessed by M'. and
Mrs. frlino, the formt r of whom is
Mr. Ewing's partner in tbe lumber
business. Mr. and Mis. Ewing ar
rived via tbe Westside today and
are to have for Philomath, to reside.
An Astoria dispatch yesterday
says that tbe government f-tilion at
North Head was wrecked by light
Ding Tuesday. Ojperator Killiher
was knocked eenseless temporarily,
valuable meteorological inetrumenis
weie destroyed, the bouse set on
firp. and telephone instruments
Ft.a-'red and tho nickel fixtures
in'' t i. The wires were burned
aim twitted 1 adiog to tbe cables
Tbe ti"ii-; was saved but tbe tn
irr rtt blisbment will have to te
In hunter's licenses, Benton
county paid $492 tbe past year, for
the privilege of bunting. That
means that 492 licenses were issued
at a dollar eacb. All the licenses
will ex Dire with the old year, Sun
day night. January 1st, which will
be Monday, no hunter will have
right to shoot on his old license,
which means that the duck hunter
mast take out a new license at once,
or go out cf business. The licente
t'-ken out, on orlafter January lt-t
j '"ill be good for the year 19o6, -for
wjiih .ea-OQ many hunters who
wish 10 get the benefh of the rest of
the duck shouting season will prob
ably provirin themselves with a npw
license at once No leas than 1,'
000 hunters net-uses were taken out
Philomath Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Tungland
Cbii-tmas at Toledo. -
ep nt
Mr. aod Mr. Vai-Biairlcom vis
ited during . Christmas week with
friends in Portland.
Judson Weed came borne from
hi Neh&lcm ranch to apend the
holidays with bis family.
A car load of pipe for tbe water
works main was delivered at Phil
on ath latt Saturday. Tbe ditch ie
bing dug along tbn county road
near Mr. uray a larrx.
Charley Newth was home from
Portland a few days last week. '
The little baby of Rev. McClaio,
that has been quite sick with bron
cho-pneumonia, ie slowly recovering.
Mrhll Allen and B. G. Pugs-
ley have lately put Bell pbones in
their home?.
Several farmers planted potatoes
asi week lor early use.
1 If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country. :
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Corvallis and Philomath, Oregon. .
The TndUn never liked work but tin
wanted his sqnaw to get well as soon as
possiDle so that she could do tne work
and let him
hunt, therefore
he dug papoose
root for her, for
that was their
Freat remedy for
e m a 1 e weak
nesses. Dr. Pierce uses
the same root
called Blue Co
hosh in his" Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion" skillfully
combined with
other agents
WviW1 more effective
.V jC and protect tho
r a. " stomach from
functional disturbance.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is not nor ever was a "patent medicine,"
but it is the carefully wrought out and
thoroughly tested real prescription, of a
reril phyicin,n in a real practice.
Dr. Pierce's unparalleled success with
this remedy was such that more wanted
to use it than anyone doctor could attend
to in a private practice. This induced
him to manufacture it on a sufficiently
liberal scale to meet the demand.
By his own special processes, he ex
tracts, combines and preserves the medi
cinal qualities of the several Ingredients
without the use of alcohol (using chem
ically pure glycerine instead), thus ren
dering it absolutely safe for any woman
of any age and in any condition to use
freely. The names of the ingredients are:
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,'
Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and
Golden Seal root.
Miss May Rohrback, No. 73 Amsterdam
Avenue. New York City, Treasurer of the
Woman's Progressive Union, writes :
" 1 had headache, backache, and was very
nervous ; scarcely able to sleep more than
two hours at a time. I was advised to try
Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription, and was
delighted with tbe result. "Within a week I
was sleeping splendidly. Continued using
the ' Favorite Prescription ' for eitmt weeks,
and then stopped, for I was perfectly well.
Ever since then your medicine lias boon my
'Favorite Prescription,' too. I recommend
it to every one."
Constipation although a little il!,' be
gets big ones if neglected. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation.
Learn shorthand if yojd study the right system, and it
will not take you long either. How long? Only three
to four months, if you
Which will wommenoe Jan 2, 1906, and be able to write
from 100 to 150 wqrda a minute by April 30th. Some
will be able to take lectures and sermons. Eiectric
Shorthand is very -easy to learn, none eaiser to read and
none so rapid. Ye&,12 tQ3 recitations a day beginning
JANUARY 2, 1906
And whra you are competent we will aseist you to .a
good position.
Corvallis Business College
I. E. Richardppn, President
ur Notice to Creditors.
Nolk-e.18 hereby given that tho undersigned
has been duly appointed the admintetrntor of
tbe estate of Pamella Winkle, deceased, by the
county court, of the atnte of Oregon, lor Benton
coilutv. ftnri haft nnnlifiAri u ai w-H unmini..,
tor. All persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby reoulred tn nresent the unw
duly verified to the undersigned at his residence
in Willamette nrocinpt. anfai wlt.htn .ir
uiuuiuv mjw uie UHte nertvx.
Dated Dec. 12, r.tij.
Administrator of the estate of ramelU WlukW
decent ed.-
Administrator's Notice.
In the ConnlT Court of the State of rirmrnn far-
Benton OeuiUy.
In the Matter ot the Estate
of . i
I. E. Glkason, deceased,
Notice is hereby elveu that the final
nf tbe undersigned administrator of the estate ot
i. & bieaaon, aeceased, has been rendered to
sld court for settlement, and that Wednaad.v
the 3d day ot January, ISOs, at the hour of elev
en o'eiock A. M. has been Italy appointed by said
ouurt aa me mi tor ncarng Objections thereto
and the settlement thereof, at which time any
person interested in said estate by having
objections to said aoooant may appear and Bl
his objections or exceptions tn writing to Said
account and contest the same.
Administrator ot the estate of 1. 1. Gleason, de- -aased.
- Notice.
Matter of Guardianship Estate y
of J
Heman Mason, au Insane Person.
Notice Is hereby given tbat the undersigned
guardian of the ettale of Hemes Mason, has fil
ed la the county court cf Benton county, state
ol Oregon, his final account as such guardian ol
said estate, and that Friday the 5th day of Jan
urry, 1906, at ibe hour of ten o'clock A. M..has '
been fixed by sntd court as the time for hearing
objections to said account and the settlement
thereof. . . Mason. .
Guardian of the estate of Heman Mason.
in tbe stute during tbe year 1JL5
E litor Bennett, of the IrtigOD
Irrigator, was in town for a few
boars Wcdnet-'liy afternoon, enlist
ing iniereet i f i.ewppaper men in tbe
meeting of the Oregon Press Asso
ciation and tbe Development League
to be held at Portland January 12th
and 16th. Mr. Bennett is a man
of 60, and a most amiable person. I
He is calied tbe Bill Nye of Ore
gon journalism on account of hum
orous letters that be writes from
Rabbitville. Formerly Mr. Ben
nett resided in Portland, but he left
there in 1894 and went to New York
City, where with two eons be now
has a job printing establishment
utilizing 16 presses and 30 men.
tie established tbe irrigator in a
new Eastern Or gon town a couple
of years ago.
There was good cheer at the
home of Lewis Hartley on Christ
mas day. All the Hartley's within
hailing ais'aoce were there. Among
them were N. B. Hartley, wife and
tiny son, of Cottage Grove, Mr. and
Mr?. Will Potts and three children,
lately arrived from Ottumwa,Iowa,
(Mrs. Potts is a daughter of Lewis
Harley and has come here to live),
Mr. J. u. Hartley, wire and nine
children. A daughter of Mrs. J.
G. Hartley has lately arrived from
Oklahoma with her husband, Mr.
Charles Forsvthe and one child.
Three weeks ago they were in the
southland where the "cotton bios
som grows" and were found there
in the cotton, patch. they
will very likely make this their
home, Counting Lewis Hartley,
wile and Miss Sophia, there were
13 present.
ot Corvallis, Oregon,
MAKES LOANS oa approved se
curity, and especially on wheat
oats, flour, wool, baled hay,
chittim bark, and all other
classes of produce, upon the re
ceipt thereof stored in mills and
public warehouses, or upon
' chattel mortgages and also
upon other' classes of good se
upon the principal financial
centers of tbe United States
and foreign countries thus
transferring money to all parts
of tbe civilized world.
A CONSERVATIVE general busi
ness transacted in all lines of
hats at cost. See Mrs.
For the Christmas and New Year's
holidays the following rates are author
ized between all points on tbe C. & E.
One fare for the round trip, minimum,
25 cents. From Philomath to Corvallis
tickets will be sold on the 19, 20, 23, 24,
25. 20, 30, 31 December and jannary 1
The limit of tickets for return is January
Chamberlain's Salve.
This salve is intended especially for sore
nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands,
itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated
eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber s itch,
scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & "VVortham-
Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store
We aim to keep ahead of the game have any
thing from a trop to a goose load. ; Something new on
every freight. No old stock, everything fresh.
Guns and Bicycles for Rent
A full line of sewing machine supplies, foot balls,
basket balls, boxing gloves, punching bags, gymnas
ium suits, hunting coats and vests, belts, gun cases,
duck decoys, duck and goose calls, pocket electric flash
lights, knives, razors, etc. We can fix anything that
is fixable in our repair shop. 2 doors south post office.
ence Phone 324.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the- Suie of Oregon,
or Benton County. , .
In the Matter of the Estate
Melis -Gleason, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given tbat the final account
of the undersigned administrator of the ustarn
of Melissa E. Gleason, deceased, has been rend
er eu 10 saia court ror settlement and tnat Wed
nesday the 3d day of January, lDUts. at the hour
of eleven o'clock A. M., has been duly appointed
by said court as the time for hearing objeetions
thereto and the settlement thereof, at which
time any peison interested In said estate by
having objection), to said aucount may appear
and tile his objections or exceptiona In wrttlng
to said account and contest the same.
Administrator of tne estate ot Melissa . Gleason
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate
WIlliam J Kelly, deceased)
Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern,
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of said William i. Kelly, deceased, by the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county.' All persons having claims against said
estate of William J. Kelly, deceased, are hereby
required to present the tame, with the proper
vouchers, duly verified as by law re
quired, within six months fiom the date hereof,
to the undersigned at bis residence in Moan e.
Oregon or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in
Corvallis. Benton county, Oregon!
Datea Hovemoer 3, luua.
Administrator with the will annexed of the es
tate of Wm. 3. Kelly, deceased. .
Now is Your Chance
During the month of December will offer all of our Talk
aphone and Columbia Grapho phones at 25 per cent discount
REMEMBER for one month only. We have also ad
ded to our stock-The Victor and Edit on Talking Machines.
V We also carry a good assortment of records as follows:
Victor Records . Zonophonc Records
Columbia Records American Records
. Edison Records: v ,
The same old rm in the same old place.
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe matter of the Estate )
- of I
C M. Smith, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed tnat the undersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testament of O. M.
Smith, deceased, by tbe county court of the status
of Oregan for Benton county. All persons hav-
tng claims against said estate ot J. M.. smitn,
deceased, are hereby required to present tbe
same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
three miles northwest of Corvdllls, Oregon or
at the law office" of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallls,
Benton county, Oregon.
Dated, November 3, laoo.
Executrix of the last will 'and testament of C.
m. smiin, aeceasea. . .
No Prizes go with our
Regular market prices paid for
butter and eggs, at Taylor's store,
Hoffman s addition.
Bazaar. Bazaar. Bazaar.
Steamer Pomona
' for
Portland and Way Points.
Leaves Corvallis Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 6 a. m. Albany
7 a. m. Fare to Portland $1.75;
round trip $3.00.
H. A. Hoffman, X
Cliase & Sanborn
Higb Grade
Largest line of matting in the city at
Blackledge's. - ,
Iiame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by rheuma
tism of the muscles and may be cured by
applvine Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or
three times a day and rubbing the parts
vigorously at each application. If this does
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow. - For sale by
(jrraham S Wort ham. r-,
- ff , . .. .
Dolls at cost at Hodes gun store.
Bids for Wood.
Bids for furnishing the Oregon
Agricultural College with wood for
the College year of 1906 and rox7
will be received at the office of the
Clerk and Purchasing Agent up to
and including Saturday December
30, 1905. Call for specifications at
the College Office.
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
. ' . Solo agent for
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
The Grocer
We are not inclined to spehdf much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves,
e. B fiomfna
R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454
f s ' Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v' - - ham's drag store.
t- it : yt A mTTriTr
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hottrsi
IO 'to 12 nd 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 331.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. Ru Bryson,
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs in Burnett Brick
Idence on the corner of tftlisoa
Seventh gt. Phone . niciil i &
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.